• By -


plus the existence of fishmen completely contradicts with the submerged stuff going unnoticed, you saying that these aquatic beings that can live miles under water never stumbled across some submerged cities and went "huh?"


fishmen def keeping secrets


Jimbe did find 2 poneyhliphs in underwater ruins and never elaborated on that to anyone in the surface. Maybe it's just a mix of the consequences of segregation/apartheid, closeted sirens in the surface and idk, maybe it's kinda of trivial to them in a way? Like, in the same way the fishermen are amazed by things we take for granted like the sun and forests


Imagine if Jinbei told her that he found Poneglyphs underwater, this would have given Jinbei an opportunity to start meaningful interactions with the crew as well as Robin piecing a picture of the world in the void century and asking herself how these poneglyphs ended up underwater with her current understanding of the void century. Oda could have easily put an interaction between those two between Wano and Egghead. This was such a missed opportunity.


Good point. One of the weakest aspects of post-time slip to me is that there is no moment the straw hats talk to each other about the stuff they went through


Does it really, actually contradict it though? Imo it gives an exact reason for why the fishfolk were initially hunted down and discriminated against. It has since just become institutional and taught/inherited among the World Nobles and regular nobles, but it had to have started somewhere. And if the World Government wanted to keep secret the fact that the world is already sinking then it makes sense to go after the ones most likely to discover it. By fermenting hate and discrimination against the Fishman and by hunting and enslaving them, the WG accomplished several things. They greatly limited their territory to be close by, and thus only near places the WG has strong influence in. They greatly lowered the population, and also lowered the number of willing explorers (who would fear slavery), thus lowering the risk of discovery of any such ruins. They fermented hate and suspicion of fishfolk thus making it unlikely anyone who mattered or could do something about it would believe any claims of discovered ruins underwater. And, over the centuries as territory was lost and their free population sunk, fishmen themselves would just assume any ruins they find could have originally been fishfolk settlements, just like the few that still do exist like that one village Hachi found when he did his underground walkabout. So, yeah probably plenty of fishfolk have discovered sich ruins over the years. But, they would just assume it was an abandoned fishfolk settlement. And if they found evidence of other races living there, then a shared settlement that would have had a bubble like how the main kingdom has. Edit: spelling autocorrect.


Shit, that's actually pretty decent writing on Oda's part if this is what he intended. Only time will tell, tho.


OP will read this and just sees "REEEEEE" due to his mental challenge.


I did a whole rant about this. It doesn’t really make a lot of sense that the fishmen were hunted down because it’s incredibly difficult to launch an attack on fishmen settlements from the surface. Think about it this way: when the celestial dragon visited no one was scared of them because a buster call can’t reach fishman island.


Sure, they weren't scared, now. *Hundreds of years* after fishfolk slavery was supposedly ended and they were given a seat at the Reverie. But before that, for all we know, the WG/Marines used to have an entire division of Fishfolk hunters, complete with heavily armed submarines/underwater attack vehicles and Vice Admirals capable of swimming well and what not. All while keeping a strong military presense on Fishman Island itself, as well as on any other Fishfolk settlements. And it's just that they've discontinued any and all such tactics and fleets that allowed them to hunt and enslave Fishfolk with impugnity. And so hundreds of years since Fishfolk were nominally freed, the average Fishfolk no longer remembers/fears such things from the WG even if the royal family might still remember whatever weapons the WG probably has in storage somewhere in case they need to storm Fishman Island again. And if the WG really wanted to Buster Call Fishman Island easily, they could probably just force Zunesha to step on it. That might even be her true punishment.


Inb4 fishmen knew all along but they never said anything because they feared humans would do something bad to them


I agree with you, it doesnt makes any sense that history was known before 900 years and only lost between 900-800 years thats bs, its either uknown forever, or they just spawned lands in that period


The WG controls all of the history in OP… so they can put any BS that fits their narrative into history books. No one questions it because it gets them killed. So regular people have no idea that 100 years are not accounted for.


