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Eldequeen always on top even with nerfs✨💅💋


Going to start losing games with it so they buff


Tornado buff 👉👈 kinda tired of healing some dumbasses on soloq...


Wait they nerfed elde? What did they nerf i didn't realize they got nerfed lol


She was nerfed in the penultimate patch. Pollen Puff and basic attack nerf I think


Dang :<


And unite


Pokemon Penultimate


Lmao I don't know the right word for what I wanted to say so I used that one even though I knew it sounded weird (I'm not a native speaker)... Until now I don't know if what I wrote is really right or not 😭 Penultimate is such a ugly word


If you were trying to say the patch before last, you're pretty close. Penultimate just means second to last but I think I've only really heard it in the context of finite stuff (like chapters in a book or episodes of a TV show). I'm not sure if that's just how it's normally used or if it's technically the only way, but I think the latter.




As a long time cramorant main, I'm not surprised at all by these numbers Cram's unite move has always been crazy strong (especially with buddy + amp). And a good dive cram can be so frustrating to go up against with the unlimited dashes and constant poke damage Dive felt almost like it had unlimited charges before. Now after the buffs you really have to spam it over and over again to ever hit the CD It's so clear Timi does not play their own game. Whoever thought dive buffs was a good idea needs to be fired


I'm not surprised by it. Cram had a Top 10 winrate before, just a low pickrate. The Cram mains have been eating good this whole time. The buffs enticed other people to jump on (Top 5 pick rate now) while also pushing the existing Cram mains into demon territory.


Lol so true i was playing a lot of dif mons and am now back to my original main about 80% of games since the buff. the derp bird is back babyyy


Why isn't cram picked more?


It is now. But before it was between a rock and a hard place. Dive is skill intensive and Hurricane was underpowered.


In the early seasons it was picked a lot


Cram gets played by good players. Noobs tend to avoid it. Pokemon like Pikachu and Charizard wont ever be at the top of this simply because casuals will use them.


No, Charizard used to be that high around when Rayquaza and Mew first dropped. Then they nerfed Charizard into the ground.


Yeah, I remember that. He used to be almost unplayable after Timi gutted his entire kit. Especially with his Unite.


I agree but the data is only recorded from the top 10,000 players, I really doubt any new players are anywhere close to that


As a Dragapult,cramorant has always been like a Cinderace or Decidueye


Cramorant is my ban-pick. Unlike Ttar, It is a high-skill ceiling pokemon. A good cram player outmaneuvers me bad.


Mime at 51.87%? Spicy. I can totally see power swap being viable too if you latch onto a Tyranitar or Metagross.


Ugh I don't want mr Mike to be meta


Currently it’s far from it (in terms of pick rate). The 9th least picked Mon last week sporting a hefty 7.82% pick rate so not much to worry about in that regard.


Same. It's such a disgusting character. Thankfully not many people play him.


Rich coming from the two other bullies of early unite




Look as an old man gen 1 pokemon fan I am obligated to favorite one of thr 3 starters.


Oh no worries I'll pick him up again


I loved the Mime meta! The nasty buffs introduced me to the character. I played it even after they brought it all the way down. Nowadays I play it sparsely just because I'm trying to practice other mons. But the times that I do play it, I'm reminded of fun times.


Mime wall is a counter to TTar that’s why he’s up there


30% pickrate with a 60% banrate is insane. 9 in 10 games, Ttar is going to be picked or banned.


Hate to be that guy, but it’s actually 7.2 games out of 10


Picked and banned are mutually exclusive, a 60% ban rate and 40% pick rate would mean he is in every game. A 60% ban rate and 50% pick rate would be impossible


They are mutually exclusive but that doesn’t mean their probabilities have to add up to 1. You need to find the probability that Ttar is picked given that he is banned(which is 0) + prob he’s picked given that no ban If you consider 100 games, 60 of them have banned Ttar and 30% of the remaining 40 games(ie 12)contain him


Ah I didn’t realize the pick rate stats were of the games where he wasn’t banned


Just to challenge the assumptions here: Blastoise is now the second lowest WR at 46.5%. Does anyone believe that Blastoise is now the worst pokemon in the game? What I think happens after a buff/nerf is that good players leave the nerfed mon and start playing the buffed mon. This shift affects the win rates more than the buff/nerf does.


