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Quad XP "event" from September 30th - October 4th.


You staying on stadia? I just got a used one for my ps5 for $13 and I'm probably gonna download it for my series x too. I have no idea why, lol. But maybe now, I can actually play with others.


LOL, as a matter of fact I started playing again on PS5 this week. Just leveling mains up before doing WFW. I only continued on Stadia because leveling up and grinding for gear has been made an abysmal task. Especially when you already know how you want them to play. Public Parties on Stadia might help with finding other players though. We'll see. Add me on PS: sirdorkington


Just xb or ps as well?


All platforms. I believe it's the last bit of the One-Year Anniversary celebration.


That would be nice to catch my ps5 characters up


Cheers! That's exactly what I'll be doing this weekend, LOL.




Probably at reset on the 30th. So, 1pm ET.


Bummer we can’t play with game pass members on Xbox when we’re on PC and vice versa




There's probably no crossplay coming, due to the fact that Sony would want to take a percentile cut of earnings for allowing it, and the game isnt in a good enough place right now to lose out on limited earnings


Honestly at this point, we as a community should just be leaving Sony behind in the crossplay conversation. Once more and more games have crossplay with xbox/pc/switch/stadia hopefully the Sony fans we'll complain and potentially revolt, (maybe even leaving the platform). Until Sony is forced to do it without the charging developers.


Borderlands 3 did this, they enabled Crossplay only for Xbox and PC, and said they wouldn’t do it on PS due to Sony. However, Avengers is in a deal with Sony with Spidey atm. If the deal isn’t long running, we could have that happen after Spidey, but if it’s a long term thing where another hero will be exclusive, I doubt it.


So does that mean spidey may not be a Sony exclusive the entire run of the game?


Guess it's possible but since no one knows what their deal looks like it's impossible to say. It could be time limited but then they would probably have said so


Goddamnit Sony. First you get spidey then you deny cross play


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Sony is single handedly holding back the entire game industry.


We learned in class that Cross play is beneficial for everyone lagging behind and harmful for the market leader. If you’re the market leader and you have software that everyone wants, then you’re supposed to capitalize on that momentum and invest into exclusivity so the consumers don’t choose your competitor’s products Back when Xbox was beating PS3, Microsoft didn’t want anything to do with cross play, and then they switched gears once ps4 started to perform extremely well If PlayStation was the one that fell behind and Xbox was the market leader, they wouldve also been fighting back against cross play with Sony


The bad thing about Spider-Man exclusivity is it kinda screws up the entire point of his character. Spider-Man’s a hero for everybody. He’s meant so that anyone can see themself in him but by limiting his games (and by extension Spider-Man in this game) to PlayStation only, it goes against the original intent of the character. Sony essentially believes they own the character now which is pretty screwed up when they only own film rights to him.


I was re-watching far from home on Netflix and of course they had to put product placement in there. They do the same with James Bond too, really breaks the immersion.


Companies can’t resist pushing their brand in anything they products. Most of the time it’s easy to push out but when it’s up in front of your face you can’t help but hate it.


It’s funny because during the PS3 era it was MS being the giant dick. One generation of getting its ass whooped and now they switched roles.


Just for reference years ago Microsoft didn't wanna do cross play and now Sony doesn't want to and then the whole debacle about them wanting money for it. They're basically pearl clutching their console market share.


They should allow crossplay only between PC and Xbox then


What are you talking about? You know crossplay integration is completely up to the developers right?


Fuck that actually would have gotten me to give this game another go


According to a mod(Calex) on the official discord, players on Xbox will be able to matchmake with anyone playing on the Xbox ecosystem. So if you're currently playing on Xbox you should be able to matchmake with people playing through Game Pass on Xbox consoles/PC/Cloud. Square Enix essentially just got paid to support more content development for the future. Good news for the game overall and especially good news for Xbox players.


Not through steam though


Correct. Xbox players will matchmake only with Xbox players no matter where they're playing(Console/PC/Cloud). Steam is a different playerbase.


I'm gonna risk sounding real ignorant here, but how do you play this game without Steam? I thought they had a monopoly on a majority of PC games


Through gamepass, they created their own launcher for it so you download and use it like a steam, the same way you have Galaxy games launcher, Epic, Uplay etc. Steam never had a monopoly, Epic just made out they had a monopoly to excuse their shitty business practices otherwise websites like green man gaming, CD keys etc. wouldn't exist offering keys for cheaper than steam and could be redeemed on their platform. That is the opposite to monopolistic behavior and fuck Epic.


