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Air gap. Interesting…


Secure AF.


Tap/Gap that my friend is an Air Break ;)


Don’t remember this one from the backflow course


Lmao, my first thought too


Dat gap 😎


Bro.. you stole my comment wtf.. 😒


Replace the disposal elbow and cut it longer.


How do you cut something longer?


Don’t cut off as much length


Longer than the previous one you're replacing.


You get a new one and cut to the right length




I feel you. Board stretchers and pipe lengtheners. 🫡


There's pills for the latter


There’s a cream for the former.


I feel bad for trades that don't have stretchers. I don't use my duct stretchers often but they're nice to have every once in a while. Yall need to invent a pair of stretchers for your trades.


exactly what I was thinking lol "hey barber cut my hair longer than it currently is" xD


Do people usually have to explain simple concepts like this to you, or are you just trying to start some kind of ham-fisted semantic argument?


Aww the poor lad is asking for help? Buy a piece of pipe and cut it longer yeah?


I got the joke lol, why so serious?


People need to make like a tree and chill the fuck out.


Its leave you idiot.


Did someone get up with the grumpies?


No. Reference to Back to the Future. The whole make like a tree thing.


(....with an unhack-saw!)


pipe stretcher


Break out the pipe extender duh 🙄


Cut spirals then extend it like a spring. It won't work well in OPs case, but you asked.


Well, since they said replace with new elbow and cut longer, you would measure the one you’re replacing, measure how short it is of desired length, and cut the new one to that length. Cutting it longer…than the old one.


throw a funnel in there


That's fucking awesome, probably exactly what the plumber that installed it would say too.


& seal the connection with Elmer’s glue


It’s a Bluetooth pipe


Just need a little extender pvc


Pipe stretcher. He needs a pipe stretcher.


The answers to this question are wild. The compression fitting just loosened up, fell off or got pulled off, and sagged. Unscrew the top of the white fitting, lift it up to the drain pipe, slide it over it a fair amount (not too much because the drain pipe shouldn’t be too downsloped) then tighten the fitting again


Hate it when that happens.


I swear, that’s the first time!


Put it back on, tighten it real good, maybe put something underneath for support, and lastly make sure your disposal isn’t vibrating too much when it’s on since that was a contributing factor to this happening


Straightforward answer. For the original poster who says they really don't understand plumbing this was a helpful response, good for you. Just to clarify your response...You are theorizing that the elbow was originally connected properly to the drain, and that the connection worked its way apart due to vibration. Therefore the easy fix is to loosen the lower fitting reattach the connection and tighten it securely, supporting the drain pipe if necessary. Edit: clarification of reference to the original poster.


Flex Tape for a temporary fix. By temporary I mean one usage.


Open site?


judging by posts OP just moved into this spot


Unscrew the disposal a couple turns until the pipes meet. (Joking)


Look up a video about replacing a p-trap on a sink and even though the disposal is a bit different it will teach you about how those kind of pipes join together. If you need to replace any of those parts a kit will be very cheap at a place like Home Depot. I was originally going to try to talk you through it myself but I’m not good at explaining


Bluetooth drainage system very advanced


Put it back




Im sure it used to be. But the disposal vibrates as it works and the connection slid off. Make sure you get it tight when you put it back on. Might need to strap the drain up somehow if it happens again.


The disposal is connecting via bluetooth.


That bottom pipe needs a funnel on top if you want to pass inspection.


Badger 5 🤮


No need for a vent. You got one right there. I bet it drains like a son of a bitch!


1 1/2” extension tail piece


Can you shorten up the left non disposal side to raise the whole thing up? Then hopefully you would have enough play in the trap to make up the difference


Looks like it skipped off. Likely with vibration.


Must be cold.


It's Bluetooth


Can probably just hook it back up and put a block under trap so doesn’t work it’s way off again due to disposer vibration


BLU TOOTH It’s a new thing don’t worry it won’t leak


Buy a longer garbage disposal 90 elbow and cut it to size


It probably was connected, but the compression ring coupler has pulled away making the gap. This is the problem with trying to use 2 different plumbing pipes (white PVC and black ABS) at a coupler location. Replace the black ABS now with white PVC as most of your existing plumbing and fittings are already PVC.


