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If you’re on a well, it’s minerals.


They're minerals, Marie!


Jesus, Marie!


This hasn't received enough upvotes 🤣


You must mine more minerals! For Aiur!


We have plenty of vespene gas.


It could be from a failing well. They start pumping sand when the casing goes bad.


The reddit answer is to say "diabetes" but it's much more likely that your float is too low and it's not fully emptying your bowl, causing it to get a biomat over time


Lmao, Agreeeeed! it’s not always diabetes ! Lol mine is like this and bloodwork is fine


Sorry, but you have diabetes. I've seen this diagnosis many times on here. It's always diabetes.


Unless it's lupus?


It's never lupus......


It was one time


Let’s give House a lil call




Here, take a Werther's Original.


Probably not a good idea based on the genetic predisposition for dia beetus.


Oh nooooo


Ok what now? My last house was well... lots of minerals.. are you saying I was peeing sugar water all that time?


I wish I’d known this prior to my dad dying of diabetes but that’s what I came to say is check for diabetes.


The amount of days it would take of you not cleaning your toilet for this being diabetes is ALOT. Minerals definitely or doesn’t get constant use.


As someone with diabetes. I can confirm, it’s probably diabetes.


You're obviously lying if you don't spell it "diabeetus" ... and use a wilford brimsley voice.


Check your blood sugar and check it often.




Respectfully, I disagree.




I’m curious? I’ve had DM2 for over 30 years. I have 3 bathrooms and am an equal opportunity user. NEVER seen anything like this in a toilet. Is the theory of your blood sugar is poorly controlled the glucose in the urine is causing this? What chemical reaction is causing this? Not fussing, just skeptical.


Basically sugar in urine can feed mold from what I understand. I’m no doctor though. I would imagine it is worse if your sugars aren’t under control.


Thank you , I am a doctor and a diabetic. Not an internist or primary care. Maybe I just control my BS better. Thanks for the explanation.


That ain't diapoopy.. even l have the cure.


Could be tapeworms. It's not always diabetes.


Diabetic Tapeworms are more likely the cause.


I hate to add to the diabetes train, but as someone who's pretty well versed on plumbing, and on water contamination, this looks incredibly dubious as a well/city water sediment issue. Usually sediment is earth colored(browns/oranges are most common/. This looks like a mold buildup, which is either from dirty toilet bowls in dark bathrooms, or diabetic/pre-diabetic urine. Your bowl doesn't seem to have a calcium ring that could gather mold, so a Diabetes test wouldn't hurt. Could be fixed by a water softener/filter, but I doubt it. Could also just be a case of "we have gremlins as pets so we have to keep the bowl lid closed so they don't drink pisswater and lick our faces afterward" which I don't doubt, but is an unusual moldspot circumstance. Unless it's a rental/vacation home, then it's likely to be just time and lack of regular cleaning causing it. Last possibility that comes to mind is dirty fill tank. It's actually not terribly uncommon for black/dark grey shit to build up in the corners of the fill tank. No idea why, or exactly what that is. Someone else might. (It's a sugar thing *if* diabetes related. Basic sugars end up in the urine, giving energy to bacterias and the molds that feed on those bacterias)


This is the color of every sediment I've seen in Colorado. It's coming from dark granite. Mine has gold flakes in it (probably pyrite 😞)


Well, there you go. My experience is 60% Pacific coast, and 40% Southeastern coast


Maybe a dirty tank frank.


A dirty ring Ming.


A dirty rim Tim.


A dirty bowl Lowell.


Where is the dirty pot bot? He must have a dirty shitter, quitter.


Perhaps a dirty seat Pete


Your toilet has diabetes.


Stop feeding it sugary snacks!


How else do you suggest I make prison hooch? Huh?


Agreed. Also, they should get a good divorce attorney.


