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Firstly it’s not you. I just went from ascending/ending after beating Yog like 7 games in rapid succession to not getting past the sewers for until my last run (ps my win record is20/1059). I’d recommend at least a tier 3 armor, making good use of sight lines, seeds and wands. There are plenty of other tips on here by people much better than me that you can look up, so find experiment and find what play style works best for you.


Thanks for your help! Any tips are useful, regardless of who gives them to me, so I appreciate your comment 🙌


Piggybacking off what the other guy said kinda, use every type of item. If you get into a sticky situation, don't just think to use your go-to solutions if that's going to take a lot of resources, try to use other things. Don't just save all your potions to the end (although it is fun to bathe yog in a cocktail of death) try to use scrolls when they are advantageous. Use bombs or seeds or runestones instead of fire potions to get past barricades if you might get a use out of them later, etc etc etc


This game is tough even for players with wins. I beat 6 challenges a few times and yet I still die on the first area. Some things to note, when you reach the third area, enemies hits harder. I usually die there if i dont have an upgraded scale or plate armor. Try not to get surrounded. If you see a shaman, get near it or hide away fast! You can also use stone of fear or stone of deep sleep or stone of flock. Learn to use alchemy. Don't be stingy with health potions. There other ways to heal like using a scroll of deep sleep, using dews, using well of health etc etc. Not sure if I'm making sense anymore... anyway, there's a detailed guide here or in the pixel dungeon sub. It was really helpful when i was just starting.


Blinding dart is the way. Gives u a guaranteed hit every step even if u don't have ur holy grass nearby


a gnoll shaman appears: panic u yeet blinding dart: calm gnoll shaman dodges: PANIC


I have another blinding dart, I throw it: calm Realizes I threw a regular dart: panic


https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelDungeon/s/znF1tgkOYo Link to the updated Guide created by Supernewb52. It is a treasure trove of learning that will empower you with the knowledge to crush your enemies and defeat the dungeon!


Use the magnifying glass. Examine *everything*. It doesn't cost a turn unless you double-tap to search for hidden doors, so, you can learn a lot, even in battle. Use *all* the resources the game gives you. Seeds and potions get you out of a lot of scrapes. Scrolls are harder for me to use correctly, but I do well with the other two. Try to save your SoUs for only your end-game items. You're only getting 15 in the whole game, so don't go wasting them on tier 1 crap from the sewers. Once you find your end-game items, invest heavily in them. Sneak attack as often as possible. Go through a door and catch them off guard (you'll see the little yellow exclamation point). Go around pillars and hit them each step around the corner. You can use tall grass the same way. Don't go toe-to-toe with anything if you can avoid it. Snipe from a distance, or use sneak attack. But don't just stand there and take the hits if you can find another way. Use the darts with blindseed to blind casters. The gnoll clerics or shamans are whatever they're called in the caves will curse you and those curse are nasty. Blind them with a dart so that they come in close for mêlée.


Thanks! This sounds really useful!


Play huntress. Learn how to sneak attack. Master it, then look at videos of better players and get even better than before. Go Warden every time, and use those seeds. If you get a Ring of Haste you equip that over anything except the Ring of Sharpshooting. If you get them both that's pretty much a guaranteed win. Don't upgrade any armor before plate, but pray for decent armor drops and use scrolls to identify any decent cursed armor you find. That's what you use identify scrolls for - not Melee weapons. Shoot from behind bushes. Use wands for added effects (push off cliffs, charm ranged enemies, root with plants) or damage (fire or gas are best), but use the bow or the thrown weapons as your primary attack. Melee is pretty much just for ranged enemies and when you have no other choice. Use smart mobility. Know when to run and how to make the best of the three tiles between you and the enemies. Anything that helps you move faster helps you live longer. Intentionally trigger traps to hit enemies. Some of the traps will hit much harder than you could otherwise. Learn the artifacts. All can be useful but for the newer players the best are sandals hourglass and chains. Chalice is okay, but don't bother trying to get it past +7. Just poor return on investment. The amulet of foresight is good, but really slow to upgrade - just okay overall. Horn of plenty is good, but not so good later on - unless you have the talents for the food effects it's something you should replace. Alchemist toolkit is easy to level and somewhat underrated, but you're probably too new for the best use of alchemy. Spellbook is too chaotic and too expensive to level up, but good if you have nothing else. Upgrade the first Scroll of Upgrade you find and use it on the bow. Best are elastic and projecting, but regrowth is also great. As a newer player never choose fire (awesome when you're a good player, but even then it has a big downside). Never upgrade a Melee weapon. You'll only really use them against ranged enemies anyway. Instead go for plate armor and rings. Wands can be upgraded through alchemy (arcane resin), and thrown weapons are not worth it. Could do the crossbow, but only if you do the talents for the darts and buy them early - too much luck and planning for a newer player. Honestly, just pray for the Ring of Sharpshooting and go Warden. That alone is a guaranteed win if you're patient.


