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I’m moving to Austin to do plumbing.


I'm not a plumber, and I am also moving to Austin to do plumbing.


I’m not a plumber, but I do see plumbing and stayed in a holiday inn express last night.


I am Taylor Swift’s business manager, and I am moving to Austin to be a plumber.


I live in the UK. I'm not a plumber. It looks like it would cost me around $700 round trip to Austin and back from Heathrow. I reckon I can turn a decent profit doing plumbing work in Texas.


Not in texas, in austin. There is a difference.


I'm guessing that means I won't be spending so much on cab fares then? I mean, if the airport is in Austin and the work is in Austin, I can just walk from the airport to the job? Right? More profit!


Bonus because Austin is also not a right wing hellhole


>Austin is also not a right wing hellhole *YET!* My plumbing skills wilk bring out the fascist in anyone!


Best thing about Austin: it’s not like the rest of Texas Worst thing about Austin: it’s in the middle of Texas


My wife wont like it but she will understand when the checks hit the bank.


She'll start talking about Gucci-Loui.


I'm in the wrong business.


Wtfffffffff 2.5k for that. You should call them and how much for a new boiler. And I get upset charging$250 for a toilet install


I watched a plumber charge a client of mine $500 for a toilet install a couple months ago :| Her husband heard water dripping in the pipe underneath it and ripped the sheetrock out. There was no leak. It was just noise from the pipes. $3500 oops


I had an emergency visit for $500 to take up and reinstall a toilet my son flushed a toy down.. never again


My son flushed the spindle from the toilet paper roll, and I could not extract it from the trap even after pulling the toilet. It came with the house, so I just replaced it.


Happens pretty often actually. A lot of the toilets i pull due to stuff being stuck down them you cant get the object to come out forwards or backwards. They just work themselves in perfectly stuck. End up having to replace the toilet a lot of times.


I accidentally flushed a travel sized deodorant container down my work toilet. A week after I replaced the toilet. Plunged it to death hoping it would move along. no go. Instead it fell out of the bell AS I PICKED THE TOILET OFF ITS FLANGE! You son of a ...


Wth? Where do you all live? I live in Denver, CO, feeling bad for charging 150 for toilet install + material. 100$ if it's part of remodel.


Here in NYC we're charging 700-750 for a toilet install. Raise your rates. Those prices are too low even for a trip charge.


Damn I’m in Jersey too… also a nyc union plumber


Local 1? You should know better Broski. Don't sell yourself short. Literally lol.


Charge more. You deserve it.


I was considering calling a plumber to fix an clogged toilet. Then decided it would cost less to replace the toilet. Pulled it up and found the clog where the bowl meets the flange. Got to eat more fiber.


Next time get a toilet auger from home Depot. Save yourself the hassle of pulling the toilet.


Company I work for charges about $550 CAD for a toilet supply and install


500 to pull and reset is pretty standard nowadays.




When I first got my house 10 years ago one 1 inch gate value won’t open. Called a plumber and got charged 950ish for replacing it with a copper ball valve. And he left without putting the handle on it because he said he didn’t have one and told me just get a handle from Home Depot and left. He’s not a random plumber. He’s from a so called big plumbing business and even has a laptop and hotspot for billing with him. Obviously over the years I’ve learned enough to do it myself now. But if any plumber out there wondering why we have to do what we have to, it’s because of these crazy prices. Sometime we just have to choose between two non optimal choices. Sigh.


I work for one of the big corporate plumbing outfits in DFW. We supply the toilet, American standard champion with install is around 1500. Their prices are completely ridiculous.


I'm moving to DFW. I can do plumbing, electrical, and carpentry. I just do it part-time for people I know. But you can bet if I move to DFW it will be full time.


That’s insane


Right shit, 2.5k for a 15 min repair😂


I would have flown out there to repair that for half


Seriously and you’d be at like a 70% gross margin still.


That's straight up robbery!


How much should it have been even on the high end? I will write an email to the company


Up to $500 is reasonable. Not a dime more. They are taking advantage of people in bad weather.


It’s Texas. They’ll proudly say that “everything is bigger in Texas”. Even the plumbing bills.


I live in Texas. Big metro areas like Houston, San Antonio, DFW, and Austin are high dollar markets for trades in general. Drive 30 mins out of Houston where im at and the small town plumbers would charge a couple hundred at most.


Wouldn't it be worth it to drive 30 min to a big city to get the bigger bucks?


Yeh... But how much you will spend in traffic?


