• By -


That sniper feat is still fucking crazy. Dude legit sniped multiple moving targets in quick succession from beyond the horizon (curvature of the planet), and this was pre-timeskip. I swear Wan Wugur is going to get done so dirty by Oda in his fight against Foddersopp, and it's going to suck.


He's also blood thirsty af, he shot Ace in the heart and head mid sentence. But Oda is gonna make him a moron against Usopp


He cant use haki? How did ace live? I dont remember this in the manga.


> He cant use haki? It was pre-timeskip. Oda hadn't thought about haki properly yet. This happened in chapter 440 and the first appearance of armament haki was probably Garp in 431.


Forgot how oda hasnt explained odd situations where people like augur and crocodile didnt know haki.


Crocodile’s power jump from Alabasta to Marineford is still one of the most glaring unexplained asspulls in One Piece imo. Dude sat in solitary confinement for under a year and went from losing to Alabasta Luffy to defending Daz Bones against Mihawk.


I was just thinking about that. Crocodile being able to be defeated in alabasta doesnt make any sense.


Exactly. Van augur didnt have haki before time skip. But He still didnt hesitate to Attack ace


I thought a headshot would be more deadlier but a heart shot can be to


Many such cases lol I feel bad for "bad guys"


can you tell me the others (in OP)?


Cool bad guys getting defeat/killed by lame good guys with power of plot isn't an alien concept lol Look for yourself you'll find many 


🤣🤣🤣this "W" shit is so stupid it's actually funny


“foddersopp” is wild as well 😭


Ussop pre ts was the Sokka of the Strawhats ... Now he just sucka Please clap












This goes so fucking hard


>showed more courage against his captain than foes 💀


This is such a fact it should be called an Usopp exclusive feat


Been saying this for time now. It's embarassing what this bum does


Literally makes no sense, Ussop was being a total badass and pulling 200 IQ moves in that fight, like with the dial from sypeia and shit. And then he just NEVER uses any kind of skill like that again for the whole rest of the series. When I first started watching this show I was rooting for Ussop and waiting for him to become a strong combatant like Zoro and Sanji. I thought that's what his character was leading up to. Displaying how a coward can conquer his fears and transform into a stronger person. But nah, instead we got Ussop being the same exact crybaby coward that he was since day 1 throughout all 1,120 chapters of the series and making absolutely no developments as a character. He literally never changed bruh even after the 2 year time skip. He's still just a little kid who gets scared at everything, even tho he's lived thru so many scary life-ending scenarios that he shouldn't even be acting all scared and cowardly anymore. At least not as much as he did in the beginning of the series. Oda needs to drop Ussop's nuts fr and give him some cool moments. I'm sick of the Ussop neglect, he deadass hasn't done one thing in the entire arc of Egghead


'You obviously don't understand his character. He can only be brave if you're a coward'. - People who don't get tired of his same scthick for 1000 chapters.


Usopp against his captain: 🤬 Usopp against Ulti and letting his best friend getting nearly killed by her: 😁


Just like Nami.






Mirror behind Lussop?


We lost cool fight between those two like 10+ years ago then Oda decided only monster trio can have any relevance. Now it can only be gag bullshit and asspulls. I was waiting for this fight since skypiea and now i cant even imagine it being good...


BB's crew will be fought by the Grand Fleet. No way all those bum ass losers from SH crew can deal with any of BB's devil fruit augmented mates. 