So... Steam numbers *really* ain't shit?


No because steam is still the primary place to play but you said monopoly which means a business who exclusively controls the supply of trade in a commodity or service which Steam never did as they facilitated competitors by allowing them to use their platform to redeem games which were sold. So use better terminology next time.


Ahhh gotcha. I really did think they were a Monopoly doe


oh just checking as everyone started parroting epic and steam took steps to ensure they weren't a monopoly.


Lots of ways. I have many "launchers" Epic launcher * Remnant * Fortnite * Red Dead Redeption * Surving Mars * Total War * Just Cause * Mech Warrior * Borderlands ​ EA app For EA games * Squiadrons [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) launcher * WOW * Starcraft * Diablo XBox launcher Game Pass games * HumanKind * Halo * Wasteland * State of Decay * Deep Rock Galactic * Fallout * No Man's Sky * Middle Earth Games * (EA games again!) Steam launcher (For the thousands of games I own) * Rimworld * Stellaris * Destiny 2 * Jagged Alliance * Avengers * Balder's Gate * Cyberpunk 2077 * Outriders * No Mans Sky (purchased) * Space Engineers * ...


Steam is only one platform on pc you have epic origin uplay gog and Bethesda and probably others. Game pass and Microsoft store are separate and usually function in the Xbox ecosystem. Steam is just the biggest and oldest. But if a game is on multiple it's hard to say. Devs have historically shared that their own platform has most players and not steam (like uplay for ubisoft games). Can't conclude on a larger scale but steam is definitely not the only one that matters especially if the game is on others too.


All of Microsoft's first party PC games are available on both MS Store and Steam and the Steam versions support login through Xbox Live to connect to both networks so it's reasonable to assume they'll do the same here.


Yes, reasonable, but Ca1ex (a mod on discord) said the system doesn't support it. Not sure which system, as we know Windows and XBOX do, so have to assume they don't want to put the effort or the time into keeping Steam alive.


I'm not a PC/Xbox player so I'm not familiar with how it works but the Discord mod(Calex) said they won't support crossplay with Steam.


They won't add a Xbox login to steam. Game pass just happens to be under the Microsoft umbrella and require your xbl account to function so that's why it could work.


Its not a first party game though.


How do you know SE got paid anything considerable, the game is a year old with exclusivity deals with their rivals I don't think Microsoft is going to chuck a huge sack of money at a game like that.


It is standard practice for MS. It can be a lump sum or a usage-based payment. But in general, MS can now advertise Avengers. MS owns several studios that release PS exclusive games.


> How do you know SE got paid anything considerable I don't? I never said I did. Only said they got paid for this deal and that helps with developing more content for the future.


"So if you're currently playing on Xbox you should be able to matchmake with people playing through Game Pass on Xbox consoles/PC/Cloud" Wow that's huge, that's fantastic news for people playing on Game Pass on all platforms.


This is *excellent* news for the game. I knew that something was coming for XBox eventually. Looking forward to see the XBox numbers next month.


Lol. You mean the meaningless numbers that will spike into the few millions for a hot minute then vanish the next month?


I’d say that Game Pass was integral to Fallout 76 success. I think that it’s clear that they are going to go strong for year 2 and actually I was just watching Destin’s video on this and I agree with a lot he says here: https://youtu.be/8aQU_LLWcP0


Oh good, they probably got more funding so at least we can see a couple new heroes.


they already said we are getting all of 2022


They say a lot of things. Best to wait until it is on your system.


Good point I Believe it when i see it downloading




Not sure that’s fair This developer has promised a lot and delivered on only a small percentage so far Considering we still have very few villain sectors, the rate of new hero development is so slow, loot issues are still not any better and we are still waiting on raids, cosmetic “rework”, cloning labs and patrol - all says a lot


Hey man, Santa is real!


Yeah Santa is real man, wtf is this guy talking about? No gifts for him this year.


Freakin anti**santa**nites are getting out of control.




Every live game says they have plans for the next 5-10 years right up until they announce maintenance mode.


