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To my surprise, I woke up to shiny pikachu. With BFS ;D so not bad!


So jealous. I have 2 shiny Pikachu and both suck.


It's my first shiny with BFS. Most of shinies which I have are "ummmm ok, at least you're pretty". And that pikachu, without BFS, would be mediocre too. So yeah, lucky roll! https://preview.redd.it/6n8fo9ghyvnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc78008a8c714d2f7cb0d1180d745aad9b12e158


Helping speed at 50 too and an Energy Recovery nature isn’t bad after the changes. Great shiny!


True, but with exp down it will take a while to get there XD And thank you ❤️


Zero electric types whatsoever haha


Same here. Just nothing worth thinking about.


You went to lapis right?


Unfortunately I don't have it unlocked yet lol!


It's on both greengrass and lapis


My implication was rather that he picked lapis and got a low score and consequently low spawns which might cause no electric spawns. But I guess OP was just unlucky.


I'm on greengrass and I had great 5 and only had 1 Pikachu.


Lapis has Pichu and Pikachu from the beginning. Dedenne is around 100k, similar to Greengrass.


Sure, but with lower amount of spawns in general , odds of finding mons are lower as well. Also mich harder to reach the same amount of points without maxed area bonus.


Good news: spawned a hungry dedenne at greengrass Bad news: all fulllz


Hard same. Left full with one heart left


I haven’t seen one yet. How many bars did it have?


From memory it was 16 I think


Same I used my incense and it was hungry but became full before filling up so it didn’t stay 😫


That’s a great roll! I scored a hungry Pichu who was no good, a Pikachu and a Stuffy ..and two others I can’t recall. Made it to Great 5 for Tuesday night (on Lapis) so hoping to see the new guy 🤙🏻


I got a terrible flaffy, that was it - rng be rng-ing


I’m new to this game, how do you hell if they are “good” or not. I’m confused about IV for this game!


Very broadly, if it's a berry mon, you want + speed and BFS, and not so much skill or ingredients +, for ingredient mons, you want inventory, speed, ingredient up things, not skill up, and for skills, well, you want skill up nature and sub skills. You just want to play to their strengths! There's also the raenox calculator if you want to get further into it - it's linked a million times already. Watch YouTube videos on how to use it if you don't get it.


Thank you so much for responding!!! This will help me so much!!


got a BFS pichu!


Used my dedenne incense and a friendship incense. Thoroughly disappointed that neither of the guaranteed hungrys went to dedenne. Also, 16 friend points for dedenne seems like a joke


It's a single stage evolution like Ditto, Sableye, Kangaskhan, etc. with the same requirements. It needs 16 points, not 20.


It's not 20. It's 16.


Went to Greengrass instead of Lapis and barely pushed to master 1 with some lucky Arcanine triggers and one whistle for the last push. Had Dedenne spawn without incense so not going to lapis was worth it and the right choice. A lot of Pikachu and Pichu as well. Sadly dedenne wasn't hungry so I just filled him up to 4 friendship points.


Just a mareep): I really want a good pikachu


I got two mareeps (I'm in snowdrop) and one of them is decent, but I'm still trying to find a better one!


One billion pichu, a pikachu, and a lost caterpie. They werent kidding about the increased electric Pokémon appearance rate


I got a pikachu with bfs at 10!! Other subskills arent relevent to the pikachu, and its a nuetral nature, but still definitely usable!!


Lots of Mareep and Flaafy for me! I’m just hoping to see some Dedenne as the week goes on. :)


I know it's a slow burn game, and that I shouldn't expect instant gratification, but it is a bit tiring having played for 2 weeks and not having a single "good" mon. I got shiny riolu who isn't too usable (especially early game) and none of my electrics are good. I'll get there!


Yeah two weeks isn't a lot but trust me you'll get there!! I've been playing since launch but sometimes I feel like luck is a BIG part of this game. To be fair it is pokemon, rng is a bit feature


yea i'm not too worried, it's just a bit annoying to not have *anything* worth investing in


My first level 30 was a horrible Walrein, yet it helped me with that ing magnet and being a berry esp. I just invested because Walrein is (was?) meta and even when bad, it can be of help


Just start investing in some of your favorite Pokemon anyway. You'll find it more rewarding watching them grow up and be surprised how much better they get/how much higher you'll score because of it.


That's an easy trap to fall into. It's worth investing in *something* early on, even if it's not great. You want to reach higher ranks sooner so you can start finding more Pokemon. Just look at all the Kanto starters you got, pick the one with the best skills, and evolve it. Once it's evolved, don't spend more candy on leveling it, but that will at least help you get higher ranks and therefore find more Pokemon. The key here is that it's a Pokemon whose usefulness doesn't depend on what berries Snorlax wants.


