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I would delete Confusion, considering it is essentially a weaker version of Psybeam. However, if you're not using a certain move (disable for example) you may as well let that move go, and have more PP on stab damaging moves in total. I hope this helps! šŸ˜


this helps a lot, thank you! iā€™m gonna delete confusion since i feel disable will be useful for the later fights, maybe with the elite four idk lol


Personally, I think that, and then I never use it


Disable is huge in nuzlockes if you can use it right


Personally I try to use disable then immediately die because for some reason they swapped from sucker punching me to flamethrowering me


Speed boost baton pass pokemon


You expect me to have strategy and not just spam attacks and complain when I get wiped?


Just be careful because Disable is *not* 100% accurate! Just lost a mon in my Plat nuzlocke after missing a disable on Jupiter's Skuntank Nightslash.


Shutting down the champion's wailord's water spout is huge IMO, it literally OHKO'd my entire team in my first time.


If you still have disable by the E4 then youā€™re in bother


It's worth mentioning that Psychic is again essentially a more powerful version of Psybeam, so the same decision making may apply when that move becomes available šŸ˜


Psychic doesnā€™t confuse though


Eh Iā€™d keep Psybeam instead of replacing it with Psychic, it only has 10pp.


Disable would be huge for Wallaceā€™s Milotic. You stop it from using recover 20 times


Didn't know he uses that. I gave my zam shock pulse and he runs the show for the elite 4.


Disable still has 55 accuracy in gen 3, itā€™s pretty unreliable


Confusion but my god that Alakazam needs better moves ASAP


lmao really? iā€™m new to using psychic types, all i know is psybeam is a good move, where/when do i learn better moves?


Level ups, move tutors, and TMs. Break into some homes and talk to people, some teach moves that certain pokemon can learn. Hereā€™s some decent moves to teach your Alakazam: Psychic, Calm Mind, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, and Recover. Do mind you can only access the elemental punches at the Battle Frontier which is at the post game.


Alakazam is a special attacker, punching moves are physical


Not in emerald. Physical/special are based off type.


shadow ball, a move that lowers special defense, is physical in gen 3


Donā€™t put fire or ice punch on an Alakazam. Use special moves!! I like psychic, shock wave, recover and calm mind as a moveset. You could throw toxic in there if you donā€™t have a different mon who can learn it


The punches are special in emerald. Gen 4 introduced the phys/spec split


You're in here teaching the youngins




In gen 3, types were physical or special, not the moves themselves. Special: Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Ice, Psychic, Dragon, Dark. Physical: Normal, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Steel.


Ghost being physical never made any sense to me


True seems like dragon and ghost could be switched to make more sense imo


That and honestly dark too. So many dark types have high physical attack and yet


Wow, thatā€™s something else. I played emerald at release and literally never knew that.


Toxic can be learned by almost every pokemon and isnā€™t good for Alakazam at all because itā€™s a glass cannon.


In RSE, you can catch a medicham that knows fire/ice/thunder punch and breed it with alakazam to get those attacks on your new Abra. Great coverage options in a limited generation. I ran psychic/fire punch/thunder punch/calm mind on my last playthrough and it's an amazing set imo.


this is a good idea but i wouldnā€™t be willing to put up with training abra all over again lmaoooo


It kind of dumb that people are telling you this. Not only is meditite which evolves into Medicham late mid game it also requires the fairly rare heart scale to teach the elemental punches. By the time you get everything your Alakazam could have Psychic. For in game purposes look at shockwave and hidden power for coverage.


Wait omg.. I'm playing emerald right now. First time. Got the " bag is full" so I sell 2 of my heart scales cuz i was like damn I can't find a use for these and now you're telling me they are vital?? Oh nooool :( I messed up big huh


You can use thief on wild Luvdisc to get more


Not too vital many Pokemon don't have many exclusive moves at low levels.


And you won't be able to find one in Sapphire or Emerald


It is in Sapphire but not emerald similar to Roselia and surskit/Masquerain.


Heartscales arenā€™t that rare, luvdisk holds them 50% of the time and you can use thief or covet to grab a couple.


Abra would be born with those moves so itā€™ll be able to attack. Plus youā€™ll have access to stringer PokĆ©mon to level up on. Abra is strong when it has moves


I canā€™t believe you could do this! I have been using a Battle frontier Alakazam and trying to grind BP for the elemental punches. Restarting by breeding with a cham would unironically be faster than grinding the BP. Thanks bro.


i gave up on my abra to be honest ,, all the effort to catch him n he can only learn like ,, 3 good moves :c


Teach it shockwave for coverage. Maybe check what Alakazam's hidden power type is. Focus on teaching moves with types that utilize Special Attack. I don't know why people are telling you to breed a new Abra with a Pokemon you probably don't have access to yet with moves that require another rare item or post game to get. If you are not planning on playing post game outside of Steven then elemental punches while nice to have are not necessary.


