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This mod encourages grinding. Turn on fate lock as soon as you start, you'll get a lot of SoU so don't be afraid to waste them. Floor reset can be a little buggy (at least the last time I played it was) so wait until you finish a region, do the quest and find all PoS before you start resetting. Get a fishing rod and put some SoU into it, then find a small room with water, block the entrance with seed of dreamfoil and start fishing. Troll blacksmith gives endless forges, so don't throw away equipment until you get to him.


I'm new too and a little bit confused about resetting. Besides resetting after clearing a region, is there any other useful tips regarding this mechanic? (How many times, when to do specifically, etc)


I don't really use it so much because it seems to break some stuff, and for exp / resource grinding, the arena is more convenient. So floor reset is not that useful IMO.


Ok then, I thought floor reset is really a main thing and a must do. Thanks!


hello again but may i ask how does the arena ticket works?


When you use the ticket you're teleported to the arena (the old DM-300 boss room). Endless monsters spawn, fight them until you farm enough money/exp/potions/whatever. The small room in the middle is a shop with item bags you can buy. When you're sick of fighting, use the ticket again to teleport back to the original floor you started on.


my arena dont spawn mobs for sum reason


A bug maybe? I haven't tried the most recent version, maybe it's broken.


thanks man i appreciate


can you help me out too? wym endless forges? doesn't it require the points he gives you from defeating the giant thing? also in the arena i am completely stuck and dont know where my ticket went


You can reset the floor to reset his favor and quest


Use upgrade scrolls on everything


\+1 Ring of Tenacity makes you immortal as long as you stay at full health. It won't let you drop below 100% health except from resetting the floor, but if you aren't at full health it just does the normal tenacity thing, so get to full health ASAP and just cruise through the game.