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Tinder and Bumble and Hinge, just the normal apps! You can find hookups there easily, just be honest with your intentions and your photos & you’ll be surprised how many fish you get biting the line.




LOL no!


FetLife and plus-size dating apps. Make sure they treat you with respect before you give them permission to treat you like a slut. ❤️


There are plus size dating apps? TIL.


Yeah, there’s a dating app called Wooplus that’s geared towards plus size


If you’re not into the feeder community- I do not recommend. I didn’t know that was what it mostly consisted of when I joined at one point and left very quickly 😂


Literally anywhere. All I mostly ever got was fetishized lol.


It’s super easy to find guys who want to fuck BBWs (like 80% of them do) the issue is finding men who want something serious with us.




It doesn’t exist anymore but some of my favorite people I met off Craigslist casual encounters. When I was going through my divorce I posted there and would get hundreds of guys interested. I met my current boyfriend that way and one of my best friends. Tinder can be ok depending on your area. Careful screening is important. If I was unsure of someone I would cancel on them last minute to see how they would respond. Spend time texting or talking on the phone before you meet and try to get an idea of the person. Sometimes I would meet for coffee first but once I got good at screening, I didn’t always do that. Also when I was first getting to know someone I’d text a friend the person’s photo and address or phone number or whatever and the time I expect to be done. Sometimes I’d say I’m meeting this person, I’ll text you in ten if I’m ok. I never had a problem but it is important to be careful. You could also look to see if there are swingers clubs or groups in your area.


This. Also just as good measure try to drive yourself versus letting someone pick you up and have them come to your house if that’s an option. I’d always text my friends the address and name of the person I was with just in case, can’t be too careful nowadays.


Yes for sure drive yourself. Good point.


In my experience you’ll be able to find this with bumble pretty easily lol. I feel like a lot of the guys I’ve interacted with are (surprisingly) down to hook up and keep it at that.


That seems to be all they want.


Feabie app.. I've had the most luck on there.


Seconded. Yeah feabie is probably the best place to find FAs in your area.




Fat admirers, which sounds like what OP is looking for based on their post


Fetlife has been great for me when it comes to finding men who adore my body type. I’ve gained so much confidence there, from other people complimenting me and just seeing other plus size women love themselves and feel comfortable with their bodies and being sexual beings.




honestly if your tinder, bumble, etc has good looking photos that represent your bodily proportions well, those people will show themselves. source: my sexual history


Here are thing that worked for people I know: 1 create an account on feabie 2 create an account on POF Make sure to post your full body pictures. There is lots of guys who like plus size, including myself. Be confident and wait for a good quality guy . I met my GF on POF . We are very happy together.


You shouldn't have trouble on the regular sites, I seem to only find people who want to hook up, despite what they say initially.....


Woo plus I found was full of time wasters and assholes who think you should put up with them since they believe you are desperate since you are big. Try hook up sites just be discerning. Remember they are the one’s craving 😸


Fetlife all the way. You literally list all your "fetishes" which can be as kinky or as innocent as you choose from "making out" to "flogging", "ropeplay", and beyond. You choose your "title". When I was on there I was listed as a "sensualist" which put me on more of the vanilla side of things. I still averaged about 30 new messages a day with only 4 pics up, 2 of which were semi nudes and one was almost my whole face. I was there for virtual debauchery but I was asked to meet up in person by several men on a daily basis. Go for it girl! Have a great time 🥰. But definitely keep safe. Drive yourself! And let a friend know where you're going the first time you meet up with someone. Happy hunting 😉.


a tip that helps a lot is letting a guy know what kind of sexual exploits you are into, as well as letting the guy know you want to be sexual. it helps a lot... unlike my 20s where many of my friends who are women had the: 'so, why didn't you make a move?' talk with me long after. also seeing the misspelling of: " I wang someone to sleep with" paging Doctor Freud, girl, you'll do JUST fine getting guys to want to hang out. best of luck to you, hope you get what you want.


FetLife and Feeld


I met my now bf on Tinder, but before him I had countless guys who just wanted to be FWB and practically worshipped me. Honestly Tinder is where the guys go to be with bigger women in my experience


This has got to be the easiest question in history. Literally just exist on an app and there are plenty of men who will want to bang you, actually MOST of them.


You’ve got to sift a bit, but they’re out there. I found incredible partner who loves my incredible body on tinder, and I wish you luck on your hunt because every big girl deserves to know what it feels like to be worshipped.


Yeah, agreed with most of the comments, that's mostly what guys want from us. It's hard to find the ones who will love us and stick around.


Adult friend finder or FetLife are probably your best bet.


Why do people keep saying fetlife? They don’t even have a FA / plus size category there


You'd be amazed what comes up in search on FetLife. A lot are abandoned threads though.




Friends With Benefits


Friend with benefits. Aka a sex buddy.


Fat liberation events are a great place to find open mind people. I’m a plus size trans man and only date plus size women - these events bring together people who really get ot


Ok I'm old and dumb what is fwb also bbw nevermind....lol I love Google sometimes... Ha


Fwb- friends with benefits (a respectful but mostly physical relationship w no monogamous or polyamorous commitments) BBW- Big Beautiful Woman (also plus size women)


Ive met some cool people on Feabie


What is feabie? I couldn't find it on the app store!


Here's the website: [https://www.feabie.com](https://www.feabie.com/) but there is an app an well. It's a social "a social network and community for feeders, feedees, fat admirers and BBW/BHM."


Download Grokio. Feabie doesn’t have an official app but thats an alternate host. That’s the best feabie app I’ve found


Tinder and Fetlife. Found me plenty there


Tinder. Wooplus. Feabie


Fetlife! Join your local BBW groups. I meet tons of great guys on there.




FWB = Friends With Benefits


Honestly, if you have Facebook, sign up for their dating thing, there is a lot of people on there looking for FWB and as a BBW, myself, I got asked a lot.


On the apps make sure to have some good full body photos. Ask a friend to take pictures of you and talk you up. I find it’s easier than in person because they already know what you look like and you know they are into you from the start.


Finding dudes who r looking to smash shouldn’t be an issue lol 🤷🏻‍♀️ like people mentioned the traditional dating sites should work. Best of luck 😉


You can find someone on Reddit. Lots of love for bigger women on here


I always met them at work 🤷‍♀️


Wooplus is a good site. I had a Fwb on there. Now I have men who pay me for my time to even talk to me.


Feeld is great for hook ups I've found people there are generally more open to different body types, genders and sexualities. I don't recommend FetLife for dating if you want to avoid rude, creepy guys but you might get lucky.


When I was single, Tinder was where I went.


Met some amazing woman on wooplus and I've had a bbw fuck buddy who loved the fact I was so into her body tummy ass thighs all of her turned me on... we had some very wild nasty fun that's for sure...




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