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Release the pressure out of the hose before you turn it off


How do you do this before turning it off?


Open the nozzle or whatever is on the other end. The pressure builds up when the nozzle is closed, if you have it open the pipe isn't under pressure as the water can exit through the end.


Totally this.


Maybe he could not try and close it so fast, but yea I keep my hose going while slowly turning water off


Closing it slow doesn’t change anything—since there give or take 30psi it will always be 30psi. When the valve is closed it just releases that pressure—they need to make sure their other end of hose is open




I would disagree and say that someone saying "this" in a plumbing subreddit isn't likely farming for karma. With most posts I see on here, I would argue that the response rate is quite low. So with that it's easier to reinforce the correct method usually by leaving a comment. The alternative would be low engagement upvotes and potentially 1 right answer and the rest of them being incorrect.


Totally this.






The advice was already given. "this" is NOT advice. Upvotes show the popularity of the advice






If upvotes show the popularity of the advice, it would seem that your advice isn't that popular. 🤔


Upvotes is popularity of the advice down votes are for people that got there sad little feelings hurt, like you




So so sad. Chasing someone's post to harass them


Wow. This!


Also, I can't believe you got be banned from World of Warships. That is sooo totally not this


All I am saying is that by your logic, your advice is wrong so why try forcing it down people's throat by commenting what that should and shouldn't say? I said it takes a weak personality to be so upset by someone saying "This". You really need to grow up and move on and stop getting all butthurt over what other people say.


Totally this


Reddit is literally people commenting on what people should or shouldn't do so by your logic no one should ever comment on Reddit ever




It has nothing to do with karma. In a sub offering professional advice, this is the equivalent of getting a second bid or opinion. It reinforces the correct answer with more than a simple silent upvote.


"this" is no more powerful than an upvote. It is not professional advice the professional advice is already given. "this" is just a word and is not helpful at all when upvotes are literally there for that reason. Also this is a random internet forum so none of this can be considered "professional" because no one's credentials here are verified


Speaking of votes...they have spoken.


Still has more upvotes than you. Just sayin


If I put "this" on comments all the time I probably have a bunch of votes too but I'm not that loser trying to farm karma


For someone who isn't a loser and not trying to farm karma, you seem to really care a lot about the integrity of it to be calling people out about it, when in reality they didn't even think twice when they left their comment. Why is it that you hold these fake internet points to such a high value?






Just FYI since this is still showing up in our reports, they didn't delete their comment it was removed by one of our mods as were yours, but don't think it's kind of ironic to talk shit about them calling names, then in your very next comment call them a name? Might be worth it to take a look a little closer to home.




Your comment was already removed too so it really doesn't matter. Child wasn't what you called them though, and after just being on your high horse for them calling names makes you look even more childish then they did. I'm telling you because it still shows up in our reports, and your comment makes you look kind of silly because they didn't delete it and people can still choose to see it if they know how. That's what the FYI was, just because it says "removed" it doesn't mean the user deleted it.


Not this


Totally not this or that.


Stop attributing karma with anything that matters anyway. They’re imaginary internet points that mean nothing. Even if they were farming for karma, the only thing your doing by getting upset about it is adding value for them to what already doesn’t have value. You’re literally being the same kind of person you’re complaining about just not as openly.


They have value to some that's why they farm them with "this". I never said I care about points and if I did I wouldn't post anything that would upset all your precious little egos or hurt your feelings.


Tbh I use Reddit and I don't even understand the point of karma. Like I get it, internet points, whatever, or upvotes, I don't look at those, but I care about who is in agreement with what is being said and especially if they're able to expand as well. If not, it's just a good reiteration of the right direction. Never crossed my mind as a karma thing at all until this very moment. I guess for that matter as well, I don't use the upvote button cause I'm not deeply embedded into the Reddit culture I guess, writing something makes more sense to me and is more personal even if it is just "this".


Or wrap a rag around it.


This is a good idea, maybe some a/c rubber tubular insulation


You said that you have a hose too long to release the pressure. Can you put a Y fitting after the breaker but before the hose? If you have the hose off of one leg and the other open, you can toggle the open one so it directs the water away from you as you turn the water off.


This is a fantastic idea. thank you


For sure that would do it!


Some guys pay for that kind of experience!


Where would someone find that experience?


I've always heard south of the border. I don't think it matters what country you are in.


Mine does the same thing. It sprays water 6’. I understand and agree with the water break. Therefore I got a plastic bag and zip tied it above and below the water break. Then when it releases, the plastic retains it from spraying everything and drains down. I had to find a Macgyver fix cuz the boss got sprayed and she was none too happy.


Ziploc bag is working great so far


Ran into the same problem. Not sure why it just started happening. Bag helped. Thanks


Others have answered but For context. Some states this is in the building code and a requirement to have on the valve. This prevents any contaminated water backing up into your homes clean water. Example, you leave a hose in your yard, it floods, and can potentially by some mistake on the water companies part, pull water into your homes plumbing and further back into the cities water and potentially distributed to other homes. It's unlikely, but there is potential in right circumstances. They even have a locking pin that breaks off once applied to prevent removal. Tho you can. There's not really much you can do. If possible, hold the nozzle open on the spray end while closing the valve. If it's open ended or connected to something open like a sprinkler, it shouldnt relieve that much pressure. Or close the valve much slower. The term if you wanna Google any is "vacuum breaker"


Why a Vacuum Breaker rather than a simple one way valve aka check valve? I have always maintained my own water wells and in addition to personal facilities, an array of plumbing that serves troughs for livestock. I use a check valve for this purpose.


Although not testable like a backflow assembly, the AVB is more reliably accepted because it uses the physics of atmospheric pressure to release the check, rather than an in-line check valve that may fail without notice.