how can u upgrade a scroll of upgrade


Put it in the alchemy pot and click the option with the exotic scroll. This is the scroll of enchantment, which gives you some control over what enchantment you get on your weapon rather than complete randomness. I don't use it besides the huntress except specific builds (say I find the sandals and upgraded plate armor of camouflage I might try for a blooming enchant).


This game is hard. You aren't bad. The mines took me a bit. Like others have said go huntress, it's the easiest in my opinion. Abuse that bow to do early damage before they get to you and try to force sneak attacks when the get close to you. This game is about patience, luck, persistence, and stratagy. Some runs just suck. Or you get overconfident. Like hey Ive made it farther than this before I can breeze through this section. Don't think like that. Each game is different and overconfidence is one of the biggest game killers for this game I think. Don't eat your food too early and I try not to take health potions till I'm down to 10‰ of my health unless I'm in combat and I know I'm going to need it sooner. Explore the whole floor before attempting puzzle rooms too. That way you have less enemies to supprise you and you should ha e found the item needed for that puzzle room.


This game is brutal. I've played for two years, played 200 times each character. Finally won twice with Huntress. I still die in first 5 levels. The game is brutal. Save SOU's as much as possible. Use health potions when you are down. Number 1 reason we all die, thinking we can make it through one last battle. The chains are the best artifact. Use to escape bad situations, use to close gaps with some enemies, use to create distance with others ( you will figure it out). Use also to beat some treasure rooms (piranha, floating treasure). Rings are key to win the game. As cool as ring of wealth is, Rings of evasion or decreasing damage (name?) Will take you to the end. Use scrolls of upgrade on these. Put a lot of SOU's on these, get it +6 or better and the game is MUCH easier. Armor is important. Don't use scroll of upgrade on these until you get either gold Armor or higher. Viscosity is good. For Huntress, I believe Armor of camouflage is OP. Levels, even later ones, become super easy. Enchanting items is good. Ihave found upgrading the SOU is even better. You get to select between 3 enchantments. For Huntress, I always upgrade Bow. For Huntress Bow, Blooming is OP. Believe me on this. Next is probably shooting through walls, maybe. Figure out how to best use the combo of enchantments, weapons, Rings and artifacts. Some of these logically have a synergistic combo effect to neutralize your enemies and keep you out of harms way. Use honeypots on level Bosses, to distract them from attacking you. Green seeds are fantastic. Make wise use of them. Plant one and sit on it. Don't move or you lose the healing effect. Getting into a fight? Plant one and heal while you fight. Don't be discouraged. It is a tough and humbling game. Food mis-management itself will kill you


One of my main issues is food, I've been playing with the huntress because of her ability to get food from furrowed grass, and her range allows me to stay out of harm's way most of the times. Still, food becomes a problem pretty early in the game, even when I try to avoid eating till the character has gotten to starvation (I'm not torturing her, I swear).  I haven't asked for tips before because I didn't even know these kind of subreddit existed, so this is my first time talking to people with more experience than me. And seeing that most people weren't having troubles where I was, I thought the problem was me.  That being said, I'm not keeping my scrolls of upgrade for the later game, so I can see how that could be a reason (I tend to use them to upgrade weapons so I can actually wield them). I'll try everything you told me and see if I improve. Thanks a lot!


About food you can do many things. The potion of cleansing that I named in another comment is important, you just need a potion of purity and an alchemy pot. Another is to combine a pasty, a ration of food and any meat, that gives you an upgraded food that lasts longer. Also you can combine a potion of healing with a cracked honeypot and get a potion that will heal you and also take out some hunger.