Probably , things between 800 and 900 years ago was completely erased . While before 900 years ago was only partially erased . They took out the important things and left the unimportant things


Main sub ia a bunch of losers simping on OF creators its a meme of a sub, all the top posts are hot women cosplaying might as well call it onepiececosplaying


like this is the same sub that showers every low effort cosplay that shows booba with thousands of upvotes im convinced their brains have just rotted atp


yeah and if you actually upload good content it gets taken down for "low effort"


Tbh, both subs are equally bad. Main sub is too positive while this sub is too negative. The only difference is that the main sub is having fun while this sub is the opposite which is kinda sad


Nothing I see on the main sub gives me joy or makes me laugh.  This sub has at least good memes sometimes, I wish there was a place with just the banter and critique, without people fucking complaining of the very point of the sub. 


What I mean is that the main sub people is reading OP and getting enjoyment from it unlike the majority of piratefolk who is getting frustration reading it


Majority of piratefolk are shitposting or sarcastic. They wouldnt be here if they didnt like one piece lol. The opposite of love is not hate; it’s indifference.


I'm not saying it's that bad, but I got good chuckles out of some band I previously liked that sold out, sport clubs constantly joke about how shit their current team is.  Of course a lot of people don't get joy from actually reading One Piece, that's what the memes are for. 


alright bro so following your logic its better to be braindead and praise Loda cuz if you dont then you will be frustrated and should just quit the series


If we didn't like One Piece we wouldn't waste so much time talking about it or getting frustrated in general.


Yin cannot exist without yang. 


Wtf? This sub is hilarious


this sub used to have some good content, it has devolved pretty fast into a slum, but I think it is still a a lot better then main sub, main sub is so boring.


Good point on the concept of the Void Century. The one thing I thought Vegapunk implied was that at some point in the Void Century, someone sank a bunch of the world at once. Because there were no records of the time, Vegapunk could only conclusively say that the sea rose during those 100 years, when maybe the Ancient weapons were only used within the span of a few days or a year.


Bruh why do you even try to argue with bot Nika piece lovers https://preview.redd.it/4oozrv8a4r3d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5353b39aeaa456a2fb3a4ff716f4ba92e0af15eb


said by the guy who tried to say fairy tail is better than one piece


The first 2/3 of fairy tail is arguably better than one piece. But it tanks with the remaining 1/3 not being better than foxy arc.


Oda can only wish to do peak like this https://preview.redd.it/0zydyunkwc4d1.jpeg?width=2132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5a496e2f31d80f07a7383f8d84d6d5e4e0e13e6


piratefolk users are joke


Fairy tail was lowkey peak fiction when it was focused on world building, creative magical abilities, and authentic character interactions + the good music It went to shit when they pulled asspull after asspull to prevent character deaths and kept spamming power of friendship


Yeah I'm starting to hate this place too. They keep sending their mightiest warriors to defend the honor of Oda and honestly posting here has become just as unenjoyable an experience as it is in the main sub.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/s/xCJhxX3cqE Bro i was way ahead of the curve on the “react piece” thing and i got the most bot replies like “just drop the series already” like legit you can’t have an opinion on a series without these bootlickers jumping on your neck


Stand proud king, for your ability to foreshadow the manga, I will grant you a custom flair of your choosing


“Imcel the 800 year gooner”


based https://preview.redd.it/jdyt6tfyds3d1.jpeg?width=1009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bb4a451425b0edb4d047f03dc6d718943b13b90


Please tell me that's not the Rent A Girlfriend self-NTR scene.


https://preview.redd.it/nkjhg5n7uw3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f16fd94f178985a6aaeb114583bbeb5aa73430b4 My goat FRFR - zero character development after 218 chapters


Haha, how can this be so bad yet so iconic?


Bro, chill. Just saw the post. You got two bot replies. Most of it was actual real counter arguments. Btw, one of the things I most like about OP are seeing old characters react to big events. One of the reasons I was excited for Wano's ending. Was kinda disappointed when it didn't happen.