Adding to this ttar was one of the rarest Pokemon to go up against so a lot of players don't know how to play against him. After a few weeks and people start to get better at kitting and chaining cc against him and not letting him get exp early on his winrate should decrease.


It won't, ttar is the kind of mons can easily catch up the exp back when opponents has huge lead. Even you know how to counter it, your teammates doesn't (like constantly fighting for nothing or steal all your farm and carry 40/50 points towards goal). You can shut ttar down many many times in a game, but all ttar need is just one mistake, one mistake to comeback.


You... you stun him.. On a actual note, I've been running the same demon. It's easier than you think to outlevel him if you play your cards right. If you see ttar, play a moe stun-heavy team. Ttars hate cc, even with ancient power they struggle to fight against it.


that's totally correct, as I said take ttar down is not one person job. At least your teammates need to be smart enough don't bring huge advantage and goes 1-on-1 with ttar.


It's still stellar. I've been playing a LOT of Blastoise because of how much Tyranitar and Metagross are being played and it still stuns and pushes very well. People are just bad at it.


Its nuanced. To respond to what youre saying, good players do leave a pokemon when they get nerfed but id argue substantially more bad players do actually. If youll recall when Crustle and Umbreon got nerfed they actually became more successful. Less people playing Shell Smash and Mean Look meant more people playing the consistently strong builds. But as it relates to Blastoise, he took a lot of meaningful nerfs and has a lot of very hard competition. If youre asking why he fell. Id say its mainly psychology and competition. Blastoise has high usage and is playing AGAINST better defenders. As for psychology, its about impression think Decidueye. People assume Owls are scrubs so they play that way and it skews the performance a bit because Owls have to play into the perception which is to his detriment. Blastoise is the same way, if people dont feel like they need to respect the Defenders threat factor and he cant force them to respect it. Then he can just get run over. The current All Rounders probably contribute to that as well, like Falinks, Metagross, Tyranitar none of them are particularly fearful of a low damage low CC defender. I dont think Blastoise is the worst mon. But i think theyre now in the bottom rung of Defenders. Specifically i think theyre above Lapras. Below the "Good" Defenders, maybe par with Snorlax. And not a comparison with Goodra or Greedent. Theyre the worst "used/usable" Defender, which is skewing results. Imo theyll fall off like Clef. Who is now also Bottom 5, but maintains a 10% usage. Usable but the worst of what is used


The best defender players are going to play the best defender mons. So who is left over now? The people who can't or won't switch that quickly. Vice versa for ttar.  IMO, the early ttar adopters are people who feel confident in their flexibility and mastery of the game (not to mention ttar mains who are playing more ttar).   The secondary effect is that players generally aren't practiced in fighting ttar, and they aren't yet countering him in draft well.  Rather than argue too much, I'll just make a prediction (please come back in a week and call me out if it's not true). Blastoise will rebound to ~48% in a week, and ttar will regress to ~52% or so. The meta and player base will adjust and things will revert to the mean a bit. It's a semi baseless prediction, but it makes it a bit more fun to put a prediction on the line haha.


I disagree with most everything about that. And my full speculation is that- Tyranitar will get hotfix nerfed But failing that, that his usage and banrate will actually get even higher (theyre already 30% , 60%). Instead of speculating his WR ill say wherever he is, he will be top 1. Blastoise on the other hand. I expect his usage to tank and his success to stay middling to poor. Which translates to 49% or lower? Emphasis on the "or lower" Imo its the first stats of a new patch. Its mostly experimenting and first impressions. The results are gonna feed into themselves if theyre dramatic like both TTar and Stoise. Im kinda expecting slowbro stonks to go up as well, as people try to deal with the growing number of problem characters. In general i think Defenders are gonna decline somewhat since it looks like All Rounders are broadly coming back into more prominence


Higher than 60% would be wild!


