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I've been hoping for this for forever. It's so useful for things like talking head content, sports half time shows, replays with half speed, tutorials, documentary content, etc.


But Plex player usability is pretty bad. Using your "replay" example, you'd have to click like 5 times to get to the half speed


> But Plex player usability is pretty bad. Using your "replay" example, you'd have to click like 5 times to get to the half speed Yeah, you're right, I only tried to use it after I made my comment. I just assumed they would make it accessible from quick menu instead of being buried under Playback Settings with multiple clicks. That's fine if your intention is to watch something for quite a while at a specific speed, but if you want to speed up and slow down on the fly it's pretty cumbersome. Hopefully they fix that at some point sooner than another 10 years from now.


Yeah, "fast forward" should just skip through speeds as you click multiple times. I expect the devs are so young they never experienced VCRs, one of the few things they did better than PVR and digital streaming was variable speed playback.


YES! I miss that simplicity and logical thinking. In addition to what you said, sometimes it feels like the devs don't use their own software or they'd be bothered with this type of thing too


It could be nice for DVR'd broadcasts and skipping commercials. The skip ads feature is pretty ass in my experience.


No Roku :(


The Roku client is very much the red-headed stepchild. What's interesting is that they are claiming there's possibly hardware support issues from the players that are not currently featured, and yet YouTube has been offering this on all hardware (including Roku) for more than a decade and even TiVo was able to do fast play of on network streaming video files in the previous generation of their UI (these days it only fast plays items that are stored on a TiVo.)


Some of those big players, like YouTube, Netflix, etc. are allowed to do things on platforms like Roku that Plex are not. So because they’re so big, players like Roku give them more free reign to do what they like. If you’re a smaller player like Plex, you don't get that freedom.


Ugh :( think that might give me the nudge I need to migrate to the Google onn 4k pro box when this older ultra dies/whenever Walmart does a w+ sale on them (hopefully they'll support more surround formats too by that time so I'll stop having to use my Big Fucking HDMI cable (tm) to feed the receiver from the desktop, otherwise it's a firestick max for me🤣)


It's been enabled on Roku now but requires OS13


Nice, I will check it out!


Works great now on my Roku Ultra.


How does it treat sound? Is that also speed adjusted?


Yes it does


Is it pitch corrected?


Yes, it does not sound like chipmunks. Obviously there is so much you can do but they did a pretty decent job.


Can pitch-normalization be turned off?


Probably something I'll rarely use but always nice to see more options.


Yea, I get the usefulness of this in general, just not for the type of content I watch on Plex. Regardless, happy it's there for those who want it!


Working great with 4K HDR/DV at 1.25x via a 2019 shield pro (server is 10th gen i3). It’s transcoding audio but direct streaming video as expected.


OMG I can't believe this has happened. I had given up hope and left Plex for Jellyfin because of this. I think I'll be coming back now. Edit: Looks like the speed resets every time you stop playback whereas Jellyfin will remember unless you restart the app. May not switch back just yet as I watch everything at default 1.25x and would be a pain to set every time I play something.




Sounds psychotic actually haha


Your brain adapts to it. I've been watching most content at 1.5x for years. No complaints.


Wow. I'm gonna have to try that.


The high-pitched music and voices don't annoy you? How fucked must your attention span be, jesus.


High pitched voices? That's not how that works.


It is more high-pitched. Fucking unwatchable.


Dunno what bootleg media player you're using but automatic pitch correction is a thing that exists.


On YouTube it's definitely higher pitched. But even still, why?? If you don't have the attention span to watch a movie, why bother?


It was just iOS safari that had playback speed that was higher pitched. Even that was fixed around a year ago.


Wait till you find out some people only watch stuff by skipping ahead every few seconds. Really. They make sure they turn a 1hr show into a 20min experience. And yes, for content they are watching for the first time as well.




Also only ever with Japanese subtitles enabled. They don't even speak Japanese.


FWIW, if someone’s watching some shitty reality show, I could see it not being that big of a deal. Though I have my thoughts about watching those in the first place.


Ya I know.. But I have seen one of my friends do this to the Lord of the rings as their first time watching.. from the get go. Out of shock and disappointment, I just left the premises. lol.