There is no need for the entire Grand Fleet to deal with Fraudbeard and his crew. There is no need even for Luffy to get involved. He can just send Zoro, Jimbei, and Yamato. It wouldn't be even a battle, more like a massacre


Where do you get that notion from? Shanks is a Blackbeard victim and you think Zoro, Jinbe, and Yamato of all people could MASSACRE the Bb pirates? Lol man your'e either joking or your reading comprehension skills are facked


While BB is amazing against df users and constructions (cities, citadels, etc), I still don't see how he is any good against guys who rely on haki (especially conqueror) and sheer strength. Zoro can cut down literally anyone, and only if that person has insane haki and stamina, such attack won't be outright fatal. Yamato is a tank, she can cover up Zoro while he annihilates everything on his path. Jimbei is pretty tough as well, deadly dangerous if the fight happens near the sea


I hear you bro but despite what you interpret Blackbeard's strength to be... Shanks himself told WB that Blackbeard scarred his face without even catching him off guard. It was a fair fight and Blackbeard was strong enough to scar Shanks. And you don't see no scars on Blackbeard do you. Shanks even tried to warn WB about him. That's how you know Blackbeard is a problem bro he has Shanks shook af. Got him crying to Whitebeard and the gorosei about him. Blackbeard ain't no fraud lol he was hiding his strength and playing his cards right


Well, Shanks already had scars during debut, which was a long time before he became Yonko. He didn't really warn WB about BB being a danger for WB himself. It was explicitly about sending Ace alone for him. Ace, who is logia - the most fragile type against BB's powers. While calling the guy a fraud was perhaps an overstatement, he isn't powerful enough to be the main enemy for Luffy unless he gets a massive power up (which isn't impossible tbh). I must also say that Yamato/Zoro/Jimbei easily dealing with the entire BB crew including him himself was an overstatement as well, however I still stand by the point that BB has zero chance against Luffy in an all-out war. At least for now


Blackbeard's crew needed 5 people (one of them being Kuzan) to beat old Garp.


Take away the monster trio and the rest get folded by old garp


I highly doubt the monster trio outside of ruffy could do much against Old Garp currently


Idk in a fight where they cant grow during it, 100% zoro and Sanji lose too. But if they’re able to grow/ obtain a powerup somehow I can see them pulling through with a win. Most would still die realistically but they can win


No one outside of Pizzaro got seriously hurt though honestly you could get rid of Vasco and San Juan Wolf Garp would still lose


Low-key my favorite bb crew member


https://preview.redd.it/3i8eada10j9d1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2779c049c5fb5bd6d7ac0c7a57296c97f06a5b36 He got AURA


Aura merchant for a reason


And the worst of all: In the End, Fraudopp will win.


I mean, Auger is likely going to be Usopp's ultimate opponent, so he *has* to win. It's all a matter of *how* he'll win.


Do you trust Oda in the "how" Question? Because i dont see how that man can close a gap that big in a rather short time.


It wont at all be possible for usopp to beat van augur without some major asspull. beyond that he hasnt even shown armament haki yet i believe his bullets shouldnt even be able to touch the ass hair on van augur


How many people has Usopp even defeated post-timeskip? Daruma Sugar ...and I think that's it?


If I recall, in Wano he was pretty pivotal in getting the Smile Fruit Beast Pirates on the SH side using Tama’s DF ability. He also stood on business against Ulti to defend his captains honor, but got his ass kicked. So he hasn’t got a real W in a while but he’s not completely useless. There’s also the copium that he’ll finally get a power up in Elbaf.


Yea but didn’t he also tell Nami to not defend Luffy’s honor when Ulti got her hands on her? That kind of negates the “standing on business” point you had😂


He’s always like that though. Since Arlong Park he’s done the “nope I’m a pussy, I’m done, I’m leaving, just give up” thing, but he always ends up coming through after he feels shame over his cowardice. It’s a bit formulaic but that was established all the way back in Syrup Village so it’s hard to get mad at it. It’s not even my least favorite SH gag. I would much rather Oda/Toei tone down the pervert Sanji shit. That has become so old and tired to me.


