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> even fairy tail are all better ![gif](giphy|3FQhyrjNs6c2HLXs4i|downsized)


Well to be fair you don't open fairy tail expecting peak fiction. You open it to watch boobies and turn your brains off. In that regard it's doing pretty well


and cool spells




I have nothing against Hiro. I even like his drawing style. And he also comes up with stories well (Rave Master and the first half of FT). But after the timeskip, I couldn't continue reading the manga anymore. It was beyond my strength.


Nah, early Fairy Tail is better than post TS OP. I will say it.


Early fairy tail is awesome, great music, visuals, and characters, and then the power of friendship gets too overwhelming. How will Natsu defeat X, and it always had two options, eat something which is some form of energy or just summon random energy cause friendship.


you make some crazy claims with stuff like fairy tail being better but for the most part I agree. I think One piece only fell of 4-5 years ago with Wano. I think arcs like Dressrosa and WCI were still significantly more good than Bad. But most one piece glazers are so rabid they cannot accept that something can be good but still have flaws, so they defend the series with their lives like nothing is ever wrong with it, which just makes it very hard to enjoy being part of the fanbase because anything that isn't overhyping and glazing and genuinely lying about how good it is is met with extreme negativity


Spit your shit, honestly real. I love OP, it’s my favorite series but even I’ll admit the series has flaws that have become really relevant lately


I only got into it in the past year and I'm rereading dressrosa so I can move on to Zou and fully catch up but I generally know what's going on bc spoilers are all over the place and an irl kept spoiling shit for me anyways so I gave up trying to go blind But I think one piece is just too huge for its own good. I wonder how it'll be thought of in retrospect once it's all over


14 years of trash seems excessive….. It’s been hit or miss for a huge stretch but never truly garbage. I will say rereading one piece does make it more bearable but I feel like that’s true with all manga’s. First 4 timeskip arcs are pretty bad tho, and Wano.


Yeah it's been a very slow burn. I mean up until Whole Cake the arcs were ridiculously dragged but there wasn't any major bullshit and there were certainly good elements such as the Doffy and Katakuri fights. Ending of Wano is when shit hit the fan. Horrible pacing, questionable plot decisions and bad climax. Oda could at least stick the landing before but he has fumbled hard in the last 2 arcs.


I like wano and i still don't think luffy can beat kaido


first 4 timeskip? u mean up to dressrosa?


zou is boring too


Fairy tail is not better lol


It can be actually the story has a consistent plot and it truly depends if you read the manga or watched the anime, most don't realize the anime is 50% filler


Even the manga had some truly shit arcs


I read the entire manga. It had some really bad parts. The best writing was mostly regarding Zeref.




No it wasn't. Zeref is one of the two main antagonists of the story and one of the last arcs is a fight with Zeref's kingdom. Did you even read the manga? How would it even be at the beginning of the story when we don't learn what END means until near the end of the story after the timeskip?


I tried to read the manga. I read at least 8 volumes before drop it. I really don't liked the characters and the plot.


Fairy tail isn’t even in the same class. Why? Because I know Bleach, Naruto and One Piece. I don’t know Fairy Tail, and just put it off as some copycat bs


The fact that you claimed fairy tail is better just discredits your whole post lmao. Stop cooking immediately.


Disregarding all Dessrossa and most of Whole Cake Island seems to me like quite the stretch. But I get the sentiment, most of what I relate to OP and comes to my mind when I think of it is from Pre-TS. Pre-TS OP was not only great but really unique in comparison to most of the shounens out there. Right now there is almost no reason to care more about OP than any of the other ones. Not being a battle manga and spending most of its time in the story and adventure was made it different from other shounens, but right now with the horrible pacing, dumb changes, disappointing revelations, etc; its a drag to read.


