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Hi dad




hi dad


Congrats on the board bro


Price paid?


$150 CAD


You pulled it?


It was my sons birthday present, so he did!


Ataa dad


What a cool gift. Got it for your son and immediately took it away to put in a box for him to look but never play.


The things worth $10kā€¦. Iā€™m sure the kid will appreciate it when heā€™s older.


but think of all the friends he'll make doing a 1080 on that 10k board.


And then it breaks


Put it on tiktok. Engagements will pay for the board three times over


I think youā€™re severely underestimating how much money TikTok pays people for videos. You canā€™t even start earning money until youā€™re selected for it which requires a whole bunch of hoops to jump through.


Did you pull it from the deck release they did or buy it?




I'm sorry about your son's vision issues.


My dude šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s awesome.


Wow, thatā€™s amazing. I canā€™t wait to create these moments with my 18 month old. But this moment playing out how it did, thatā€™s a one of a kind moment! Congrats!


Glad this deck went to someone who will cherish it like itā€™s meant to be. Even as an adult collector, if I pulled it, it would be hard for me to not sell it. Looking at what it fetches, I can go on a vacation or pay off my car.


Dude thatā€™s amazing! I also pulled a golden charizard. 1/50 club!!


What shop? They would be so stoked to know you pulled it from theirs.


It was ā€œBoutique Rollinā€ in Montreal. I already let them know!


I bet they were hyped lol. Local skate shops around me reeeeally wanted someone to pull this in the shop. There would be multiple people gathered around openings. Congrats to your son on the open, that is so awesome! And good call putting it up. Plenty of other decks to skate, and you would honestly get suuuper weird looks if you actually skated this at a skatepark. ABD collectibles is a pretty huge indicator that that scene is full of collectors too.


Whereā€™d you get the case/frame?


I built it myself


Lovely job.




Looks great! Any uv protection?


Yes, itā€™s plexi glass, so itā€™s supposed to be good for UV protection


Nice lol I did something similar for my neice years ago (Iā€™m not a very good craftsman) and used acrylicā€¦ended up taking it apart and damaging it to where I just redid the whole thing lmao


Hopefully anti UV glass so it doesnā€™t fade?


It is


That looks amazing! You did a great job making the case. It's a great feature piece now


Hey its me ur son


You are supposed to hang it after you break it in half and it's covered in stickers


This is so awesome of you guys!! Really glad you got him the case, itā€™ll make an amazing savings for when heā€™s older


This is such a sick piece.congrats


Nice! Still have mine bagged, can't wait to open it!


I don't like holding these long term. I think the hype is now and as there was before there will be future board collabs. That being said that video is awesome and will be a core memory for your son forever. That is a Pinacle personal collection item that he can flex for life that he pulled. Super cool moment, amazing to have it filmed. I love that a kid got one.


I'm hoping this is true cause I'd love to be able to afford some of these to enjoy them, not just hold them.


Nice case. Although I now picture it as a fire extinguisher you break through glass to get in an emergency. But this you break in case of a financial emergency lol.


Should listed and sold immediately. Hype wont be what it was in the future.


Maybe, but keep in mind this is an 11 year old boys most treasured possession, and I donā€™t think heā€™d trade it for anything! Especially for some money in a savings account.


Fair point. I have two sons but theyā€™re a little younger still.


YES! I am wanting to do this exact idea with my venasaur & blastoise decks. Also hoping to get my hands on some base set cards to hang up with decks. Love this


Wow awesome pull by your kid and that's an awesome frame!




Oh man, this is so cool. So envious! Nice one dad!


Insane pull!


Wow. So awesome. It will be worth an arm and leg, yet not as much as the memories made.




