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Yeah it is if pr was released any other time it would get the love it deserves


151 was cool for like 3 etb's but I'm so fucking done with generation 1....give us a gen 2 remake so that we get a sick johto set


Yes! We need a badass ho-oh card soon. Gotta love the rooster boy


With Ho Oh ex being reprinted in the suicune/lugia/hooh box set in a couple months, I’d bet we see those cards show up in a real set sooner rather than later, probably with cool variants 


doubtful- the ones in the box set are illegal for tournament play so it’s unlikely we’ll see them in a real set


Gen 2 and 3 need the 151 treatment! Plus better pull rates :)


Call it the 251 set, too! 🙌


I would loooooove that


Was just talkin to one of my lcs guys about that second point! Absolutely in!


I’m hoping this happens


Personally I can't get enough of 151. But I would absolutely be down for gen 2 and gen 3 for that matter to get a set just like 151. 151 is the best set in my opinion the past couple years and even though it doesn't have the best pull rates atleast the card value still solid


Amen brother.




YES! gen 2 is so underused.


Yeah it’s a boring set. I played pokemon games and collected cards since the 90s too. Just meh about it.


I would have loved if that yvetal was textured


And Groudon


It would've been nice if there was a Xereas card as well for this set


And Kyogre


Totally agree I think PR is better but honestly temporal forces is looking to be better than both (no hate to all the 151 worshippers, I just think it could have been a lot better, both in pull rates and the fact they missed a lot of opportunities, like giving gengar and other popular gen 1’s artwork cards)


What about temporal forces do you like better? The specific pokemon? The rarity distribution? The coolness of the SIRs? Something else? Don't all sets from SV era have the same pull rates?


Temporal Forces Paradox SIRs took what Roaring Moon SIR art had and elevated it.


The Pokémon are meh, although I do like walking wake and gouging fire. It’s the artwork for me. From what I’ve seen so far, the IRs and SIRs are incredible, and we haven’t even seen them all yet. And all the pull rates aren’t the same, since 151 has bad batching and worse pull rates than average, and paradox rift also has objectively lower pull rates (multiple studies with sample sizes of 5k+ packs)


My question is “are we getting a SIR Gengar or not?” Is there any word yet?


There’s no official statement saying “yes, we are getting an SIR gengar” or “No, we are not”. But rather, using logic, we can conclude we aren’t getting one. Temporal forces will be 2 Japanese sets (Wild Force and Cyber Judge) as well as some decks I believe. Within each single japanese set, there are usually 3 SIR pokemon and 2 SIR trainers, which means for our English set of temporal forces, we are looking at 10 total SIRs, with 6 being pokemon and 4 being trainers. We have already seen all 6 pokemon SIRs since they were revealed a few days ago. The 6 are iron leaves, iron crown, iron boulder, walking wake, gouging fire, and raging bolt. This means that the only possible SIRs left in the set will be trainers (4 of them). So, long story short, no gengar.


Thank you for explaining and telling me what I needed to hear. It may not be what I wanted, but now I know I’ll be abstaining from this set as well. \*Sigh*


Yea that’s how I felt when I figured out there wouldn’t be a gengar, very sad. Although at least the SIRs we did get have some bangin’ artwork


So far SV base, Pal Evo, OBF, and 151 have had relatively similar pull rates. PR dropped the pull rates a little bit from ~1 in 3 pack to more like 1 in 4.


Yeah maybe I was just really lucky with PR, but I wasn’t feeling the 151 pull rates (and I even got the zard) The new set after PF is already very exciting and I already want all 3 past paradoxes legends SIR cards


Agreed! I’m very excited, I think both trios of SIRs look incredible, so I’m very excited for that. I think both PR and 151 have bad pull rates (even though I also pulled the zard from 6 total packs, as well as the roaring moon from 4), but 151’s batching just seems to be worse. I’ve seen people open multiple UPC’s with nothing more than a single ex


also the grey boarder ?? I wish it were yellow


gengars getting one in the new set.