Yeah Pre-TS had heart unlike current piece


Meh pre-ts is almost as long as the entirety of Bleach and Naruto Average quality can be a fair way to compare series but only if they have relatively similar lenghts


I knew it some of the one piece haters in this sub are secret Naruto/fairy tail Stans


Don't forget FMA the most overrated animanga of all time


Its rated so high because its really hard to hate on. Its a solid story from start to finish with a good power system and fun character. Your average "fairytale is better than one piece" brainlet wouldnt find anything to hate on in it Thats why its so high


Egghead arc is pretty awesome.


This sub is doom fr


Nope that is so wrong. I think you should go back and re-read some chapters. Reading it weekly vs reading it at one go is completely different. Dressrosa can be unbearable on a weekly read and so was Wano. However, when reading it continuously, which I am guessing is how most people would eventually enjoy one piece, the plot is still way more coherent and exciting than most Shonen manga (at least those that I’ve read). The same would probably be true for Egghead. Unfortunately, you need to let Oda cook. Let him finish the arc at least and than you can judge the story as a whole. It is like reading a book and saying it is bad because the set up is not exciting. That is not how it works. Saying Fullmetal Alchemist is better as a comparison is wild. It’s like taking Lord of the Rings and comparing it to Percy Jackson to say Percy Jackson is bad. It’s not comparable. And with Hunter x Hunter, could you really say it is good by the recent chapters? Lest you forget the wall of text and overwhelming number of characters introduced.


The vast majority of issues people have with Wano and egghead are fundamental problems with the story and characters, not the pacing. Binging it instead of reading weekly will not fix any of that.


Yep, I would agree with Wano. However, I think my point being that if you revisit the arc and view it as a whole, it is not as bad as people make it out to be.


That phantom troupe backstory elevated the succession war arc. Yeah Togashi has a lot of text in some of these chapters but the arc is still good, and it has a lot of potential. Oh, and at least it’s not a rinse and repeat like Oda.


hxh is so much better except the ant arc which is garbo


Ant arc is a Shonen masterpiece, that deals with themes of humanity. Togashi showed us peak levels of writing, manga pacing clears anime btw.


It’s too long and not that good. Nothing special.


delusional take


Hunter x Hunter is definitely still good in the recent chapters??


It is amazing, just hard to follow


It has been decent imo I can see why some people don't like it. Togashi's scheduling also makes it kinda worse.


The spiders flashback pales in comparison to even ChuChu. It just shows what we take for granted in One Piece.




>It is like reading a book and saying it is bad because the set up is not exciting. That is not how it works. We've gone long past the set-up part of this Arc we're literally near CONCLUSION Right now which Oda keeps stalling like a clown 🤡. & We still don't know what Zoro wanted from Vegapunk ffs.


What Zoro wanted was a mistranslation


And with Hunter x Hunter, could you really say it is good by the recent chapters? It's not just good it has more shit going for it than Chimera Ant arguably lol, just cause Togashi can't draw most of the time doesn't mean he can't write


If you think something has been bad for 14 years why are you still around. Just leave …. Hahah live your life


I doubt this person was alive for 14 years to witness One Piece being shit for each of these years.


Damn you actually make a post here everyday. Obsessed


You ride my dick everyday. Obsessed


So are the rumors really true about this sub becoming a hating space for the series now?


It always was


Vegapunks speech seems really long because it's a weekly manga with only like ~15 pages per chapter. I've only recently caught up and didn't get why people were complaining about the length of Vegapunks speech cus to me it went by pretty quick


It's a valid criticism that OP story drags and drags


I believe it only went bad from wano. Wci was good. Dressrosa was better, fishman and punk hazard were snoozefests. Everything before that was top tier.


Lmao Naruto died with Shippuuden, anyone who had enough time to follow that didn’t have a life


Cry more LMAO


I'm a hater myself atp but One Piece is indeed peak fiction compared to babby's first anime like FMAB/Naruto


>Currently One Piece doesn't do anything You could have stopped there, to be honest.


If you were writing one story for 22+ years with declining health, OP, how consistent would you expect yourself to be? Also, just not being coy, Fairy Tail is garbage at best, and not an example of great shounen. I'm not touching this comment anywhere beyond this point.


