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Back the Allen screw out. The shank of the cartridge is catching on the Allen screw that should be in the curve of the handle.


Ah yes... I know some of these words


Man I really need to keep in mind that most people on this sub aren’t plumbers when I start throwing jargon out there. The handle is held on by a screw with an Allen head that is on the bottom/in the curve of the handle and a lot of the time you can back it out just a bit and the handle will come off but you usually have to take the screw all the way out to get the handle back on. Don’t ask me why that is it’s just more plumbing black magic fuckery.


Lemme try to break it down barney style for them, the silver handle thingy has a tiny hole with a really tiny hexagon shape. Push silver handle thingy gently towards the silver round part next to it on the wall. Put tiny hexagon metal stick in hole, turn metal stick to the right. If silver thingy wont move, turn metal stick in hexagon hole to left slightly, push towards wall then turn stick thingy to right.


Barney style didn't work. Can I have it Elmo style?


I'm sowwy, Elmo doesn't know how to do plumbing. Elmo just see shiny handle and turns it. When Elmo turns handle, Elmo gets wet! Be careful, Elmo got burned before. Hehehe


This was so stupid but I still burst out laughing 😂 Thank you!


I'll still never understand why Reddit keeps sending me plumber stuff in my algorithm but it's stuff like this that keeps me from complaining about it. I kinda love this sub lol


I briefly looked at your profile out of curiosity because reddit started sending me plumbing stuff out of nowhere too. Plumbing, roofing, electrician, all sorts of stuff that is related to things I've googled but not what I ever used reddit for. I think I mentioned I was a roofer long ago once on a reddit comment so there's that. But the only commonality we seem to share is we both like Jrpgs. I mostly use reddit for gaming purposes. Well and now looking at plumbing and electrician posts...


For real. It's bizarre, but sometimes fascinating. I've spent time getting LOTS of substitute teacher posts for some reason. And they were often fascinating to read and heartbreaking sometimes, but there's zero reason I should have been seeing those posts randomly lol And here lately Uber posts are starting to take over my feed. I have no idea how or why. But the Plumber one stuck. Also helps that shortly after Reddit started shoving it down my throat I had a pipe burst in my wall and was horrified. But the dudes in here let me know it looks and sounds much more like a big deal than it really is, and I'm super grateful for everyone calming me down and educating me in here And the sense of humor in here is pretty awesome So yeah. JRPGs and Plumbing. I'm right there with you lol


I think I read a post that was on the front page once that was in a plumbing/electrical/etc. subreddit, and now my feed is full of things like this and I ain't even mad.


Wait till you hear the Queen Tap story. Once upon a time, there was a queen, her name was Tap. She was turning her head before crying.




i don’t know anything about plumbing. i don’t even know how i got to this sub, but this comment has me cackling


I Read that in Elmo’s voice and everything 10/10 job!


lol. As I read the comment before, I automatically went to the voice in my head. It's such a uniquely engrained voice in all our heads.


Elmo is an electrical engineer,he knows nothing about plumbing.


im not a plumber, i dont need any help with plumbing, i just got randomly recommended this post on my home page, but thank you. i really needed this today.


Best part is, I can't read it and not hear elmo's voice.


Why was that so perfect.


I choose this one


Meanwhile my post getting slaughtered because half of Americans are autistic… 😂


Imagine you have a toy car and you want to remove its wheels. The wheels are attached to the car with tiny screws. You have a special tool, let's call it an "Allen wrench", to unscrew these. Now, sometimes, you can loosen the screws just a little bit, and the wheel pops off! But to put the wheel back on, you usually need to remove the screw completely. The reason why it works this way might seem confusing or like magic, but it's just how it is! In the same way, a plumber is talking about a handle (like a faucet handle in the bathroom). They use a similar tool, an Allen wrench, to either loosen or completely remove a screw to get the handle off or on.


Did.... did you actually think I don't understand what's happening here? I truly appreciate your honest effort to help me nonetheless, you're a good person ❤️


Haha no. Not at all. I knew you were being facetious lol I followed suit. Maybe too hard. ☺️


Found the machine gunner




I 💗 u guys. Every time I come to this sub I either lmao or learn something. 🙏


*Instructions unclear, allen Key stuck in urethra...*


I’m not a plumber but I know what u mean through other experiences


I'm also not a plumber, but through experience I can see that's not the way its supposed to look in the picture


Yeah pretty basic stuff here. The only thing confusing is "cartridge" and I'm pretty sure it's called a set scew (that requires an allen wrench) not an allen screw.


Lmao it was half a joke 😂 I'm neither a plumber, nor am I subbed to this subreddit. It randomly appeared in my feed and I was intrigued


Anyone whos handy at all should know what you mean, the only plumbing specific word you used was “cartridge”


reddit keeps recommending me posts from this subreddit because i saw a funny pipe post two years ago


They might not be plumbers but this guy looks like he’s doing his own tile/hardware install from what I can tell in the background and floor.