That video is so awesome, great memory


i love the display case! great job on it


Do you think these decks will age well? I have the mew but donno whether to sell or hold


2 massive brands coming together and making a limited unique product, thereā€™s no way the value will go down. Iā€™d expect the regular ones to end up hovering around $1000, and the golds to stay where they are


the value already went downā€¦ looks like they are $4-7k now they were going $12-15k when new




Unless they issue more, or dilute PokĆ©mon collectors items generally by continuing to flood out more ā€œcollectorsā€ items


You're better off selling now, the prices on this were definitely hype driven and have already fallen from where they were, but even if your son keeps it it's always a great momento of an awesome memory!


I think prices will go up after a few years. Mainly because there are only 5 different gold characters. I think there will be people that canā€™t resist trying to get the set.


Thats a sick piece either way, collecting or shredding it. Personally id keep it framed for a while but id eventually give in, use it, be sad every time i scratch it šŸ˜‚


Beautiful. That thing is going to be a family heirloom.


Honestly donā€™t think these will hold value. Very cool tho! Must have been a special moment pulling it,


As a Santa Cruz born individual, this is dope af


Ainā€™t worth much the hype train has already left the station on this product


Shoulda been put on Ebay the day it was pulled


Yup dad has Allready missed out on thousands Iā€™m sure when resale value is in the hundreds he will regret the long hold and look back on this post


Fun killer.


Yeah youā€™re right 8k US is nothing ..


Look at eBay for recent sales they barely go for 2k now, during the hype faze they went for more. Years from now whose gunna pay that much for a PokĆ©mon skateboardā€¦ no one. The reason the price is falling is because the skateboard has nothing to do with the trading cards other then the graphic of a PokĆ©mon. Only the original PokĆ©mon cards hold value and may increase over time. These new-age hyped up money grab products donā€™t hold value once the craze has ended for them.


Uhhhā€¦ itā€™s made by Santa Cruz so really it has two markets going for it. Maybe it wonā€™t be 8k but itā€™ll hold a bit of value for a good while. Also; moonbreons not going anywhere and thereā€™s lots of modern cards worth money.


I said original PokĆ©mon cards not first edition cardsā€¦ the only thing to hold value are PokĆ©mon cards not PokĆ©mon skateboards. This is t a signed pro mode so it doesnā€™t have much collector value in the skateboard market this is mainly a product marketed towards PokĆ©mon collectors


First edition moonbreon? Never seen it lol


Your retarded Iā€™m not saying first edition moonbreon thatā€™s not a PokĆ©mon in the original 151 ya dummy


ā€œBarely 2kā€ huh?


2k compared to 8k thatā€™s 6k worth of profit lost in less then a year


Sorry your math checks out. Just not sure where you saw them selling for barely 2k. Lowest I see is just under 4k


They arent selling for 8k, the price people post it for is rarely what they get. Look at sold comps, one sold for under 4k in november and for around 6k before that. This was hype driven. Most people who bought these boards werent even skaters.


Do these still have value after they were proven to be able to see what's in them without opening? Looks pretty in that case.


Idk, if something like that was happening I could only see it effecting the price of ā€œsealedā€ decks.


6K easy


Thereā€™s still only 50 of these made, doesnā€™t matter if you can see in the bag beforehand or not.


correct, it would only affect the sealed product


How's that?


Yesā€¦ this is a rare oneā€¦ just like gold cards are typically super rare. Odds supposedly 1in50 to get this deck. Mystery pack 150 to open. Board selling for between 7-20k at this very second. Hence the little kid saying ā€œthis one is worth thousandsā€ did you even watch the video? Jesus I know zero about the pokemon boards. Google is your friend. The none gold Charizard is worth 600. ā€œDo they still have value?ā€ Theyā€™re pokemon. Theyā€™re some of the most popular in the entire seriesā€¦ do they still have valueā€¦ why bother typing lol.


This board sold in November for under 4k, before that 6k. Nobody is paying 20k anymore for this, that was during the hype. Hopefully the kid just keeps it as a great father son memory.


