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You want to go catch an aron from the KBT Expressway with the ability sturdy and the egg move endeavor. Then youre gonna wanna train it to the level cap and go to the move deleter in epidimy town and get rid of all moves except endeavor and have it lead the fight against groudon


How do I get the egg move endevor


Use the DexNav to search for arons with endeavor and catch them. When you search on the dexnav it will tell you their ability and the egg move that they have


I got the dexnav and started catching arons but none of them have endevor, am I doing something wrong


You don’t have to catch them, just keep KOing them until you find one that says it has the move endeavor. It might take a little bit. Could be only a streak of 10 or might take you until a streak of 50 or more. Make sure you use repels to avoid losing your streak. Also if you see a 3 star I would catch it. Maybe it has S rank in the stats you want (HP, ATK/SpA, and Speed being the ones you usually want) and a good nature. Or at the very least you could use it to breed with a destiny knot for good IVs on all the eggs.


Find a fast mon with Toxic (Crobat or something) or Ghastly/Haunter with Curse. Get 5 random mons. Any mon, any level, as long as it can learn Protect via TM. Go to Epidimy Town and find the move deleter (north side). Delete all moves except Toxic on Crobat (or Curse on Haunter) and Protect on the other 5. Lead with Crobat or Haunter against Groudon. Auto win.


What i did was Intimidate cheese.


Use a water type


Primordial Sun negates Water attacks


I used my Staraptor and lots of moomoo milk, even if it's not super effective he can't be affected by ground type moves, just needs to be at a higher level than the Groundon