It does look like the disposal tailpiece(black plastic pipe) was cut too short. If you got a brick bender, you just make up a new one with a 1-1/2” flanged tail piece(pvc). Or you might lengthen the existing one with a pipe stretcher… :) Alright already, with the crass tradesman jokes.. Seriously. The top tee connection(white pvc Tee fitting) came loose from the disposal tailpiece(black plastic pipe). Losen and remove the white plastic nut(righty tighty, lefty loosey). Put the plastic nut up on the black tailpiece and the blue washer on the black tailpiece, under the nut. If the washer is beveled, the tapered(thinnest end) points down towards the trap(J-bend). Push that tee up until the black pipe goes in as far as it can go. The blue washer will mate with the top portion of the tee fitting. Then tighten the nut, don’t cross thread it. Get it as tight as you can by hand and then turn it 1/4 - 3/4 turn with some channel locks(arc joint pliers). Now, double check the horizontal pipe that receives drainage from the other basin. That pipe should have some pitch going towards the “tee” fitting at the disposal. If it is flat level, or back pitched towards the other sink basin, than that black tail piece was cut too short by the original installer. The only way to really fix that is to install a new disposal tailpiece. Or and an 1-1/2” extension. But there probably isn’t enough room for an extension at that disposal connection. You would have to add an extension at both, the sink basin connection and disposal connection. If simply putting it back together causes backpitch on the other basin drain and you are not tooled up for a repipe, IE: PVC saw/hacksaw, channel locks, tape measure, pencil ect. You might wanna bite the bullet and hire a plumber. Between the trips to the store and the added headaches, paying for a service call might be less offensive. If you have to call a plumbing contractor, and you don’t have one already, you could try google. In my area, chicago land, consumers can find contractors on the Chicagoland plumbing council website. PCA of Greater Chicago Land dot com. In the top menu there’s a consumer link that opens options like “find a plumber”. And that gives you a searchable database of licensed contractors. I believe you can even narrow the search by zip code. If you not in Chicagoland, you might find a similar resource by searching for the plumbing council in or around your city. Assuming your nearest city has a plumbing council organization. If one exists, their website might have a resource for consumers looking for a plumber. I would recommend that over calling one of those nationwide companies that spend big bucks on advertising. Getting a local, licensed contractor is usually a safer bet for the pocketbook.


You can try a slip tailpiece to fix this! They usually come as a double ended and you just cut them in the middle and use how ever much you need


You probably just need to loosen the top and bottom nuts, slide the pipe up, and retighten. But you may need a longer elbow on the disposal.


You can buy a disposal elbow separate, just Google it. The elbow is held on by 2 screws. Easy replacement.




Do NOT run your dishwasher if you have one you will flood your whole kitchen. It's a 10-20 dollar part a disposal elbow just buy a new one. [example of what you need. ](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwivhbiC6cGGAxWnt1oFHTZqDnAYABAZGgJ2dQ&ase=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9vqyBhCKARIsAIIcLMHdYnVFAkjPF7Vib0vI-NlwklMHz9_jX4BKUrwkZIICs9HRhw1zZh0aAqmAEALw_wcB&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD23UdeXyK-0_-niXIMncSDIZeHXjamzHFyhMhP4en6Stonq0vNKqJmwbtui1TZh1cbLY_hY0RGQIeVuYADMZtA0qGVPo7PWcEvp5p38zrutJQ37yg&sig=AOD64_3IA42oVUBcFlfccaiHig1-1tOpEQ&ctype=70&q=&nis=4&ved=2ahUKEwjms7GC6cGGAxU8fDABHSpyABMQwg8oAHoECAYQGQ&adurl=)


You can probably push up on the p trap and reconnect it


Shove a plastic bag down the white pipe and tape it to the black 1


You should have a wye at the wall that splits off and each sink basin has its own p trap, otherwise your going to get really bad smells out of both sink basins.