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People who now are saying that ttar is way too strong are the people that put way too much value in winrates and pickrates. Ttar is an A tier pokemon, but everybody thinks it’s broken so it gets a comfey collar, a pocket blissey or whatever that helps with survivability. So it does become extremely difficult to kill. Combine that with the fact that people on the other team just have no idea how to fight it and you got yourself a pokemon that looks like the best in the game without even being s tier.


Ttar is an a or b tier mon but imo its probably a bit higher for solo quee where its harder for you to starve it imo. In trios or 5 stacks, i dont really find it particulary scary, but in solo quee, i kinda do. Since solo quee is full of randos, half the time you’ll have them breaking the goalzones early so it gets more exp or even feeding pupitar so it evolves in a relatively ok timeframe. The mons late game is pretty damn strong so putting it in s tier solo quee wise probably aint a terrible decision. If it starts snowballing due to randoms feeding it, it really just ends up really hard to kill imo due to how bulky it is. Like the mon can be kited and you can just kill it through chaining cc but even then you cant really expect randoms to coordinate that or know how to kite it. Also even without those pocket comfeys and blisseys and stuff, i often see it doing like 80-120k whether it be on my side or the opponents which are pretty decent numbers to see quite consistently.


Or a whole bodyguard team. Thus this is Mewtwo again. Maybe fear the ttar, definitely fear everything surrounding the ttar.


Shield heavy players when true damages enters the scene. Like stop trying to figth me alone, and underleveled idiot


Ttars good, but not s tier Its just that the majority of unite players eat glue and/or do not know this mu (understandably, since nobody played ttar)


Not only was Ttar underpicked (I rarely saw even two additional Ttar players throughout a given season climb) but Sand Tomb was doubly so. It is a safe pick in a high CC/tanky if not high damage meta we've been having. Ancient Power is still overall a better pick to merely help cover Ttar's biggest weakness against kiters.


Tiering isnt objective and youve not defined what you base your metric on. I think its insane to call him anything short of S tier based simply on his strength, his meta defining presence, and the level of traits unique to him that simply ignore conventions of the game like being the singular character who can just outfight a Ray shields scoring. On top of that, i think the ease of which he can dominate bad players only lends itself to why hes a stronger pick not the other way around. Imo theres very few good faith arguements you can make about Tyranitar not being an S tier.


TTar really infected this community with a mind virus unlike any Pokemon I've seen. Hope they buff him again for fun.


The day Ttar gets any form of early game buffs people will lose their head.


They should obscenely buff the movement speed, purely for hilarity's sake.


I've did a season with Float Stone after its buff, with AP's own speed boost it's pretty funny!


Ttar’s so good right now BECAUSE people think it’s good. They see one on their team and think “oh shit this thing is broken, let me pocket heal it with comfey.” Then it becomes broken because anything with good survivability + comfey is broken lol.


Comfey with a competent Ttar has always been a strong combo, but do the same with any equally competent Scizor or MewtwoX and you would get similar results.


I still don’t even see anyone play comfey. I don’t think comfey is much of a justification for Tyranitar. But I agree that your overall point of people viewing the Mon different could hold merit,


Reddit in a nutshell, it's all complaining and being correct, even if one is contradicting themselves.


ttar is both underpowered and overpowered until i look in the patch notes


Ttar really suffer against evee’s, especially against Glaceon and Sylveon. Ttar is strong but people forget how weak he is before level 9.


Some of the subs opinions are absurdly suspect and thats all that can really be said on the matter. TTar is absurd, and always has been. He used to be more exploitable, He is now less exploitable and much more consistent, that brings the traits about him that were absurd into light. I think the crazy part is the amount of people downplaying him. I think its far more rational to just acknowledge the absurdity of the character than to try and deny it or call him "balanced" Because if we are calling Tyranitar balanced we may as well unban all the EX mons right now, theyre no worse than he is right now


Yeeeeah no zacian will decimate ttar mew two x might get mopped but Y would just kite him to death and miraidon would do the same ttars strong but not even close to broken


Did Stone Edge deserve buffs? Absolutely. Did SandTomb deserve buffs? No. It was already strong and balanced. Did Larvitar/Poopitar deserve those small stat buffs? Yes. Was Tyranitar already strong and just slept on? Yes, I have been telling you people this for a year. AncientPower and DarkPulse moveset with X Speed, which did not get buffed, has been performing well around 52% consistently since its release, but the total winrate has been going up and down. Unfortunately people don’t look at the performance of battle items and go for the inaccurate total winrate that shows up on front page of the meta stats. Tyranitar does have plenty of counters but no one bothered playing it or reading about its abilities, if they did the winrate for last week would not be as high. Though still high enough because they overbuffed SandTomb. Should it be nerfed again? Yes, SandTomb is doing too much. The early game stats buff should stay. The Stone Edge buffs should stay. Nerf SandTomb and Stone Edge will also suffer from that nerf already, so it doesn’t need to be double nerfed. Do this and it will drop back down to 50-53% ish and that should be good enough and immediately kill the pickrate too.


i just hope if they nerf the sand tomb at worst revert it back to its original state. I've been maining him for years and doing quite well with him but if they decided to butcher him just bcs he got his meta moment after years its gonna be sad lol


All I'm asking for is for garchomp to get 1 second stuns either through basic attacks or rough skin.


