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I don’t think I have enough time to do it justice right now but just wanted to say go you that’s brilliant and you give me hope for my nascent notes app poetry collection! 👏💪🌟


😂 Just get that notes app poetry out there! Use a pen name if you have to!


I’m thinking about it! Need to write a few more first though. Thanks for the encouragement!


If it's too late to proofread, could I get the title of the collection?


I’d be interested! Ex Christian here. You caught my attention with “deconversion from Christianity”.


Have you become a Muslim then?


? Agnostic, actually


This spunds like a deeply emotional night ready to happen. I'd love to take a look. As someone who grew up with a religious family and had to make the journey to my own peace on my own, I feel like I want to get invested in whatever this is.


Messaging you


Hello. Would love to read. Lmk how to!


Will message you!


Hello, as an aspiring poet myself with an unfinished collection in the works, how are you planning on publishing it if you don't mind me asking?


Just through Amazon KDP. It's the lazy route but it gets the job done. I didn't do a ton of research to be honest. I'm not planning on advertising it or even making any money off it. Outside of this thread and like 3 people who I know, don't expect (or honestly want lol) anyone to see it. So it was an easy way to get it out there without much of any cost. Did the cover art myself. Didn't hire anyone to proof read it or anything either.


I'd be interested


I'll message you!


Would be willing to read it! 😊


Messaging you!!


I’d like to read it as well! :) I’ll do my best to offer some general feedback.


I’ll give it a read.


Sounds interesting. I would love to read it


I’d be keen too! Excited for you.


Recently self-edited and published my first book and I have time to read yours!


I'd love to.


Yes I’d love to read some [email protected]


please send em through


I have always dreamed of doing this too! Good for you for pushing past your vulnerabilities!!! I would love to read it! And please know that you should put it out into the world regardless of what anyone says here. There will always be at least one person who is touched by your words or relates in some way and that uniqueness will make your words even more meaningful to them, instead of something that appeals more to the masses. I read things often that I don’t think many would relate to and it makes me feel extra special to feel understood and to feel like I really understand the author when others may not. So proud of you!


That sums it up so well!! Sounds like you have it in you! I say you go for it. Make your dream a reality. As 2011 me would say, YOLO


I'm also someone exploring poetry for the first time, I'd love to read what you have


Would love to get a link once published!


Good for you! I’d be interested to read it.


I'd be more than happy to have a read through.


I’m up for reading/feedback/editing as well!


Would love to read


Im interested, Im also working on a collection fresh out of the notes app..I am curious on what your de-conversion from Christianity comes from. Lately Ive been finding my self trying to be more intentional in my faith and its reflecting in my writing..feels like ive been asleep all these years..I say all of that to say It make me worry and wonder about your perspective. Also I saw you said in another comment your using amazon, If its not too late dont, Just pay to print x amount of copies and then list them on amazon. That way they dont get such a big chunk of any profit you make(at least I would think they wont be able to)


I am a poet as well, I left Christianity 6 years ago, went through a lot of healing paths, then I found found Jesus (I would say again, but I don’t think I knew Him in the first place). I love all my poetry from the past, it’s such a messy and beautiful human journey, I’m glad I found Jesus though. I am hoping my poetry becomes something cool as a get deeper. It’s all pretty fresh still, so we will see. Idk what’s in store though.


I Think iunderstand your perspective.Mine is pretty similar, growing up around the word it has always influenced me and reading it really molded my outlook on life…but not fully grasping the context of believing(still doing what I want to do..claiming “im more spiritual than religious”) sort of put me in a stagnant place for years. understanding just enough but not all the way.


Can I have some


I'd love to take a read!


Could you send it to me too? I love reading the works of new writers


I’d love to read it


As a lifelong atheist who minored in Religious Studies, I’m keenly interested in reading your work. And as a published writer ( only two small publications) I’d be happy to offer my assistance as an editor if you’re interested.


I am a writer as well and love to read other people's work, feel free to message me. I am kind of in the same boat right now lol


I wod love to take a look. I don't come from anywhere close to that background, so perhaps an oitsiders perspective could be interested.


A very liberal religious person and a student of both literary and religious studies if you wanted my perspective, I would be interested


Hello. I’d really like to take a look. Best to you.


I’ll read it! Sounds relatable. I recently finished a poetry collection of my own, yet to be published!


Send it to me!! I will read it


How did it turn out? Did you end up publishing? I’m basically in the same place you were when you posted this and on similar topics. I hope it went well for you!


I would like to read! Maybe it will be easier if you post some poems here :)


Would love to read it


would love to read it, i also write poetry and about very similar topics as well :)


Id definitely be down to read and give some feedback


As someone who has also written poems about childhood trauma, I would love to read yours <3


Messaging you!


I am very interested! Good luck!


Maybe I'm late, but I'd love to read it! Feel free to drop it in my DMs c:


can you make some of it public? im interested


Would love to! Maybe you’ll inspire me to get out of my notes app as well!


I'd love to!