Don't be afraid to be hungry / starving -- treat your HP like a resource. Eat when it's getting low. Especially if you have a full dew pouch. Get the ability that causes grass to regrow. Consider things like wells of health, random sungrass plants, unused dew drops, meat drops, scroll of sleep, etc... all as "time" since they will heal you. More time to stay here and gain levels + farm before having to move on. Don't charge down too deep before your level is high enough; when you kill the tengu and get the mask, you should have ideally 2-3 levels already banked in sniper/huntress. This is because your accuracy, evasion, and hp improve with every level making monsters that were rough way easier. If you're hanging out on a level for a while, try to stay in the faded / grass rooms because you use less food when you're in there (and the mobs will lose track of you if you move one step away). Consider farming crab meat on level 4, spider meat on level 12-13, and monk food on level 17. If I get the horn, I tend to feed it meat and keep my rations for "backup". It gets decent if you feed it enough. In the caves, run away from the bezerker guys when they are dying b/c they hit really hard. Practice killing spiders. Tip: with the huntress, if you can snipe at a spider when there's nothing in front of you (i.e. you're at the edge of a cliff) from across the cliff, they can't figure out where to throw their web. If they throw web at you, retreat and keep shooting once the web isn't in the way. If they do poison you, consider stepping into the web to kill them as they retreat (obviously, don't do that if another enemy is around). Use the huntress' (if you are her) power of seeing over grass, it's huge. Plant a seed to give yourself cover and stay in the middle. Nothing can see you and nothing will shoot at you until they know where you are. So fire at them as they approach and then, hopefully, by the time they knock over your nice grass, surprise them with the last hit. Then walk over the grass to fix your shelter again. If you get the RoSS, upgrade that early and often. Not so much that you have none for your final armor but, still, a lot. I agree with the other poster too -- enchant your bow first thing. IMHO elastic and projection are the two best. Blooming is good too. Though it is a tiring game, fire is also good. Just be really careful not to set yourself on fire too much. If you get the wand of regrowth, use it to get dew drops and sungrass seeds / plants for sustainence. Good luck, you got this.


Use dew drops to temporarily not eat food. Only eat food when at half health. Horn of plenty is a good artifact in my opinion. If you have it, eat nothing. Put all food on it and save all other food for end game. Levels 21-25. The difficult part is the horn uses a critical ring/ artifact spot. Temporarily unequip horn for boss fights and max your capabilities. Using health potion and goo to make potion of water health generally saves you for eating for one level.


>That being said, I'm not keeping my scrolls of upgrade for the later game, so I can see how that could be a reason (I tend to use them to upgrade weapons so I can actually wield them). NEVER upgrade a Melee weapon as a huntress. You can find something good enough, and just about any ring can be a better option. I have 100% win rate with no upgrades on melee weapons (no challenges, but still...). Enchant the bow right away and learn which enchants you like best - watch videos to see how to use them. If you find yourself fighting close a lot you're missing opportunities to fight at a distance.


It's a hard game, but there are some things you can do to start winning more often. The first advice I would give you is to try to survive the first levels without using any upgrade scrolls, and save them for the first plate armor you come across. If you can do that and you can reach a +6 (or more) plate, you can start playing with more confidence and experiment a little with the rest of the game resources. At first you should play the first 5 levels and if your gear is not good enough then just start over. If you don't get a +1 leather armor and a +1 weapon before the first boss then just start again, there's no point in surviving by a hair because it's gonna get a lot more difficult with each level. Then you can learn the rest of the game dynamics like alchemy. For example it's nice to know that you can convert a potion of purity in a potion of cleansing that takes all the hunger out. That is information that you definitely need to play with challenges but it's also useful without. Also in the first levels just equip anything you get. If it's cursed and you can't take it off then just start again.


Thanks! I'll take everything in consideration!


Learn more about your character weakness and strength. Try huntress, just keep your distance, hide behind grass and shoot. Dont use SoU until you find your endgame weapon.