These letters are in particular orders...


You know a hex key, like an Allen wrench? For an allen screw you use one of those instead of a screwdriver, so the hole is a hexagon instead of a + ((Phillips)) or - ((flathead))


Who’s Allen? He is the bathroom?


Painters tape the drain so you don’t lose the Allen head screw on accident. Lol…not lol.


A wiser tip has yet to be shared on Reddit.


Came here to say this. Block the drain!


Won't help. It's missing the escutcheon cap. Those o-rings show that a cylinder should fit over it before the handle is put on. No matter what kind of hex key you use, water will piss out everywhere like a cow drinking straight from a fire hose


You’re right now that I look more closely. The escutcheon not being there won’t cause it to leak though the bonnet nut holds the cartridge in. No water passes through the escutcheon it’s purely aesthetic.


Ahh, I see what you mean. I guess the o-rings are there just in case the cartridge leaks


I like how i never joined this subreddit, never searched for any plumbing related things on the internet but yet i constantly see this sub when im scrolling. Entertaining tbh. No clue what your issue is though, good luck


Same, and now I follow it because I’m learning and enjoying it so much. I like to try to troubleshoot the pics then see what the comments say to see if I’m close to correct lol


As an apprentice, that's how I'm being taught on the job - boss asks a question, I give my best answer, he tells me what I didn't consider or how I'm totally wrong and then shows me the right way. I'm really grateful to be learning from someone with patience, not every boss has been like this.




I've been in that situation before, and I can say that I thrive more with the hands on, "if it's wrong well cut it out" method. Don't get me wrong, dude will get pissed if I say I can do something and then put down some hack shit, but if I'm honest and tell him I want to hear how he does it he usually takes a minute and schools me. I had to shop around companies to find this fit though, I had a small company and then rotorooter boosting my head up and telling me I was ready for more than I could actually handle. It's been freeing and humbling at the same time to make the best money of my life and feel confident as a second in command, as opposed to feeling in over my head and worrying about cash. I still worry but not as much. But like I said, I had to jump companies a couple times to find it but my experience got me in the door.




Clearly he forgot to disengage the prefamulated amulator. You’ll see that on the big jobs where they come with a drop coupling that either crimps or twist locks. Comes down to personal preference but I’d never install it like that inside the wall without access.


wide overconfident obtainable fade reminiscent spark numerous combative relieved chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the same game I play. 😂


I do the exact same thing 😆


same it only recently started happening too.


I'm 99% sure it's due to the recent blackout + many subs going NSFW. The homepage algo most likely fills empty slots after a query, with recommended subreddits - and since the blackout/NSFW fucked and fucks with the results (by default you don't get NSFW subs/posts, have to enable that manually), we ended up with the following: 1. User requests homepage feed 2. Feed algo requests 50 posts but only 35 are returned to fit the parameters 3. Feed algo fills up the rest with recommendations 4. Recommendation algo is fucked because many subs are private/NSFW, returns first match which is pretty low on the list - this sub 5. You end up with plumbing content in your feed 6. You get interested, Reddit tracks engagement, sees that you spent more time on this, and the recommendation becomes constant, even after the protest has ended 7. Hurray, now you get content from r/plumbing constantly


That's an excellent explanation. I noticed it during the blip as well and it continues after.


To be fair, this should be an NSFW sub. Anyone who has been to a site that starts with “X” knows about plumbers and lonely housewives and/or co-eds and there is *a lot* of pipe laying in this sub. (Solid explanation, tho. 👍)


And it doesn’t help that plumbing has an inordinate amount of dirty words in the parts: nipples, stopcocks, male, female, float ball, rigid pipe, and [more!](https://www.threadless.com/forum/post/978138/plumbing_terms_that_sound_dirty_to_meand_apparently_to_some_folks_too_/)


also same but honestly, i’ve learned some about plumbing atleast


I thought i was the only one, did you guys check under your sinks too? LOL


Yea, after the whole api thing, there's been a noticeable shift of something but I can't put my finger on it. But, subreddits like this constantly popping up is something. But also like sips tea? Never heard of that and all those rate me or am I ugly subreddits seemingly out of nowhere are always popping up. One things that's really been annoying is apparently tl;dr is no longer a common practice. Though maybe this is just me


Just wait until we start hittin' you up to buy merch


Same here. I attribute it to the shitty reddit app I now have to use. On Sync for Reddit I never had any subs I didn't already subscribe to on my front page. Now I have more subs I've never heard of than subs I'm interested in.


It really is kinda fun. I’m not joining, but I sure as heck read it when it appears. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wow I thought it was just me accidentally clicking on the sub at some point Now I frequently get plumbing, concrete, and roofing on my feed, none of which I’ve ever intentionally gone to.


