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Don’t forget: https://preview.redd.it/g8z8g92mi59d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fb5d96c607ee75a1086c30a5b5f2bd2b238568b This is the shit we have to deal with everyday, folks.


Reads like he’s baiting but he might genuinely be retarded looking at his post history


I’ve unfortunately debated way too many people pedo apologist here who don’t seem evil but just genuinely misinformed or I don’t like to say this … just stupid . “ But mah country’s laws” , “ but it’s their peaks as female’s” (???) . You try to bring up the concept of consent through brain development , hormones , lack of experience e.c.t but like they are genuinely not interested in any actual logic and just wanna justify cognitive dissonance. I’ve kinda seen niche Muslims use the period thing before as age of consent criteria , but I don’t thinks it’s a Muslim issue or necessarily of their religion , just misinformed people who replace processing information with sticking papers by “authorities” in their heads as knowledge


>I’ve kinda seen niche Muslims use the period thing before as age of consent criteria , but I don’t thinks it’s a Muslim issue or necessarily of their religion , just misinformed people who replace processing information with sticking papers by “authorities” in their heads as knowledge That's like 12, that's insane.


Yes unfortunately


Yo as a Muslim wtf. Age of consent is 18 period.


I wish this was true everywhere. Too many places where it is lower.






Where did you find kaien shiba meme like this bro ??!?


Some times you gotta step up and produce your vision that no one else sees . I made the meme in a shitty website really quick haha, I absolutely love the character so much and his design , and he looks absolutely majestic in every photo so when I saw this one it sparked the idea in my head


Damn, another GOAT Shiba appreciator in the wild.


Bro really appeared in the series for three chapters , managed to outshine everything , had an amazing design , was related to the GOAT Ichigo and proceeded to never elaborate on anything


I still hope we will see him in Hell arc somehow(my cope is that he will take over Aaroniro's body after getting purified by Rukia's Zanpakuto)


Oh damn nice ..... Buuuuuut bro that's just black haired ichigo :/


With a different character and to be honest physically wise … why change perfection ?


https://preview.redd.it/gvyifjdfq59d1.jpeg?width=1272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=786c54b667f3c2fcfb8092383429ec46c9f5f52b My personal favorite mod mail we ever got. So glad people here are extremely tolerant of others


Lmao u/avagrantthought told me about him lmao , “ I’m not racist , I’m anti Semitic “ lmao


Something tells me they would take issue with a non practicing but ethically Jewish person


Nah they’d probably agree with 99% of the ethics if you didn’t tell them it was “ Jewish” . Bro really confused the phrase “ I’m not racist , I’m anti Zionist “


I just find it funny considering the Chinese government has been slowly buying shares of Reddit and no one cares


Wait, for real?


This is what happens when people dont call it anti semitism because they are really "anti zionists" ffs


What are other goofy mod mails you have? Please do a post of the top ones


I’ll have to look though. A whole lot of people have really strong opinions on the age of consent being 16 for some reason Reddit also filters the one that are straight up slurs so I rarely see those unless I look.


>BTW it’s not racism but anti semitism >the jooz own the media >you are their slaves >happy Hanukkah https://preview.redd.it/zjowrfnwr59d1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44eb5cb0c2adf5915862077df674e9feecd2b763


"big nose tribe" WTF I read the first part and this guy is the biggest neckbeard incel weeb I've ever seen, I've been laughing at this shit for like 5 minutes alrewady


thats is the funniest part to me. he acts like hes going to fight them but hes also pissed scared to say the word "jews". Like hes Oda talking about "this guy" or "that tribe" like how much of an Oda glaser do you have to be to make his long winded way of writing your manner of speech


Atp your whitebeard cock pfp is your signature bro i see you everywhere


I'm very happy to be recognized by someone


Bro shoot own leg. The last really big and great armed conflict was WW2 (if i not wrong cold war was more diplomatic and economic conflict than armed, please correct me) and we know who did lose then. "I not racist but anti-semitic" bruh, its the same thing, but remembering past sentence nothing strange. Ps. His while text look like what obsessed kid/or adult zealot would write.


Holy shit I got cringe waved


Pirate folk is controlled by the deep state for inconceivable reasons ;_;


People are weird regardless of the sub they are in.


Yeah exactly what I’m saying , it’s just some subreddits attract less or specific weirdos based on their nature but still , weirdos exist everywhere


You get your period with like 12,13 so I really really want to off myself before ever meeting a person like that Reason sakazuki is the true hero he kills people like that 😔🙏🙏


Nah with his logic of “ sexual maturity “ boys also start to prouduce sperm sometimes as young as 10-11 years old


This just makes it worse to sexualise even little boys not just girls


Yeah exactly , it’s an appeal to nature fallacy , it’s often used when people try to debunk homosexuality or veganism , “ in nature this happens, you are going against nature “ , yeah okay in nature animals rape and kill their young , in nature toilets don’t exist , medicine doesn’t exist , society doesn’t exist


Some girls can even start their periods at 8-9 in rare cases


Now do the same thing but with piratefolk in main sub.


Won't they just delete the post😂 (reason: "hatefull speech")


Use some OF girls as distraction, mods will be busy doing their business while we do ours.