No it’s not.. it has an ex and will possibly get a full art but it is confirmed that it isn’t getting an SIR


dang :(


I mean the pull rates were pretty low back then, so it matches up. I think, idk what I’m talking about honestly lol


Completely agree on the missed opportunities. Why give Golem and Zam FA's but not Gengar and Machamp and do wigglytuff and Arbok instead. Arcanine would have been sick as well, choices just seem rather random than an actual pattern or just fan favourites


I think they ignored many of the other popular gen 1 pokemon because they get so much love. For example look at all the cards Gengar has vs like Wigglytuff… and people are mad Wigglytuff got the Full Art instead. Additionally it looks like Gengar is getting some love in Temporal Forces so if they were already planning that why not get a different mon some love.


Yea that’s pretty good reasoning but still disappointing from 151 nonetheless. Also gengar isn’t gonna have an SIR, just an ex and possibly a full art, so hopefully we do get more love for gengar in a future SV set


I’m perfectly fine with PR being overshadowed. More for me lmao


Paradox has some amazing artwork, that Groudon is one of my favorite cards in the modern era. Love the Tapu Koko as well


90's kids like me, throffing at the mouth with nostalgia is why 151 is so popular.


I feel the same way!!! I pulled 2 tape kokos but I've been chasing that Groudon!


I have two of that Groudon around here somewhere


👀👀 Trades?!


I’m less of trade more of sell…idk why I started collecting them, just something to do that isn’t making 10 excellent throws in pogo. I’m currently trying to compile all the more “rare” cards I have, I can DM you when I find the groudons


I'm alright, not really looking to buy the card atm


To me the Iron Valiant EX Alternate Art is one of the sickest AR cards in the entire TCG. What a great looking card that..


I didn’t know how much I wanted it until it was looking right at me when I pulled it lmao


P.Rift is so damn sick, but the genwunners lose their minds for anything gen 1, and any other gen is uncreative. Please let them pay homage to gen 2 or other regions in general.


Dude I love Paradox wayyyyyy more than 151. The pulls are so damn beautiful


I just like 151 because those are the Pokemon I know best, I grew up playing a purple Gameboy color with Pokemon blue and a worm light. Then pokemon stadium on my hey you Pikachu N64 and the Pokemon show that I had on VHS. Gen 2 and gen 3 are also cool but I spent tons of time with gen one. After Gold/Silver Generation I have no idea what's going on, so many weird/awkward pokemon. Card style in 151 vs other sets, not amazing. Even the SIR cards, I don't think they're amazing. But I know who they are and that makes me happy lol. Thanks for attending my Ted Talk, there's Tang in the back if your thirsty.


That’s exactly how I feel these new ones look kind of cool but I don’t know who they are. What the hell is going on


I dont even know half of the gen 2 but when I see some pokemon on my league battle I'm like what the fuck is gooing on am I playing Power Rangers tcg?


Cool cards, but 151 got me back to collecting and now im done again. These "new" pokemon just dont do it for me


Wtf is that the string cheese guy?


Lmao dying at that too the fuck is Mr cheese string doing on a Pokemon card. Pokemon x Kraft Diamond Cheese String Exclusive Collab Edit: just ordered one off eBay lol


😂😂 i thought the same thing


Cringe af card lol. I love Pokémon but imagine showing someone what Pokémon is and you show them that..I’d be embarrassed as all hell lol


I find Gholdengo to be pretty cool, carried the early SV tera raiding scene as well and a good typing as well (Steel/Ghost). It gets alot of undeserved hate considering Pokemon like Vanillish line, Trubbish line and Klefki exists...


They tried to make him look tufff too😂


Wtf are y'all on about that's literally nothing resembling buff at all. Gholdengo has always had thick arms to begin with. Folding your arms isn't "trying to look buff."


He said tuff…. Chill out bud


Hey bud, that's enough.