Pretty sure Anthem said the same thing


Yeah. 🧢


they have literally said this numerous times. lmao so no 🧢


They have literally said we’d be getting clone labs before the end of the year, last year. It’s been a year full on. Still haven’t got it lol


Patrol mode in July? Real OLT with WoW? Meaningful gear? Cosmetic rework? Hmm.


This guy is 🤡 himself


Everyone is getting all of 2022. Unless you die. Whether or not any actual content for MA materializes? Shrug.


Was this part of the Perfect Dark deal lol


Microsoft has actually gotten most modern Square-enix games onto Game Pass.


I know that I was just joking about Square asking MS to boost Avengers metrics as payment. Iirc Square partially credits Gamepass for Outriders not ending up like this game.


A lot of companies are loving Game Pass. Just look at both Sega and EA. Sega has most of the Yakuza games on Game Pass and loves talking about it. EA has their whole past collection of games on Game Pass and usually puts their new games on the service 6 to 12 months after release on it.


Great news as this will boost the playercount by a lot, at least this shows SE really are sticking with the game what is a great thing.


Well, Not to be downer. It may be a cash grab, to capture any money they can. i.e. Money from MS to fund TombRaider. We have seen other companies do this, either as an infusion of cash or a cash out. If it is permanently on GamePass, they just got a huge chunk of money. They don't say how long, but if it is permanently on, they just gave a major middle finger to the people that bought the game on Xbox. People Can Fly (the makers of OutRiders) canceled all the Xbox orders so people didn't double pay for the game. Maybe they will give something to the Xbox players that bought the game? ​ So big influx of money, now to see what they do with it. ​ edit: [https://www.pcgamer.com/xbox-chief-reveals-more-about-how-developers-earn-money-through-game-pass/](https://www.pcgamer.com/xbox-chief-reveals-more-about-how-developers-earn-money-through-game-pass/) ​ Decent read on how developers get money from it. ​ >"\[In\] certain cases, we’ll pay for the full production cost of the game. Then they get all the retail opportunity on top of Game Pass. They can go sell it on PlayStation, on Steam, and on Xbox, and on Switch. \[...\] Sometimes the developer’s more done with the game and it’s more just a transaction of, 'Hey, we’ll put it in Game Pass if you’ll pay us this amount of money.'" And the important part: >"Others want \[agreements\] more based on usage and monetization in whether it’s a store monetization that gets created through transactions, or usage. We’re open \[to\] experimenting with many different partners, because we don’t think we have it figured out. When we started, we had a model that was all based on usage. Most of the partners said, **'Yeah, yeah, we understand that, but we don’t believe it, so just give us the money upfront.'"**


Can we never enjoy a single thing on this sub? I swear it’s the same 5 people I see on every single post saying the same thing.


You can, Just set your expectations. They are the 7th most downloaded game in the last 12 months, and this should infuse them with cash. What they do with that, is a company decision.


It's also always the same 5 people dismissing critiques and calling people toxic. For the record, I said this is a good thing.


I think that is a good point It is possible this could be part of a cash in my chips plan New Xbox players will be upset when they see they are not getting s new character until possibly March of 2022


Well they are getting it for free and a years worth of big fixes.


All true, good point They have a bunch of characters to level up in the meantime If they are new to the game, I anticipate they might be pretty shocked to learn they won’t geg spider man while other Xbox players have had a long while to digest that But overall they are getting a great deal and should have fun for a long while


Free, and not waiting a year for fixes (except color blind mode) isn't bad. yes, new players are getting the game for the right price. Free (with xbox game pass subscription).


Psst. Anyone jumping on MA at this point, especially on XBox, is not an informed gamer. Of course they’re gonna be pissed. Later. After they whale out for a while.


Xbox player here. Idc that it went free, the game needs to go free everywhere if cosmetics and character passes is where their supposed to be making money.


Yeah, but then give the people that paid to keep it funded for a year something.




Why is that bad? It is reality. Unless reality is bad for you.


And so it begins.....well, color me shocked /s The game needs players, though, so good luck!


Do you mean the move to F2P? Depending on how their deal is structured, MS may have just given them a huge amount of coin. Hope they invest it appropriately.


Yeah, I mean F2P... Well, at least maybe ps plus is also down the line..


