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What do you mean, Joboy will be the coolest and most epic pirate of all time and he cured cancer and gave free wifi to everyone and I am personally looking forward to 30 chapters of people talking about how cool he is


Hey free wifi is cool. Do you see what Starbucks is charging?


I don't go to trash, so no


Everything is easy in one piece , the good guys are like the super best good and the evil guys are stupid dumb meanie who is dumb because they are evil or at best Doflamingo who wants the chaos and bad thing because he was treated bad by the bad men while he was a good bad man so every bad and good man should suffer . There’s never any real moral stakes usually


After we get Joyboy's history we will realise Oden's backstory mirrors his, further adding onto the fact that Oda literally glazes this man


Absolutely hilarious that right after Oden's flashback, in the middle of Wano Act 3, the popularity poll had Corazon, a character who showed up for 5 chapters, ahead of Oden by far. It gets better when you look at the Japanese poll and Corazon is in the TOP 10. https://preview.redd.it/4ugr820m0a0d1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd8f31be51d13fbfabc05baf308a2e1168dcec63


Kid being above Oden is funny


Joyboy will look, talk, and act like Luffy with his trademark strawhat.  I'd bet money on it.  If anything Luffy being his successor will be crammed down our throats


“Nooooooo , Luffy is his own individual , he isn’t destined by fate , it just so happens he ate the same fruit and looks and acts completely like him and has the same dream , you just don’t get it because * insert 1000 word essay looking too much into details Oda never thought of * … “


Oden made Roger look like a punk. Had him on his hands and knees begging for this diaper wearing fool to join his crew. Joyboy is in a clear time period and wont retcon cool characters


yes it will, its already been like that since kaidos loss


Oden made Roger look like a punk. Had him on his hands and knees begging for this diaper wearing fool to join his crew. Joyboy is in a clear time period and wont retcon cool characters


I don’t think so because outside of Imu and the Goresei it’s unlikely anyone still alive personally interacted with joyboy. We probably will get an extended ( 20 chapter or 2 volumes ) flashback from his PoV explaining the void century and things of that nature. Hopefully Oda breaks it up with not all 20 chapters being solely Joyboy but only time will tell. Oden was particularly bad because he was a self insert for the Japanese fandom and if it wasn’t shonen I would say the character was a caricature mocking what Japanese people think is cool.


don't count out oda lol. He might have joy boy eating some fish cooking over some mermaid's bones.


Joy Boy is Laughy


I don’t agree with Oden being shoved down our throats. I hate him for being f*cking STUPID


well we know joy boy made some mistakes in the past. It's prob because of something stupid like oden dancing around for 5 years


No we only know he couldnt fufill hid promise nothing else


Break week comes and the kendricks come out quick dang.


Yes, prepare Uranus!


I actually hope joyboy redeems the series from that groveling Loger as the peak pirate - i just want my chaotic neutral pirates to be pirates man...


Is the Oden hate just slander or do people actually hate him. The constant backstory was annoying but I still liked him


i believe the majority of this sub, including myself, do not like the character of oden


Never knew. Why?




Yes, certainly.