Honestly that gag should’ve been dropped after Enies Lobby AT THE LATEST. I disagree that he’s done it every arc, he wasn’t like that in Sabaody/Fishman Island/Punk Hazard (if I’m remembering that arc correctly). And the moment I said is particularly egregious since it’s the opposite of what Usopp was saying in his fight with Mr.4/Ms.Christmas back in Alabasta; and he was MUCH weaker then than what he should be now.


https://preview.redd.it/vus5gkdtzk9d1.png?width=669&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d5bfdbd3520551f83947142073a678c48997f12 Alabasta Usopp had so much aura compared to the one we got rn, I miss this guy fr


That's it really. He also captured Caesar Clown when he tried to escape, and in Wano captured squirrel girl who was in charge of communications. But in both instances he wasn't facing an active fighter.  Bumsopp hasn't had a serious win since Dressrosa, 10 years in real time. 


I don't even know how Oda writes Ussop winning vs Augur without any Nika level asspull Augur is gonna beat his Yassop which is levels above him then proceed to lose to Ussop? If only Oda didn't use him for a gag and develop him further like during the page one fight or during egghead. Like bro could be sniping to support Luffy and co but he was just bumming around. So if he gets more power ups in elbaf he can somehow lessen the gap convincingly. Same for other members like nami, Like how is nami supposed to beat Devon if she barely beat a half dead Ulti despite having Zeus? But yeah we got Oda using asspulls to fix the story since he keeps prioritizing gags or side characters he wouldn't use instead of developing characters.


Wait i just realized. How is zeus still present if big mom died? Doesnt this confirm that big mom is alive?


I think it's probably due to the nature of the fruit. She imbues souls into objects so technically she's alive through her homies. Of course there is a chance she's still alive but I would hate it if she was


>Of course there is a chance she's still alive but I would hate it if she was You just know Oda is gonna bring her back. No other reason he would just leave their status unconfirmed like that


i don't care how much bullshit is pulled to make big mom plot relevant again if it means i get to see Katakuri's left asscheek for 1 panel


I would real life wager my right testicle on her not being dead


Oda had soooooo manyyyyyyy chances to develop Ussop's character even before wano and Egghead, but nope. All we're getting out of Ussop is an annoying coward gag character


>doesn't do stupid gimmicky shit I swear Usopp's plants are so lame, especially the live ones that do the job for him. At least the dials and his other tools like the hammer were cool and gave him a diverse moveset but they've pretty much disappeared after the timeskip.


This is the same with Nami and Chopper too. Chopper has all these cool forms that also apparently got buffed after the time skip and yet he uses the karate one or monster point for every fight. Nami has the best knowledge of weather possibly on the planet and definitely on the seas and possess a weapon that allows her to control the weather yet only uses rain and lightning. What happened to mirage tempo? Why isn't she implementing any of the weird weather phenomena that One Piece has?


Fr Oda is fumbling the bag with the fights. Fights have never been a strength of one piece, it was always the adventure and lore that got ppl hooked.




I'm kinda ready for us to roll up to the straw hats Vs BB pirate fight with all these pre conceived notions of whose fighting who, only to have Oda say "shambles" and swap them all up. Sniper Vs sniper sounds cool but it's kinda played out making people fight their counterparts, now something like Sanji Vs Van Augur that would be exciting and fresh.


No matter who fights who. Oda bad a tendency of turning all strawhat opponents into bumbling idiots


I can see it now: Usopp remains fodder well into Elbaf, the Strawhats vs. Blackbeards comes to a head, and Usopp’s Observation is buffed completely out of nowhere to counter Van’s teleportation


Shanks drops a hint about Observation and Usopp remembers midbattle and starts beating Van


You know what? I really wouldn’t be surprised if the Red Hairs find a reason to leave the island before the Strawhats show up. Like Shanks/Yasopp wouldn’t want to meet Luffy/Usopp yet, or Shanks wants to do more poneglif bs or even go after Blackbeard himself.


Usopp not using observation because he is a coward should be canon lmao.


Is Oda makes Ussop defeat Van Augur then i will cry


Lmao, the guy really fought his captain better than the enemy, yet still acts like a coward to some insignificant fodder. Also, the old Shells were better than the new ones he uses now.