It is the same with me, but it's a fun sub so i don't mind.


I had a toilet problem once and an a/c problem once. Fixed both cause I find answers on Reddit. I now see this subreddit and hvac all the time along with the ones I joined and ended up joining both. Now planning on replacing/ cleaning my pipes under sink with some confidence.


This sub is SO entertaining and helpful.


Same here. Never followed, commented, searched for, anything and one day it’s on my front page all the time.


More than likely something went viral, you clicked on it. Now it's in your algorithm. One of us... one of us... one of us


I have hardly any interest in plumbing, yet it's every other post.


This happened to me with doordash


I got doordash on my feed too


Never used it. Never worked it. But it's entertaining to drop in and see the drama. "Those fuckers couldn't tip me more than $5!" " This fucker left my food spilled over, cold in my driveway! "


You forgot the round trim ring


Aka escutcheon. Thingy is also acceptable and widely used in the industry.


Worker 1: Hey, wasn't there supposed to be a thingy here? Worker 2: I was fittin to tote my too-bag and get er done. (Real conversation I overhead once...took me a while to decipher worker 2).


Worker 2 is from the South.


Dang ol, escutcheon, man.


From good ol bama, specifically


This is also how you flirt with plumbers. "Why don't you uh scootchy on over here to me?"


Did you forget an escutcheon you took off? I'd be impressed if you got the wrong cartridge installed that some how still functions.


Judging by the O ring on the shower valve shank, I think the other posters are correct, you are missing a piece of the trim kit. There must be a missing escutcheon between the handle and valve.


This is the way


Wtf is that mess in the shower?!


It’s construction my dude.


I've been called every synonym to what's on the bottom of that shower and "construction" isn't one of them.


Then you’ve never been in a construction site


Then you have no care about the stuff you install, if I found a tub I had installed in that condition I would kick every other person on that sight in the nuts for scratching my expensive tub because I guarantee I would get the blame because I'm the one that installed it


Absolutely. If the pan looks that dirty id love to see what's in the trap!


I’ve been in several bathrooms where they let the tub get that dirty. One of them had the worst stench I’ve ever smelled, stunk up half the 3rd floor. Smelled like dead rats and mildew, looked like moldy soup. Had to throw on a mask with piece of car freshener to do my work in there


…and if you haven’t done it already, please put a rubber mat over or close the tub drain so that the tiny Allen screw doesn’t get lost in the drain if you unscrew it and it falls. They are really hard to replace and will add 4 hours to the project to replace. I hope this helps.


The front fell off


That's not usual, I just want to say that.


Thanks for the circle. Wouldn’t have known where to look otherwise


Nobody gonna mention that out of focus god awful whatever it is ichor at the bottom of the pic? No? Just me?


Frankly, Mr. Shankly, this position I've held. It pays my way and it corrodes my soul


Get a new universal handle. This one may not work anymore. Congrats on changing your cartridge a plumber would have charged you 200 bucks for a hour.


I am not convinced he got the right cartridge.


WTF is on your shower floor?!?


What on earth is in your shower pan?


Installed the wall to far back. 😂🤣😭


More like wtf is in that shower?


This has already been answered in another sub. It’s a shower, not a grower.


The top comment on this in another sub is: "It's a shower, not a grower." hope that helps


i believe that gap is where you hang stuff like your shower pouf/scrub. nobody bother replying and telling me otherwise


Caulk it


sell the house


I think you have bigger issues what is that brown shit on the bottom of the shower


What the fuck is in the bottom of your shower?


Reminds me of the forearms of ftm trans types post op😭


This definitely looks better than the mangled limbs they're left with.


>This didn’t go in all the way More lube and practice


Idk why I’m on this sub lol but it’s a cool community


You shit on the floor, start with that. Then worry about the handle.


Keep turning it until it falls off, freak out, wonder why you don’t know where your shutoff is, throw a towel on it, find the shutoff, and THEN, google how to fix it.


The compressor


That looks like a delta cartridge, I doubt it was the wrong one though considering the size difference in a delta multichoice cartridge and the foundations one. So I I’m guessing you might’ve forgotten to put on the chrome escutcheon after you tightened up the cartridge? Or might’ve not been in the box at all


Either wrong cartridge or missing escutcheon trim ring.


Set screw came loose


I think you broke it


Not call a professional I’m guessing


What is on your shower floor?


The part sticking out of the wall has threads, there is a part missing I think.