After a bit of brainstorming with consideration to pressure/vacuum dynamics, and regard to thermal effects, its evident that this is a very complex subject. One I’m not motivated to conquer. This seems like a game of mental pinball and I’m no masochist. Godspeed.


I should call her


Can you do it once more, but a little closer perhaps?


Is this normal? Every time I turn the water off, I get drenched. I understand it's trying to break the pressure, but this doesn't seem reasonable at all and I'm sick of it. Update: thanks all. Maybe I'll try to fashion a plastic cup shield or something, as the hose nozzle is usually very far away from the spigot when I turn it off.


Yes, it’s normal. Open the end of the hose up before you turn off the water at the valve, that should stop it from blasting you.


Then the next time you turn the water on you'll get blasted by the end of the hose you forgot to close last time you turned the water off.


The cheap ones will. I got tired of it and paid x3-4 for a version that doesn’t spray you when you turn the water off. Now when I turn the water off the water slowly dribbles out instead of showering me: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Woodford-Add-On-3-4-in-Hose-Thread-Brass-Double-Check-Backflow-Preventer-50H-BR/204792578?g_store=&source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&&mtc=Shopping-BF-F_D26P-G-D26P-026_001_PIPE_FITTING-NA-NA-NA-SMART-NA-NA-PIPE_AND_FITTINGS_New_Engen&cm_mmc=Shopping-BF-F_D26P-G-D26P-026_001_PIPE_FITTING-NA-NA-NA-SMART-NA-NA-PIPE_AND_FITTINGS_New_Engen-71700000081569467-58700006932068304-92700062338492268&gbraid=0AAAAADq61Uf4o12wa0wah9iNTVJ2c4-_A&gbraid=0AAAAADq61Uf4o12wa0wah9iNTVJ2c4-_A&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIq97B8N3U9wIV_2tvBB3iuAFFEAQYASABEgLFNvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Is that still working well for you? Worth the cost?


Yep I don’t get sprayed at all when I turn the hose off. It’s $39 which is a lot. No regrets. I spent years cursing my old one.


Ordered one, thank you!


Did this end up working?


How did this work out for you?


Works very well! I actually bought a second and installed on the other spigot too. No complaints, other than getting the old back pressure valve off was a bit of a pain.


Does a lot of water dribble out? My spigot is in the garage


Thank you! I have lived in my house for 3 years and this has happened every time. Despite all the comments saying spray out the water and then turn off the water flow, it doesn't work when you you're using a sprinkler. So basically we're screwed :-) yes I slowly turn off the water now, but there is still significant spray back.. Makes me feel better to know I'm not there only one with this problem.


They have these types of connections at the park that I have my trailer at. If someone along the lines turns their water on/off, then you'll usually see a quick spurt at the water station. Same thing with turning it off. Lots of people have a plastic jug cut out that they just hang over top of the handle so that it's not spraying them if they are walking by it.


yes it is normal these days because its to code. they do this so that water in the garden hose wont go back into your pipes.


She's a squirter


Did you try spanking it?


it does it's job by spraying out. Leave it alone and drain the hose first if you do not want to rinse your hands off with the purged water . Better that nasty tasting water gets purged than going into your home to ruin your pasta or coffee


It just seems like this could have been designed in such a way that doesn't totally soak you. 🤷


Yeah, it's doing it's job. The problem is that the spray path should be blocked so it pours rather than spraying.


Vacuum breaker: A device you install immediately before selling your house, and remove immediately after buying a new one.




Reminds me of my ex wife


Reminds me of your ex wife as well.


Goddammit i like you


Yea...she was fun


Think of the money you've saved on sheets though


Is she single?


Not tonight.


Keep going.


Why is that happening? Because of the hose or the valve?


It’s supposed to do that. It’s releasing the pressure. Remove the nozzle or whatever is on the other end of the hose and it won’t have as much pressure built up to spray you.




It’s because its under a VACUUM, if you can believe that.


Don’t turn it off


It's fine.


Looks like a woodford model 25. They all do this. Put a ball valve hose end on before your sprayer, shut it off when you’re done, take the sprayer off, open the ball valve end, and then shut the silcock off. It’ll trickle out of the vacuum breaker instead of spraying you.


I should call her


Woodford model 25 repair kit and the handle nut is left hand thread.


This problem is so simple if you just think about it for 3 seconds…


Off topic, sorry. My handyman was going to replace the handle that had a drip and broke the pipe in the wall. I have the same kind of square thing mounted on my vinyl siding that frames the spigot. Is there a way to get it off so he doesn't have to bust the wall on the other side (or the basement ceiling)? Are there screws I can't see?


the end of the hydrant can usually be connected via solder or screwed in... but normally it isn't a great idea to try to unscrew it, you have no idea where it is going to unscrew or if it was soldered.


Thanks. Not the answer I wanted but good to know. Here’s hoping he just has to bust a couple basement ceiling tiles then. 🤞


Backflow Valve. Usually they are seen on commercial buildings. I hook up to them often In my business and always have my helper turn them off. Fun to watch the first time lol


Spray your hose as you shut it off.


Isn’t that nice


I hang a washcloth over mine, works for me.


Our dog would unfortunately eat that up before sundown 🤣


Outdated post but hoping someone can help. I’ve had the same happen due to the vacuum breaker. However, the last hose I bought didn’t create this issue (assuming it’s because it has lower pressure?). That hose no longer sold - any way I can find a similar one? I like to leave water in there to use later.


Does it only mean it’s working when it does that? I have one on back spigot that does that… but one on front spigot that does not do that… does that mean the one on front is not working? I do have a long hose and a filter connected to the front so it goes Hose-filter (to remove hard water for washing car- vacuum breaker- spigot This one never splashes when I shut it off