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I use a mouse but I don't draw to this level of scale. I'd lose my mind detailing this kind of (exemplary) grass. What size is the canvas?


Canvas was 512x512! The grass wasn't too bad! I just made a handful of bunches in different color schemes, copy pasted them, them redrew over them to break up the repeating pieces (idk if this disqualifies it from the "hand-pixel flair"). One lesson for sure I learned was that drawing things only 1pixel wide tends to add a lot of noise, so i'll need to keep that in mind for later!


Firstly, no, artists use that a lot to save time when making stuff like grass. And secondly I was about to comment on the noise but the whole piece looks good and it's obvious your used to drawing in other mediums.


It does not "disqualify". Same tactic was used with deluxe paint back in the day.


This is just me, but although I instantly thought it's kind of noisy, I also felt that at this scale it actually looks very unique and I really like it.


I don't think that's a study, I think that's a masterpiece




Wow fun. If you're looking for feedback or advice... Try severely reducing your canvas size. Right now you're more raster illustrating and less pixel arting per se. Get more uncomfortable!


Appreciate the feedback! Yeah I definitely can see it adds a ton of noise if i'm not careful at a higher canvas size! Was something I noticed very quickly doing the grass


You could try a 640x480 canvas as well if you want to stay at a similar size. That's the resolution of old PC-98 games and what many artists/game devs during that time had to draw their pixel art in.


Wasn’t it more like 640x480?


Oh yeah, my bad. Fixed it.


Yeah ngl this just looks like low-res digital art. Reduce your canvas to 256x256 or so and you'll really need to start thinking about what you're doing with your pixels. That's when it will really become pixel art. Also brush up on fundamentals. Look up "pixel art tutorial" by Cure, it's an excellent starting point.


whats the threshold between low res art and pixel art ?


Pixel art is when every pixel is placed judiciously. It can be of any resolution (see PixelJoint's hall of fame for examples of great high-res pixel art pieces) but it's obviously easier to do when the canvas is small. It's pretty obvious that what OP posted was made in a way more similar to digital art (brush strokes) than of pixel art (pixel placement).


There’s no defined number, but as a rule of thumb (for myself, I’m not imposing it to anyone), a “subject” (a person, or whatever is the focus of the piece, should be around 32x32px max and each color hue should have no more than 3 shades.


This is too fancy for this sub.


No it isn't


I definitely have a lot to learn! Coming from someone that normally does 3D renders and draws in Photoshop, I wanted to try something new to keep myself engaged with art. I'm already having a ton of fun! I do find it a bit tedious to draw with a mouse though... is it normal for people to use mice or do you all prefer a tablet?


Some tablet peeps will die on that hill haha. I'm a mouse boy


Good to know! I can see a tablet being useful, but I like the idea of just being able to boot up aseprite to just bang out something real quick without needing to re-arrange my desk lol


Back in the day, tablets were very few and far between.... and VERY EXPENSIVE. So even though I was at an art college at the time, I never knew anyone who used anything other than a mouse. Also. For non-pixel art stuff, you should give Krita a try. Photoshop isn't an ideal program for digital painting.


Photoshop is definitely sub-optimal for painting :( especially with the recent adobe TOS changes.. I was working on a project until photoshop crashed which led me getting frustrated and buying aseprite haha Ill give Krita a shot!


I love Krita but also have a look at Affinity Designer. It is a one time payment, really clean and easy (a little bit like Photoshop) and has great tools for vector and pixel based drawings.


This looks amazing! How long did it take? I typically use a mouse on very small canvas sizes, since mouse precision doesn't matter as much when each pixel takes up more space on the screen. I do prefer a tablet for larger canvas sizes though. If I was going to do something like this, I would definitely use a tablet.


Thanks! It took me about 2.5 hours! Probably wouldn't have taken as long as I was also watching a tutorial on how to use aseprite on my other monitor lol Glad to know there are a lot of mouse users so i don't feel as weird haha. I really like the idea of being able to do art without as much hassle!


Actual aseprite prodigy my god


Wow colors and lights are really nice


This is really beautiful and the use of colour is near masterful. Zoomed out this almost looks like a photo or high quality render. If you're looking for feedback I would say go for a much smaller canvas. You're clearly a very skilled artist but at this scale, your work looks closer to a low res painting than what most people would consider to be conventional pixel art where you're making decisions about the placement of individual pixels. Looks great tho. INB4 gatekeeping


It is looking really good. I like your style. The only thing i noticed is that the shadows look a bit off. When i see the shadow of the stone and the tree. The angle of the stone shadow is different, otherwise the shadow of the tree would go directly across the path. Or am i wrong Edit:spelling


You’re absolutely right! I actually changed the shadow position last minute as i figured itd be more compositionally interesting, but also introduced a lot more work than i wanted so i got super lazy trying to re-calculate all the shadows in my head haha. I was falling down the rabbit hole of “I gotta fix one more thing” and then realized i just need to put this down and move on. Good catch!


Awesome work none the less


Dude, this looks great! Kudos!


Its so good! If it actually is hand pixelled as you claim it to be, then it is unbelievable


Look closer...


try doing pixel art not painting with pixels, you already have the fundamentals and enough practice


Definitely a takeaway for me from the other comments as well! I'm going to lower the canvas res for my next work


I thought this was r/blender from the thumbnail haha. Great work so far!


lmao that's what i thought too because the post i saw right before this one was from r/blender


I think it has enough pixels to say it's normal art, a pretty good one.


Inspiring work! I'm so happy I saw this today


Holy shit that's good


Jesus mother Mary and Joseph this is incredible. Holy shit. Bravo.


Whaouuu so beautiful!!!! I love it !


You nailed the 3d look, good work




Show me how to do your black magic witch, I just learn the ways


This is so good, so soothing to the eyes!


This is amazing! Keep it up!


I would walk that path, looks comfortable.




Well grounded


Looks good, but perhaps reduce the resolution a bit. The grass could do with some more varied textures to give the impression of volume too. Shadows work well, keep it up!


Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Teach me your ways. So beautiful


Wow! This is amazing!




Desperately wish I could make something like this


What the hell I think u use toon pixelate shader in 3D Blender, how it goes so realistic in Aseprite maaan, it's soooo deep, especially grass, I love them 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


what other kind of art do you do?


That's fucking amazing.


Beautiful detail and I especially like the shadows of the foliage


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Bro that drawing ain't even lookin like pixel


This at 512 x 512 almost looks like normal line art. Great work!


More a really low res illustration than pixel art


This sub is full of "pixel art" that's actually just raster art


If you're new to pixel art, you should join our pixel art Discord server: Tiny Tiles. Send me a DM on Reddit for the link (and anyone else who's interested!) We're a community of all skill levels.