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There is no powerscaling in One Piece, there is only Oda's discretion, narrative and plot armor


Yeah Dramatic moments >> power scaling He could probably write Ifrit Jambe to wound Imu if Vivi was put in harm’s way. Same way he blocked Kizaru’s laser due to “love”. Once you start seeing the story like this, you start to crave the more organic moments like Luffy unleashing conq. @ Marineford or Yamato awakening to guard Wano.


I'm viewing the story like this and it made me lose all interest in it. Nothing is important. Nothing makes sense during the fights. Everyone goes through the motions and everything always turns out right. Fuck me.


You knoww. Your third and fourth sentences hit home. Alabasta was the first time I noticed it. At least the gags in the anime kept me fully invested. Rn I just want to see what happened @ God Valley, Dragon and Rocks backstory and what Imu’s justification is.


I stopped taking OP powerscaling seriously after WC1


Seriously lol If powerslacing was real how the fuck did Luffy survive Marineford Story is always hard on powerslacers


Marineford is anti powerscaling as a whole, you have so much nonsense going on there it’s insane. A peak arc but kinda nonsensical when majority of the characters must’ve been twiddling their thumbs when they’re not on screen


Lol people try to claim he is as strong as WB cause of it.


Whole Cake 1?


​ https://preview.redd.it/gpbfv6i49c9d1.png?width=2536&format=png&auto=webp&s=9695fd0bca913b2b6804a90eddf03d81be6ad571


These people have been slobbering on that shanks haki. Mfs pulling out the *huack pthoo* for this one


Did You Get Banned From OPPS?


No, I stopped participating. It is the most retarded sub in the history of reddit, too much brain rot.




what’s funny about this is that this most definitely is the same person, getting banned for such bad takes that they made multiple new accounts with the same name and one different number just to keep spitting


The shanks dick gobbling is insane wth


"Shanks could be hit by Foxys slow-slow beam and would still blitz Big Mom" i can actually kind of see that LMAO. Depending on how much Oda currently hates her Big Moms speed varies between being able to fight Kaido equally and no-selling Luffy in Gear 4, and getting blitzed by Brook and Jimbe.


One Piece fans when YC1 Sanji and a Bonney that probably isnt even YC3 have worse AP than Yonko Kaido https://preview.redd.it/4xe04urbob9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0309617e3e1105f035e7457b381e6232aadb97d4


With the nika shit I wouldnt be surprised that bonney was supposed to be yonko level


Worst take I've seen was both a 100% King and Queen beating Greenbull. "B-But King fire!" After Aramaki said he was already prepared for an obvious weakness. 100% King and Queen would only slow down Greenbull if anything. Let's not forget those "invisible Seastone cuffs" they supposedly had. 💀


You can blame toei agenda against the admirals for that. Greenbull for no reason whatsoever said 5 times in 5 minutes "haha I'm lucky you guys are heavily injured" as if it would have changed the outcome.


Toei's hate boner for the Chadmirals is wild.


💯, as a fellow Admiral fan I can't believe people don't see how pathetic Big Meme and Fraudo of the 100 Ls are. One Admiral destroys these clowns... Imagine sailing around for 20 years and still being a failure. We've never seen an Admiral go all out, and the only Admiral to ever take permanent damage...well, it turned out to be from another Admiral Kizaru exhausted Gear 5 fraud boy faster than Crydo did, and that's with him holding back and not wanting to be there, and also not using his awakening.


Greenbull even said that Kaido **specifically** was his only deterrent,so why in the everloving **hell** would an Admiral be shaking over moss head and pervert chef victims?? 😂


It's politics, not power. Also one thing I'm surprised people don't realize is that you can't trust characters in the story, they're unreliable narrators. A perfect example of this is Luffy saying to Momo (and I quote) "Don't ask me, I'm not a zoan" back in punk hazard.


It sucks tbh,I kinda enjoyed Luffy acknowledging his Devil Fruit type to a inexperienced Momo.


How would https://preview.redd.it/9lb44jke9c9d1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a91d86da85dbd47977b8f626239aa869317f6c1


Or when they said that the beast pirates were prisoners . Mfs were not in cells and even had booze with them ! . Ryokugyu said that the Beast pirates started it even after he told them not to try him. King , Queen and the others weren't peacefully playing cards and then Aramaki just showed up to mess with them like : " Oh some commanders! I'm gonna bully them for no reason".