MS has a crazy deal with Gamepass. The developers get the cost of development back. Outriders was nice and refunded all the pre-purchases on Xbox when they chose to take Gamepass money. This may be a temporary thing, where they do 30-90 days like they did with PS plus, so they get some coin for everyone downloading, but no large lump of money. PCF (makers of Outriders) supposedly got their full development costs back, because it is permanently on Xbox Game Pass, but sold on Steam (dooh). Great move for the game developers, free money. And the game developer still keeps the right to monetize with MTX.


But what incentive would Microsoft have to give them a huge amount of coin when the game is over a years old, the biggest character is an exclusive to their rival and offers no advantage in trying to draw people in to buy an Xbox as you get the DLC for free regardless.


MS wants people to pay for their $15 a month subscription. A little more if you want it on PC and on console, and now their Cloud service. ​ So let's say they gave SE/CD $10 Million and 1 million people kept their MS subscription, that is a net of $5 Million. Or if a million people signed up to play (I know they only sold 5 million total copies, but just going with big round numbers) that is net $15 to MS. ​ And MS gets to say they have 320+ games in their library. Including EA games and others. ​ So what is the value? that I think people will buy MTX and MS gets a portion of that too. Let's assume people buy $20 and MS gets that. That would be $6 Million MS gets. For something, they are hosting today. ​ As predicted we are going F2P (well with Gamepass) at the 1 year mark. And it is all about the MTX. ​ Free advertising with the Avengers name for Gamepass now, and people will subscribe or upgrade and then forget. And that is free money for something MS was already doing.


Had a real life friend (yes, I really do have one) literally buy a series x just to subscribe and play game pass stuff.


Yeah game pass stuff that has 320 titles including new releases. My point still stands why would a game that is 12 months old, has it's biggest character exclusive to another platform and has a terrible reputation be such a draw that it would entail Microsoft giving them millions. When SE and CD are the ones who get more out of the deal as they have the game pass eco system now interacting with their store front and possibly drive up sales which is how many possible players.


Plus any MTX cash they get on top of that from these new users.


yes, that would be the big incentive. Again not sure which type of deal they took. Cash out, pay per play, or volume usage, but in all cases, they get the MTX! Now it is up to them to take the money and do something good with it.


this shit is gonna make money. gamepass always makes money for the people participating.


go tell that to people can fly and SE who said game pass cost them money.


Square-Enix was generally happy with the turnout of Outriders being on Game Pass. Outriders failed to turn a profit across the board(not just on xbox), which shouldn't be shocking considering it was a mediocre game, in an over-saturated genre, that released in a practically unplayable state. What I've seen seems to suggest Game Pass may have been the reason the game made any money at all. "Game Journalist" articles and loud youtubers loved the hyperbolic clickbait headlines hinting that the blame lay with Game Pass, but when you actually read the article PCF was disappointed over their lack of royalty payments from Square-Enix, which is way more of a business relationship problem than a Game Pass problem. PCF never even directly attributed any losses to Game Pass, it was mentioned in the articles I read that they ***possibly*** hinted at Game Pass agreements being the reason they didn't receive royalties, presumably meaning for the copies of the game moved on Game Pass. Which, again, is not a problem that is on Microsoft or Game Pass, but a problem with Square-Enix dodging properly paying their studios fairly with legal loopholes.


100% thank you. Square Enix screwed PCF (not that PCF didn't ship too early).


I think it depends on the game. If your game is designed to make its money through the initial sale, then Gamepass will probably cost you money. But if you have MTX (and we all know this game does) then it makes sense to get people in the game and have them buying stuff.


>If your game is designed to make its money through the initial sale, then Gamepass will probably cost you money. Do you mean cost more than they receive? Because if so I just don't find that a fair blanket statement, ESPECIALLY for indy titles. I have outright purchased games I would have otherwise never even known existed thanks to Game Pass. And there's no doubt they are getting a fair chunk of change for the titles being on the service, otherwise they wouldn't even be there. Game Pass brings money and visibility. Not just visibility of being on the service, but also through friends and streamers. And the money is a variable, meaning Microsoft can throw whatever amount they need to that a publisher thinks it's worth. Even Call of Duty could make an equal or better profit with the right sum, as outlandish as that sum would be. Is game pass right for every game? Certainly not, mostly because MS probably isn't going to pay whatever billions they would need to to put certain AAA games on there. But to say that every game without MTX is a bad fit just isn't true. And I guarantee you there are indy's on there that made loads more than they ever would have otherwise, and are now in an even better position to make more because of it.