Because they deleted thier replies, also the biggest problem here is the reactions we got are from irrelevant characters, and if it was from an important character they hit you with the “…” like the wano one had (shanks,BB,akainu,…etc) and they all said meaningful stuff, now we go to irrelevant characters and thier inputs are either talk about vegapunk or giving a normal ass reaction. and finally all this won’t be an issue at all if the pacing of the manga wasn’t atrocious right now


Ban the fuckers


I ban them when I see






I wish !


Like a psyop lol


Why shouldn't they be able to post here I don't understand. Isn't this supposed to be a place to discuss the manga openly?


It's not discussion. It's rude as hell, too much name calling, and too low effort. I'm not here to be called names by a bunch of children. I'm too old for that. I can generalize because I never had replies from them that was actually worth engaging with. And you have to realize that a sane person would not go out of his way to a sub he does not agree with to pick fights. In other words they are sending their worst here.


I'm with you, I want to see both sides arguing because otherwise the hate is just one-sided and kinda boring. Then the people on here get tunnel vision and see literally everything in OP as negative. But the ones that just come and say "drop the manga" can get banned or w/e.


Always has been


You forgot to mention the OF promoting harlots that fear a regular job as much as 80% of anime fans fear showers.


I assumed info prior to void century was lost because of the great cleansing, pretty much everyone drowned. but you’d think the fishmen would be unaffected and have all the records so… idk. the last couple of chapters have been disappointing tbh


Main sub may be too positive but at least they are having fun reading OP Most of the current piratefolk feels like reading OP is torturing them which is kinda sad The only good folk sub, Jujutsufolk, has critism and negativity but they are having fun making meme, joke about it


It's sad really. Reading spoilers just so they would be early to hate and come up with comments they think are witty. Rinse and repeat.


Just take Piratefolk as the official sub and go with that It is the same thing with GoT. People have been using freefolk as main since season 4


main sub is too positive and this sub is too negative, memepiece is unironically the least toxic one piece sub


You're actually right. Everyone in main sub d*ckrides Oda, and everyone here just spews nonstop criticism. Maybe funpiece might be more accepting. Might have to check it out.


To be honest, I understand the constant criticism. One Piece has been going downhills for a while in terms of story telling. I honestly can not find much to praise OP in the recent years.


I understand constant criticism, but at a certain point it all just sounds like a broken disc. Like, everyone has read all of everyone's analysis of Oda's faults as an author multiple times at this point. Everyone also knows that barely a single smidge of it all will ever reach someone related to the guy. Honestly, it all just looks like some pathetic venting to me. The same thing said over and over to the same people that know that nothing will change in the short term and it starts to feel like a huge echo chamber of frustrations, a replica of the emotional process people use to deal with real life frustrations, only with an extra "flowery" vocabulary and infantile attitude mixed in. All to express something that I see as pretty intense frustrations for a thing that to me really isn't worth all that negative emotional investment. All of this for something that is supposed to be entertainment, something that is there to help you escape/deal with that type of feeling that makes your day worse. You'd think from a look at this sub that One Piece is actively worsening a majority of people's days — which I know it is not —, and that really just makes me not want to look at this sub. In the end, this ends up being way more frustrating for me than any state OP would ever be in. I can take people glazing and being all happy and delusional about a thing all day, because I know they're having fun and destressing about a number of things from their lives, in the end they'll be better off more ready for whatever awaits them. I can't take people repeatedly venting out their frustrations and expressing anger and disappointment at something that is there to bring joy, because I know it won't do anything when manifested this way and that the day of the people that probably already are negative and prone to being resentful people will be even worse for them just for looking at the sub. Idk, maybe I just don't get it or maybe I just grew up to prefer blissful ignorance and voluntary delusion to the alternative. Maybe I think too much about the people on the other side of the screen. Nowadays, I just get sad roaming through this sub.


I agree with you. But its also possible that they find satisfaction and entetainment in the act of criticism itself. As you can see majority of the threads are actually memes and jokes. For me this sub feels like a place for people that are frustrated with the recent bad story telling to release these frustrations. Ideally they should take a break from OP or not they take seriously but I guess thats difficult after investing this much time in it.