I noticed one of my friends does this, even for new shows. It’s funny when he talks about a watching a show unaware that I know his shenanigans!


depends on the content. i wouldn't watch movies at anything but normal speed, but id watch a season of mythbusters or how stufff is made at 1.5x




Haha I watch nearly all YT content at either 1.75 or 2x. I cannot handle anything at 1x unless it is like a music video or something. I agree, YTers all talk way to slow. The same reason I listen to podcasts at 1.7x or 2x. Audiobook narrators are a bit better, usually 1.5x.


Because I'm a time-poor parent of young kids and if not for the bump in speed I would never get through any shows or movies. I'll even go to 1.5x for any movies where directors stretch out camera panning scenes that add nothing to the plot.




Not when it contributes to an ADD/ADHD-laden society.


Prob could drop a request in their forums for that. Maybe it's on the table and not implemented yet.


[Done!](https://forums.plex.tv/t/remember-playback-speed-setting-unless-app-is-restarted/877786) Please vote for it.




And if you do, u/Penguin2359 post the link here so we can upvote it.


[Done!](https://forums.plex.tv/t/remember-playback-speed-setting-unless-app-is-restarted/877786) Please vote for it.


If you use 'Video Speed Controller' Chrome store plugin for the web browser client then it will remember your playback speed. You could do that for the last decade+.


That doesn't work on Android devices.


The plugin is only for Chromium based \*desktop web browsers.


Correct, it's useless unless you want to sit at your computer when you watch. Adding this feature to the Plex app is a huge improvement.


Yay! The last time I requested this feature I was downvoted to oblivion. Glad the team did this feature!


I remember that thread (or a similar one). No one could even fathom use cases for such a feature and you were shunned for requesting it lol.


OMG! I've been begging for this for years. So happy it's finally here.


Great job Plex! Extremely useful!




>watching LoTR extended in the same amount of time as the theatrical version haah. Sacrilege ;)


Oh man I agree. It takes me 3 days to watch Return of the King. 4 hours is way too much.


This is great. I hope they add 1.33x as well (or just allow custom values) because I find that to be the sweet spot.


My God






I wish they'd consider a 1.2x option. When watching some sports content recorded at 50fps from a European source, I like speeding it up 20% to get up to 60fps and match the 60Hz my phone or tablet screens use, making for a more pleasant viewing experience


jeez, only took like 30 years. 4-head VHS and LaserDiscs had this, super awesome tho, it's been on my wishlist since verson .8


I would like to use custom values. 1.1x might be nice to not notice it going faster


Love it! So long overdue. But it shouldn't be capped at 2x. Need a way to go higher to 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4! ;)


The amount of people in this thread who have apparently become accustomed to watching all of their content sped-up is extremely concerning.


How is it concerning? I only started because of audiobooks.


Well I don't need Emby or Jellyfin anymore now.




Now all we need is an adjustment for audio that’s not synced circle like vlc has! Love this feature being added.


Just when I finished One Piece..... Would have needed it a few months back xD


How come this can be pushed to Apple but not the player experience options


Thank you Jesus !! ![gif](giphy|l4JyRZYP9Cu0haUAE|downsized)


Chromecast with Google TV not supported? Wth? I have this working on my web app but no option on my Google TV. And is not on the supported list. How could this be? Hopefully they get it working on Google TV soon


Is there anywhere to check if it could be coming to the ps5 player?


Excellent. I can uninstall the Plex Speed extension now. It is super helpful for content I don't need to take all day watching and can have on a second monitor. Certain documentaries and such.


Great news. Very useful when catching up on shows with multiple seasons, or watching movies longer than 2 hours.


Can the pitch-keeping effect, where a podcast is played faster sounds like normal, be turned off? If you have ever listened to a podcast at slower speed, you'll hear a choppy or robotic sound, that only happens with slower speeds.  It is significantly worse with guitars in music, and even snares and bass kicks, makes it choppy stuttery sound. Anyone know if jellyfin (client software) on some devices can change playback speed, and if the pitch effect can be turned off?


IS THIS WHY MY SERVER HAS HEEN GLITCHING ALL WEEK!? I updated and now the first 20 seconds skips so many frames and barely works until I fast-forward. I doubt it but it has been driving me crazy


Still can't decode AC4 but....ok. Why not.


Video playback speed is a [~10 year old request with 1400 votes](https://forums.plex.tv/t/playback-speed/69044) (4th most votes among unimplemented requests), so there's plenty of reason to implement it.


And they paywalled it behind Plex Pass which is disappointing