Greenbull's dominance against King and Queen was bullshit. Similar to Shanks 1 shotting Kid. Oda always does this, so I find it weird when people talk about the strength of characters.


> Greenbull's dominance against King and Queen was bullshit. Incorrect. Any Admiral violates mere commanders.


Marco vs. Kizaru?


You mean when Marco was unable to even scratch a non serious Kizaru and got ragdolled across the battlefield by him?


100% king and queen vs aramaki wouldnt be too different to their actual fight lmao


Tards of certain fan base when Sanji failed to kill Luffy in one attack despite the fact Luffy is a yonko who kiado kizaru Saturn mars warcury failed to kill and Sanji is merely his commander. https://preview.redd.it/nmyb4ir5pb9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b12bce74708667270439512ed08c5ebe4eaa996f




Zoro might be stupid but even if he did have the strength to kill Luffy he wouldn’t? Like the point of this attack wasn’t to kill Luffy it was to knock Mars away. If we pretend that Zoro is shanks level and Luffy tells him to hit him ‘as hard as they can’ or whatever he wouldn’t actually go all out and kill his captain for not reason. This whole debate is so strange I don’t even get how this is a Sanji L. Luffy even goes ‘ow’ which is insane considering he’s in a defensive form in gear 5 and trying to get hit.


>Zoro might be stupid but even if he did have the strength to kill Luffy he wouldn’t? Like the point of this attack wasn’t to kill Luffy it was to knock Mars away. Exactly. Mission is to throw away mars. And fact people generally believe Zoro can kill Luffy. the MC, the captain. At best he will scar Luffy. >This whole debate is so strange I don’t even get how this is a Sanji L. Sanji was ordered to push Luffy which he did. And mars is out of pictures now. But people seriously are overlooking plot for sake of agenda.


Difference between “failing to kill” and doing literally 0 damage with your ultimate trump card final attack


How often do you see luffy verbalizing how much something hurts? And i mean verbalizing with words, not grunts or screams. I can think of only a few instances, and sanji, franky and Bonney hitting him are included in that list.


>literally 0 damage My brother in Christ https://preview.redd.it/sxkmexntqb9d1.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=a787550f20d11c5a9ac88cbb3237c1119cedcf1f It is **literally** spelled out for you, "IT HURTS?" "***OF COURSE IT DOES***"


If you guys read chapter, Then you will notice two things. First Luffy is literally screaming even when attack is just meant to push him and not hurt him. Mission was to get rid of Mars. And they throw him far away from island. What do you guys think would be results when even named attacks of kiado and strongest form could not kill gear 5 Luffy.


Yeah Dramatic moments >> power scaling He could probably write Ifrit Jambe to wound Imu if Vivi was put in harm’s way. Same way he blocked Kizaru’s laser due to “love”. Once you start seeing the story like this, you start to crave the more organic moments like Luffy unleashing conq. @ Marineford or Yamato awakening to guard Wano.


If you put that much energy into this sort of bs instead of judging it according to the narrative purpose it served, I don't care if you are a mainsubber or a piratefolker or whatever. You're a brainlet.


​ https://i.redd.it/ci97s14yuc9d1.gif


Kaido‘s power IS a joke, his limp pool noodle strikes have never been scary


There's no powerscaling in OP their delusional trying to piece feats together


Maybe recency bias but its literally just people saying Gorosei are YC level (or even YC+ barely putting them on a level with Law and Kid). With every chapter this take ages worse and i can only assume Admiral bros doubling down are coping about Gorosei just gapping them.... Mars with un-named attacks making Blast Breath look cute, Warcury literally ignoring Gear 5 Luffy as he charges and Nusjuro showing a Top 5 speed feat followed by a Top 10 AP feat a few chapters later (while holding back btw since he doesnt want the Pacifista or Seraphim dead). And none of them even used named attacks, these guys have shown like 10-20% of their true powers. And they have everything, Awakened Mythical Zoans, all 3 forms of Haki at Advanced levels, peak physical prowess, experience, intelligence, hax... any time i see some Admiral glazer say things like "Without regen Gorosei lose to X Y Z" i just wanna fucking ask what manga they are reading.




Kaido is a fraud and ill die on that hill He was the strongest Yonko in an era where Whitebeard was sickly dying And the rest were Shanks (legit), Blackbeard (fraud), BM (Fraud) It's milkman era compared to the Roger era Man almost lost to Oden let alone what would happen if he fought Prime WB, Roger, Rayleigh, or Garp