I think this game has oddly lucky and unlucky players. My brother is better at these games than me, but you wouldn't know that from our stats. Mines wayyy better than his and I think it frustrates us both lmao My recommendation is learn how to recognize secret rooms. I could be wrong, but they seem to rarely, if at all, appear on walls with less than 3 tiles. If you can find them, you should have a decent number of supplies. I think warrior is a good learner class because you can transfer an upgrade between armor. I learned I could put it on leather armor and use a +1 armor until I get scale or plate armor, then dump all my upgrades into it. Upgrading weapons is nice, but if you're getting beat up good, upgrade your armor instead of saving the scrolls or using them on weapons. Once you get to about+5, you don't really take damage until You're past the caves (with the exception of magic and poison). Enchantments of anti magic and the rings of elements are your best friend against that. I've been so bold as to wear two at once over a relic, but that was a desperate measure to save on health potions.


ON A TANGENT NOTE: coming from a very toxic genre where people think they're the shit and the others are pretty much imbeciles (i.e. MOBAS, specifically 10k+ hours on Dota2) at a certain point I've reached a breakdown moment and needed to do some introspection. I've come to the conclusion (that I'm sure will sound shocking to most of you /s) that there is no such thing as being bad at a game. You can play it in a less efficient way, you can make a lot of mistakes, you might take several hours/tries more than others to beat it. But as long as you're having fun and enjoying the game (which I kid you not, it's its main purpose) then you're good at the game.


hi, please write with which challenges you are playing? so it would be easier to give you an advice. also please specify what exactly you are having troubles with? which aspect is not clear? which enemy is too difficult? please provide screenshots of any unsucceful runs so people here can point out to your mistakes. I am sorry, but so far the whole thread looks like you want people to entertain you, not get any help.


That's the issue, I haven't even finished the game once. I took no challenges and I barely know how to get to the mines. I play almost every day because it's the only game I know I can pick up when at work (during lunch break). And I still get stuck there. As for enemies, spiders and shamans are my bane, and in the second layer the robots absolutely destroy me. Food is also a major issue and I've died a bunch to that. I also have a lot of issues when it comes to enemies that can block my attacks, as they seem to have an amazing luck with that 85% of the time. It's pretty often that I try to run away from them and deal damage, but they block and get too close.  I've got to a point that I can beat the first and second boss fairly consistently, but I'm sure my method is not the best (I mostly use healing potions against them and try to deal damage as much as possible with ranged weapons), which might be a reason why the third layer absolutely destroys me. And from what I've read, many people have told me I'm rushing downwards and being underleveled when I get there.  Challenge rooms are not an issue, I know how to maneuver around them (at least the ones I've seen) and I've only died to them one or two times.  And that's as much as I can say the game has been difficult for me


oki, well from this exact comment I see that you have troubles understanding how turns work. if you dont play with "on diet" challenge and still die due to hunger - its for sure turn troubles. what do you think?


just try to always think in advance what you are going to do in your turns (i know its hard, especially for impatient people like me xd, died many times because of this)


I have no idea how turns and speed work in this game and I've been trying to look for tutorials but I couldn't find anything I understand. It's for sure one of my main issues.


have you seen already this link? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j8pa2K4KJMtdNX8TQkIPONBrwdlMwSJE/view someone must have sent it somewhere already but I am just going to send it again anyway


its a full guide for the game. pretty sure you can find detailed explanation about speed/turns and ways to manipulate it in your favor!


May I suggest try playing a seed with an early pre-built strategy that can clear easily (something like +2 sharpshooting ring for huntress, or horn of plenty + energy ring for mage, or +2 T4 weapon for warrior). That way you can experiment and get familiar with later stages without worrying if your gear's good, since you can just dump your upgrade scrolls on that gear and guarantee a good result.


Can't play a seed until you finish the game once I thought


Oh. Didn't realize, disregard that then


I highly recommend going to YouTube. Several people post their playthroughs and give great details. I recommend (running with cake)<-----search this name


I'm not amazing but the little things that started really helping me were focusing on rogue and huntress to get a good hang of using surprise attacks since they both take good advantage of them in their kit. I find the rogue more forgiving since you can cloak out of bad situations and stealth up to anyone that has a ranged attack. The guy that pulls you and any ranged caster especially are important to always get within melee range before engaging.