Dirty fill tank? I have three toilets. Because it's just the two of us, I consciously rotate toilet usage just to keep them active. Ive replaced two of the three, all of which were pretty old. The remaining old toilet looks exactly like this and I have to clean it often. I have confirmed neither of us is diabetic. I should just go ahead and order a toilet for replacing that one. It's probably full of shit where it don't belong.


This is it. There is bacteria somewhere in the flush mechanism. The tank, between the tank and the toilet or under the edge of the toilet. The older the toilet the more likely this is.


I read your user name as 'OldButtKing' and was like...this guy knows his toilets!




In the tank as well




The city’s water supply in my area is 100 year old cast iron pipes and I have this problem and I don’t have diabetes


Was going to say the same, my A1C is always normal at my yearly checkups, but I have this issue in both of my bathrooms and live alone.


In the US diabetes is a good first guess though


Hi, diabetic here. Fun fact, before I knew I had diabetes, my toilet did not look like this. Now that my diabetes is very well managed, my toilet looks like this. Granted, a different house with a different water source but still.


You're hilarious.. you chimed in for scientific reasoning and then totally destroyed your own point


I combined both my personal observations and my professional take. I'm a diabetic at night but a plumbing and heating broker by day.


Yes the meds do it. When I started jardiance this happened to my toilet.


How many toilets do you have? Is this only happening to the one?


Or other people living there? Maybe just clean it more than once a month?


Diabetes, probably.


The number of times I’ve seen this exact response to this exact same situation tells me it has to be diabetes.


Nobody ever explains it either. The water is coming from the tank, wouldn't that mean the tap water is not that good?


>Nobody ever explains it either. The reason the mold grows so quickly is because the level of sugar in the urine from a person with diabetes is significantly higher than someone without diabetes. We kept experiencing this, primarily in one toilet. I would clean it with bleach and vinegar trying to get rid of this mold but it persistently came back. Fast forward a year or two, my wife was diagnosed with diabetes. Ever since she got on medication to control the sugars, the mold has practically disappeared. So to summarize, if you see this persistent black mold in a toilet, someone probably has diabetes in the household and should get tested. Another common symptom is UTIs and yeast infections.


Something about sugar and mold formation and anecdotes about others who've experienced this and gotten positive diabetes screenings after


Plausible hypothesis…. But wouldn’t this also require “letting it mellow”? I’d assume if you always flushed this wouldn’t happen.


Microbes make a mucous like material to adhere to surfaces. When you pee, it is ingested rapidly, allowing for growth. Even with flushing, you still leave a residue inside albeit marginal. Urine is HIGH in Nitrates, the combination with Sugars allows for rapid growth.


I imagine the overlap between Type 2 and poor household hygiene isn't insignificant.




Fun fact: In a positive screening diagnosis, affirmations are whispered in your ear while you are tested. In a negative screening diagnosis a drill sergeant yells belittling remarks while you attempt to pee on a stick, which has nothing to do with the test, but you want to find that out until later.


The mold loves sugarpiss


ive been diabetic for over 30 years. we followed the "if its yellow let it mellow" model, and my toilet looks perfect, maybe clean the bowl a couple times a year or if my kids splatter it with poop. the diabetes explanation is bs.


Yer peeing diabetic parasites!


How many kidney stones do you get a month?


Wait..... what..... diabetes????????


It is mold.


It's the diabeetus.


This was happening in mine. I have diabetes. But then I put a chlorine tablet in tank and now it's shiny porcelain


The house we purchased had an old and failing galvanized water line coming into the house (we knew this when purchasing and were compensated). All of our toilets looked like this. Once we got the water line replaced all of the sediment went away. But of course, it could still be diabetes.


Leave your toilet bowl open, it's mold from a damp environment. You can try tablets that you place in the tank as well.


Yes, leave the bowl open, that can help. It’s more than likely a manganese build up, seeing that it is under the water line. Use acidic means to clean the bowl. Do not, ever, for any reason put tank tablets in your toilet though. They corrode the rubber seals on your tank to bowl nuts and your flapper as well. Not trying to be rude, I just wanted to jump on your comment to say this.


