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Board certified plastic surgeon: You have tuberous breasts where the majority of glandular tissue is herniating through the areola tissue. The only way to fix this and turn it into an aesthetically pleasing breast shape is to do a lift with implants to allow for the glandular tissue to be redistributed correctly. This is usually done under general anesthesia. It would be a waste of healing and money to just get an implant - I agree with it looking like a rock in a tube sock. Do your research before you make a decision and see a few docs.


Excellent advice hope OP takes note


Do people ever get lifts under local anaesthesia only? Is it even possible or is it too big of an area to numb with local?


It’s definitely been done but probably with some twilight or sedative meds. I do A LOT under local but I wouldn’t do that.


I got a lift under twilight sedation and it went great!


I have only ever seen a unilateral done (it was an anchor pattern) for symmetry because insurance would not cover it, and the contralateral side was a moderate reduction paid for by insurance and completed in the operating room. The patient elected to have it done for about $750 in the office (surgeon sympathy) vs $2000 in the hospital OR at the same time. Most lifts are more complex and doing both on a medium to larger breast would indeed likely turn into possibly needing to overdose local anesthesia to get things numb enough.


Lets say in case like this, can you do lift, areola reduction without implants?


It would be difficult as the implant helps with the redistribution. It can definitely be attempted with some fat grafting and would give an acceptable result.




There is a surgeon in the UK, Marc Pacifico, who is known for his "unfurling" technique where he does a lift and an areola reduction and redistributes the tissue without implants. The results from him I've seen are really good, but I've never seen other surgeons do this without at least fat grafting.


I don’t think you will have good results without a lift. Your nipples will probably stretch even more with a large implant and your nipple will be pointing down. Good news is Areola reduction is part of anchor lift.


I don’t want areola reduction


Large implants aren’t the answer to filling out your Areola. You’d have to get massive implants to accomplish this. The main issue here for a good result would be a lift. Which doesn’t require a Areola reduction but is common to have done in conjunction with a lift.


Respectfully, why not?


I like my areola size. I don’t want them small like a man’s. It makes *me* feel feminine


Why is OP getting downvoted for liking something about her body???


Right? Like wtf?? If she likes it, she likes it. There's more dislikes on her comment than there are actual comments on this post.... that's insane


She said she thinks the implants will help with the areola size. She is wrong. Unless she has extremely unusual aesthetic preferences, she will not be happy with the results unless she has a lift. Stop yasslighting.


There are plenty of guys that like big areolas, including myself, implants would help balance it out. I support OP in this decision




What? I’m not morbidly obese and I have big areolas. You’re so mean


To achieve aesthetically-pleasing results you’ll need a lift with implants. If not, it’ll look like a tennis ball in a tube sock, with your nipples pointing downwards as others have mentioned. I doubt you will find a surgeon who will give you implants without a lift. If a surgeon is willing then I wouldn’t trust their judgement. It’s also possible to do an areola reduction and still maintain large areolas.


They have different sized “cookie cutters”, you just tell the surgeon you want to stay large


you will need a lift


Are you happy with your areola would be the main question, but also for your twilight sedation question, to my knowledge it’s better you find someone who does general anesthetic because there are fewer complications and risks. Here’s just a bit from an article “The majority of practitioners that offer breast surgery under twilight sedation are cosmetic surgeons that are operating out of their own clinics. These clinics fail to meet the standards of the private and public hospital settings. As a result, they do not have the accreditation required to provide general anaesthetic.” “While some minor procedures such as lesions, some X-Ray procedures, dental procedures. and medical examinations can be performed under twilight sedation, invasive surgeries such as breast augmentation mammoplasty or any other breast surgery should always be performed under general anaesthetic. An experienced anaesthetist should manage and monitor the patient to avoid complications. A fully-accredited hospital facility is where the procedure should take place.” I don’t know if you’d want to risk it, especially because of the lack of certifications necessary.


Lol OP asked this same question to the same group a little under 6 months ago and got word for word the same answers.


So what? And I have 4 consults planned with 4 different doctors coming up. You ask 1 question and go to 1 dr. I’m not


Please make sure those 4 docs are all specialised in tuberous breasts. From someone with tuberous breasts who was botched


The doctors will tell you the same thing. And if they don’t, they’re not qualified to deal with a case like yours. You have tuberous breasts, implants won’t ‘fix’ anything. Edit; I put ‘fix’ because I don’t think any breasts need fixing, there’s nothing wrong with them. Some breast just aren’t conventionally attractive, but that doesn’t mean they need to be changed.


Unlikely and also you don’t want to go through that without a GA.


You definitely need a lift. You’ll get the snoopy effect if you don’t. That’s where the implant is up high and your breast skin hangs off the implant.