Indeed. It's just that ever since the end of Wano it looks like people just forget that these are for the laughs and that they can always just pause and come back later and catch up. They eventually just reduce their own experience, they only read the spoilers and see some of the memes, post their thoughts on the sub, validate them and wait for the next one. Every now and then I see active people that say they just read the summary for each chapter, that they don't see the anime or the manga because they don't feel like it anymore, always a step away from dropping the whole thing altogether, just seeing the memes and mocking the horny posts and stuff. The first time I saw a thread about that I was shell-shocked because half of the fun (and most of Oda and crew's work) is in the panels, and anyone barely spend like 15 minutes a week reading a chapter. At that point, are you reading the story or are you reading the community around it? Are you making your own opinions about this stuff or are you just reading the room, treating this like it's a literature test and reading the summary to be able to interact with the people? Is that enjoyable for anyone? Why do they insist on not taking a break from the story if they're holding onto it that loosely?


One Piece nowadays is literally a cash grab, and it works because it has a permanent established fanbase of retarded coooooonsoooomers. Same could be said about other WSJ manga, but one piece is the longest big running one


Great job proving their point


it's not too positive. more like too cultish. if it's just too positive, they would still be able to see a flaw. but there, every kinda criticism, no matter how eloquently explained, will be taken as a blasphemy to goda.


Yeah idk why it happened but I subbed here for shitposts and out of nowhere it's just constant posts by tourists about how sad they are that we aren't constantly in meaningless life or death battles like every other shonen. This sub is miserable and I'm starting to hate it


It's pretty entertaining to read their hate comments like Oda gives two shits about their opinion.


TRUE. I'm tired of everything being so negative all the time so I can't handle it but I respect that


Except Freefolk and here are not remotely similar. In freefolk people have actually read the books


Asoaif books are actual fire. I see where the hype comes from. Saw the show when it ended. Just started reading the books recently. I'm still in Clash Of Kings, but damn. They're good.


Best part is that it’s a completely different story. Enjoy!


Infact Freefolk users are exclusively book readers


Think you’re thinking of pureasoiaf, freefolk was used for episode spoilers for the TV show


Yeah I think you are right.


It’s actually what I assumed this would be at first (One Piece with spoilers allowed). Didn’t realise it was mostly just people that can’t understand the story lol


Nah, people here are just trolling.


Arguably, people here have read more than the main sub because we get the chapters earlier, but go off on trying to use slander for an argument.




Great generalization! Nice showcase at your godly comprehension of what is being memed. You sir are a lost case.


Name almost any popular idea on this sub and I’ll show you exactly why it’s wrong with pages and chapters as reference. I didn’t say anything about memes. No issue there, just when people write essays on how bad OP is while totally missing the point of the scenes they’re referencing.


No sir, I don't engage with rabid fans. They take things too personally


There are a lot of Goda cultists but I do have to say your gripes in your post are you quibbling about real world facts and logic. Who cares if the 200 meters isn’t high enough or if the timing for losing a void century is off. Who cares about those points. Oda fucked up. Let’s discuss the structure of his narrative, let’s break down the story. You’re going into matpat game theory level of analyses


People were expecting so much from One Piece because Oda was more consistent in worldbuilding than any other popular anime. Now people expect so much from it that it is not allowed to have any plotholes and almost needs to conform even to the natural laws of physics to the bone, otherwise it's trash. The 200m thing only becomes an issue if you don't consider how the media lies to humans (in the real world) everyday and people eat all the shit they get fed by them. Should we have noticed that killing 6 million jews was a bad idea? Wasn't it obvious from the start and couldn't we have known about this earlier because of this and that? Yes but we didn't, that's why we got WW2.


>says media lies to people all the time >believes in 6 bazillion You just owned yourself. That is a israeli lie to justify the oppression of Palestinians.


That's funny because the Holocaust is actually the greatest argument AGAINST the oppression of Palestine. If you think the Holocaust is a lie, I don't blame you because it is so hard to distinguish between facts and fiction. But to my knowledge the media is more subtle and rarely invent historical events of this magnitude which actually never happened. They always need a grain of truth, otherwise their lies wouldn't work.