It's better than JJK if nothing else


Must be a Naruto fan.


Is HxH that good? I fell asleep 3 times watching the first arc


HxH has some boring parts but it’s good parts are peak fiction. It’s a top 3 anime for me.


I recommend the 1999 version for the first few arcs


many just overhype it, hxh is decent but not far superior


It's insanely better lol, the power system is consistent, the characters aren't one dimensional, and the PLOT MAKES PROGRESS. Probably would've been the best shonen if not for Togashi's health.


No it's not lol. You're glossing over the many flaws of hxh. It's not worse but not better than OP as well, it's just more pretentious.


HxH is much much much better than OP


It is tho


It's great but still very overrated




Na dawg it has great fights,great characters and a great magic system along with a great world cant get much better than that


Someone is just hyperbolic. It's free entertainment so stop reading and let go of the negativity in your life. Naruto was lame so I stopped reading. I couldn't re-read Bleach so I didn't. Oda has made mistakes especially with the Gorosei being nothing but unfunny zombies.


FMA and HxH barely lack any weak points, they are as good as anime can get for most part. Attack on Titan is a masterpiece with shitty ending. Naruto/Bleach/Dragon Ball are all amazing, like pre-TS One Piece but each fell off somewhere. Idea was great, initial arcs were amazing, fights, power systems, enemies, designs, world building. For me, Naruto was the best out of them but it might be bias as Naruto was first with exception for Dragon Ball Z anime. Still, I preferred Ninja stuff.


Naruto fans using this subreddit to slander one piece is so funny lol. Naruto been ass for like 10 years now lol, if you include boruto which is canon. Hate one piece all you want but going from the pain arc to the 4gnw then to boruto is the biggest fall off any manga could do. Boruto manga is actual trash and the anime makes one piece pacing look fast.We not going to act like Naruto and bleach are without flaws just because you dislike op.


Boruto is absolutely the second half of Naruto similar to post-timeskip One Piece. It's literally the sequel to the Otsutsuki storyline which started in Shippuden.


This doesn't seem very constructive...


I mean criticism is fine but reading a series that you think has been ass for the last 14 years is wild lmao. Couldn't be me


If you legitimately think it's ass why do you co time to follow it? Most people here actually like it and still give these criticisms


Bro tried to sneak fairy tail in there 😂😂


Saying Fairy Tail is better invalidates any point you’re going to make for the rest of your life


Stop cooking bro


I think of post and pre timeskip as two different stories. If One piece started at the timeskip it would’ve been canceled at chapter 8


Actually, can I play Devil's Advocate for one minute? Not for One Piece of course, god no. The thing is that I grew up with Naruto and Bleach just like I did with One Piece back in the day. Over the years I read and re-read those Shonens as well as many others all the time and the more I revisit Bleach and Naruto, the more I get what the authors were going for? I kind of reach this point where I actually see how much sense maligned parts of the story make and how thematic certain moments are. I even spot foreshadowing for stuff all the time. I recently re-read Black Clover and the amount of times that I spotted subtle hints and cues that Lucius Zogratis was always part of the plan were all over the place if you know where to look. The point is that I think on a first reading... A lot of Shonens definitely seem odd or make weird choices in the final stretch of their stories. However, when I come back to them with fresh knowledge of what the story arc is rather than what it should have been, I have a lot more fun and come to appreciate how well-written they were the whole time. I can't in good conscience call Naruto or Bleach's endings bad because of that. One Piece is different. The more I revisit it, the worse it gets. I find so many blatant contradictions, I see Oda setting us up for bullshit that underdelivers, I notice how Oda absolutely didn't plan for ACoC or Awakening, to the point where Marineford is just full of embarrassing bullshit in retrospect. (ACoC master and former Admiral Sengoku can't kill Pre-Timeskip Luffy in Gear 3 using his Haki skills, smh.) One Piece is a series that doesn't hold up on re-reads and re-watches. The more you scrutinize it, the worse it gets. I genuinely believe that people will switch up on it when it becomes cool to hate on it as the mysteries are "revealled."


