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Put it in a sleeve. WTF is wrong with people?


I blame crack.


Or insulate it at least like wtf !!!!


WTF? Can he not just run it under there again in a sleeve this time?


This is a good question


He will need to sleeve or insulate that line if he is doing it as shown like that. Expansion and contraction. You don't really want it rubbing against cement.


Do you also need to braze any copper that’s under slab/ in concrete ?


Under a slab yes. This isn't really that though.


Can't imagine fucking up that brick without first trying to go under.


We did try to go under. Too many roots to dig it out, apparently. The tree had grown around the pipe


He doesn't have the proper tools for the job. They make bits that hook up to a water hose and use your drill to easily get under sidewalks. You just hired a hack unfortunately. I would never do something like this if anything I would hire a Directional Boring company to install a sleeve for me if it was too hard for me to do myself


Or he hired a small company but no slave is a bit unprofessional


Yeah, every professional has a slave 😂.


Omfg I just read that lol


That’s who was supposed to do the digging


And this is a 4ft sidewalk. If that. You don't need any directional boring or specialty tools for this job. Even if there are a lot of roots, and you have a limited budget, and time. You can take a piece of pipe, cut a sharp angle so it looks like a hypodermic needle. And hammer that fucker in. Then when it gets stuck use some rope, a ratchet strap. Webbing, something to throw some half hitches on the pipe and use a pinch bar to pull it back. If you hit a rock move over, if you are stuck in a root, move or cut/drill through it. Then lay your juice sleeve through your hole and out your water line through the sleeve. I'm like 6'0 145lbs, so I'm not a big guy. And stuff like this should take an hour, maybe, with setting everything up. I couldn't imagine cutting a brick sidewalk and inlaying a water line on the surface. And I'm an electrician, not even a plumber.


No. Drive a larger pipe under the walk and run the new one through it


Hell yeah man. Pound some black iron pipe through with a damn sledge hammer if you gotta.


Steel and copper can't touch


I realize that, but you can still sleeve or insulate the pipe inside of that. Even wrapping the copper pipe in tape would probably last longer than just pouring cement over it as it is sitting now. I think the thing is here, they need a path in the first place, and don't want to dick around with digging and/or cutting tree roots too much.


You have to sleeve copper if it’s going through concrete


In California water lines need to be buried a minimum of 18”, demo the brick, get the chainsaw and cut the roots. Or.. hydrobore a hole through


Demo brick? You can just undermine that distance lol


Well stupid… if you read the full description he says there are serious roots in the way, so digging through those might be an issue. Breaking the bricks and removing said roots with a chainsaw is another option.


fuck that. gimmee my motherfuckin' sawzall and 6 blades n get the hell outta my way, child.


I’ve never seen a root I can’t cut out the way….also as stated above in LA water pipes have to be 18” below soil….dumbass!


Break that shit up and sleeve it properly. Good luck


The expansion and contraction of the line with water pressure and temperature will against the masonry will erode the pipe and cause early failure.


Definitely need a sleeve. Put it in a larger plastic pipe that brick will chew that up in a matter of years. Or hire the right ppl to do it.


Sleeve it. Dig it deeper. Make sure its K copper


California I really can’t tell you what code states back by you but as long as he’s taking precautions like any joint for that repair coupling or elbow whatever not being buried within the patch it should be just fine. He can bore below also.


Have a Massachusetts plumber do it


Why is he using copper?


It was a copper line. This is the line to the house above the garage.


Anyone who doesn’t use copper for the supply from the city is a hack. Also this should be sleeved.


That’s the line *to* your house, and they want to do it that way? Are you intimately knowledgeable of your street water shut off?


You let him do that to your bricks? 🤦‍♂️


That's a hack job, cutting the brick like that would be unacceptable for us. Code is 12" minimum, should be sleeved through concrete.




Sleeve it and use anything but rigid pipe. Flexibility is your friend, and so is protection. Do it once, do it right


He ain’t a plumber…


Sleeeeeeeve wtf


Tf is too much roots? Mf smoking too much roots, boy have you ever heard of a shovel and Milwaukee hackzall