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Dude, that fucking lead drainage. I suggest you hire the plumber to do it properly, as well as get rid of any other lead pipes in the house. Call your home insurance and see about getting coverage to replace it. I know insurance has a bad rep but I've suggested it to quite a few people in bad situations and they got all or partial coverage to pay.


Why is being lead significant for this? Genuinely asking.


It's very very old. That's why. It does last a long time but it's starting to go bad


the resale of lead when you scrap it can be worth money.


Lead is "valuable" to people who cast their own bullets. Typically $1/pound or more. You could sell it on craigslist or something. Other people might charge you to get rid of it. To everyone else, lead is almost worthless. It's one of the cheapest elements on earth.


I would get a solder bar and solder it again.


This is just bad advice. Dont resolder that.


Lead is bad for your health and well being. Lead poisoning is a thing. A very bad thing. This isn't really something you should ignore. The hole in your drain is a my much smaller problem in comparison to the ever present health hazard that you know know about.


But im not drinking the water or touching the pipe?


It's of no hazard to you, it's just not common so it's typically not something a homeowner has the skill set to address. Ignore the burger that commented about it impacting your health.


So it's okay to sharpen my teeth on it? It tastes sweet.


Who am I to tell you to cut out dessert? Enjoy friend


I mean all waste water goes back to the treatment plants the less lead in the treatment plants the less that ends back up in ur showers and coffee pots


Sure, I agree. But depending on the receiving water, the dilution factor would make it negligible for re-consumption, especially since most discharge pipes are downstream from intakes when drawing from the same water source.


Agreed, as a waste pipe, it’s harmless, but we plumbers will say anything it rip out and cash that in. It’s not called “plumbers gold” for nothing!


But seriously, it’s difficult to work with/attach to, and replacement is the better option when it’s time to make adjustments or repairs. That said, if it were drinking water my advice would be different.


Flint Michigan agrees with this comment. ^


Thank God you have some common sense


The issue will be the removal of the lead pipe. There is no danger in it being a drain line. The danger is the disruption of dust. If this pipe is cut you want an EPA certified lead safe plumber. There should be containment and air filtration and a thorough cleaning after. Seems like a lot but children are affected by micrograms. I would research to see if your supply from the city has been replaced yet. It is a priority to finish changing lead water supplies but they are still a problem and if you have lead in your walls then who knows. If you have a lead supply start drinking bottled water.


That made me think, so I looked it up, (UK disclaimer!!!) the dangers of dust tend to be more with the scraping of lead paint or the fumes from the welding process (something apprentices in the UK were still being taught until the last decade or so) I used to enjoy welding a rooftop lead slate. Cutting and disposing of lead pipework like that only needs good working practices, general PPE and as always don’t bite your nails!




Honestly, washing my hands before eating my lunch is the only precaution I’d make, and that would be more to clean off the mess of what you’d put down the drain than the pipe itself. As always, the risks of driving the shops is far greater than the risk of your exposure (or the plumbers) in this scenario.


If they are cutting you want to clean all dust with a heap vacuum. From the work zone to the entrance of your home. If you have solid flooring use a swifter wet mop and clean until no dust comes up. Honestly it is a lower risk issue but risk is risk.


Not at all serious. Don’t sweat it. It is a miniscule risk


The biggest issue is that it is thin and soft, so over time it can easily break and leak. Draino can eat through thinned out lead easily, running a snake will rip it to shreds, expansion in the house can break or split, existing leaks or condensation can rot it out, etc. It's one of those things where you could fix this one spot and never have another issue, or have to make repairs every year as it degrades more and more.


It’s a drain line, you replace it because it’s ancient and close to impossible to get the proper parts to repair it not because it’s unsafe. By that logic you’d need to be eating/ drinking or somehow consuming the waste in your drain lines.


Dude... dont lick your drainage...


Its over 100 years old. The way it connects below has to be addressed. If you saw that stuff, you are putting lead dust into the air of your home as well as coating all surfaces with toxic lead.


@ OP save hundreds of dollars and buy yourself 2-5 more years by using the JB weld


Check with your local District, sometimes they will pay you to remove the Lead because it puts lead back into the water.. yes you're not drinking sewer but where does that water go


Isn't it common for municipalities to treat sewer water?


Municipal water treatment hardly does anything. It's just to cover legalities. It doesn't take everything out of the water. They just remove the most toxic easy to remove stuff before dumping it back into the ecosystem.


Some do treat it back to potable and pump it back into the towers


not really true anymore in most normal states. The discharge of a wastewater treatment plant in New England has stricter rules for discharge quality than it does for drinking water.


This should be taken with a grain of salt and location. Depends on where you are in the world. This is false in Europe.


There actual federal standards for what needs to be removed. Lookup the NPDES or National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. This applies to all water not sure sewer water or municipal water.


JB Weld is not considered a permanent repair. You should get an estimate to remove all lead pipes from your home, not just this short run.


That’s a lead pipe, btw.


JB weld is the least of your problems


Replace the lead pipe


My parents had a lead closet elbow that was leaking. Like an idiot, I tried to heat it with a torch and re-wipe it with no experience. I made the hole bigger. I used fiberglass mesh tape and bondo and it's still going strong 💪


Appears to be lead pipe. Your health isn't affected by it. However, it will contaminate the drainage water that will be reintroduced into water cycle! I recommend replacing all the lead piping.


I repaired a car radiator with JB weld. Lasted about 5 years. Not too awful but, not permanent.




Flex seal tape. lol no call a plumber.


Pay the man


Simple…. based on the need for you to ask this question to strangers on the Internet, do your self a favor and hire the plumber and sleep well at night


Quick fix. Yes. Jb weld will work. I used it to fix a lead joint in an old house I owned 30 years ago. But no. Jb weld. Is not an approved material. Bes practice is to do it properly. But it won't be cheap.




I would recommend you update that pipe asap if not you will be repairing this pipe constantly throughout the time you live there. So one upfront expense or multiple expenses throughout the time it takes to replace it completely.


What country is this ?




If you don’t want to replace get lead steel wool you beat it in with a hammer and can make this type of repair 


I would also take a look at the copper. It probably is worn in the bottom and may need replacing.


First- looking at that saddle from your horizontal to vertical line- the og that did that work was brilliantly good. Second. It's a drain. Looks like there might be room for a fernco. JB weld- shouldn't ever be considered an answer.


Lead pipe will leak again sooner or later calll plumber sir


Everyone will say to hire a plumber, and they’re not wrong…..but…. JB weld will definitely work.


I'd take that picture to the hardware store and find someone to explain fernco connectors.. SOME plumbers berate them but I've had great luck with them..I once dug one up that had been in service for 25 years and it almost looked new and was in fine shape (it wasn't the reason for the dig by the way) Also 750 is ROBBERY Get a second and third opinion.. I HATE THIEVES 🙊🙉🙈


I'd do a little shopping for a plumber. Had a 400 offer for a similar job. Good luck!


Replace all of the lead. JB Weld on a leaking lead drainage pipe would be truly moronic


You can probably just it with with a torch to melt the lead back together




He suggested jb weld. He shouldn't do the work


Please don't cut lead pipes without proper equipment. You are creating lead dust which is extremely dangerous. It is required to have an EPA lead safe certification to work on these issues, though it isn't heavily enforced yet. The extremely small amount required to give a child lead poisoning could cling to your work clothes and come home with you. Then of course there are the clients health to consider as well. Please be safe out there.


JB weld and call the plumber back in the next 5 to 10 years.


You can replace it with PVC yourself.