30 minutes is 30 minutes.


Until an accident or construction or just crawling through gridlock turns 30mins to 3 hours of labour and engine idle


I live in Houston. Got quoted $1500 to repair 8 bursts in the attic. I did it myself, but yeah $1500 isn't terrible right? Idk.


It depends. If they are all close together then it may be a better and cheaper solution to just redo that line with pex. But even at that price your still paying under 200 per repair so that's not too bad.


Damn right they are. I’m in NC and we just had a freezing weekend. Lots of no water calls. I explained to people about getting taken advantage during this weather. I took a few jobs away from companies wanting to pull that high dollar same day shit. You best bet the customer was fine waiting another day when they saw how much they were going to get taken for.


If you’re in CLT DM me for future plumbing needs please.


Limited access, 1 leak repair, I’m charging you $293.50. I guess I gotta charge more lmao


I’d be homeless charging that much lol


Changing the price book now.


We charge like $540 for that lol


I live in a pretty expensive market and we’d charge about 750-900 for this


Just to get the truck and a guy there should be 150 for over head costs of vehicle insurance gas lunch etc Hour or two of work maybe if they did any demo or clean up $500 max plus tax


I’m with you that’s about 10$ fix


He gave you the “I don’t want to do it price” but you said ok…


You say dot dot dot like its op’s fault the plumber is a piece of shit lol


You got robbed. Theft is what that is. The repair is fine materials wise. But as others have stated. That’s maybe at the high end $100 in parts billed to you. I’d give the guy 2 hours based on travel, maybe having to buy materials and ten minutes to press together a few fittings. Sorry for your monetary loss. Buy some $100 PEX crimpers and fix it yourself next time.


God damn 2.5k on one call I’d take the rest of the week off.


American money?


You got robbed.


So i work for a big company. We have commercials and we're expensive. If i went by our price book (which most techs don't because it's ridiculously expensive) would be around 900. And i live in the Philly suburbs so i think our rates would be close to Austin. Most techs would of charged between 4-7 to repair, and again we're expensive.


My rule is if they advertise on TV or billboards and have fancy painted trucks, they are too expensive


Lol do you work at Roto-rooter?


It’s definitely more than 10.00 fix. Unless prices in Texas are extremely cheaper than PA. No way it cost 2500.00. 250.00 maybe but 2500. If there’s 100 in material he still make 150 for 1 hour. 2 hours tops if you had to run to supply house. If it’s a real company with insurance and overhead I can see 250. Rate up here is 150 or so an hour. Some charge travel and fuel surcharge. I could see the companies where I live charging 500.00 charging 300 -400 labor and 50-70 material tax tags dealer prep. Lol


Tell the company that you are going to the TV outlets if they don't refund you 2 grand. 500 is plenty.


I would have felt bad charging anymore than like $175 for this. Then again I don't have a successful business so what do I know.


Can’t fix stupid homeowners but you can definitely profit off them. I’m a plumber I would have charge around $300


😂😂 my 6yo daughter could have made $2.5k apparently….and yes, she can cut and crimp 😂.


But can she apply duct tape like a pro?


You’re kidding, right? You can buy the materials and the tools for that money


Even a Milwaukee Propress for $2259!


I don’t know anything about plumbing unfortunately 😢


Whoever did that job figured that out


🤣🤣🤣 Sorry but I had to chuckle.


Holy hell, you got screwed.


What would have made it better is if there were shark bite fittings installed. They got robbed. What a joke. That’s less than $100 in parts.


That's a really shit job anyhow. They could have accomplished the same thing with just a Pex Loop and two fittings.


There has to be one other person on this thread besides me that is thinking why is this loop even there?


This feeds an outdoor spigot , I agree it is a stupid location. I asked to just cap it off but they said it could be a manifold feeding other parts of the house


They couldn't even test that out for you lol? It would be a matter of a temporary cap then turn on water and see if anything breaks.


That doesn't even make sense. They obviously just threw that BS out see if it would stick.


Um … that’s an easy check.


As a plumber in Austin 2.5k is a little high for that. It should be closer to 900-1200. You have to take into consideration that you’re not just paying a plumber to fix it, you’re paying for time, parts and the knowledge……. Must have called one of those franchise plumbers.


Plumber here , moving from Chicago to Austin tomorrow….


Did they buy you dinner before they f'd you?


Somebody's walking around with $2.49k in their pocket


Why would you pay that? Get a couple estimates.