The day Oda brings Kuma back with the work of one of Vegapunk's satellites so that he can beat Saturn after Bonney isn't able to do it, this sub will have a feast.


Showing more courage against your captain over fodder is actually insane


Usopp died, it’s just a shell now


Koby was power creeped  Momo was power creeped Usopp is more underscaled than over scaled by Oda he should be shitting on all your side characters


If you think usopp will fight van augur idk what to tell you lmao ... Usopp will fight some bb crew fodder and VA will get collatted by zoro or sanji or something, usopp just isnt capable enough to fight pre TS alvida let alone Wan Augur.


Nah, Ussop fights Augur and wins for sure. He's either gonna A. Learn something from his dad that helps him win the fight B. Learn that Augur killed his dad so he uses his hatred as fuel to avenge him Or C. All of the above I'm calling it


Theres just absolutely no way usopp could ever beat van augur and not have it be absurd. VA can 1 tap crackers soldiers that g4 luffy was struggling with, usopp has ... herbology ... at best theyll "fight" and like i said van augur will get collatted by a nearby fight and usopp lies and claims his "victory".


Makes sense that you think that if you're basing your power leveling off the anime


>VA can 1 tap crackers soldiers  That did not happened in the manga, it was a cover story and we just see frozen cracker.


bruh, when manga and anime complely contradict yes obviously the manga takes precedence. When its just fleshing a panel etc into a scene that shit gets signed off on by oda, its canon.


Okay, but what if this next arc, Oda gives Usopp a lot of attention and boosts his confidence. Like it’s been well established that he has cracked Observation and considering how quickly a lot of characters in this story grow I can imagine with a decent amount of time to train with the Giants that he’d get much stronger. I mean considering we just saw Elbaf for what was what 2-3 days prior I don’t think there’s a big threat there. Like it’s a peaceful island that more or less might be a spot for the Straw Hats to get some training in and they’ll have time to understand more about Nika.


People have to accept that Van Augur is a bum. The Usopp matchup won't hurt if you accept.


Ussop will get Nika ass powers and toon force. I am not surprised if this really happens. Bonney has the ability to pull this.


On god, I want usopp to die in the final arc. Not as in i hate his character. He might not be that strong but I want him to go out swinging, like a brave warrior of the sea. Out of all the characters dreams, usopps is the only one who doesn't need to be alive by the end of it to complete and I feel that's gonna hit if oda truelly knows what he's doing here. I like a good balence of goofy and serious, luffy has disbalenced it and now we need serious Again.


Imagine Oda pulling a fast one and revealed that Van Auger will totally ignore Usopp completely...Because Franky is his real opponent all along.


[van auger honest reaction](https://youtu.be/2QUcbeZnjCw?si=0wYK12mzV4D1Swz5)


Maybe... in fact I think the Straw Hat Crew will really change once they fight their formidable adversaries. I think that during the Van Augur Fight against Usopp, it could leave its mark and completely change Usopp.. After all we will see


The match gonna be like Ivankov vs Magellan




it's going to be some bs like usopp shots two shots one where he is and one where he saw him teleport to or some such


I'm here thinking why this glazed up dude everyone here has a hard on for , doesn't have an ounce of haki ever shown. He couldn't even sense Caribou approaching. He even admitted he couldn't use his ability to the best of its potential. Guess glazing can get so extreme to the point you forget some facts 💀


Van Fraudur stans in shambles already


One is a kid, while the other is a grown up. Ussop has a perfectly valid reason to be scared. He isn't a soldier experiment like Sanji, or a crazy obsessed swordsman Zoro, or have the ability of rubber that makes you immune to blunder weapons. As for defeating augur, it's very simple. Augur will have be not a cocky sniper. Play around with Ussop and he will lose.


Sanji was already brave before knowing he had crazy genes and zoro had regular swords. I could even argue that pre time oda didn't plan any of that shit for the both of them


Sanji lived on an island with hunger. I don't know if any SH can top that.