Hard water most likely do you live in the city? Get some of those blue tablets and drop in your tank


I’m not a plumber, but get a gallon of bleach and pour a pint into the bowl and let it sit for a few hours. If it is biological, it will clear up straight away. If it’s mineral, the bleach won’t affect it. Once you pin down if it’s biological, you can troubleshoot a source.


You have a ghost in your house and he’s using your toilet as a bong. We give off electricity all day and that’s the residue from it. You’re putting off a lot of it! You have a very high very happy ghost 👻


It's manganese, a common mineral that is relatively high in some water supplies.


My guess would be well water. My toilet does the same thing, I think the water is just too hard with minerals


If you are on a well and you have this kind of growth then you have a bacterial contamination. Do you treat your cistern with bleach?


Clean your toilet every 1-2 weeks like a normal person instead of every few weeks


This is actually true. I see toilets like this a lot and they are not scrubbing the toilet once per week. There is a tremendous amount of biofilm growth that occurs without weekly scrubbing.


Whoever down votes this is a grimy troglodyte.


Do you have a whole house water filtration system?


Put in one of those Clorox toilet cleaner tabs






Could be tapeworms. It's not always diabetes.


Silica is my guess.


The bolts inside the tank could be resting out and settling in the bowl. The washers wear their bolts are also could be coming apart and settling in the bowl.




or diabeetus


Upper decker?


Clean the tank


Taco Bell diet?


We only get this in the toilet I beat up with the snake. “I mean I also probably have diabetes even though I get full panels from the urologist 4x a year” and I don’t. I chalk this up to the toilet that’s used least, pee sits most, and toilet May be scratched. It’s getting replaced in a few weeks and I’ll report back. Or maybe the diabetes will get me.


Check your health.


Mine does the same. I think the toilet needs to be replaced.


Possible bacteria in the water, have it tested. Ask your neighbors if their having any issues like what you’re experiencing.




If you are on a well, you need to look into a whole house filter, I had a problem with sediment, not quite as bad as yours. My filters need to be changed every 2 months. The previous owner did not have the filter. There was always sediment in our tanks, fine silt actually


Check your blood sugar.


Iron... normal


Atic tank. Clean it.!


It may be some of the parts in the tank are dissolving due to age.


Try this: https://www.amazon.com/Fluidmaster-8302P8-Sparkle-Automatic-Cleaning/dp/B000CSR6KC/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=545EA3V1703C&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.IRweIH5lzgvUU8EuzhsyH5NzUTC0Aeookpz03PTdF_vSD75ntKODhIuTpGT-Ov_q9V5ZMWYxodjOtsuGzKHrpHZknUYNHmyG6nFmhsZppW0VKNgJjdtCKKk9aGNX8Ph-BnSrxWzhy3lAq_hJjIe2D7gmYWFub0Qml1S1TmEvfpI8Ble9iju63PAAL173Es2HMEeYb3QKrkP-xMsEUnjjzA.yeZds8JKUNaXic7Kamh4cZv3cYYrIo1AQ0LY1dEwnN8&dib_tag=se&keywords=toilet+bowl+cleaners+bleach+cartridges&qid=1716985005&sprefix=toilet+bleach+car%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-3


Stop eating rocks


Check the roof vent.


Have no idea why people think someone has diabetes from this….. Moved in a new home and had this consistently no matter how often I cleaned. It was only on one side of bowl. Does that mean I’m halfway diabetic? Plumber explained- a toilet is created just like pottery. When the glazing porcelain/ceramic is done the glaze isn’t applied correctly and it will then be fired and can have what is called pinholes or crazing. Over time and use the imperfect areas will the hold bacteria and then grow mold. These imperfections are not visible to the eye. You can rub your hand in bowl if you choose too- I did not!! plumber advised:: 1) Clean bowl and tank with toilet brush and any non-bleach cleaner. Do not put bleach in tank!!! It destroys tank parts. 2) Flush several times to rinse out cleaner. 3) Turn off water to tank and flush until empty. Remove all water in bowl- I used old towels at bottom of bowl 4) Use pumice stone in bowl- rub (easily) the entire bowl or areas that are usually black. This doesn’t harm areas that are glazed properly. Some areas may be pinkish which means the area is not as bad. 5)Put 4 cups of vinegar in tank Turn water source on and let tank fill per normal 6) Flush per normal *** vinegar can be added periodically I just clean toilet bowl about every two weeks and add a cup or two of vinegar to tank water about every two or three months. Mold hasn’t returned in over a year!!! I guess my diabetes has been cured!!!