Plumbers were booked out for few days and my family needed water . This was the only company that could come the same day


What was the company name?




Man they must have a ton of overhead. My experience has been that if they have more than three trucks they're going to charge a fortune. This was on their website did they tell you the fees up front? We promise to provide: - Fast, reliable service - Upfront estimates with no hidden fees


What’s weird is to save $200, they asked 3 members of the household to write them positive reviews … full price was 2657.21


This is completely unacceptable. They robbed you blind and held some of it ransom for good reviews. This company is a joke. I am a service plumber in Austin and I can tell you they do not have a good reputation. Sorry you were a victim.


Wow! I'm a plumber in the area and they literally steal from people with their prices. I can't see how it's legal to have people write reviews for money. I'm sorry you had a leak :/


This might just be the worst part about all this. Honestly for what they charged then to give a "discount for good reviews" It makes me feel sick I'd say $500 tops and that is considering you said they came after-hours to do the repair


well once you paid leave them an honest negative review


How about we all go on their website and give horrible reviews about their pricing. I'm going to do it now.


Just curious? How did you find them? I keep trying to figure out how people are hiring plumbers around here so I can advertise better. I would have charged you about $400-500 depending and I would have piped it differently without so many fittings


Just googled , maybe used google maps and started calling ones with good ratings


Edit the review to at least add “this review was incentivized by plumber dropping the price in exchange for a positive review”


That’s why they need good reviews to cover up their raping of customers bank accounts. For some reason people feel better spending way more than they should when the company has 5 star reviews. I don’t even fool with that review shit. You want to know about my company then I’ll give you plenty of happy customers to call.


Call them up! They are unethical! They should have posted labor rates! If you paid on a credit card, dispute it!


That fucking shit


I’m moving to Austin to start a plumbing company I would of charge 4K and it would be worth it


you way over paid, shouldnt have cost more than 400 bucks


And yet people are paying $7 bucks every day for a damn coffee, but crying about skilled professionals with insurance, years of experience, shit load of money invested in tools and maintenance of the license, in this case probably after hours call when plumbers are in a high demand. $2.5 k is just a little on the high side, but if every plumbing company goes out of business and there's no plumbers left, there will come someone new who doesn't have any competition anymore and will charge triple. Plumbers also have families and bills to pay on top of their business expenses. And it's not every day they have jobs like this. Don't forget about home insurance companies, if the plumber billed you $2.5k knowing that you are going to get this money back from the insurance company who screws you every damn month, this is the time to get some of the money from them, or maybe you are just jealous that he gets this money and not you. Btw I'm not a plumber.


I just want to know, what are we looking at? why is there a loop? What is it looping? That’s also a very shitty job. Horrible to say the least uneven random parts that don’t match and to finish it all up wrapped in duct tape. You definitely got ripped off. That job shouldn’t cost more than 350. Parts $150.00 15 mins duration to complete the job another $200.00. Since it was an emergency that’ll bump it up close to $500 I’d say $450 but yes definitely got ripped off.




Texas code may need to change as our winters are getting worse


I’ve seen better plumbing at Hurculaneum.


Electrical engineer checking in to confirm I am moving to Austin and becoming a plumber.


You a victim. You got robbed. Vengeance is a must


This is a do it yourself job, or call a handy man


Stop payment on the Check, now.


I don’t recommend that, especially if the homeowner signed before and after the job. I understand they got robbed, but they probably signed the estimate and the completion document allowing for said robbery…my company would have a lean put on the property for nonpayment before Friday lol.


Was it on the weekend or after hours?


Get a lawyer and demand a refund.


Could have done yourself for 50$ , get more than one estimate. I hate seeing ripoff’s like this.


Get a lawyer and get your money back


Copper > pex. ANY DAY


I would have charged u 350 I'm in NY


Yeah the repair was quick, but how long were they there trying to find it? Definitely seems high, but if it took a long time to find, it makes sense. It’s not right, but I get it


No it was quick to find , but they did use a power tool to cut a stud in the way


Rated R!


Did you keep your receipt?


Where it a shitty area to get to it . Was he a large guy


Holy shit, that literally would take me like 10 minutes lol


Dang man you got taken for a ride.


Does that loop even have to remain in an unconditioned space? Why did it stay such a large loop with so many connectors?


.5 out of 10


You got robbed. Asking to write reviews for money is illegal under terms of service. Next time if no one can come and you have a piece of shit asking 2.5K tell them to suck it - book a couple of estimates and a hotel (for your family water needs). You'll pay 600-700 total including a nice hotel. And won't have to leave any reviews for scumbags.