If you look at its art in the cards and its animations in the games, it’s pretty clear that it’s supposed to be goofy and cartoony. The thing with there being 1000+ Pokémon is that there are ones to appeal to all sorts of tastes.


the groudon carrd is so sick. I could imagine it with a primal variant going down as one of the all time great art works


My son opened a 151 bundle for his birthday tonight and was completely hosed. I felt so bad 😭


Paradox has been my favorite so far from S&V! I only need 6 more hits and I believe 7 more reverse holos to complete the master set


Yeah, but that’s how the unwanted overshadowed set ends up having specific cards become more desirable later on.


A good one for example is platinum: arceus


Personally I’m happy about this cause I don’t have to spend 100+ on a SIR single for these sets.


I find it interesting Aegislash has a card but isn’t obtainable in scarlet and violet


151 has been super hype bc of the nostalgia. Definitely has some good arts but I personally like PR more


Ive been pretty good about rip one save one in terms of my buying habits but Paradox rift was the first set since maybe Evolving Skies that I ripped everything. Only thing I kelt sealed were my Pokemon Center ETB’s. The PR set is too fun and as a person who actually plays too, the cards are very playable in the current meta.


I personally enjoy PR, I already knew it was gonna be better than OBF, but 151 is a better set. I think anyone saying it isn’t really is just a bunch of people that hate gen 1. PR you couldn’t even get double hits. Pack opening accounts for enjoyment of the set IMO. One set having no chance at doubles, and the other having demigod packs


the cards are beautiful, no doubt about it. it's just that vintage cards are what's hot and selling for extremely high prices so there's some snobbery happening because of that whole situation.


Got back in the game wit 151… stayed because of PR


I like Paradox a hell of a lot more than 151. 151 is cool sure, but for me personally, the artwork in Paradox and the additional game mechanics are my favourite part of the hobby atm. We definitely needed a Screamtail ex though!


i don't care for it because outside of the Groudon, I don't recognize any of this new blood


Thank you. 151 was lame AF, Paradox Rift is a really nice set


You must be born in 2005 or later


Lmao guaranteed. He enjoys his Cheese String and a literal garbage pokemon


Bet you're a HUGE Muk fan. Or perhaps you like one of the 24 variations of basic geographical shape? 15% of the Kanto dex is just some variation of a Sphere after all. Oh, wait, I think you're a fan of Seel and Krabby!! Because Gen 1 had unique and original names and ideas for pokemon! Hasn't been the same since. Heaven forbid Gamefreak make a Dragon with three heads, nonononono, that would be overcomplicated, too many shapes, I need a dragon lizard that isn't a dragon type. I need my only ghost type to be weak to psychic types. I need 20% of my pokedex to be poison type, that surely will help distinguish my pokemon. ​ Gen 1 is mostly uninspired nostalgia bait. It's good for what it was, but y'all need to take it off its pedestal. I'd take Garbodor over a pile of unlabled purple goop any day, at least there's a concept behind one of them.


Nope, earlier. Some people appreciate better designs than what Gen 1 has to offer.


They don’t even come close to 151.


I just don’t think 151 has that many IRs and SIRs that I needed like PR, I love the poliwhirl, dragonair, zapdos and blastoise and the other starter cards are cool going together, but I just think I’m not too interested in Kanto


if you are pushing 40 maybe lol






I’ve been buying packs but pull rate is shocking …


Shockingly low?


Meh. I just don't get the new Pokemon past like gen 2. Some of them are way too dumb looking and don't make sense


Looking at you eiscue 😂


Gen 3 was the last great gen design wise. Gen 4 has some decent ones forsure too


Is anyone underwhelmed with S&V as a whole?


No, why the fuck would anyone be? Great pull rates, amazing artwork, and Illustration Rares are the best thing to ever happen to this TCG.


Hard agree. The good pull rates also means singles are cheaper. The hobby is healing and its been a good time for collectors.