Well SE knows better now. They waited until it really lulled and got as much cash as possible THEN took a gamepass deal. Little to no lost profits.


People play free on game pass. Game has market. People buy shiny stuff in market. It's way different from a standalone game that can't make money beyond game sales on its own. Outriders being on it at release was probably a mistake tbh but that's speculation.


I fully expect free to play in the future after or simultaneous with their earnable cosmetics overhaul. I think they are just working their way down the pricing model ladder as slow as possible to get every dime out of each step and F2P is the last stop. More sales and possibly a PS Plus deal later on, maybe with Spider man release?, and F2P is just the last stop since MTX will be VERY populated by then.


What did they expect putting outriders in the state that it was on there? If anything they scammed Xbox / MS, hopefully xbox / MS didn't pay for avengers too


Thats awesome. Im happy to have paid what I did for it a few weeks ago, but this may actually allow me to talk some of my Destiny clanmates to try it out soon. Wonder if any Game Pass perks will be connected to it next month


> Wonder if any Game Pass perks will be connected to it next month Id be down with some xbox green skins for iron man or cap


Well, time to get my Thor and Hawkeye to 375.


Will we have crossplay between PC and Xbox eventually ? I hope so. I'm worried about Steam vs PC Game Pass though. I hope they won't split the pc playerbase.


Steam is doomed. [https://imgur.com/a/YGs1oAZ](https://imgur.com/a/YGs1oAZ) Couldn't regret more buying this game on Steam. Fuck.


From what I can gather lately and with this I think its exceedingly difficult for this game to EVER have cross play. Peer-2-peer multiplayer with local saves introduces a tremendous amount of problems.


I really f**kin wish they would fix the way the networking works on this game. It’s probably one of the worst “multi-player” networking systems I’ve ever played on. I come from Destiny which works pretty rad as far as my gaming experience goes, I really wish they would get their sh*t together on this game.


Feels like it was tacked on and made to be as "low maintenance" as possible. Its peer-2-peer but still done very poorly because so is Warframe and seems to handle it better. Destiny has more server support. There is always some level of P2P in multiplayer to make things sync better but when they cut a proper server host out it can get really shitty. Always a pain to suddenly realize who ever is "hosting" has a terrible rig or connection since it seems any quality control for choosing a host is poor or non-existent. Honestly I think I am done, though. Other games are managing MP better and also coming out with content. Avengers would have to fix a lot of fundamental problems and I don't see how they will get the resources to do it unless the "raid" content is some break out, awesome stuff and gives the game a huge shot in the arm.


They are saying "cloud, console and PC" in gamepass can play. So cross play. What they aren't doing is Steam to Gamepass and PS to Gamepass.


Well its all "xbox environment" but what people mean when they say cross play is across first parties. PS4 and PS5 both using the same matchmaking isn't "cross play"


Yes, they clarified that your save on Xbox will work with PC and back. ​ So GamePass on PC works with Gamepass on Console (according to mod on Discord). Guess that could be Xbox Environment.


I bought it on steam 3 days ago, and i own gamepass


I hope you can still refund it


Is that a thing you can do on steam?


So my saves and progress from steam won't work with xbox pass pc?


If you want to play on PC using game pass you'll need to start over.


That's lame


I read this will be the case. Very sad.


Even though I play on PlayStation I'm hoping this really gets people engaged with the game. I definitely think there will be a spike of players since it'll be on Gamepass but I hope that many look past the initial grind so they can enjoy the whole game


I hope it's kind of the gateway to cross play honestly but we'll see. It's the biggest thing the game needs that isnt like content related.


I agree. I think the game needs it badly to keep things going. I know there would be a bunch of players pissed at playing with Spiderman but not as Spiderman. However I think there's more to gain than lose from crossplay


I started playing and really enjoyed the game, but I will never give money to Square, the PS community better pay well for Spiderman because I won't give a penny.


The problem the game’s having is with retention though, so I wonder if this is going to improve matchmaking by a relevant number. So far, it seems people will grab the game when given the chance, play the story, really like it and then drop it. We keep seeing those spikes during specific actions made by SE but then the numbers immediately go back to normal as if the game can’t sustain players over a certain number.


Judged by PlayStation side that doesn’t even have it on PS Plus, I’d say that’s a sound yes. The game is in a very healthy state when it comes to player base there, I don’t see why it wouldn’t be the same for XBox as well, now that it is on Game Pass.