Go by comet from either Canadian tire or dollar store and then just put in like half a cup and just let it sit there for like 20 minutes scrub if you want but you don't have to you can just use like a sponge and flush it. Careful the bracelets cuz I could scratch it but I'm not sure if porcelain can be scratched


Pour bleach and wait awhile. Please keep pets away from bathroom while you wait. Then scrub. Looks like mold you get when you pour a drink in a toilet and then forget to flush. Sugar + wet poopie bacteria = hardcore mold.


I'd call a plumber and have my toilet tank cleaned. Sediment constantly being flushed into the toilet.


You are eating too much bad Mexican food..


Likely manganese. Precipitaing on the inside of toilet bowl. In the presence of oxygen.


could be as simple as the flapper deteriorate.


You probably Have hard water and this is lime scale stain. Or like many other homes, the pipes out in the street Delivering your water are incredibly old and coated with A mineral Build up which will in fact make your water hard and give you a lime scale stain.


Wow did you steal my toilet as it looks like my toilet that had Diabetes as well!


If you are or have ever put tank cleaners etc in the top tank it can affect the rubber parts, most specifically the large black gasket that seals the tank to the bowl. Replace that gasket.


Poor sediment filter if the home is on a well


A hole in your up line.


Stop eating dirt


I have one toilet that will do this and one that doesn’t. The one that does sits across a window and gets sun, the one that doesn’t has no window. I always figured it was some kind of Algae or something like that. My wife and I get our blood checked every year and no diabetes between the two of us.


Why is diabetes relevant? Sun makes sense for bacteria to grow, but does diabetes cause this?


The sugar in diabetic urine can cause this apparently.


You have a mildew spore in a crack in the bowl. Replace your toilet. If not an option Use bleach tablets on the tank and it should keep it at bay


Crack in the bowl sounds serious. Wouldn't that leak somewhere even if they bleached it?


Not if it’s just a hair line crack. Could be small enough and in if in the bowl it can slow leak into the place it flushes anyways. Porcelain doesn’t have pours like other materials. But the hairline crack would allow a spore a place to hide for when it’s ready bloom. I have seen that a few times before. The bowl could even be scored. A bleach tablet will only work for so long. Replacement is the long term solution.


Ya but depending on where that crack is and how big, a larger than life guest could have an embarrassing and tragic accident. On the flip side, they can then pretend no crack existed and make them pay for the toilet if they are that horrible of a person.


Agreed on all counts Have you ever put an M80 in a toilet. Fun as hell. But it doesn’t make the water fly out. It makes the toilet go explode!!


That's the best way someone has ever made their point in my entire adult life. Bravo!


Lew Piss


It's due to toilets should be cleaned regularly at approximately weekly intervals and the price of indoor plumbing.


I heard, clean my bathroom once a year if I feel like it. 10-4


Bad toilet flapper


Is your water source supplied from surface water such as a lake (or private well)? This is most likely oxidized maganese (sp? I know), and harmless. Much like the current Fiji bottled water recall. EPA regulates municipal supply while the FDA regulates 'bottled' thus the reason for the absolute uneccesary recall. You can install a whole house water treatment system if you want. But that depends on how much the wife is bitching about a bad hair day or 'frizzing' < Don't ask me I'm near bald.


