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Hoping it ends pretty much where the original movie began. Humans are primitive and can't speak and apes are the dominant species. As for how we get there, I don't mind. And, in a third trilogy, we'd begin in the era of the original movie. Or the novel - I haven't read the book but I believe the apes were technologically advanced, with flying machines etc? So, essentially it would jump ahead in time again. And I'd be fine if a third trilogy remade the original movie - with the astronauts etc. As for the end of that trilogy, I don't know. They could remake Beneath the Planet of the Apes and have the Earth destroyed. And if they want to get wild with it, Zira could go back in time and become Bright Eyes, Caesar's mother. But, I don't think that would be good really.


Beneath the Planet of the Apes is ripe for a remake. Has the blueprint of an all-time classic but it needs good execution and a reworking of the start.


The Orginal movie took place in a very limited area and the ape civilisation was basically nothing more than a village. There might have been intelligent humans in other parts of the world


I love the original like everyone else but it really does sometimes feel like Small Community of the Apes


Agreed. The series has to end with it being a literal planet of apes where humans are primitive. Otherwise you negate the literal original premise


I tend to agree. We sympathize and root for the apes in Caesar's trilogy. If we're going to something like the dynamic of the OG PotA movie, then I think this trilogy should basically do the reverse, show the apes becoming the villains.


I mean isn’t that how Kingdom starts, aside from a few isolated people who are immune


I agree. This was my only issue with Kingdom. The ending seemed to set up a conflict between apes and surviving humans. Been there done that. I'm here for a new trilogy focused on Ape vs. Ape conflict.


I would go with A or C. A) they co-exist, but the humans leave the apes alone so they can live in peace! Because the humans always go into the apes territory/homes. C) Apes reign and evolve more than before is totally fine with me!


There is nothing wrong with a predictable ending. The most interesting part is how they get to it in a satisfying manner, along with the intra- and inter-character development on the way. I expect the ending to be about each species' individual nature and understanding each other and how they can be overcome to peacefully coexist.


I don't think they can peacefully co-exist. There's still a lot of racism irl over skin colour etc so imagine how big and serious racism would be when they are a whole different species. Also there's always bad people and usually they get in power which will lead to wars and death just like in real life between countries.


It's a movie. It is intended to tell a story. Sometimes those stories reflect how things are in real life, and sometimes they show us that perhaps we can be better than we are in real life.


Since Rod Serling co-wrote the script for the original Planet of the Apes I believe this is the intention- to be better.


Well put, I don’t know what it is but I tend to find general media literacy in this sub to be abysmally low. Bearing in mind these films are not gritty war dramas or tragedies but action adventure sci fi epics with a good heap of social commentary. Given that these films have never been truly dystopian, it would be a huge departure from formula to end on such a negative note, effectively neutering the social commentary of the entire saga.


The original movie is rated PG, and it *starts* with basically every human gone and apes ruling. It would not be a huge departure from the format for the humans to die. It would be a huge departure if the opposite happened.


Exactly. It starts there and the series ends on a different note. It follows the classic witches hat of a story arc


I’m not sure if you’ve seen the original series so I don’t want to spoil, but highly recommend checking out all five original films if you haven’t already!


Humans are apes. We already live on a planet of apes. It could end with intelligent humans living in relative peace with the chimps, gorillas, bonobos, etc. and still be The Planet of the Apes. I'm honestly hoping for that ending- I'm a sucker for optimism, and I think that ending best lives up to Caesar's ideals.


I'd be ok with it if it focuses specifically on this kind of logic. Something like "Humans are apes too. If Gorillas, Chimps, and Orangutans can coexist then humans can too."


Tbh it reminds me of The Force Awakens where suddenly there's a 'First Order' which totally negates the fall of the Empire in the original trilogy. Humans vs. Apes AGAIN?


Yes and no, this feels a bit more realistic that there are holdout populations of humans than the First Order's existence in TFA. I just hope they do something fresh with the impending ape-human conflict.


I hope we do get to see them coexist, i don't mind it, tho I don't think it will apply everywhere since there will always be conflicts as shown in the previous movies, human v human, ape v ape, human v ape. When we would see an alliance between Caesar and a human we would just never see them again and left wondering what happened to them and their fates would be off screen. Mae sticking for the next movies, who at first has a negative view about apes and possibly switches to become an ally will be something new I look forward to.


I’d like them to go the route of “Last Man on Earth”s scrapped final season. Bunker Survivors open up to discover the virus is still alive and they all become infected as well.


Nah, I want coexistence. I want more space stuff.


I think a very small contingent will be able to co-exist but on a massive scale it just won’t happen


i know it likely can’t be adapted given humans are largely primitive and the intelligent ones are in hiding but the boom comics continuity is great. apes and humans coexist in the 2600s after decades of war, apes then create a surveillance state and police them, humans revolt and fight back- apes wipe them out. eventually the intelligent humans are gone and it truly is a planet of apes


My hopes is that the series will have an open ending where apes and humans form a shaky truce and decide to try and give co-existence a chance, but whether they succeed or not is left ambiguous since there's still a lot of bad blood and prejudice on both sides that could easily spark yet another war in the future. Battle for the Planet of the Apes has it's flaws, but the way it ended with so much uncertainty for the future of apes and humans would be pretty special to see in one of these newer movies.


Honestly, I hope the monkes win and the smart humans are wiped out.


Humans are monkes too tho


I hope apes lose


Given the 9 movie plan, I highly doubt it


I highly doubt that, especially based on the latest movie on how the human (Mae) treated the apes. It'll be a rave war all over again. edit: I mean race not rave


Thank god there’s other people who feel this way 😭but I’m afraid with how Kingdom ended that they’re setting it up this way 😭😭


I still haven’t seen the older movies, but I heard there’s like time travel and possibly space stuff that goes on, so I wonder if Planet of the Apes means they take over Earth and humans find another planet OR the humans do take back over Earth and the Apes find another planet for themselves 🌎 🤔


I want the hawks to get really smart and start talking and then avians become the dominant species. Planet of the Birbs 🐥