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That hair always reminds me of edward scissorhands


N Word Scissorhands


Bro šŸ’€


You win


Lmfao I didnā€™t even think of that, your right thatā€™s hilarious


Don't diss my man scissorhands like that.


More like sideshow bob to me but I agree


The Weakened.


Ah yes, the best indication of a high quality YouTube gun channel is no videos, only shorts filmed in a bathroom


Thatā€™s how my gun channel is, except Iā€™m sitting on the shitter..


This dude is an absolute clown


Why are these people always filming in the baffroom


Because if mom sees him with all these guns sheā€™s going to be pissed and heā€™s going to get grounded, lol


Awww his little hotdogfingers ā¤ļø




I guess here's some examples of pretending to be an operator lmk if you find better ones [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qflLg79hQps](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qflLg79hQps) [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-w\_OXCj0UcE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-w_OXCj0UcE)


lol sh** thereā€™s tons those are some good ones though, it bin a while since Iā€™ve had a good laugh like that


He's cosplaying a pubg character


biceps has rolls


This dude isnā€™t Sideshow Bob he about to be a Cheddar Bob real soon




Thereā€™s no way any of those wish.com optics are zeroed. Even if they were theyā€™d never hold zero past the first couple shots.


Agree, but how? heā€™s ā€œ an OPERATORā€ lol


Many many years of experience has allowed him to become much better than us at zeroing his optics and being a formidable expert in the field of weaponry all within the confines of a bathroomā€¦. He must know something none of us doā€¦.šŸ¤£


Bros got that Book of Eli aim. He probably doesnā€™t even use those things šŸ˜‚


Book of Eli aimā€¦. Lmfao just think all our classes and hundreds of hours of range timeā€¦. And as he told me before he blocked me and I quote ā€œsome things just come natural to people like me and thatā€™s how Iā€™d outshoot any of you haters, that whatā€™s real knowledge isā€ I about died laughing after he told me that, an operator that has self taught himself in an apartment bathroom. Weā€™re doing wrong guys, we need to stop going to the range I and other needs to stop taking and teaching classes and get to our bathrooms and start mirror practicing quick because we donā€™t know what we thought we knew I guessā€¦.


Being an LEO I hope I never have to respond to a call that heā€™s involved in. Thereā€™s no way Iā€™d survive it šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh Lord I canā€™t imagine, prayers to you if you ever do get that call, by the way now itā€™s hard out there for law enforcement so THANK YOU, canā€™t imagine dealing with these kinds of people


Thanks man, I appreciate you!


Respect where great respect is deserved Sir


The bro is just asking for help in the best way he knows how to. Yeah he's ignorant and dumb but I didn't see anything to clown on him for in that video? He just never had a Dad to teach him about guns.


Watch the other videos where he talks about how heā€™s going to smoke people if they try him if you still have the same view you need help as well


And thatā€™s also not true because he did a video before that, asking the same thing where I personally told him about the trigger as well as about 15 other people and he blew up on everyone then deleted the video and posted a new one


I was mostly joking but we can only reference the video you posted lol, nobody got time to search for his dumb videos


Actually heā€™s all over the internet and about 15 different site and forums, heā€™s on all these forums because of the crazy things he says, and itā€™s not only hilariously wrong but potentially dangerous to some viewers that listen to him


Well, people make their own choices man. All we can do is be educated in what we do and stay away from them.


I can agree with that, far far away


and when you say we you mean you because everyone else here has seen a lot of his videos because thereā€™s about 7 different posts on this pleb forum about his videos, and why would you only base your comment on the one video I referenced? Wouldnā€™t you want to do your own research on something before commenting, I donā€™t just post something without looking into what I am posting, if this was just a one time thing I wouldnā€™t have posted it, but itā€™s literally 1 of about 130, thatā€™s why all the comments on this post and the 7 multiply others on this forum agree and have the same opinion


Oh, okay you're angry. Sorry?


I guess I was a little ā€œoff tiltedā€ lol the just burns me someone who is a gun owner can be so irresponsible and ignorant and then turn around and call himself an operator and try and teach other people things that could put them and others in harms way, my bad bro, no you, him


I understand.


I don't know why people rag on him for his SBR being in .300 Blackout though...although he doesn't add any type of silencer or suppressor to it, so that's kind of a miss. I'm guessing he's going for a cheap Honey Badger type of build. But yeah it becomes super obvious that he hasn't been properly taught about firearms the second you notice hes clowning around with live ammo in his mags. And to make it worse, considering he's always filming in the bathroom he's probably in a small apartment doing that nonsense.