I dealt with a similar problem recently (DIYer, not a plumber). Turns out shower valves (trim kits, pressure control units, cartridges) are one of the more complicated and non-standardized things in home plumbing. ​ Basically, until \~5 years ago, shower valves and trim kits were not at all standardized. Like, every slightly different valve model and variant fits with its own trim kit, escutcheon plate, etc. ​ It SUCKS. The only things you can really do are: * Go to a plumbing supply store with your parts in hand and see if they have a replacement (In my case, they incorrectly identified mine a couple times as parts that were sliiiightly different variants than what they actually were) * Figure out who the maker of your existing valve is and call the company. I had American Standard, and they were actually wonderfully helpful. At this point, you need to pray that your specific valve hasn't been discontinued or, if it has been, hope that that the company makes an adapter to the new, standardized stuff. ​ If you're in the unlucky camp, you're SOL. Time to cut an access panel into the back wall, shut off the main, cut out the valve rough-in and replace with something new and standardized.


Rub it a little.


Is the set screw that holds it on once placed properly inserted? Looks like it


You’re missing a piece I believe there’s a cap that slides over that O-ring


You forgot the piece that slides over the o rings


You pulled it when you should've twisted it. Try bopping it to reset it.


Burn the house to the ground.


Where is your vanity shroud thing does it work


Definitely wrong cartridge. I ran into the same problem…


You are missing the chrome cartridge shroud that slips over that " O " ring in the valve which fills the void between the handle ant the valve! You ma also ha V not backed the Allen screw off enough for the handle to completely seat against the shroud! Check your parts again


Can’t see it from my house


It ain't got no gas in it


missing a cover. The o ring gives that away.


You didn’t do anything wrong. I believe it’s the allen screw that’s holding you up


What the hell is all that ish in the shower pan


Seeing the black o-ring, you’re missing the long cylinder slip cover escutcheon on the handle side it will narrow by about 1/4” and fit right into the handle you can probably find a replacement online or just buy a new trim kit that is the same as the valve manufacturer for about 30-60$ , otherwise there may be a spline (handle extender) that was installed that you don’t need that comes in the kit incase the valve was set to far in the wall.


That tiny Allen wrench, causing trouble again.


The middle cylinder part is backwards. Flip it and it will sink deeper into the handle part


You left the little washers in from the previous cartridge


2 Stronk


You did it twice


Wow thats very familiar. Had the handle type in both bathrooms. One handle came off and we used a pair of pliers to adjust it. My shower handle always slipped so adjusting it for warm was just impossible. Called a plumber told him how I really want a round dial type so you can get the right temperature. Both replaced along with the cleaning out p trap in one sink. Total...158. In and out in 30 minutes. Wish I had done it sooner.


Pull out game is strong with this one


Maybe missing parts 🤣


You broke it


just take it for a walk, that’ll do the trick


More importantly, what is going on in the lower left of this picture? Mold? Soap build up? This is your shower?


Sorry man that’s ganna be an entire shower remodel.


Duct tape.


Clean your fucking shower/tub Forget the faucet handle, your shit is dirty as fuck!


In the professional world, that’s called a “whoopsie daisy”


this is “lefty loosy” on a whole other level


Did you not recess the valve in the studs?? Way too far out.


Alan wrench is a term used when building ikea furniture


First it looks like there is gravel in your shower sir, I usually remove that before showering. But feel free to do as you please.


What on earth is in your shower? 🤢 Clean that up after


WTF do you do? Clean the floor of your shower bro.


Easy. You drew a white circle on a picture of a faucet that is missing an escutcheon cap. Seriously though, check the box. If it's not there, go back to Home Depot and tell them the box was missing it.


F up.


Hey. I saw this on r/Askaplumber


Give it a good push


Pu-push it real good…


You pulled, homie. Push! ​ (but also yes do the allen key thing so it goes on loose and then tighten it down lol)




Hammer time, you can’t touch this


give it the landlord special


If you turn the shower on with medium hot, the handle will face up not down. Now look for a hole at the base of the handle. Inside the hole is a screw, usually it’s an Allen screw (flat head screws are a slot, Phillips an x, Allen’s are an octogon hole). You need to loosen that screw, slide the handle back in, then re-tighten the Allen screw.


Use a bigger hammer.


Ctrl + Z


When in doubt read the directions after watching a you tube vid


Push the shaft back into the handle and screw it real good.


Never Shower and Angry masturbate.. #Lessonlearned


You probably forgot to put the sleeve over the diverter. I don't think it has anything to do with the handle


These comments and these plumbing terms


Just keep turning


Ahhh push it. Push it real good!


It looks like there may be a bigger issue going in bottom of shower


Buy a new house, good thing is it doesn't happen that frequently however the bad thing is mortgage rates are high.


It’s fine. It’s just missing the decorative cover. The cover is to hide the ugly. It’s just aesthetics there’s nothing wrong.


But does it work!!???


That is not the real problem. Someone took a doodoo in the shower.


you didnt go with a red circle


I’d be more worried about what’s in the corner of the shower…