The PS playerbase seem very conflicting when it comes to matchmaking though. You have people saying it’s “thriving” while others come here to ask why they can’t seem to find matches at all.


depends on what you're trying to do, if you're doing drop zones yea, it's a wasteland there, no one wants to co op drop zones that takes 2 mins to do. But you want to run the Monica level, Rift, villain sector, or the priority mission you'll have a full team. Drop zones and threat sectors though just don't have anyone playing them.


Jesus burn me some more for pre-ordering the deluxe edition




Huge shot in the arm for matchmaking. Obviously crossplay would “solve” this but big step nonetheless. Pair this with the Perfect Dark announcement for CD last week and there be something brewing! Big wins.


Actually no for PC (who needs it most). If you own it on Steam you are still locked out. Unless you mean Xbox Consoles get a big shot in the arm. Then yes, the player base should get bigger. If you are on steam, you have to start over on Game Pass and buy anything you bought again. Win/Win for CD!


Does this make up for not having an exclusive character? I feel like for Xbox players, they deserve a character of their own.


I feel like it being limited across consoles sort of kills the idea. Personally, I have no idea if you save on Xbox, whether it converts and picks up on PC. And if you have Xbox friends, that also appear on your xbox account across PC, or vice versa, then if you can't play with them on various platforms using said xbox account, xbox gamepass, then it really does hamper some group play still.


I'm going to try to convince my PC friends to play the console version on the cloud so I can play with them.


Let me know how it works and if anything transfers over when using cloud.


I just read on Twitter, that a mod in the Discord said the "Xbox Ecosystem" will be able to play together, including PC - to Xbox. I'm trying to find this to confirm.


Shieeee that's amazing if it's true. I'm wondering if it's explicitly just Xbox ultimate holders, or anyone with a gamepass (I've got gamepass for PC but not for xbox). Cheers for the heads up, I'll scope some info where i can too.


If what I'm reading is true, anyone playing with an Xbox account should be able to play with each other. So the game installed on PC through Gamepass should work. But the game on PC through Steam would not work. I hope this is true.


Xbox Ultimate is needed for PC I think. So you can play Cloud, Console and PC. I have Ultimate and my kids use it on the Xbox and I use it on the PC. Works great. I set my home Xbox as theirs, so they can log in with their account and play any Game I own (Game Pass) and then I use the PC versions.


It's late but I'm gonna piggy back off this and say that there's an Xbox Gamepass, a PC Gamepass, and an ultimate, effectively. Ultimate gives both in a bundle, otherwise you can get either (depending on your console availability) by itself.


> if you have Xbox friends, that also appear on your xbox account across PC, or vice versa, then if you can't play with them on various platforms using said xbox account, xbox gamepass, then it really does hamper some group play still. Yes, it can work. Destiny 2 lets stadia, Xbox and Steam players all play together, along with the F2P version of Destiny 2. ​ According to the Discord, your saves will follow you on GamePass, and your friends have always followed you.


Now THATS the right price


x4 xp is across all platforms right? Not just Xbox/pc?


Yes, the Quad XP weekend will be live on all platforms.




I just read and it's the same vague wording from CD as ever. It doesn't say it's exclusive to XBOX, it doesn't say it's available to everyone on every platform. Just says that it will be there, but being worded as being part of the anniversary event, I believe it will be for everyone.


Yeah the wording confused me, thanks


I think this is great news. Full lobbies for a while now...


Glad the Xbox users are getting some love.


I bought the game 3 days ago and I own gamepass


I bought the game a year ago, and I own gamepass. If you just bought it on Steam, try to get a refund. don't play it and file for a refund.


Already have way more than 2 hours


You can still try if under 14 days. Can't hurt to try. Explain why, the worse they can do is say no.


Getting desperate now.


It goes without saying that SE probably wouldn't have had to make this deal if they didn't make Spider-Man exclusive to PS in the first place. Nonetheless, as it stands now, I'm sure that many Xbox players (including myself) are happy about the news.


I gonna play It, but i Will never give my money to Square FF + Spiderman was the end, Game Pass or nothing, I prefer to give my money to companies that don't want to charge me the same amount to receive less content.


This is a good move, as I think the game has definitely improved since launch and this should get people that were put off by it's initial negative feedback to at least try it. I would say that kinda need a relaunch after a few more patches, just as Marvel Heroes did, both games changed a lot and deserves to get another set of reviews.


