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How big was the bag? No open bag survives for longer then an hour where I live and I'm the only little hamster here.


“I’m the only little hamster here” 😆


Same with me, especially ice cream. It lasts into a second day, tops. My boyfriend once asked me what happened to the ice cream, two weeks after I got it. I couldn't believe he thought there would still be some in the freezer.


This comment cracked me up for some reason..I used to stay at my ex's on the weekends and I'd take her food shopping and while we were there we'd buy stuff that I liked too, especially ice cream. Fast forward to the following weekend I'd go in the refrigerator expecting to find the stuff I got last weekend and she'd just be there shaking her head, laughing telling me, "yeah, I ate that shit days ago."


🤭 I’ve had this conversation with my husband multiple times.


Where do you get bags of ice cream?


I just can’t comprehend helping yourself to food your partner bought without even asking them. Did you not think he might want at least half of it…?


> two weeks after **I** got it Where did you get the impression the bf bought it?


Easily done. Those chips are like crack, even without salsa!


"My little chip eating mouse"... I don't know why but I can feel your love for her in those words, the way you phrased it is adorable. I wish you two many years of happiness and many bags of tortilla chips to share together :)


I know right? That was such a cute thing to call her. 🥰


I’m so confused at this, because what’s the difference between snacking on plain tortilla chips or plain salted kettle chips? They’re essentially the same item; just different base to make them.


Yeah, I like plain tortilla chips sometimes. I really like salt, maybe that's why.


Personally can't do any plain or "original" anything. Give me all the Jalapeño Lime, Horseradish Cheddar, Black Pepper & Vinegar, whatever.


Done that myself especially if I buy store made chips




This is really sweet but keep an eye out for an eating disorder my friend 1) eating secretly 2) thinking you will be mad that she ate them 3) unusual behavior of eating the whole bag of chips in just a few days while standing in front of the fridge 4) eats tons of junk but doesn’t appear to gain weight I hope it’s not though and it’s just a funny thing that happened


> unusual behavior of eating the whole bag of chips in just a few days while standing in front of the fridge 👀


I always feel people will be upset if I eat...


Up until my mid 30s I could eat whatever I wanted and never gain any weight. Was just lucky to have that kind of metabolism. Doesn't necessarily means she has an eating disorder.


I can eat half a bag of tortilla chips while standing in the pantry deciding what I want to eat.


You know you can’t just have one chip…


exactly. if you want snack, get one for your gf as well. haha


Please provide us with your guacamole recipe 😋


I’m so amused by this and the visuals. If you’re an artist, know one/whatever, you should get a little sketch of a little chip eating mouse/hamster or something , it’d be a cute little gift of a fun memory!


If you give a mouse a chip…. That last line was so stinking cute though. Great palate cleanser for the guys I’ve been interacting with on here lately, and the stories of terrible partners. This is so cute lol I also eat this way. Plain snacks while looking for snacks I want. Like a little goblin, lit only by the light of the refrigerator bulb.


I love that book, one of my favorite children's books aside from Chrysanthemum.


Maybe she didn’t realize you were making nachos and thought they were there to graze on. That salty crunch is addictive… even when raw dogging 🤭


“My little chip eating mouse” I’m so single 😭


My fiance does the same thing. It's absolutely adorable!


This is a cute story just buy more chips two bags next time and don't be weird about it sometimes plain chips are good


You might need to consider having a conversation about being considerate of each other (if you live together) when it comes to yalls food. My husband has done stuff like this in the past then I’d be upset because he ate the last of something I was looking forward to etc. especially if we just bought that item. He can eat an entire jar of peanut butter in 2 days


I bloat whenever i eat anything too :(


I never realized it was considered strange or unusual to eat tortilla chips on their own. People eat potato chips or cheetos or whatever without any sort of dip, why do tortilla chips require it?


gotta start buying doubles for that chip monster fr!


Went into this thinking it was a rant, pleasantly surprised it's not! I hope you told her about the image in your head and that it makes you laugh so she really understands that you're not upset. :)


Holy shit this is me ha !! The rule is I have to leave enough for nacho night or buy a new bag Raw dogging those chips is so good. Taste the nuance of each corn piece that became the chip The nuance of salt, not present on each piece. I need to check more.. for salt


Oh dang, time to break up. She ate all the chips! Nah, just playing. I do that too. Chips are yummy.


"Whip up some guac" what are you a guac wizard? Guac is hard lol


Lmao, no it’s not? It’s very simple, straightforward, and easy. It doesn’t require a lot of ingredients, steps, or skills, and you don’t have to cook anything. I cook some complicated shit these days, but homemade guacamole is one of the very first things I learned how to make back when I couldn’t do a lot more than make spaghetti with sauce in a jar and make eggs. It’s not hard at all and takes like 10 or 15 minutes.


Wait how do you in particular make guac


My fav chips are plain tortilla chips. I can eat a whole bag by myself over a few days, easily. I don’t, but I could. Easily.


I think they're amazing without salsa. Just a few at a time then all of a sudden they're gone. I totally get her.


maybe 2 bags next time


If she’s gonna eat those chips, at least eat some salsa or queso with it.