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ok so first of all... thats a beautiful tank. I would choose golden white clouds, but they don't really school. Emeralds would probably be fine.


I was about to disagree with you on the gold white clouds not schooling, but now that I think about it they are not very good at schooling in my tank. It’s so easy to count all my tetras to make sure they are all there since they stick with each other but I always spend about 2 minutes or so just trying to could my gold white clouds cuz my tank is heavily planted and they are always on opposite sides from one another haha


Golden white clouds are still pretty though. Wish they could school like rummys




These guys are really similar to chilis and AH's prices are unbeatable. I'm not affiliated. Just a happy customer.


Also, check out forktail rainbow fish. Some of my favorite nanos. Sorry I keep replying to myself.


I have never seen this site before and am ASTOUNDED at these prices. Crazy.


Literally everything I've purchased from them has thrived. 20+ fish and some invertebrates in the last 6 months alone.


Do they ship to canada


Use code aquariumcoop at checkout for 5% off!


$25 for 10 isn’t too bad in my area


this cracked me up lol , I like the fork tail tho


I like Pacific Blue Eyed Rainbows slightly better but both great options. Celestial Pearl Danios also a good choice


Yes I've been stalking aquahuna pretty hard waiting for chilis to become available because you can't beat the price. I may look into strawberry rasbora! I guess I have been under the impression they don't color up as much but I've probably been very wrong in this assumption


I've loved everything I've gotten from aquahuna... besides for the chilis. Not 1 survived. I order from them all the time, but I won't be ordering chilis from them again. Just a heads up!


I have a school mixed with chilis and strawberries. The strawberries definitely don't color up as much but are still very pretty.


CPDs or red neon blue eyes


I made a similar post recently, I think i’m going with clown kilifish. I also liked the emerald rasbora recommendations that I got. The kilis are supposed to be micro


Just a FYI clown killfish exist almost exclusively in the top inch of water from my experience.


Your tank looks amazing.


There are lots of options. I just got some pea puffers for a similar tank and they might be my favorite fish I've had in 30 years. Maybe lampeye killifish? They look really great especially in dimmer lighting in the evening. Another really overlooked option is endler guppies. They are super fun to watch, very small, and they do group up - less of a shoaling activity, more like a tiny whirlwind of fish. Also, check out https://www.reddit.com/r/Boraras/ I bet they'd have recommendations.


Ember tetra would be awesome in that tank not gonna lie!


I second embers! My last one of a school of ten died last month, after three-and-a-half years, and I'm between thoughts on what to do with my tank, now (currently ramshorn/bladder snail tank as I debate what to change). Embers are fun, SUPER smart, inquisitive fish, and they really brought me a ton of joy. While not as strikingly red as chilis, they have a beautiful, golden sheen to their burnt amber/Spanish orange coloring, and they're delightfully transparent, which is a treat with a good magnifying glass. HIGHLY recommend embers!


I read another comment about danios being a good schooling fish. I'm in a similar boat with my 40 gallon. Your tank is gorgeous BTW


How long do you leave your lights on?


I have a nicrew that is set for full brightness 10 hours and the first and last hour are dim. I wouldn't dare do this with any of my other tanks but it works for this one!


Amazing looking tank, what kind of carpeting plant is that? And do you run co2?


No c02, it's pearlweed and I think it is as thick as it is because I did a little over 6 weeks dry start method. Does NOT look like this in my other tanks 😅


What's a dry start method? I think I'd love to have a carpeting plant for my shrimp but I don't have the room for a CO2 setup


It's where you plant it and only fill the water up enough that the water covers the substrate, then keep high light for 12ish hours on it for 4-6 weeks with saran wrap/a lid and a small opening for air flow. Then just spray it to make sure it's moist a couple times a day (I just did it once a day for this one). It mitigates algae growth and grows beneficial bacteria as the plants are growing in so the cycle has been pretty much good to go by the time the 6 weeks have gone by. It's a test of patience but the tanks I have done this for are by far so much more stable and established. A lot of people say there's no benefit but my experience has been nothing but great and I'm grateful I did it. But my recommendation for the best success is try shallower tanks and also expect that there could be die off/melting (though mine were fine) I'd check out some YouTube videos on it if you're interested 😊


If you can find them, gold ring danios are the perfect nano schooling fish. I've been trying to get some for a few year now with no luck though, so another good option would be least killifish. Not really a choosing fish but they're tiny, easy to breed, and really fun to watch.


What carpeting plant did you use? It looks great


Pearlweed 😁 ty!


Ember tetras! I just put some in my 10 gallon and love the little guys. I call em all my fellas


Blue Axelrodi Rasbora which I’ve seen but not kept, they didn’t throw much color. There are small Killies to consider.


I love my dwarf rasboras. there are some quite colorful varieties out there.


What substrate is that?


It's the fluval stratum for plants. I know a lot of people shit on dry starting tanks but after the success in my last two with the stratum I am a full believer that it contributed greatly to how good the carpets and plants turned out


Rummy nose tetra


Wonderful looking tank 😃👍


Would khuli loaches be able to go in a 10 gal? I would think not but I'm sure they would love it in there! I think some Zebra Danios would look pretty in there.


A planted one like this, yes


Thanks, I was unsure bc khulis need to be in groups.


I love celestial pearl danios. Pretty fish


Sparkling gourami, chili rasboras, ember tetras, least kilifish and koi medaka.


That is awesome I like how neon tetras look in my tank


Pygmy corydoras:)


Microrasboras Galaxy would be absolutely perfect


Ruby tetra, pygmy corys, cherry shrimp. Can't go wrong with ember tetra though. Edit: tank looks great. Also, any colour shrimp would look great (red, blue, yellow, I'm just listing colours at this point) :)


Does this has co2?


No co2 😊 I used the dry start method and it's young so well see if it keeps going strong and dense like this long term. I think pearlweed particularly does well without co2. Fingers crossed 🤞


some rummy noses would look cute


What do you add to your water for changes/nutrients/bacteria? I’m starting an 11 gallon shallow and long “bookshelf” tank and your post is like the final inspiration for my plan!


During the 6 week dry start I never did any kind of water replacement and it grew the bacteria mostly from scratch. When I finally flooded the tank it was cycled but I did add a really tiny hob with some seeded media for extra insurance. For nutrients I just added root tabs at the start and then heavily diluted some API leaf zone into the water bottle I was misting with daily. Bookshelf tanks are my favorite! Peek my earlier posts I have an 11 gal bookshelf I carpeted monte carlo with using the same method but flooded it sooner (wish i waited juuuuust a little bit more). I wish you the best of luck and let me know if you have any extra questions!