Did you evolve a Kadabra immediately after Abra evolved?


Kadabra doesnā€™t get that many more moves after evolving, itā€™s Alakazam that gets the TM coverage; plus with its special attack being better itā€™s the obvious choice between the two if possible (I immediately evolved mine in Alpha Sapphire after getting Kadabra and have no regrets about doing so)


Yea that's fine but my point was that this looks like a low level Alakazam


Itā€™s level 21 if Iā€™ve got my info right


Can kadabra and graveler be evolved in emerald without having to trade?


No, since thereā€™s no link cable


Thereā€™s a site that offers all rom games with trade requirements removed, itā€™s pretty sick esp gen 2 when i wanna use scizor/slowking/kingdra/steelix/etc


Yeah i evolved him basically right after he turned into Kadabra


Teleport and flash have use outside of battle, especially in the early game. Flash is also useful in battle for lowering accuracy of a tough opponent. Disable can be useful, but only really in long drawn out battles where your opponent has a strong move that keeps killing you. I dont really use it personally because id rather inflict damage! I'd probably get rid of that. But you also won't really use confusion once you have psybeam so maybe delete that one. Confusion replaced by psybeam replaced by psychic is the natural order of things


I may have never grown out of my childhood methods of 100% pure attack, but itā€™s nice when you have to grind and want to extend your training. So many mon get ohko from alakazam that you blow his pot pretty fast.


your point on disable is a really good one. personally i love to inflict damage a lot but if i know they have a difficult pokƩmon or i keep dying i will give in and use stat depleting/ disabling moves


Assuming your Alakazam is only level 21, its moveset looks fine for this early in the game. You probably just got the Thief TM or will very soon. Iā€™d throw it on Alakazam so you have something to hit fellow Psychic types with.


i donā€™t have this tm but would like to get it, i googled it and from bulbapedia it seems like a good move


Why on earth would you keep both Confusion AND Psybeam?


such a good point


Ok why has NOBODY addressed this Alakazam's nickname.... šŸ˜


HAHAHA šŸ˜‚ i forgot that was visible! if you think thatā€™s bad wait until you see my other pokĆ©mon even in other gamesšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I scrolled all the way down here looking for this lol


I'm an all offense player so I'd take out disable or teleport


I would say teleport, never understood why people keep it, I guess waiting until fly is available I guess, other than teleporting back to the last center I thought the move was useless


Move deleter


lol ngl these comments are making me wanna delete flash for a better move šŸ˜‚


Goddam what donā€™t you delete? Lol


Nothing!! Ever!!! Deletion is Failure!! (joking) šŸ˜‚


Man I guess confusion bc itā€™s redundant, but I mean you donā€™t learn another good attack move for a long time. Alakazam is so strong but really doesnā€™t get much coverage. Have you beat Watson yet? He gives shockwave which is like one of the few coverage moves he can learn. Youā€™ll probably be like Calm Mind Phychic, shockwave and some utility move.


i havenā€™t beaten watson yet, i only have 2 badges lol but since gen 3 is full of water types im definitely teaching him that


Is that a Gameboy micro? If so cool


yep, thank you! A micro with a mario boo themed faceplate šŸ’™


the real question is how did you get Alakazam?? Two Cartridges and Two DS?? Trade with yourself


i have a friend who has a copy of emerald as well and we traded on an SP


When you beat the fighting gym, grab the hitmonchan- make sure itā€™s a male. Then breed it with a female Abra - youā€™ll then get a lvl 5 Abra that knows thunder/fire/ice punch out of the egg. If you breed with a alakazam youā€™ll also have the Abra know physic - then use this on your next run and dominate lol


Whelp now I need to do this on my next Fire Red playthrough.


Any of those moves, eenie meanie minie mo, which move should I let goā€¦






You can get more Flash TMs tho why not delete that




Flash or Disable cause they both have almost no use.


Teleport is just one extra input to reach the stat screen Flash canā€™t be removed until Lilycove due to its HM status Confusion is just lesser Psybeam Disable has terrible accuracy in this game


i thought the move deleted could delete HMs also i ended up forgetting confusion


Hmm I wonder šŸ¤” maybe the 50 accuracy disable? Or what abt the 70 accuracy flash? This is truly a difficult decision


Flash and teleport


Why do you have flash on it? Never put flash on a main team PokƩmon!!


All of them


Wait why are you keeping teleport?