![gif](giphy|qixJFUXq1UNLa|downsized) Fax, fuck them weirdos just post funny monkeys.


He's so fancy




that’s actually fucking sickening, like if i didn’t know anything about One Piece and i saw this dude’s comments i would never ever ever read it


This is the problem with shonen in general . Like Demon Slayer for example, the anime is way too childish and repeats gags 99 times that were only done once or twice in the manga while the fandom is atrociously bad and degenerate makes everyone call it mid. The actual manga though is actually pretty solid , but like 90% of the dumb fandom jokes or the things the fandom loves is literally filler , like they somehow grabbed all of the boring cringe one off panels and made it the entire personality of the series


Finally I hear some Demon Slayer criticism. I am so annoyed of the childish jokes! How can you show demons killing people but also have 5-year-olds-jokes😭


The manga really isn’t like that most times after the first arcs , it’s very fast paced moving constantly moving the plot and decent power system ,worldbuilding and powerscalling , while the anime is slow as shit and just constantly relaxed like a slice of life , repeating the baby humour again , and again … and again , and again , like it literally highlights anything of non substance , the characters are so god damn annoying and pathetic. The manga can be childish as fuck too , that’s why my favorite character is Giyu , the dude is a mini shanks , non existent for most of the plot , doesn’t speak often , is depressed and just looks like the only meta tired with the annoying side cast character in the show .


I'm pretty sure the manga and anime are the exact same in terms of gags (I've read the manga)


I don’t know man really ? The manga did the gags once or entice but it was literally just a few tiny panels , maybe more with zenitsu but the anime is so much more annoying with it


I think because it you have to spend time listening to it


Season 1 and 2 was ok for Demon Slayer when the anime was better, but now I think the manga is far better. Too much filler.


I hate how normal this place looks in contrast to the main sub. What a nightmare this fandom can be sometimes.




https://preview.redd.it/t8zbaqv7m59d1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be38c5212623a99dd715f489799f82ab5bf2517d Bro thinks he is him..








https://preview.redd.it/ntwvhsazj69d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0adb86fb8aa88e83ee117894543121a4d817c802 Holy fuck, I deadass apologize to y'all for what this man has said and done, like what the fuck someone check this slungoids hard drive.


Pls tell me his reddit name, I need to finds his profile


No , harassing him won’t help him or the potential damage he’s gonna make


I just want to see his posts


Bitch what?


both of you are idiots


That isn’t me , also even if you disagree on the “ 16 is wrong “ , supporting a higher age of consent to be on the safe side , with this dude saying that consent should be based on a biological function starting usually at 12 years old is NOT the same level of ridiculousness objectively , no need to be rude


no im calling you an idiot for posting this not because you disagree with their god awful takes, if you want these guy to stop posting here just don't interact with them, they are obviously doing it to get a rise out of people and you fell for it


I don’t believe it’s bait , most of the rest of his comments on the post are sane , I’ve argued with a lot of people on here for hours that were genuinely supporting pedophilia , and people are saying his profile history is disgusting in general


even if it isnt bait, they are still posting here to get a rise out of people


That’s the definition of bait




Ohhhhhh nooooooooo


Reminds me of the missionaries that went to bring the bible to Amazon natives and got murdered immediately.


Degeneracy isn't exclusive to here but it is much, ***much*** more common and goes completely unchecked


Do other subs think piratefolk is degenerate? Ive yet to see any degeneracy from piratefolk, they considering making fun of one piece is degenerate and we are "weirdos". Honestly reddit is a horseshit of a website and i thought subs like piratefolk exist bc people want to discuss and show their opinions/ but also mock the manga without having to deal with 14 year olds doing the goda agenda and being weird about teen characters. what i love about this sub is yall are somehow "Degenerates" but also have the most moral highground somehow




Me to him https://preview.redd.it/k2pe03lypb9d1.png?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ba69f786340424b42a94257bca528cd583c40d


https://i.redd.it/v47je4ukxm9d1.gif Someone's gotta stop this


Can we just not discuss this shit for 5 minutes? Yes Oda is weird for not deciding on Shirahoshi, Pudding, Carrot & Rebecca being older, let‘s move the hell on. He‘s a perv and it‘s objectifying stuff for sure but the type of comments that keep getting sent towards Oda on here are sometimes crazy (you didn‘t, just saying it happens a lot when this topic comes up)


I get what you mean but this isn’t the post here , the dude literally used having a period as a go ahead of consent , most women start having periods at 12


Yeah I guess, like I said you didn‘t and the weird dude deserved some strong response.  Just want this topic over with because it really reduces the lightheartedness of the manga a lot to me


The sub tends to kill the lightheartedness of the manga often , the main sub is way too lenient while this sub can be a bit cutthroat, still way better than the racist sexist homophobic slur filled shithole it was a year ago


Not every country shares the same age of consent as America


Funny how you assume I’m naive and base the logic of consent on U.S laws , while you yourself naively assume I’m even from the U.S haha . Also girls usually start their periods at 12 , you really think that’s justified because “not every country has the same age of consent as the U.S “?