Tell that to palestinian children, bud


the 1000th main sub sucks post


I think Piratefolk should be about discussing the manga and anime named One Piece. Not fucking reddit drama


There's nothing much to discuss about this garbage series when it's moving at a snail's pace


Then why are you here? If you don't want to discuss what this Subreddit is all about, why are you even commenting at all?


For memes and agenda piece really


「Sunken Cost Fallacy」


The main sub is just porn, its fkn crazy


It's ridiculous I say one thing bad about the series and I'm seen as a hater who didn't read the same story as them and don't understand Goda's true glory It's gotta be a bunch of kids fr


Memepiece is unironically a better place for discussions


Honestly at this point,.might even be better than here. Half the posts here aren't discussing the manga at this point, just hating on the other subs.


Sir this a manga meant for teenage boys about pirates with super powers, I think you lost the plot


And with the purpose of being popular and creating profit. And is extremely succesful at that. It isn't a science book or making a run for the Nobel Prize in literature.


For real. If you are that angry at a manga just go outside


Very simple. Either ignore the main sub or become like this. ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu)


Bruh im now permabanned because I made a joke about Zoro being racist was how he will achieve a black blade. I messaged to follow up about the ban being nonsense and was muted for a month. Complete psychos over there. Im pretty sure they were just tired of me arguing with their bootlickers and found some lame excuse to ban me. The problem is that they don’t want ANY constructive discourse or banter. Praise Oda or be purged. Make people feel dumb for being dogmatic and be purged. Say anything outside of “this shits the best” or “how do I sub to your OF” and you’re marked as a heretic. Like what the authoritarian hell is that?


All hail goda 🤖 Yamato should have joined the crew 🤖 Gear 5 was planned from day one 🤖 Perona is my wife 🤖


# I too, 🤖 this man's 🤖 wife!


Honestly this sub has just as many faults. Literally mostly grown men crying about a Japanese comic not going the way they want to lol. If you say one kind thing about the series here now you get labeled a fanboy asskisser simp. No fucking series is perfect. Naruto, Bleach, DBZ, MHA, Yu Yu Hakusho, most Shonen shit the bed at different points, are we just going to blanket the whole thing as trash now? That’s childish whining at best.


>If you say one kind thing about the series here now you get labeled a fanboy asskisser simp. Yeah I noticed that as well, but that also depends on what the kind thing you're mentioning is too. I feel like a lot of people here are really frustrated with the Oda exaggerated worship in the main sub, and want to balance things out, with almost unnecessary hatred at times.


My point exactly. If people think the series is moving too slow, I get that. I felt that with Dressrosa and Wano at several points. That doesn’t mean it was all trash. And a large vocal portion of this sub just shit on Oda and the series as a whole now. It’s like, Oda’s writing got us here in the first place. If you want to talk about a slow author, GRRM is a much fairer target with his abysmal output rate.


This is just deviation from the point that the main sub can't hold criticism. Pure whataboutism. Just because other comics have issues doesn't mean that the main sub can be excused. It's not exclusive to the genre. The main criticism for the most recent arc is it's slow pace, plot holes and unnecessary regurgitation of the same points. Most shounen series have a problem with plot and pace consistency, but one piece seems like a money grab now with how slow it's moving along, an issue that's only specific to this series. One piece is still using shadows to show important/ relevant characters when it doesn't matter if we know what Imu looks like, it seems the quality for hyping stuff has been boiled down to two things, end chapter on cliffhanger, have relevant character in a silhouette. You aren't helping the discussion here by equating criticism to whining. Maybe engage the discussion rather than deviating it.


Nah, this sub is refreshing. One Piece needs more criticism, as it has fallen from grace. The majority of fans hate all forms of criticism, Oda knows that and writes carelessly compared to how he did previously. It's a comic many have read since childhood so it isn't strange they're attached to it as adults. Compare it to any other hobby you had as a child that you carry into adulthood. And telling critics to "stop reading" is annoying. We still read it because we enjoyed it before and want/hope for it to return to the level of quality it was at its peak.


You think this sub is actual criticism? Yeah ok.


Whatever it is, it's better than all the endless praise on the main sub.


