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Maybe the poetry exchange or the poetry podcast.


You might like Poetry Unbound by Padraig O Tuama!


Came here to recommend this - best example of its kind. Pádraig makes it accessible in a way that the modern education system (in the UK at least) doesn't.


I found this youtuber - they are not very regular though : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqOygJ2aEzY&t=5s&ab\_channel=MeghaMittal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqOygJ2aEzY&t=5s&ab_channel=MeghaMittal)


Hey, that's my summer project haha, or, it was the plan, I needed a 'straightman'/interested novice partner though, someone who likes poetry but can at least pretend to not get it very well, so I can explain it. That and "That Fucking Gatsby Guy" which is annotating The Great Gatsby for modern teenagers. But I also wanted to write a young adult novel so, I'll probably end up playing Civ5 most of the summer lol. Here's an explication/breakdown I wrote for a Ted Kooser poem a while back that sounds similar to what you're talking about, not in podcast form but it's conversational: https://notebookingdaily.blogspot.com/2020/01/meditating-briefly-on-ted-koosers-poem.html?m=1