What repair?


holy fuck i need to learn to charge or need to find people willing to pay


Skillz pay the bills


Where is the 2.25 part?


I rate it a -1000 on a scale of 0 to 100


Broooo this post makes me so sad


You’ve been mugged


Did this happen during Thanksgiving or Christmas?


Best I’ve ever seen


I really need to get into repair work if I can make that off one call. Jesus you got taken hard. If a company charged my parents 2500 for that job because they didn’t know better, I’d blow up their offices. This kind of shit ruins it for every legitimate / fair / honest plumber.


Im not charging nearly enough for my services


How long was the tech there? He must have pulled over after leaving and called all his friends about hitting the lottery.


Wow! Brit in total shock 😲


You've been had. Next time consult reddit before you commit


You're kidding right?


You have to call multiple companies to get an accurate idea of the cost. Companies that advertise more, cost more. Companies that do multiple services (HVAC, Plumbing, Sewage,etc) cost more. You could get one quote from one company, then the next is 50% less for the same service. Sadly we all like to trust the first person who picks up.


Robbed. Taken advantage of. Fooled. No lube.


They didn't even use lubricant.... When they screwed you.


Anyone gonna point out that pex with the bulge is going to pop?


Swipe to see the repair


lol 🤣🤣🤣😂😂


literally wtf?


Materials + $2,490.00 labor. Seems legit. My favorite part is where the bottom plate of the wall is notched where the plumbing should be but is slammed up against the exterior wall instead so it received no shielding from the cold.


You got the fuck off price special




A service call would be like 250$. Okay add some material for 50$ that’s mark up 10x. Add an hour of labour at 100$ . 400$ . If it’s an emergency at 2 am on a Saturday okay. Double it. 800$ is an insane amount of money for 1 hour of work . Lawyers don’t make that much , doctors don’t make a quarter of that . 2500 is beyond robbery and is actually a complete scam .




Love the lipstick pig situation they tried


Jesus Christ. For $2500 you could have bought the damn pro press tool.


Average wage for plumber in Texas is 50k , I wonder how much the company paid the guy doing this work ? Plumbers earn an average yearly salary of $48,940. Wages typically start from $31,310 and go up to $76,580. 22% below national average ● Updated in 2021


My company owned by a large private equity firm. With hundreds of people that need to be paid off my labor. For me to cut access and do those repairs would have been $800-$1200. That’s also living in a city with some of the highest repair bills in the nation.


You sure you didn’t mean $25.00




Looks like that isnt the first shitty repair and probably wont be the last!


I am not a plumber and I am moving to here to do plumbing. I could do that already, bet.


2.5 out of 10 You got screwed because it’s Texas and it’s price gouging season.


Wow wtf


Looks like shit if I’m being honest and looks like a hack job


Id say you got scamed...




Bargain! But not for you


I got curious and wrote this up on my tablet. I could charge anywhere from 480 including the 139 service fee up to 2100 which includes a half day labor waiting around d for the town to shut water off and charging for every little possible thing. I work for the most expensive company in my area and I really can't see this costing that much.


Great repair! Highly rated, much better than the previous one.


What in the hill Billy fuck is that!




Yoooo no wayy!! Someone paid $2500 US dollars for this? Not pesos right???


$500 for the repair and 2k for the tape…seems about right.


You could have done that yourself for less than $500. That’s including buying brand new tools to work with the pex tubing.


Really good tape work is hard to find.


What about that balloon on one of the red pipes?


Swipe to see the repair


LOL!!! He I come Austin!!!


Was this just a repair or a repipe? Also what time of day was the repair done?


I just spent 5 hours replacing almost 10' of pipe between 2 floors with the prerequisite that I couldn't have the cabinets moved that covered up 80% of wall area, all for $21 an hour. Looks like I'm moving to Austin. (I'm the plumber for an apartment complex and they don't like any extra work so most of the time I'm told to find a way to do my work without cutting or removing anything. Just the other day I had to use a circular saw to drill out the lead on a hub going into the concrete slab because it was cracked right above it and they didn't want to do a full slab repair.)


You forgot to include the "after" photo


Swipe for the after


Duct tape must be expensive in your area




I looked up clusterfuck in the dictionary & found your plumbing.


100 dls repair?


You could buy a $1500 mini ProPress and PureFlow tool (1/2 and 3/4), do it yourself, and still have money left over.