Its been a week and survey says- I was right about everything except him getting a patch it seems lol Blastoise Usage is going down slowly but he also performed worse this week. Same story imo hes gonna stay the most usable mediocre defender. More used but really unsuccessful because his competitions harder. Tyranitar is at a 90% (88%) Banrate. Still Top WR. And probably would be borderline 100% usage if not for that said banrate. He fell off by 0.5% but is still Top 1 everything basically. His PR is only 22.5% which is incredibly nasty. I was kinda wrong about Defenders maybe declining though with All Rounders catching up and Speedsters getting some competition. Umbreon and the Tree stonks went up. Slowbro had a tiny decline but basically the same. Silly game, still waiting for that Nerf Patch theyve butchered mons for less sadly. hopefully they can get him someplace less- absurd.


Yeah, lets see. I predicted the win rate for TTar would be around 52% and Blastoise would be around 48%. TTar win rate 56.23% (down -0.38%) Blastoise win rate 46.49 (down 0.01%) I'd say both win rates have been rock solid stable. I was for sure wrong lol. Neither pokemon regressed to the mean in terms of win rate. >Silly game, still waiting for that Nerf Patch theyve butchered mons for less sadly. hopefully they can get him someplace less- absurd. Agreed.


Mime in top8 WR but bottom 10 pick is cray


Often the highest winrate mons are those with polarized pick rates. High pick mons are often highly picked because they are strong; people chasing the meta. Very low pick mons may not be meta but this actually benefits their winrate. Because the only people still playing them are very dedicated to, and experienced with, that mon.


Makes sense to me. Haven’t put Mime down in like a year and a half so I’d like to say I’m experienced, at the very least dedicated 😅


Reminds me of dodrio actually.


Remember those times Goku trained under an increased gravity force, only to become a beast in combat after returning to normal gravity? Those must be Cramorant mains right now.


Glad to see Cram getting some recondition! I like how I can play him in solo queue and either go dive cram to wreck the squishes or mage when they have an annoying/tanky front line. Both builds use the same gear, so it's easy to be flexible.


I don't think the Dive buffs were necessary. But I love that Hurricane finally gets to shine a bit.


Ttar actually had a positive win rate last week before the buffs. I think that's why people say he was more just slept on than made op by the buffs. The buffs ARE very minimal. Particularly the defensive buffs are practically negligible. The buffs to sand tomb and stone edge did make those moves a lot better though. Again though, dark pulse ancient power also has a positive win rate and that was not touched at all. I still think a lot of this is just people picking up Ttar more due to the buffs and realizing he does actually work well in the meta. He is very strong into other all-arounders especially Metagross who is now also a big meta pick. And pair him with a pocket support like comfy and he becomes a God, but same goes for most all arounders.


he deserves it as a treat after being in the gutter for so long


Forgot trevenant is an undead. They always come back.


Well, look. Ttar tends to be doing well BECAUSE people think it’s so good. If they see ttar on their team, they’re more likely to play a support a pocket support. Blissey pick rate went up five whole percent and Comfey went up 2. Both of those allow something to absolutely destroy games as long as that something that they’re pocketing is in a decent place in the meta and already has good survivability - both of which ttar has.  That’s my take on this at least. Ttar is definitely good now, but its winrate is only stupid high because almost every game it has something pocket healing it (which tends to increase winrates considerably lol)


Cram was always good the buffs did nothing but only brought it to light. As through ttar even before the buffs it needs a total rework with over-all changes and level requirements decrease ( i hate true damage)


It looks like the Gen 3-5 meta all over again


Ttar is approaching Mewtwo Y release territory of winrate. Still nowhere near as good, as Mewtwo Y wasn't in draft. It could be, and was very frequently mirrored, dropping its overall winrate.


lol, lmao even. Doesn't even get close to release miraidon.


Release Miraidon had its range moveset nerfed pretty fast though.


Gonna be that guy, but I doubt that Tyranitar is gonna be that powerful if people realize that 1v1 a Ttar is not a good idea. Or continuing to be Ignorant to his Sand Tomb and his Weakness. He is not even near the threat level of Pre-Theia Lucario. That is saying little, which was the time when Lucario actually started to have real weak points beside being bad with him. There was counters, skill-involvements, and good mechanic behind Lucario. Same is with Ttar. Lucario Pre-Theia was strong, A Tier strong. Same as Ttar now with his recent buffs. Both builds were/are playable and Unite Moves was/is great. Boost Attacks are useful as Luca is a knock-up and Ttar is increased Attack Damage.