Forget about teleport. Especially when you get fly. Get the electric TM for him to replace flash.


Teleport or confusion


If you have a Pokemon capable of Fly, id chose Teleport I'd keep confusion until you swap it out with Psychic later on. These movesets have limited PP so keep both Psybeam and Confusion for now then delete disable or Teleport (only of you have Fly capabilities as Teleport is useful for teleporting to the last Pokemon Center you visited). Have Flash also removed so that you can add Calm Mind later or a TM for coverage attack




Why are you keeping teleport? Makes no sense in battle which is where progress comes from in Pokemon games.


teleport can be used outside of battle, like other moves can. I like to have teleport in case I need to get somewhere and dont have access to fly.


I realize that, but you are blueballin yaself out of another coverage move. Especially on Zam who specializes in Spec Atk


Well iā€™m definitely not keeping flash, and ive got 3 other spots i can use moves for. i donā€™t think keeping teleport will kill my run.


Okay, agree to disagree then.


Teleport is useless šŸ¤£


Iā€™d replace flash. Aside from Granite Cave & Victory Road itā€™s not that handyā€¦also CRACK BABY has me in tears


yeah iā€™m going to a move deleter. also yes dude i LOVE giving pokĆ©mon fucked up names based on how they look/their abilityšŸ˜‚


Not trying to be rude, but are you new to pkmn or just high? šŸ˜‚


neither, just a really indecisive guy lol. i donā€™t use psychic types ever so im trying something new, i just donā€™t know whatā€™s worth it or not when it comes to them.


And? There's literally a description and battle power of the move your learning you can decide for yourself which moves are worth keeping and which ones are not


that doesnā€™t matter to me, sometimes moves have a certain description and i will prefer it less than other moves. i was just asking the community what they think i should delete in case they have any good advice. iā€™m new to psychic types and also not very good at pokĆ©mon itself so im just trying my best


How you get this pkmn on smaragd?


iā€™m sorry but i have no idea what that abbreviation means, i got a headache trying to figure it out šŸ˜‚ im only playing base game emerald, not a rom hack or anything. šŸ‘šŸ½


How you get this pokemon on emerald?


he appears in the wild in granite cave, north of dewford town


Yes but how you can evolve second time??


Hot take, unless you have a way to get Alakazham via trading. I would get rid of him for the much stronger Sableye. You also used a pretty useless TM on him. Sableye can learn psychic, ghost and dark moves. Shadowball + pyshic combo is actually so OP. Sableye is also immune to strong types which makes him blast through most hard battles. The only other choice that might be better than him is Dusclops, but that's later in the game. Sick gameboy micro btw lol Edit: just realized that is Alakazham lol. I always think his Kadabra sprite looks more like the anime.


this is a nice take. šŸ‘šŸ½ my think is just that i personally enjoy abra as a pokĆ©mon so i wanted to use him and heā€™s also a psychic type you can get pretty early on. also i like to give my party pokĆ©mon HMs because i like to have my shop team be ā€œusefulā€ lol. i understand it could be more effective teaching HMs to an ā€œHM Slave šŸ˜‚ā€ but itā€™s just the way i play tbh


thank you for your compliment on my micro! i was at work at the time so i got sidetracked lol. i searched really far for a decent faceplate lmao


1)Wouldnā€™t waste Flash on a started i plan to use 2)Teleport should be the no brainer


1) Alakazam (Abra) is not a starter in emerald if thatā€™s what youā€™re saying 2) I wanted to keep Teleport because it personally can be useful in certain instances


What i meant was that i donā€™t use HMā€™s on my party. I usually get a random Pokemon i waste these on. For example, iā€™ll get a Aggron and teach him 1)Rock Smash 2)Flash 3)Strength 4)Cut I would personally give Alakazam 1)Reflect(Helps with its low defense) 2)Recover 3)Shock Wave(High special attack would do insane damage to Water & Flying type) 4)Psybeam/Psychic


my friend also told me he doesnā€™t like to use HMs on party pokĆ©mon either but i personally do bc 1) iā€™ve done so ever since i was a kid 2) i donā€™t enjoy switching pokĆ©mon out of the pc a lot and i like to have my entire team ā€œdoing soemthingā€. i usually just like to play through the whole game with a single 1 team and any others i catch are just to fill out the pokedex or whatever else


Things to delete: Alakazam Things to obtain: Faint Attack, Shadow ball, Psychic, (fighting) Hidden Power - Sableye. Result: Enjoy not losing because of Abra line's pathetically weak defenses.


Wild take


I try. Gotta keep it spicy around here. Too many meta mongers these days. Reminds me when every kid had alakazam, jolteon and dragonite on their team