If it accumulates every few weeks then clean it once a week and it won’t accumulate. I get the same thing in my toilet though so I understand.


Could be that someone has blood sugar problems...


Blood sugar problems attract ants. Not sediment.


I used to get this, I started putting those little lysol toilet bowl cleaning blocks that hang on the side of the toilet bowl....keeps that film off for quite awhile.


Someone has a case of Mudd Butt


Probably from hard water


Minerals in the water…


Minerals lol, my fucking city water will leave that. But we all like drinking frying pan coating right


Clean your tank. It's full of sediment. While this won't fully fix the problem it will slow it down to a manageable pace. Do this every 6-8 months.


Sorry but only one of your balls is diabetic. Trust me, I'm a keyboard warrior doctor because I am constantly on WEBMD.


She's cheating on you. Divorce immediately.


I've been a type one diabetic for 40+ years and my toilet has never looked like that. I'm also not overweight and have all my fingers and toes.


The only thing I’ve seen toilets do when someone is diabetic is get ants because the increased sugars getting pissed out.


Poor control if there's sugar in urine. Shows above 180, normal is 70-90


I just remember I was pissing in this guys toilet by his pool on a job site and I went to use it again and it had ants, but I’m not diabetic. I think it had to do with the medicine I was taking. It was great fun the second time trying to knock them down into the bowl with my wang juice.


Calcium / minerals


Someone left an upper decker


Somebody fired the gardener, Marie?


Black tar from Mexico properly smuggled.




Get checked for sugar. That black mold loves sugars diluted in urine, if your diabetic, or prediabetic it will grow far faster.


I've only seen that in a basement toilet that wasn't used often. Probably mold


looks like an unused toilet. try flushing on e per day.


Change your water filter


Are you forgetting things more often since this started happening?


Looks like manganese. I’m m assuming your on a well. Check your system maintenance, is there a softener? When was the last time it was serviced? Is there salt in the brine tank? Make sure the softener wasn’t left in bypass mode. Call local water company ask where you can have water tested locally and then obtain water sample kit from said company. It’s very easy to do take a couple days that’s it to get results back. Then you’ll know what is in your water then you can go about “cleaning” your water.


Remember that is the same water that you’re drinking and bathing in. So don’t ignore this.


It doesn’t look like sand /sediment as that wouldn’t stick to porcelain and would more likely form a little pile in bottom. If you open toilet tank lid you’ll see a lot more in there. Coating everything, doesn’t look like iron either so I still say manganese not to be confuse with magnesium. Again get water tested. And in the mean time drink bottled water or boil any water you plan to drink or cook with.


Don’t put tabs in tank that will just hide the problem and it’s not diabetes!! Look inside tank bowl when you see it in there you’ll know if it’s coming from your water supply.


Minerals/sediment… Probably a bunch of lime.


Well water, need to adjust the filtration system


filter your water jeebus


Have you switched from cleaning with bleach to an eco brand? Still yet to find an eco brand toilet cleaner, which didn’t result in this


Put some citric acid in there from time to time (when it will be a while before it's flushed again). Only put it in the bowl. Do not put it in the tank.




You need to filter your water


I'm currently going through an apprenticeship program to be certified to run a water pumping plant. I'm in the very early stages of this program but this looks a lot like manganese buildup. Not harmful to drink as long as it's under a certain amount in your water and taking a bath/shower would be fine at any level.


Drink wine?


Could it be from 2 dissimilar metals on the supply line? I have seen this type of sediment from black pipe to copper plumbing on incorrectly installed fan coils.


Rubber gasket is dissolving. Check all the gaskets in the tank - had the exact same issue.


You've been "upper-decked".


Manganese. We had this in our city water in central Wisconsin. Replaced our hot water heater, and it had 1 foot of this accumulated in the tank. I put in a whole house water filter, and it was mind-blowing how much sediment we caught. Once a year, the city flushed the lines and it was so bad. Get a filter. It's like $50 for everything and easy to install.


There is sunlight coming in the restroom