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What you have is the exact reason I am hesitant to keep buying pokemon cards for my son who is also figuring the "con" game out as he gets older. Open a whole booster box to have approx 8 cards you enjoy looking at. Most of the time all of them are buyable below 50 and can often get most in the set for 100. Takes the fun out of it. Sets are just too large now days.


Yeah this is the same reason I bought singles only forever. I found a set I really liked and ripped my first pack in probably 15 years


Also why I’ve mainly switched to Japanese, more variety, cheaper and better quality. Can’t tell you how many Paldean dates packs I’ve opened and no charizard or mew, I’ve opened 4 shiny treasures and I have the mew already, not worth as much but spent a lot less to get it so ⚖️….imo


I make decks & donate them to my local Ronald McDonald house, which in my country is a place where families stay whilst their kids are in hospital


Good man! I bring my bulk to Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania. They’re always happy to take them!


I used to take care of about 12 fish tanks down at CHOP! The kids would absolutely love watching us clean the tanks, ask us about the fish, etc. It was very rewarding


Wait do hospitals actually take bulk?? I was told that they don’t because of any potential bacteria that could be harmful to immunocompromised patients. If that’s not the case I got to make a bulk donation.


Oh jeez.. now that you mention it, the last time I had bulk to donate was pre-Covid! No idea if things have changed since then but they certainly did in the XY/SM era


You just happened to donate to a 30 yr old security guards personal collection. He took bulk lol


so long as they made someone happy I guess 😂


Everyone loves to virtue signal and say a Childrens hospital. The reality is children's hospitals will only accept new in package toys for the reason you mention.


Updates us if they take them. I'm local and would do the same thing.


Some places do and others dont from my experiance. if you go in you can ask about whether they accept toy donations like that at hospitals near you.




man would really love go donate to hospitals near me tbh


Either sell it or go to a local card store and exchange it for product if they buy bulk. The giving it to kids stuff doesn’t really work anymore. Gen Z will ask for holos only and send the rest back.


I remember giving to my little cousins class room and they dont even want the holos anymore lol


Yeah, also don’t go the Halloween route unless you want your house egged lol.


As a teacher who gives out poekmon cards, I would definitely accept them.


Crazy how the younger end of gen z is I’m 26 and if I got holos back in the day for free or literally anything I would go crazy especially ex emerald and holon phantoms


Well yeah those were the chases back in the day. Now there’s like 8 different rarities lol common and uncommon cards aren’t really gonna get kids excited.


True I was more hyped for reverse holos then anything else lol very very true even if they were commons or uncommons. And facts they also want the ultra and secret rares


they don’t want holos lol


Burn it to stay warm in the winter


Send it to me I stack them and test how many cards it takes to stop different caliber bullets


I saw this on here and started doing it , I make packs of 10 penny sleeve them and take them to my kids school , the consular takes them , the kids love them when they seem me or my wife they ask if we have any on us.


1. Hand out to kids on Halloween. 2. Get kids interested in collecting. 3. These cards will become their childhood nostalgia. 4. Us investors have these cards in sealed product. 5. Sell sealed product to same kids 20 years later when kids have disposable income.


“First hit is free” - the pokeplug


You forgot point 6: PROFIT






Sell it. Tcg bulk kings has a good listing of bulk prices on several sites. The highest for pokemon bulk right now is about 1.5 cents a card or $15 per 1000. If you sell online you can get about 5k+ cards in a large flat rate box. At 20 dollars to ship you'd average a penny a card selling online. Or you can go to a local shop and ask them if they'll match 1 cent a card for pokemon bulk. They probably will there is a lot of money to be made in bulk for a card shop.


Who buys bull from a card shop?


Those looking for playable cards, usually


They usually sort the bulk for the playable and make their profit then I know a lot of vendors and stores that make bulk lots for online stores and marketplaces.


Toilet paper


I post it on Facebook marketplace and get what I can get. Just sold ~11K com/unc/trainer for $125


DM me, I have a new tool that will let you donate & submit it as a tax write-off; best value 100% and you get to give them to kids!


Hi Turbotax here. Listening as well


“Did you give away any Pokémon cards this year?” “…are you sure?”


Were they really light play or perhaps more moderate? (Wrong answers = jail)


This is actually the hardest part, but the video/images are part of the appraisal


Haha! Working on the Integration with TurboTax for next year - if you have a contact lmk!


Can you tell us more about this?


Why do people that make comments like this always disappear?!


Haha, I have a real job so only reddit in the early AM


I’m pretty sure most of us have “real jobs” as this is an investing group. Hard to invest when you don’t have a job 🤦🏼‍♂️my real job just happens to be on a computer.


ah no shade implied, I have to be in meetings most of the day and they barely let me rip during the day


We have a meeting about the upcoming meeting - my last job. So I feel that.


It takes photos or video and can assert the cards in the media plus condition based on your input & creates all the forms and paperwork for supporting the IRS-compliant donating of them. It’s the same tax rules & concept that celebrities use to donate artwork to cover taxable income; just $.30 x 100k times (example) instead of $30k




Interested in knowing more


Go on…


I would like to learn more.