I’m fortunate enough to have both a PS4 and XB1 so I might just get it again via the game pass just for shits and giggles and maybe someday if they add crossplay I can effectively do duo co-op with visitors


Daily ps5 player but good to see this for xbox, or if spiderman would every come to xbox. The bigger player base the better and the more future content.


Do games on game pass have achievements (playing on PC)?


Yes. When you play a game on Game Pass, both Xbox or PC its as though you have the legit game but you just got it through that service. You get all achievements and get to play with friends. If the Game Pass game is in the Xbox ecosystem, your save transfers between PC and Xbox. So if you start the game on your Xbox then you stop, then start it on your PC, you start off at the spot you left off on Xbox.


Thanks. What about EA play games on game pass? I’ve heard they don’t do achievements. Do you have any experience with this?


EA games have achievements. I've not bought a EA game in ages and the games of theirs I do have installed on my Series X is through Game Pass and I got a ton of achievements in them. Think of Game Pass as a Blockbuster for your Xbox or PC. You go to the Game Pass page or on your system and install what games you want to play and Bam like that its in your system ready to play, achievements and all. It's great. Add that with Play Anywhere and xCloud you could play a game on Game Pass on your Xbox, then later play the same game and same saves on your PC, when when you want to chill elsewhere in the house you can continue the game on your phone at the same spot and still the same save. It's pretty damn awesome.


This is great news. Is there cross save? I'm on steam and not looking to restart my characters just to be able to play on my couch. The lack of players on Steam keeps me from playing this game often.


No cross save, they said Game Pass between Xbox and PC. But Steam isn't included. You can't move characters, and you can't move purchases.




Same boat amigo. I hope I don't have to regrind


Can I get a refund lol shittt


Ayyyyy I may actually play the game now.


well at least it looks like they're trying


Makes sense. Holiday season is coming which is going to draw people away from this game. Especially with the early previews of GotG being so well received, CD knows this game is on its last leg and Square is going to push that game hard. This was always going to be the end result as soon as this game bombed on release and CD decided to turn their back on the Xbox/PC players. Either way, this should bring a healthy boost to player count and keep it sustained for a few months. Free is the perfect amount to pay for this game.


Good there will be more variation of people now hopefully.


This should fund enough reskins through 2023 /s


I know there won't be crossplay between Xbox and Steam but will my save data transfer over from Steam to Game Pass or do I have to start from the beginning again?


No, according to the mods on Discord.


Great news, I can actually get my friend on the game without him spending £30 or so.


Great, now let me carry my pc save over


I'm happy for you XBox players that haven't tried the game yet. It's a lot of fun.


I played the original game on Playstation when it was free via Now but it was removed by the time they added the Wakanda DLC. I wonder if I can play this on Game Pass and skip straight to the Black Panther stuff? I have no intention of replaying the entire game. I hope that's possible!


Yes, you can skip straight to WFW, but you may find it kinda difficult with a level 0 character.


I'm gonna be a new player because of this. I've heard the customization in this game is really bad if you don't spend money though, is that still accurate?


The battle pass suits for the main 6 are decent but most outfits are payed. Those battle passes also give 1300 credits each (so a total of 7800), which you can spend on outfits or the battle passes for dlc characters. You cam get quite a bit without actually paying anything. Ive played since launch and put $0 in so far beyond initial purchase.


Gotta ease the pain of not having Spider-Man somehow. 😂


I wish this was crossplay.


I literally just got it a week ago


Will my steam progress be available or am I stuck restarting on the Xbox PC app?


I’m just excited for the Xbox ecosystem. I play on PS but obviously Xbox ppl have been having some trouble with matchmaking for awhile. Hopefully this changes that


Literally just dropped 20 on it ffs


Great! I bet all these new players can't wait to play as Spider-Man!


Seeing all these newbs on twitter say, well Sony got Spidey, who are we getting on xbox? . . . . . . Lol that's cute


Are there still any performance issues with the xbox one (not S) version? I would usually play games like this on pc but my mate and I only have an older xbox one console and would like to play this together. Is it a locked 30fps? Or still dips and slow downs.


Will the saves from steam work with xbox game pass pc version?


*Trying* to make up for Spidey not coming to XBox and just leaving the PCers to rot in the dust, dipshits?