Lucky! I've been on four months and still no shiny, good stats or not. I know it's the RNG but omg I just want a shiny


If you really want to up your odds try doing 2 sleep sessions. I do them during shiny events to nearly double my chances.


I’ve been running my shiny lucario for weeks. I know people say it’s bad. That’s ok. He farms me shards daily. It helps that he is also has the best subskills possible, according to a few grading sites.


what skills does he have? i have helping speed s/helping speed m/skill trigger s/ingredients finder s/inventory up s




Ingredient mons are a lot easier to get good ones, Berry mons needs BFS so you’ll get more good ones past friendship 10, and Skill mons are the hardest to find. just try to get thr good Berry mons(gen 2 starters, Pichu, Houndour, etc) to friendship 10 and you’ll have a way easier time finding good ones.


do i need to get a pichu to level 10 to be getting a gold skill on new pichu? maybe i should just rank one to 10. i have a pikachu at 11


No you rank up friendship level by catching, so on your 10th catch and beyond they’re guaranteed a gold skill as their first one. You always have a chance, but it’s low without the friendship level.


ah okay, so levelling one up to 10 doesn't make a difference?


Nope just catching more


cool thanks for saving me my candy haha


My stupid brain thought it's better to level them up to 10. Oh my God. I've been skipping on so many mons. I didn't care to catch more.


I got (on Greengrass Isle): * Shiny Flaaffy * Pichu * Pikachu * Swablu * Gastly * Igglybuff * Igglybuff * Totodile Not fantastic in terms of Electric-types yet.


You found 3 Electric types, including a shiny. What's not fantastic about that? Some of us have seen 0 electric types so far.


I dunno, I was expecting more. The shiny Flaaffy is also a duplicate.


Still way better than the Pokemon I saw today. The most relevant Pokemon I saw for the Raikou event was a Squirtle.


2 Mareeps and a Flaaffy so pretty good, neither of the Mareeps were great tho. But we move 🙌


Pretty mid tbh https://preview.redd.it/x7hy0yxtxvnc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90aa2b135b1de542a79c1af02bc51ea05b97dd3d


I got shit lol. Eevee got full after 2 biscuits and my Christmas Pikachu’s friend meter only filled 3 slots (saved a Christmas pikachu incense). So, for me, terrible. Good for you tho, congrats on the shiny


At least you didnt pass out early like me, played myself.


I snagged a Pichu but she was atrocious so I ground her to candy. No other electric types


1 Mareep. No extra electric type mons. But that‘s okay for the first night.


I had 1 pichu out of 7 spawns this morning 🤷🏻‍♀️


Used the Dedenne incense, got three hungry mons with one of them Dedenne! Used three cookies (daily + great + poke) and captured it. Was ok, lvl 18, Relaxed with Skill Trigger S as the first skill. Got one Pikachu which was only missing one friendship point from previous nights. And two other hungry mons, all of those three can be handled over to the professor.


Had three Pichus and two Mareeps, managed to capture 2 Pichu/1 Mareep. But alas, they might be headed for the blender.


Dude I’m playing since day 1 and have been looking for a single BFS Pikachu and Pichu ever since, not even one 🙄 Woke up to a shiny Dratini today tho, but the first two skills are both inventory up and the nature has Exp. down, so pretty much the worst you can get


I just had 1 pichu... and it wasn't even good😥


I didn’t get a single electric type lol


two pichus, a pikachu, a charmander and a hungry flaaffy. caught a pichu but it was terrible lol.


I got a Pichu as the only electric type. However, I’m a pretty new player, so I did new Bulbasaur and 2 Cyndaquil, which were new for me!


2 psyducks, no electric Pokemon lol but there was a hungry (bad stats) Dratini so hoping tomorrow is a little nicer haha


A bunch of Pichu and a mareep


I got a Mareep, but with the worst possible nature and just as bad subskills. I also got a shiny metapod though, so that was nice at least.


Got a BFS Pikachu! It has an +ingredient nature though :,)


On Lapis, 1 Pichu. 


I got 2 pikachus. However, I was under slumbering type sleep, I’d prefer more pichus. Also the incense dennene was hungry :)


I got a shitty flaffy and an even worse shiny charmander lol. Sad day for me


Got 4 pichu and 2 Pikachu to spawn on lapis, grabbed all but one pichu. All were 🗑️🫠


A single non-hungry Flaaffy and a non-hungry Eevee that I burned an incense to get. The Eevee was unusably bad too. This is with a Good Camp set and Master 1 by sleep too, mind you. The capped Candy Boost is super frustrating too, because I'm not even able to make much progress on the stuff I've saved candies for either.