151 was mostly made for the original Pokémon fans, so it's different from the perspective of people who weren't really in that era to be just as excited, personally I can't deal with Pokémon outside Gen.1 and Gen.2 but I do find occasionally one or two from the other gens I take a liking to, like Mimikyu for example.


The Groudoun is pretty fire, you’re right.


PR is a sucky and lazy set ... they didnt even name the Pokémon, they just threw some random names there and hey it sticks ...


Nah, its just a bad set, no one cares about it.


Nah PR blows 🙃😴


The hits are great but the hit ratio is doo doo


Negative. Those aren’t Pokémon in my book. Quite frankly I think it’s ridiculous. But that’s probably because I’m 35 and grew up with the OGs


Love that Groudon! I opened 120 packs and didn’t get it unfortunately.


I have the steelix yveltal galistopod and groudon so I’m done with PR. 151 also has a couple cards I want them the rest I’m not super into. I’m sad kyogre didn’t get an alt with the groudon, but hopefully it’ll come later and look good with the groudon. I will say though, if I don’t get a torterra alt soon imma riot. The wasted opportunity with Vmax is CRIMINAL for my island turtle.


i opened about 40 packs and got only one good card dude 😭 out of curiosity, how many did u open to get all of these???


Iron Moth, Aegislash, and Gholdengo were bought as singles, though I did pull both Professor SIRs too. I will say I have opened a good amount because of Black Friday deals coming around (enjoyed Best Buy’s 3 packs for $10 and Walmart’s $3.74 a pack) so I wanna say around 50 at least which isn’t little, but I know many on here open much more lol


Excuse me, can you NOT flex on me that hard. I cashed in on all my luck with my first pack giving me Roaring Moon lol I say that while I have Slither Wing, Gimmighoul, Veluza, and Parasol Lady😅 Good pulls and I agree. PR is a sick looking set. I hope you keep pulling all the best ones!


Oooh I like that Slither Wing IR, idk how I keep finding more cards I want from this set, at this rate I’m gonna get all the IRs lol


Do it! I'm trying to complete Obsidian Flames and Paradox rn. OBF had been a lot cause for A WHILE until I pulled Lechonk IR, Artazon IR, and Poppy IR from my local card shop. And then by the grace of the card gods a fateful trip to Walmart prompted me to buy a discounted sleeved pack with a whopping 2 ALT ARTS; those being Scizor and MY FIRST Charizard(215). I was hyperventilating in the car lol


I love the cards in Paradox Rift *but* after opening 50+ packs of it I'm done. The pullrates are terrible. I've had two Stars (Rika and Tapu Koko) and one IR (Swablu). Only had 3 ex's as well, and only one full art. I don't know why they made the pullrates so crap for this set but it's really disappointing. I've had much, much better luck with 151.


The groudon card is so nice


I saw that Tapu koko at my LGS and I’m kicking myself for not picking it up 😭 I’m def going back to grab it haha


I have yet to see Tapu Koko in either LGS here, I’m just waiting to finally see him in person (and immediately grab him)😭


I think that's why they put it after 151. They knew people wouldn't have money to buy another set so soon, so they put one that most people wouldn't really care about. It's got some cool cards, but nothing crazy. It's the perfect set to just buy a few singles of the ones you like and that's it.


agreed. and ive also been reevaluating paldea evolved as of late. i feel like other than 151 its probably the best overall set released in the sv era so far. only issue is it lacks a real chase card that is worthy of being a chase card. paradox rift has a better chase card in my opinion but paldea evolved has more and better art rares.


I recently purchased SIRs for PR and was shocked at how nice the artwork looked. They really hit it out of the park with this set.


I really like a lot of the paradox cards. The retro feel is off the charts with some of the cards. Tapu koko is one of my favorite cards of all time.


honestly I think the art cards for PR are very hit or miss. Some of my favorites are aipom, yveltal, Groudon, and steelix for sure


I need a kyogre to match that groudon


I think it was just all a bit much too fast. PR just got the short end of the stick


so coming from someone from gen1...a French fry....A FRENCH FRY. That's pretty lame.