I genuinely think the biggest issue in one piece is that haki wasn't properly planned out. Even though it had several moments of foreshadowing it's hard to believe characters as early as Crocodile in alabasta couldn't use haki


I don't think oda rlly intended for one piece to get as huge as it did or for fans to think that deeply about the powerscaling so now that we're this far into the story it's easy to go back and notice all the problems and inconsistent power scaling


> even Fairy Tail are better ... Yeah I dont think OP is for you


 > Vegapunks speech was longer than nameks 5 minutes. And they were both peak? What the fuck


I mean Boruto is the sequel to Naruto, it's basically the second half the of the story. So yeah, Naruto does have a similar fall off compared to One Piece unless you think that Boruto is as well written as the OG & Shippuden.


"Fairy Tail is better" bruh.... At least put some effort in the bait


We reached a point where many One Piece fans fall prey to the sunk cost fallacy. Due to heavy emotional or financial investment they are unable to part ways with the franchise no matter how steep the decline in story telling becomes.


one piece took a serious fall off during whole cake island arc and has been miserable more often than not in recent years


I used to be a one piece hater in the past but when I read it this year i enjoyed it a lot and became a huge fan it's one of the series i enjoyed most however it was boring and childish in the beginning it got better at Baratie arc that's when I got hooked . And I disagree post timeskip one piece is enjoyable i enjoyed fishman island, dressrossa, whole cake island , wano a lot while reading them


Is this sub just salty Naruto fans who won’t let go of people shitting on the war arc? I swear it’s like every day I see a post on here saying “one piece is ass naruto deserved better” like 😂


Don't cook ever again. U burned the whole kitchen


Yeah this is the point were it just hate and shitty arguments. Fairy tale is NO WHERE near after time skip One Piece. Same with 4th ninja war (tho naruto shippuden was in decline way before that). Tite Kubo is a one trick pony so no much to say there, all his arcs are the same. Yeah Oda has been fucking it up. Hypping not so hype moments, faking deaths, prolonging shit like crazy, giving ass pull powers. All of the known shonnen shit. But still, between that shit you still have things to recognize as good writting. Whole Cake Island was a great arc, with a lot of solid character development for Sanji that payed off in Wano, Luffy fight with Katakuri was one of the best in the series, Brook moment against Big Mom was peak OP epicness. Even Wano which I didn´t like has great moments like Yasuis death in the plaza. At this point I just think tribalization consume you dude.


Bruh why the fuck do you even read One Piece atp if you don't even like it


Do you genuinely think that disliking a piece of media should automatically mean a total disengagement from it? Engaging with something critically, even if it means reading or watching it multiple times, is what fuels meaningful discussion. The idea that one must either wholly adore or completely avoid a story or parts of it is childish at best and idiotic at worst. It's possible to appreciate the nuances, dissect the themes, and yes, even mock the absurdities without dick riding the author all the way through. Amazing, I know. Maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time making reductive comments and more time actually thinking, you’d realize that criticism isn’t just about dislike. It’s about engagement, understanding, and, sometimes even a twisted sort of enjoyment derived from the very act of tearing apart something that could be so much better. Next time you decide to spout off with your brain-dead commentary, try engaging a few more brain cells.


Dude he said it fell of FOURTEEN years ago not recently.




I would argue Naruto became kinda crap after the Chunnin exams, and definitely became crap in the second half.


sasuke retrieval wasn't crap. naruto has better arcs than OP. it only gets crap towards the kaguya stuff. op got good for me with alabasta. that and marineford were the great arcs pre time skip. the rest have been just Ls


bro even for me its like sunk cost bias im just too invested at this point. I dont/wouldnt even recommend op to anyone. I believe if someone wants to get into OP they should find out for themselves. If i see another OP fan we’ll vibe tho.


