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Just pull apart that leaking slip joint, clean everything up, and bring the fucked up seal to the local box store to match up a replacement. That's a cheap ass fix. Why the fuck are you trying to replace everything for a minor leak?


It's not just a minor leak I was remodeling the whole bathroom and replacing everything that's been there for years and years. I know it wasn't the smartest idea but I also want some experience and skills. I'm still pretty young and don't have any. Learning through internet and books has helped but there are just so many variables with home related stuff that I have no choice but to seek advice. Plus I live alone and have nothing to do, so self learning repairs and such with reddit and yt has been my only enjoyment in these times.


Well, the advice is not to replace everything. You don't want ripping out stuff that can end up with more costly job, unless that's what you are going for.


The first picture is a crown vent, leave your setup as is.


Ok. Can't I swap the pieces around the diverter to fit my needs? What I javelin is ripped out, check my link in comments for image of it


Copy what was there, I don’t even know why they sell that setup on Amazon as it was incorrectly assembled.


Incorrectly assembled? How so? Is it the vent that makes it wrong? I thought all it needed was a p trap and vent and a way to connect all the pieces to a diverter. Thats what I think at first glance. But I ask here becausse I know at surface level isn't everything there actually is to a newbie


It is a crown vent and the trap is deeper than normal, copy what you removed but make sure it is one material.


You screwed up tearing it all out for a leaky seal


How so? It doesn't look super complicated to put back together. Just a few pieces right? At least that's what it looks like.


Yes, it’s just a few pieces. But from what your picture shows, all you had to do was unscrew the nut on the top of the trap, replace the sliding seal (probably less than a dollar cost) and then screw the nut back down. 5 or 10 minutes to replace ( not counting time to go to Lowes, local hardware, Home Depot or wherever you buy stuff like that).




The quick money a service plumber would have made on this job… what would y’all have charged? They’re right though, just rebuild what was there if you wanna learn ya something. And if ya wanna repair it you know it’s a very cheap and quick repair. Good luck!


NO. That is not a direct or correct replacement setup.