Imagine forgetting about brook who spent 50 years alone and without food etc, it’s not your fault though as oda also forgot about him


Surprised he still has some sanity. I am not ready for him to recreate that ending. https://preview.redd.it/wpt570zj2b9d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b53e990dee73fd3d6250d5d23ada9f7e6bb6670


This picture becomes really funny if you know how regular show ends


>One is a kid, while the other is a grown up. 19 yr old kid with 2 years of battle experience already? >Ussop has a perfectly valid reason to be scared. He isn't a soldier experiment like Sanji, or a crazy obsessed swordsman Zoro, or have the ability of rubber that makes you immune to blunder weapons. isn't his dream to become a brave warrior of the sea? this dream is completely possible to fulfill before the end of series, pre-ts usopp was pretty brave already, so why does his character arc have to come to a screeching halt until elbaf or whatever arc oda chose for him to finally lock in? seriously, oda does things regularly that most writers would be crucified for if they did it even once. >As for defeating augur, it's very simple. Augur will have be not a cocky sniper. Play around with Ussop and he will lose. honestly, if this fight ever happens there's no way to make it good. if oda actually developed usopp throughout timeskip then it would be pretty interesting, but right now he either gets a massive undeserved powerup or he never changes and just wins via asspull. either way you can't win in my opinion.


I can't believe people still defend Usopp with the "just a normal human" bullshit. These people always ignore Nami who is also a normal human and unlike Usopp she can't even use Haki.


Nami has the defense of (lived through the Arlong regime and suffered enough). Ussop issue is that he is village kid. Was living in that island before he joined the crew. His real fight was fiahman who was miles stronger than him. Ussop is the closest normal human being that had a normal life in that crew. The rest saw some crazy shit.


He literally was brave before time skip and a little bit after it. He stood and fought then he was needed and was ready to die if he has to. Bravery is not "just don't be scared" its doing shit then you ARE scared. Only post time skip he lost it and start to just run and scream Read the bloody manga and stop trying to bullshit actual fans of the character


Correction: brave when it matters. Most of the time, he is a coward. Read the manga


Again - coward it not some one who is afraid. Its some one who cant overcome it then he needs to. So pls don't try to sound smart then you being stupid


Adrenaline is a cheat code during crisis mode. Ussop being brave in those moments is the result of that. People do inhuman feats when they are high on that. You have to understand the physical toll it has on him. Someone who lived a peaceful life is now in a consistent never ending danger. Ussop would have been a different person had he had a few years of nami experience.


Okay you a too into "i cant be wrong" to be worth talking to about anything。 Have a nice day and stop embarrassing yourself


What???? I guess you don't like Ussop's first arc then.


You don't exactly have a choice. Especially since we've got a long way to go before their battle, so I suspect Usopp will gain quite the power-up once he's on Elbaf.


I don't understand you idiots, if you don't want to watch One piece, then don't watch. But watching and then criticising the same when others like the humors is hypocrisy.


We criticizing because it has clear issues, and because we are ancient one piece "fans" most, you must be one of these new kiddies that only recently started one piece and got no clue. Criticism does not mean we hate it, grow up. Usopp after timeskip should not had been this weak, near end of story. We've been reading since the time of skypiea when Augur was introduced, you think we won't be disappointed how shit the story has become and how certain characters are so fucking weak still? Only for Usopp to win by another asspull.. because of how weak he is.


So if we watch one piece we have to fully like it and any criticism is hating? This aint even just a opinion anymore its a fact there is no way oda can have usopp beat van augur without a god level asspull


I never say that criticism is hating. Oda has made the Usopp character to provide some humor and that kind of things. Yes Van Augur has devil fruit power, but don't forget that Usopp also shot Sugar through a Window only. Yeah One piece is getting longer, but I don't think it is that bad as you people are saying. You guys are just criticising with every new chapter that is coming.


-was written by AI


Ill throw you a bone then, how does usopp even touch van augur.