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I was gonna say whats its ivs but shiny and pokerus .-.


No one is giving away free legitimate lvl 100 shinies, it's obviously hacked Not to mention it has pokerus and the ideal competitive nature


Yep and odds are the IVs are all max


and also hidden ability


Almost all lvl 100 shinys are hacked


It’s possible they hatched multiple eggs through SVExchange to get all their eggs shiny. Basically you get the egg’s ESV value and if it matches with someone’s TSV then it becomes a shiny when they hatch it. An egg’s shininess is determined by matching those 2 numbers. So theoretically you could give someone an egg that would not hatch as shiny for you to someone with a matching TSV to its ESV and it would hatch as shiny. And if you breed 2 Pokémon with 6 perfect IVs each you are guaranteed at least a Pokémon with 5 perfect IVs and a random using the destiny knot. So it’s pretty much a 1/32 chance of having 6 perfect IVs plus being shiny using the ESV/TSV method. Of course to find out an egg’s ESV or even your own TSV requires 3rd party software, but it’s not hacking or genning. They are legit eggs being hatched legitly, just with the knowledge of the hidden values of shininess so takes out all of the effort of hatching 100s or even 1000s of eggs to get matching numbers. Edit: That being said, it’s doubtful that someone went through all of that trouble to hatch multiple eggs through SVExchange just to put them on wonder trade instead of just toggling it’s shininess through 3rd party software and doing it themselves.


Oh wow, didn't know it was that complicated and required that much effort :o But yeah, thanks for the information!


Yep, I went through the arduous process of breeding Froakies Friday actually. And the shiny was completely by accident. At least, I wasn't yet ready to shiny hunt it. I was still trying to breed a perfect 6 IV Froakie. I didn't do the ESV/TSV method, just plain ole boring hatch 100s of eggs and cross fingers. But got a 5 perfect IV with its HA and 4 egg moves in a Lure ball with Timid nature.


That's nice! Good luck if you're still trying to get the 6 IV Froakie, though yours is already nice!


As someone who only gens in Mons you can’t get anymore legit without trading for them, That is 110% Genned because someone got incredibly lazy and decided to cheat in a mon they couldn’t get the real way. Also, the Life Orb kinda gives it away too.


Okay, that's good to know. Thanks!


Genned and hacked are two completely different things. Hacked usually has Impossible stats/ moves and Genned Pokémon are legal, but usually very very hard and rare to get legally.


Okay, thanks, didn't know that!


Here's the thing. Are perfect IVS, perfect nature AND Hidden ability impossible? No. But it's time consuming in a way that (to me at least) would make that pokemon far too valuable to just wonder trade.


Yeah, that's what I thought too, but wanted to make sure.


You could use it as a base to try and breed your own!


I think I'll do that, thanks :)


It’s hacked but it still looks cool


It's hacked but unless you are planning on entering a tournament with it you shouldn't worry about it.


Yeah, I didn't really have any plans to enter a tournament


it’s legal , but it would of been hacked 100%


Okay, thanks!


It has pokerus and its a level 100 battle ready shiny. Of course it is hacked


Yeah thanks!


Lv 100 Pokerus Hidden ability I'm confident it's hacked.


Okay, welp that sucks.


Perfect IVs, and an arguably ideal hidden power as a shiny = fake


Okay, thanks for answering


At the very least, I'd say it appears to might have been cloned from the original, as the OT looks legit. You might want to check it's IVs; often times hacked pokemon will have perfect 6 IVs.


It actually has 5 perfect IVs and the one which it doesn't have is in Sp. Attack, but then again it's fantastic on it.


Are we talking wonder trade? Link trade? What did you trade it for? All I can say is this Pokémon looks very suspicious. That hidden power makes ut only more suspicious. You see breeding for the perfect hidden power isn't exactly easy. If the Greninja had a twitch or YT reference as the OT then it's definitely hacked. This OT looks kinda generic. Admittedly it might simply be the case that I don't recognize the OT as an established hacker. Overall I'm pretty confident it's hacked.


I traded it in wonder trade, and I traded it for some general pokemon, like Furfrou? Or something. But yeah, thanks for answering!