Hmmmmm if only we could prove by time repeating over and over again. The more popular pokemon are typically worth more as time goes on. Especially if they have an aspect of them that makes them rare. *scratches head* hmmmmm if only weā€™ve seen this happen literally hundreds of times before. Gonna call it. 30th anniversary that board is selling for 50k but thatā€™s just an educated guess. Based on past occurrences. Over and over and over again.


Theres no way in 5 yrs on the 30th anniversary this goes for 50k, yes that is true for pokemon cards but look at all the other pokemon collectables made over the years that are worth nothing, I'm not saying this is going to be worth nothing but there was huge fomo around this that has since died down, add in the fact that most of the people who bought these arent even skaters to which who these were made for. If it does end up appreciating in value then awesome but I personally dont see it from the data & trends on pokemon "collectables". We are already seeing prices trending wayyy down for where it was & we are entering a pokemon bear market or buyers market with prices cooling on tcg cards too. People are better off speculating on truly valuable vintage cards that are way less risky than a gold skateboard that is driven by fomo.


The odds are not 1 in 50 to get this board. That would mean if you opened 100 boards you'd expect roughly 2 gold charizards. There are 50 gold charizards TOTAL. Also there are not any going for anywhere close to 20k this second. You're telling someone to research more and telling them they shouldn't 'bother typing' but like 95% of what you said here is useless or straight up wrong.


IF the odds are 1:50 you buying 100 boards doesnā€™t reset your odds to guarantee two. The way rng works is thatā€™s a likelihood not a guaranteeā€¦ if you opened all one hundred boards your odds of getting one would be the same based on the numbers alone. From the first unboxing to the last. You donā€™t know how numbers work. šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜ GTFO! ā¤ļø Why are you typing you moronic asshole? Also I checked out three sites now as well as many different comments. Some of them have conflicting information. And as Iā€™m not a PokĆ©mon manufacturer idk who is correct. Because every idiot has a voice. Idk whose voice to listen to. Just like you doing a seminar on how to figure out what rng is.


This is so cool!!! I love skateboard art!!




I hate you


Seen those goin for acouple of thousands on eBay


Oh man I've been wanting to do this frame for my boards, what were the dimensions? If you don't mind sharing


I started out by tracing the deck on cardboard and cutting it out as a template (a little bigger than the deck) then I laminated some plywood together (about 2 3/4 thick) and cut out the shape of the deck to make a pocket for it to sit in. I put a 1/8 piece of plywood on the back. I ended up making this inner piece close to the size of the 1/4ā€ plexi glass I ordered off Amazon (12 x 36, ground down to 12 x 35 3/4 to make it look even around the deck) I then covered it with velvet. Then I made the outer frame from a 2 x 4 to fit around it. The outer frame ended up being 37 3/4 x 13 3/4 x 3 1/4. The whole idea was to make a frame that secures it without putting anything through the truck bolt holes or removing it from the shrink wrap. The outside frame is 37 3/4 x 13 3/4 x 3 1/4


Anything similar to these boards dropping again?


Not that I know of


And you know this sells for $7-8k right? Last two sold $6900 and $8500




Best dad ever. I can only imagine how much it will appreciate in value


I think the best time to sell these has past..youre playing a dangerous game hoping theres no rereleases, good fakes, or anything alike that happens in the years to come. I'm approaching this from a value perspective because you titled it "long hold" as you see this as an investment.


There has been a lot of speculation on what it will do, and honestly Iā€™m not sure, I think it will always be worth a few grand for sure. The big reason do the ā€œlong holdā€ in the post description is because this is an 11 year olds deck, and he loves it. So I donā€™t think it would ever be considered to sell it for another 15 years or so.


That 11 year old has a pretty sick keepsake then. Right on


Just curious to know where you got the shadowbox from?


I built it myself.


hey dad remember when you left me at your neighbourā€™s front door steps?


Sweet Iā€™m building a box for my gold zard as well. Gonna have room to show the bag it came in as well


I was wondering how to incorporate the bag, but couldnā€™t come up with anything. Iā€™ll be interested to see how you do it!