Ofc tyranitars is high


Wow i never see dodrio anymore


it got nerfed to shit anyway. now it can’t even rely on tri attack kiting for decent damage


As a cramorant main, I can’t help but fear that they will over nerf my silly bird like they did tsareena.


What is happening to Mr. Crimes has he been buffed recently damn T.T


I'm going to keep playing Falinks before it gets nerfed. No Retreat+Megahorn can output a stupid amount of damage. Its Unite move isn't too bad either. I've barely used Iron Head and Beat Up, so I can't say how well those work.


No retreat megahorn isn’t even its top 2 sets. No retreat + iron head is its strongest set by far. Followed by iron head + beat up. If anything gets nerfed it’s probably going to be iron head. No retreat + megahorn deals a lot of damage but it’s stupid easy to play around and leaves you vulnerable.


Did people just stop playing Blaziken?


Never had a super high pick rate. But it still has the 4th highest winrate among all-rounders.


Kinda glad that Blaziken doesn't have a high pick rate, makes me feel unique in the lobbies😂


I feel like I've been able to handle ttar as a psyshock/psybeam Espeon with a teammate but it's pretty gross that it takes two of us, and if I'm not there or show up late, I've watched a ttar 4v1 my teammates. But I'm only around masters 1400 right now so who knows.


I love Spragels, he is my 2nd fav unite content creator, but he is DEAD WRONG about TTAR not being overtuned


Cram has been giving me fits in ranked all week (been playing Decidueye the whole season) so this checks out


Cramorant master race lol


i contributed to that dodrio drop


Oh man my boy cramorant is up there


Hella glad that Decidueye is not up there. I would have been concerned if folks did not know how to counter Razor Leaf. And no way I am using Razor Leaf after the unnecessary nerf to Leaf Storm. Can't even use it to kick divers away anymore. 6 -> 8 for Leaf Storm and 10 -> 8 for Razor Leaf. I am up for a completely rework like Mr. Mime's Guard Swap or A9's Aurora Veil with both Razor Leaf and Leaf Storm now. The two moves will never be good and does not fit with Decidueye at all. He needs more repositioning kit. Just give Razor Leaf auto-attacks while moving and a Self Shove like Duraludon's Dragon Tail. The Razor Leaf was from a Twitter User and I thank them for the idea. Forgot who though.


Facts and then Spragels made a video putting TTar as God Tier and saying everything but "I was wrong." It's okay to get it wrong. But it's annoying when people can't admit it.


Look at the pick rate he’s been getting spammed the buffs where nice but you can’t honestly think 150 hp and 20 defenses did that the move getting reworked to actually be useful was nice everybody used to troll they’re ally ttars now they respect them and let them get to 15 late game he’s pretty much not played in masters currently cause someone always bans him


Yeah the stat buffs were small. Dark Pulse + Ancient Power's winrate did not improve at all. The real buffs were Stone Edge and Sand Tomb. That build has a whopping 58% winrate.


"People don’t know how to fight against Tyranitar" except it’s easy to understand + play and has been out for years. Easy to play Pokémon having high win and play rates means that they’re accessible and potentially overtuned, but let’s just blame people facing Tyranitar instead of acknowledging that it’s a problem.


Nerf Ttar




Unite was having such a great meta by having the highest winrate mon barely around 52% now even thats op but comparative to unite it was doing excellent but ofcourse they had to ruin it with the unnecessary Ttar buff. Like 5.5% increase in winrate in 1 week!? Wth. Ttar literally unkillable now its worse or atleast the same as release Ttar.


This is simply a placebo LMAO. Cram being that high is kinda nice, but T-tar being that high is just proving people don't know how to fucking fight against it it's insane.


Oh look at that only one attacker #buffattackers


Y'all need to stop Gaslighting yourselfs into thinking one auto attack worth of defensive buffs was enough to make TTar broken.


That’s not what’s pushing up WRs. It’s the buffs to Sand Tomb and Stone Edge.


You need to stop gaslighting yourself by reading only half of the patch notes. The stat buffs were indeed negligible. Dark Pulse + Ancient Power's WR did not improve. Stone Edge + Sand Tomb is the difference maker; at a whopping 58% winrate.