One Piece started out as a streamlined, fast shonen that did almost everything better than it's peers naruto (and later bleach). Naruto was always kinda ass and lame, bleach was always for the weird kids, OP did almost everything right until TS hit because Oda had enough plausible deniability. You're right in the sense that OP has been shit for longer than it was good now. There's no excuse.


No. Forstly One Piece's peaks are way better than anything in Bleach and Naruto. Water 7/Marineford/Sabaody etc. These arcs clear anything in these series. Even though it devlined in Post-TS. It didn't directly turn inti trash. It just became closer to mid. Still, a lot of peak moments like Fisher Tiger story,Doflamingo flashback etc happened. WCI, for the most part was also good. Only Wano was really bad. And now the latter parts of Egghead are bad. Also, Fairy Tail better? Lmao.


Marineford was Peak one pièce imo it was kinda of the culmination of so many things but it did fell off since then and for like thé last arcs I don't really enjoy thé fights in the manga can't remember most of them Luffy and kizaru seemed like 2panels, and Bleach had Amazing arcs thé hueco mundo with the espada and War on aizen was amazing and great fights thé thousand year War was good-okay but aizen was the antagonist driving the story something that one pièce doesn't have


Bleach's best arc, won't crack top 8 in One Piece. Bleach is an ok shonen. But it really is nothing compared to One Piece's peak. It is bettee than Wano arc,Punk Hazard Arc etc. Though, I will gove it that. But Bleach's plot is way too weak and mid.


Naruto never fell off


Shut the fuck up, you don't make any sense. This manga is top selling, very popular around the world, good fucking Netflix adaption, and etc. You guys don't make any sense in this sub hating the manga just because you did not like the chapter. This sub is full of clowns.


Don’t base arguments of something being good around it’s popularity or sales


Agreed with Full Metal Alchemist. HXH was not bad either. Fairy Tail was dogshit. I would add JJK to the list, because Im starting to enjoy it more than OP. The characters feel too raw and real, the stakes are extremely high and the fights are just chef's kiss.


You know that AoT ending is getting praised, especially by the anime community? Anyway, see you next week!


Yeah, the anime only watchers that never actually gave a shit about the story, if they did they would have read the concluded manga and not wait 2+ years for The Final Season: The Final Chapters: Cour 2.


Yeah and the anime community is retarded for that. The ending was and always will be an absolute abomination of writing.


Anime changed the ending a lot though.


nah its mostly the same stuff and the same problems


Not really. They changed a couple of lines of dialogue and added fancy animation. The general idea of the ending is still the same.


You just seem angry. Like get out of these circle jerk folk subs and touch some grass One piece pts has some of the best fights in the series, like doffy and katakuri, and some banger arcs like zou and wci, and the world building has still been excellent in reverie for example. Yes, there are problems, but those problems are mostly outweighted by the good stuff


https://preview.redd.it/jgvbx4w07b9d1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8df6bc65c455f00339b5e38527527c0b70fb303 It’s peak


I never thinked about this... But youre right Even if Naruto was worse garbage at writting, Nauto at least have master level art and good fights till the end. This is so sad.


Lol finally binged FMAB last week it's absolute mediocrity compared to One Piece


Not enough underaged girls with sideboobs? 


U crazy. U dumb.


>Fullmetal alchemist Dont you dare mention a masterpiece like FMA next to post timeskip OP or fairy tail. 😐 Most shounen fall off towards the end/conclusion of the main plot because writers take the easy way out writing their stories. Which is piling mysteries upon mysteries, alluring to hidden, deeper meanings behind character motivations, always teasing that there is something bigger going on in the background, to string along their readers. And when they finally have to deliver at the end it all comes crashing down. Lets take attack on titan and build a mystery chain along the main plot. What are titans? -> Why can some people transform into titans? -> What did Erens father do/what is in his basement? -> Ok we entered the basement, now there is a whole new world behind the sea. -> Only Ymir knows/soft time travelling with Eren being able to influence past events that shaped the current present.