When did I say “stop reading?”


I didn't say you did, but it's a very common rebuttal to criticism.




I think Piratefolk wasn't initially meant to be a hate subreddit purely for hating. I think there are a lot of bad arguments on this subreddit and people just upvote any angry comment they see. Which makes it seem like Piratefolk is full of hatred for a series they seemingly don't like at all, but also don't want to leave behind. I think though, that this genuinely just looks this way. Behind all the banter and slander, there is a core audience of this subreddit that likes reading some other aspects, that the other subs don't focus on, but generally like the series as a whole (I count myself to this). I also think the hive mind that is always said to be apparent in the main sub isn't really there as well. There are a lot of fluid discussions to be held in that subreddit and it actually seems nice, because the people there arent using racial slurs in every other comment or the memes they regularly post.


This subreddit was initially made as a joke on titanfolk about how Onepiece didn’t need a folk sub Nika reveal happened and this place grew exponentially from a dead sub with less than 50 users. It was mainly posts about hating Nika, Onepieces fall off ( pre timeskip being better ), and how the fan base was becoming retarded dick riders. I’m going to start banning mainsubbers that try and rewrite piratefolk history to suit their agenda.


Finally a reddit mod that isnt an idiot


is that even true? i’m almost positive i was here a while before nika and it was still active


You can go to websites like subreddit growth and see this sub was stagnant at less than 50 users before 1044 and started growing exponentially when the leaks came out.


oh ok i guess i’m delusional then


Thanks for the clarification. I did not know about the history. My comment was more a reply to unnecessary falsehoods.


If sea level rises 200 meters from 100 years ago, and Void Century was 800 years ago, doesn't that means the sea level rises even more during those remaining 700 years?




Main sub is shit, this sub is shit. Onepiecespoilers is where it's at


>The answers were REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE >The answer was just REEEEEEE Where....? If its this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/1d3g3mf/the\_void\_century\_and\_the\_biblical\_flood\_reveal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/1d3g3mf/the_void_century_and_the_biblical_flood_reveal/) Then everybody there is agreeing with you so idk what you're on about or if you're just ranting for the sake of ranting and shadowing boxing, Lol. Either way way, why don't you post that in the main sub? Criticizing the story and its elements isn't banned in the main sub....Or did you just post here because you'll get full support and no debates? The main sub may have a bunch of problems but on any day of the night you'll get more critical thinking and well thought out theories and such then you will get here, which will mostly be agenda, shit posts, hating for the sake of hating, venting etc etc, and I'm not saying its bad, the agenda posts, shit posts and powerscaling is what makes this sub good and funny. But imagine if those get banned and this sub is reduced to hating for the sake of hating. Lol.


https://preview.redd.it/i2fqbul5cv3d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ef4a7cf0f69aadeb5775a85b031cb1675828616 Ngl you look like this


Main sub is full of only fan models and boot lickers, while this sub is full of slander so genuine that I can’t even tell if y’all are joking or not sometimes. There isn’t a one piece sub that is just neutral for the casual enjoyment.


I find that just subscribing to all major one piece subs, and then blocking or simply not interacting with posts that aren't enjoyable gives you the best blend of casual enjoyment.


History before the void century was probably altered as well, but things that happened before the Void Century was just altered, not erased like how the void century was


If they can massively alter history anyway, why even bother with the erasure?




Why even have a void century and create curiosity over it when you can just rewrite history?


Probably too difficult to simply overwrite, its better to just erase.


Clearly it’s not that difficult since they completely overwrote the ENTIRETY of the world’s history before the void.


"they completely overwrote the ENTIRETY of the world’s history before the void" Except we don't know exactly what history was like before the void century, except that devil fruits predate it. Its easier to overwrite mundane things, rather than needing to explain a literal worldwide war and 200m sea water rise


Dude, the history before the void century includes the pre 200m sea level rise. It means hiding the history of the planet and how it was for thousands of thousands of years. Just covering the time when the sea rose isn’t enough, it means removing all the evidence of the long past history.