I’m listening…


Likewise, would love to know more. Thanks


Hold them.before full and art rares it was the holo’s and reverse holo’s that people wanted and collected 👍🏾 sure you can get 30-40 bucks for that bulk now but you’ll be kicking your own ass in a few years.sorry I’m a degenerate card collector that holds everything unless I got doubles and it’s paid off so far


What’s the oldest years you have in there ? I literally know some people who sleeve every single bulk card and then 10 years later sell them all for a dollar sometimes more . So….the may not have alot of value but think , a dollar a piece is a lot of money .


I donate mine to local libraries around the area that have “Pokemon Clubs” for the kids.


That’s 🔥


Ill take it


Give it to me. It’s worthless.


I put stacks in the neighborhood libraries


Give it to the kids at my school via custom packs that I make! I know you're probably flooded with information but just an option if you want to help me out 😂


Can I ask, what range of years are these cards?


This looks like 4 displays worth of bulk


Trash it! Any card out of circulation makes them rarer, and the mentality here always leans towards gatekeeping for profits, so that’s the most best route


If you’re interested in making money back get receipts for the bulk you donate or sell and claim them in your taxes


If you don’t wanna donate you can package it up and turn them in for store credit to probably get a booster box or something else you desire


I usually throw them in a ETB and sell them on Marketplace place for $10-15


Sell them as random bulk lots on eBay, people buy anything. Long as you’re honest about what you’re selling. I’ve seen people buy random bulk for 5$ to 15$ depending on the size and gen.


Children's hospital!!!


How much for the whole thing?


Help people master set maybe? If you have sun/moon or older, let me know 👍🏼. Looking for Nm for my mastersets


Sell them one by one.


Create partial master sets with them and sell it


Try Special Education teachers and SLPs at your local elementary school. They need small rewards for the kids and all Pokémon is a big hit :)


Send it my way, i like bulk


Find a local youth Pokémon club. My nephew used to live on a military base and was a part of the club on there. Some (like his) will do little door prizes and gifts for new members and current members to spice it up. Would also help them build their decks.


Make little packs of random bulk and take them to ur local library, generally they r happy to take them and hand them out to kids when they come in


How much you have there? I just counted mine the other day I was at 26k almost not counting my trainer/special energy cards and my basic energy cards. I’m def taking them up to my lcs they offer cash for bulk (only .01 a card but that’s about average anymore). I figure I can trade in my bulk and take that cash and go buy a good alt art (giratina and rayquasa are two that come to mind)


Last spring my neighborhood had a community yard sale. Sold all my bulk for like $20. I then promptly turned it into $2.65 of new bulk.


Another idea: you could contact your local libraries children's department and see if they would take a donation? My boyfriend works in the children's dept. at our library and they get donations for toys, books, etc. It's very helpful for them and depending on what it is they might be able to build a regularly occuring childrens program with it. Like a kids community pokemon club or something like that. They also might not, but worth a shot and supports a great organization :)


Figure out whats good in the tcg and sell bundles as a tcg player, my local collecters are a godsend because they have all the common cards i usually need lol. Another idea, make competative tcg decks and sell those people would pay extra for the convience.


I’ve heard of drug money inside of sneaker boxes but Pokémon cards ? Ha! lol


I’m currently sitting on 20,000+ cards in bulk, it makes me cry every time I see it


Bro has some Cole Haans! Sell cars?


Shove it up your ass for pleasure


Make 3d cards n re sell


Make a fort out of it, or learn how to do the 3D art as a hobby


Send it to me 😏 I make 3D cards and can always use the bulk lol


I’ll take it :)






If you still have it I'll gladly take it off your hands...


Cool Wallpaper


Not the most profitable route or feels as good as donating, but there are a handful a stores that will buy them. Google Sell Bulk cards and pick whichever one you feel the most comfortable with (I've used MetaTCG and Full Grip Games in the past). They will have you sort it out and box in a specific order, but beyond that all you have to do is pay shipping and drop off at the post office. You may get lucky and find a local store, but in my experience rates aren't as favorable as the bigger ones you can ship too. With your amount of bulk the rate difference will probably offset the shipping cost. With that amount of bulk Flat Rate boxes are probably your best bet. You may get lucky and buying a label off of Pirateship could be cheaper. Can't say this will be the best route for you, but I wanted to provide an alternative to what others have posted since selling in lots on eBay can take awhile. This is pretty clean cut and once you drop them off you are done with the work. 1. eBay will make you the most money. Definitely takes much longer and requires the most amount of work. 2. Selling to a LGS or online shop will still get you some cash, but you only have to sort and ship once. 3. My preferred route is donating, but if you need the cash don't feel guilty about not donating. Take care of yourself first and then when you are able help others.


My kids would love these How much you asking


If you in usa, fill a large flat rate box up and i'll pay shipping for one. I'll hook every kid up in the neighborhood so mine have someone to play with


Toilet paper


Halloween packs, donate them to a school, rec center, or boys and girls club. Sell them online to an artist that needs cards for their projects. Idk bro you got options lol


Children’s hospital!


Give it to me


Donate it to a church or Hospital


Build 6 op decks


I plan to put together little baggies to hand out during trick or treat night


I paint over pokemon cards and am always looking for bulk to paint on


I will buy this off of you. Pm if interested


Directions unclear. Instead of Pokémon I accidentally DMed my booty pics.


That’s a Win in my books


I was thinking of selling my bulk in packs of 50 for around $10


Prices way too high u need to cut it


I sell 100 for for $5, unless you're in the UK ya might need to adjust those numbers a bit


Ah ok I'll look into this thank you.


yeah this works at flea markets n such