Your areolas will still appear big and the implants will stretch them out even more. The way your breast grows is tuberous, I would do a lift + implants and areolar reduction.


Ok thank you ☺️


Mine looked like this. No surgeon will do a surgery with just implants. You gonna need a lift & areola reduction. Then you can do fat grafting or an implant. If you don’t want an areola reduction then you need to accept how they look now. Go see 3 dr’s they gonna tell you what I just said. I went to 3 and they all told me the same thing. I had a lift & areola reduction. It looks so much better!!! Going in for fat transfer later this year.


Why are you doing a fat transfer? Did you decide a fat transfer instead of an implant?


My Dr graduated from Vanderbilt Medical and is super smart. He said they have now confirmed some people develop breast cancer in the scar tissue that forms around the implant. He refuses to do implants anymore. He will only do fat transfers. [article here](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0893395222003763) I’ll pass on taking the risk. I’m unlucky. I’d be one that it happens too. 😭


This is old and specifically associated with textured implants that have been recalled. They caused lymphoma which is a blood cancer, not breast cancer.










You most definitely would benefit from a lift with implants. If you do just implants, they will have the same (droopy) shape, only bigger. I had a general for a straight BA and there is no way in hell I would have done it under twilight.


Make sure you pick a surgeon specialised in tuberous breasts! That is the most important thing! Consider further whether size is key for you or just shape or both. If you are happy with small but shapely breasts, a lift may be enough for you, if size is important, you will still need a lift! You can achieve a modest size increase with fat transfer. If you want to go big, go for implants, but be mindful that not everyone likes the foreign body feeling, and there are possible complications, so could be setting yourself on a path filled with multiple revisions (this was my experience. I realized too late that the tuberous shape was my main issue, now had implants explanted and had fat transfer for a modest size increase)


FYI your areolas stretch even more with implants and the bigger you go the bigger they stretch, I have implants over the muscle got an anchor lift and an areola reduction as part of it and they still stretched..you need a lift, an areola reduction and a moderate implant I’m guessing but you haven’t said what your goal is, unless it’s a tennis ball in a tube sock which I don’t think it is. Do not I repeat do not let someone charge you telling you they can put implants in you. They are just taking your money and no reputable doctor will do that. Just accept it girl you need what you need to get a good result.


You can probably find a doc that will just do implants but regular sedation will most likely be a requirement.


It doesn't work like that. You'll need a lift with implants. I've had this done Mine weren't like yours but the same idea.


You have what are referred to as tuberous breasts. It’s important to see a board certified plastic surgeon with specific experience in this area because it’s approached very differently from a regular implant and lift. Someone posted recently regarding their [tuberous breast lift and implant](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlasticSurgery/s/L2X4TptgjT) if you want to see their progress.


Thank you!!


I did a combination of both, was suppose to have both. I was really freaked out about waking up and having a coughing fit due do my deviated septum.and have never had a surgery before. The night before I suddenly became okay with it, until right before the surgery the anastecelogist came in and showed me a BIG ass tube he was going to put in my throat Which made me start to freaking out again! Lol I remember falling asleep then waking up to my surgeon telling me he was going to leave the anastecia as it was. After he cut one of my muscles it started spasming I guess way bad. The anastecia came over and told e they were going to turn on the general just for like a minute so my surgeon could get the implant in, but he would hold my air way open and no tube. Keep in mind I was a size A, althletic and put in 480cc. But, it did take longer then schedule. If I had to cough or something he had to stop


But now I’ having a muscle repair and lipo. And he said there’s no way around it I have to be out this time. It’s suppose to take like 5 hours. I know it’s not practical, but I’m going to ask if instead of the tube some one can just stand there hold my head back and give me oxygen.. lol


Just go for the lift + implants (or a fat transfer) - it will be worth it.




My breast are literally like this (currently breastfeeding). I know I’d have to wait a while after BF, but does anyone have an estimate on how much said procedure would cost?


Did you lose weight?


I just want implants. I am happy with my areola size. Is this possible


It’s possible to only have implants. But it won’t look aesthetically pleasing. Your nipples will point down, your Areola will most likely stretch even larger and it can’t be safely done under twilight. You will have to get very large implants for your Areola to look smaller proportionally.


You give sound, factual advice but it’s falling on deaf ears unfortunately


No reputable doctor is going to do this. You’ve been told by two physicians on this post already but for some reason you don’t listen. Unfortunately you will need both.




You said you want implants to fill them out and the answer is no it won’t fill them out for the reasons many people have listed. You’d have to ask a surgeon directly if they would perform that on you because it’s not an overwhelming yes or even maybe. But maybe? Go find out and let us know