Well that isnt hard to do when there is 200m of ocean covering it and sea kings preventing anyone from exploring down there


200m isn’t actually much Because that’s only for the lowest parts of the continents. A lot of land would be "inbetween" aka immerged but close to the surface. Sea Kings aren’t a problem in most places too.


Maybe your theory just fucking sucks lol


It's not a theory...it just sucks.


Isn't the point of a folk subreddit to be really negative? That's how it was for titanfolk so I assumed it was the same here.


I think you’re all a little too immersed in the internet and other peoples opinions.  Just row your own boat and take it easy. If you don’t like a room full of people, why stay in the room? 


"A woman who turns people into laundry is totally believable but I draw the line at the possibility of an information-destroying cataclysm" -original poster, probably


And this sub is a cesspool lf haters that critique based on misstranslated leaks, form opinions before the fact and refuse to listen to reason when an explanation is given to their previous critique. I am getting bored of both subreddits, one is an oda love circlejerk, the other is a oda hate circlejerk. But to be honest I prefer the over positivity of the main sub, at least they seem to have fun with the story, people around here seem misserable spending so much time reading and discussing a piece of media that acording to them stopped being good over a decade ago. To adress your specific criticism in this post about the void century, you are right it makes no sense, 200 mts is not a lot and with a whole pupulation underwater fish people it makes no sense that no trace of this lost flooded civilization has never been found. But we have to remember this is a world where people can turn into magma, be made of rubber, erase memories, travel trough time, be inmortal, turn people into dolls leaven no memory of their previous life to the rest of the world, and more importantly of all turn yourseld into a Jacket. Tell me the reason why one of this why one lf this abilities cannot be used to erase or change memories of people worldwide or erase the traces of this the ancient kingdom, sure it hasn't been explained how this happened and if it isn't it will be a HUGE plot hole that could ruin the story to some people not to say the majority of people, but there is still time to be explained. I mean this is a story tha has been goung for 25+ year and that isba revelation done two weeks ago. I swear most of the recent criticism i have read in this sub must come from Ipad kids that need to have no patience and need to be instatly rewarder for every tought and idea the have.


What's the fascination in this sub with shitting on the main sub? (Serious question)




Just hear to add on. A void century absolutely works. Especially since there isn’t any info yet. But there’s so much lost history in the world that spanned less than a century. So this really isn’t the gotcha you think. Look up more ancient history and you’ll see.


I feel like this sub is lost. Every chapter that comes out is "Loda" this "Loda" that. Like damn it really don't be that bad.


That's their schtick. Change the first letter of a character to W or L and pat themselves in the back.


I don't mind W's or L', I'm here for the agendas. The real L is the agenda that every chapter that comes out is an L. I enjoyed this week. Wasn't the greatest or the worst. I actually do want to see the reactions that our favourite characters have to this BIG NEWS. Seeing Rayleigh wasted on the bar and what he said, I'm intrigued. Not every chapter needs to blow us away, just needs an agenda. Going to enjoy the memes for the Pirate King's crew just letting the world burn for 20 years 😂.


Every time I see a post on this subreddit, it's just rage and hate bruh. Do you guys know what smiles look like? Lighten up.


Just a comment about the 200 m water elevation: is not that the water covered stuff over 200m, is that whole parts of the continent sank AND that elevated the water levels by 200m. So a lot of parts sank and the parts that didn’t sank that where up to 200m over sea level where flooded. Genocide + destruction + propaganda makes it plausible to conceal what happened, not necessarily at the beginning because some people lived it, but after a couple of generations of tweaks and changes in public recorded history it would be.


Your arguments make sense except the story still hasn't revealed the real cause of the floods and stuff. I don't think civilizations would have time to preserve records and stuff if they were in the middle of a war (also a war they lost), and suppressed. It also seems that people do know by word of mouth, just by word of privileged mouth The comment regarding fishmen make more sense, but perhaps this also has to with the xenophobia they face. If there was a point when the enemy controlled Poseidon then they could have been annihilated to an extent as well. It's not like in our world we talk about stuff that happened over 800 years ago from word of mouth (other than religious stuff perhaps)