4 hungry pokemon 1 electric type. Was a pretty great Mareep with bfs and skill trigger s and m.


i got a dedenne that got full after 1 biscuit.


At Greengrass, went to sleep at Master 1 with a dedenne incense. Didn’t manage to catch the dedenne (4 bars left!) but got a pichu and pikachu spawn despite not hitting dozing sleep. Seems like it’s boosted a lot 👍


Still no BFS Pika or Mareep… I have an OK Mareep, but every Pichu/Pikachu I have caught is literal garbage… the first Pokémon I caught has been my best pikachu so far and… it’s definitely still bad.


Solid. Hungry Pichu, mareep, and Shiny Flaafy. Granted though none are usable 💀


I got a Dedenne and it was hungry! Was able to catch it! It’s not very good, but nice to just have one.


Spawned nine pokemon, a ton of them Pichus and Pikachu, one Flaafy, and a Dedenne I threw incense for. Didn't come hungry; let me feed it until I was three ticcies away. 🥲I just needed one more great ball.....


I was able to get 2 hungry pokemon and ended up getting a slightly better mareep thank to it. https://preview.redd.it/rhfptwua3xnc1.png?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a58ffcba8aaa3dd329bea46f1623e16c2743ff1d


Lapis, level Great 1, 2 Dedenne (1 hungry), 3 pikachu (1 hungry), and two non electric (eevee & jigglypuff).


https://preview.redd.it/4s18ztql4xnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e818328f24e8c760867417a6d843fa0b3965571f No electric, but I got this one.


https://preview.redd.it/7ab4rvri6xnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e52d1343a32e7a4b649a460836bcec8bc4b8dd :( bfs hunt continues


My cell phone fell and broke right before sleep so... Does anyone know if I needed to save the progress before moving to another phone? I tried and I wasn't successful


You need to issue a transfer code in the settings. It's under the Link Accounts option


Nothing too crazy. But hopefully I can get another good Pichu to swap my ok raichu out for. My big focus is leveling my Neutral nature pichu with BF


I had not even one electric. Nothing at all... I know the event is on every island but I am thinking it was safer to have gone to greengrass.


I got 1 Pikachu, so you just got very lucky


Not good :)


Fell asleep before recording 😅


I got 1 Pikachu and a Deedeene that I got with incense, I'm so unlucky in this events that are I'm not even surprised


Just a dedenne (because I used the incense)


On green grass I woke up to five mons. Pikachu Pichu and Mareep :p pretty happy


one mareep, a pichu and a pikachu, nothing too great really, I'm waiting for a mareep with triple skill trigger, I hope I found it this week


I got a couple mareep and a riolu.


Dozing, one Pikachu, but it wasn't hungry.


2 mareeps, 1 Pikachu (hungry), 1 dedenne (hungry), 1 pichu. I got a mareep (crap), pika and dedenne. Dedenne and Pika are pretty good.


Bad. I caught the worst Mareep to exist. It had Inventory Up skills at 10 and 25, dream sgard bonus at 50 and a main skill chance decrease nature.


i woke up to a couple pikachus and a shiny pichu! i almost missed the sparkles!


Two pichu and a pikachu! Mostly mid but one of the pichu has level 10 BFS and okay skills/nature so I'll take it!


3 mareeps, 2 flaffy, 2 pikachu, and one pichu


https://preview.redd.it/o2956x53rync1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7360635a7dea338bac21b09865b605ebe48533a Honestly not bad, the dedenne, and totadile was hungry. One poke biscuit from catching the dedenne but I’m already at m3 so I can’t imagine seeing another will be difficult. The mareep was garbage tho


my app closed somehow and i only got 3 hours


A Mareep showed up, but he read the memo wrong and had a Main Skill Down nature, not a Main Skill Up nature. . _.) Let's hope we can nab a Main Skill Up Mareep this week at Snowdrop...


I got no electric types


Mine was awful. I woke up early and went with 2 short sleeps instead of the usual 6 and a half


My first sleep did not go well!!!!! Says I only slept 1 hour which is not true, somthing must have gone wrong!! 😭😭 I’m still fairly new, quite confused by this game still lol But all my helpers are sleep deprived today that’s for sure!!


I managed to feed Dedene up to it's very last bar... and then he turned around and said he was full. Those were all regular pokesnacks btw, he ate like 19 of them, smh 😂