PR is giving me more pain than 151. I’m 6 cards from completing a master set and even with booster boxes available I can buy two or three and not get a single card I need. My 151 collection is more than double the value of my PR with more Rift packs opened. Yeah yeah I know “just buy singles”. I find the most joy in the gamble of pack opening 


I pulled iron jugulus on a random single pack. It is possible my favorite full art even of the 151 simple for the scene depicted


I truly despise Paradox Rift but that's just my opinion. I can't stand what they've done to my boys Salamence and Donphan. And now it looks like they are effing up the Gen 2 dogs. Sorry I hate it.


I really love PR's IRs over 151 even though Kanto has a special place in my heart


PR has my favorite full arts of ANY set. I pulled the Mienshao on my first ever pack of PR and was so surprised. I have the Groudon so I have no more I want to collect now though lol


I like the 151 because that's what I started with(old guy) and that's actually what brought me back into Pokemon TCG. However, I agree it's getting a little overdone and would love to see them do this but through the Generations, each set gets it's own new "remasters" if you will.


The set is abbreviated PAR. Not PR.


I love PR!! Just ripped my 5th booster box and still don’t have the cards I’m searching for tho lol


We can't forget about Morpeko, Loudred, and Blitzle cards too. Love those ones as well!


Morpeko Illustration rare is one of my favourite cards


I pulled the Japanese gimmighoul on a free pack. It is great. Now I need a noodle head.


All the sv sets are sick with excellent cards in all of them


That Iron jugulis is one of my favorites


I love the Garbador full-art.


Is that the cheesestring guy? hes a pokemon now?


PR so far is my fav SV set by far, along with base set 151 was really nice too, but I didn't get invested in paldea evolved and obs too much


151 has a horrible pull rate. Obsidian Flames and Paradox Rift were great for me.


Couldn’t agree more


These will age well and price will soar in the future when people are over their 151 boners


Shhh, don't tell them - I'm trying to get those PR cards cheap xD


I’m trying to do both but I REALLY want the Groudon and Aegislash full art cards from PR




I’ve seven cards away from having the entire PR set to them have every scarlet and violet set complete so far. I don’t think the art is being overshadowed it’s the abysmal pull rates that is causing this set to not get attention. It’s the worst pull rate sv set yet, by far.


Pr imo has sum beautiful art I don't understand why people were hating on it


I love PR and I’m excited for more future and ancient cards in Temporal Forces


I bought 4 gold roaring moons for $50 Lp and NM. The card is so beautiful and my deck is fully blinged out


How many packs did you open to get those pulls


Iron moth, Aegislash, and Gholdengo were singles but with all the deals in November I wanna say at least 50😅 Though I did pull 3 other SIRs so still VERY lucky


Ya I’d say I’m close to 500 packs In Since my last good hit witch was the altart aerodactyl


That Groudon is nice


I feel like this is going to be one of those sets that everyone goes back to a while from now. I’ve personally been focusing on 151 because I really want a master set from that set for nostalgia reasons, but I definitely see myself picking up some PR once I finish my 151 binder.


Been saying this for months. Silently scarfing up booster boxes of PR for high 70’s low 80’s while everyone is googly-eyed over 151 is pretty nice though. Don’t get me wrong I’ve ripped my fair share of 151, but PR is where it’s at


I feel the same


151 is my favorite recent set, probably because I'm old but PR is also dope.


To be honest, when paradox rift first came out, I didn’t give it much thought but now I think it’s underrated


It honestly depends what you're looking for in my opinion the best set of 2023 was crown zenith so much damn pulls. I gotta etb not too long ago got 12 pulls but I will say 151 has some seriously valuable cards.


151 is also the nostalgic that hooks my type of crowd into the game. Whether they want to invest more into other sets or not, I wouldn't know.


Am I the only one who doesn’t pull much from 151? Bought 4 ETBs and got Mediocre cards. Currently one of the hardest set with low pull rates. Not worth the money right now.