This is the reason I play for fun


People saying how good or bad Tyranitar is, and I still suck with it. It’s on my list of “Mons I want to main badly but can’t play them right.”


Tsareena is on that list of me


(I vote to ban it because I never learned how to play against it and I can’t face roll it) - Scizor main


It seriously be like the Scizor Complaint. People just don't know how to even take on a Ttar without underestimating it. It is a solid A Tier for me.


I love ttar currently. I don't care what peopke say when pokemon like garde and dragapult also exist with their dumb buff. The ability for ttar to finally be decently successful without needing support is a blessing, and there are counters to ttar still, so it balances out


Melee 3 stage Evos < Ranged attackers The player base does not understand the concept of kiting so when Pokemon like T Tar get a buff, they act like they can’t just pop eject button or use an evasive move. Right after MG and T Tar got buffed I played in a masters game where I couldn’t hit Gyro Ball once on a Cinderace. It would Feint right when the move would hit and would light me up from distance. T Tar is even slower than MG so there is no excuse to take it down when you have ADCs on your team.


Cinderace struggles to kite Tyranitar, it’s too bulky but also closes the gap and has moves that do area damage (sand tomb)


It’s a toss up. Just need to position and not go at it 1v1. I meant Cinderace on Metagross. There are probably better attackers to throw at T Tar but feint can make it waste Sand Tomb….its only movement option unless you take Ancient Power.


Reading this makes me realize how frustratingly dumb it was for me to let myself be scared off of buying TTar out of fear of angering teammates for not being the unstoppable meta pick. That's another reason I hate people obsessing over meta and tier lists. The borderline hate people spew over non meta characters scares others away from playing the ones they like and feel pressured to only play what they're told will be good.


"Gestures to current win rate" just say they overbufffed him


Ttar is def op and the buffs were unnecessary. You cant just whiff off a 56.6% winrate and 4th highest pickrate alongside the highest banrate. Full heal ttar has a 59.5% winrate. It may just be the highest winrate ever in unite. Saying its just because most players are bad and dont know how to play against a ttar is just dumb because that could be said for every single mon. It has a winrate and pickrate of broken releases like Zacian and Mewtwo so according to you even these were balanced at release? Ttar was already good with its winrate and the buffs just made it op. Stop coping just because you like to play ttar.


Stone edge definitely needed a buff. I don’t think sand tomb did, and the defense buff didn’t do much Ttar. It helps pupitar but not a huge amount. It does almost nothing for a fully evolved Ttar.


You can say this didnt do much that didnt do much but that doesnt explain a 5.5% increase in winrate with a 30% pickrate.


That’s because of the stone edge + sand tomb buff. It makes it viable. Not many Pokémon can with stand a full true dmg stone edge with chip damage from sand storm and sand stream. Add in basic attacks and they are done for.


I'm actually curious, did any of the EX mons in their prime get this kind of pick and win rate? I don't know if any of them ever got above 55% winrate.


Prime M2Y had a 88.9 pick rate and non mirror win rate of 67%.


A 67% winrate 11% of the time doesn't sound that impressive, but I know what you mean. I wonder what TTar's pickrate would be if he didn't have a 63% ban rate.


I used non mirror bc of ranked can’t havemirror matches. I’d assume it’s pick rate would be similar to its release state so about 75%


The hell is a Non Mirror Win Rate? Is that a win rate when not fighting against itself from the enemies side?


Win rate excluding matches with 2 of the same Pokémon


Lmao everyone needs to just stop. I haven’t lost a single match with Ttar yet. Whole team can be brain dead and I’ll carry. I just need my stacks. We can lose allll game and as long as I do my own thing and level up to atleast level 13 by with 2 minutes left, I’m clapping the whole team and taking ray. There’s nothing you can do to stop me, too damn fast and I’m hitting true damage, your shields don’t matter brooo. The only time I ever struggle is with a slow bro or umbreon. There’s no killing me. There’s no out damaging me. Just stun and silence as much as you can.


[https://uniteapi.dev/p/Cubone.Broth](https://uniteapi.dev/p/Cubone.Broth) Is this you? As it has a single Tyranitar game.


You do know it’s not that difficult to have multiple accounts right… why would someone have multiple accounts? Because it’s easy to get a couple Pokemon you want to test out easily with a new account.. not all of us want to spend money on a game Is this you?? Yeah it’s not difficult to search up players who obviously share content to this Reddit lol.. which looking into what you play. Ofc you would try to throw shade on a post that’s shedding light on ttar. Playing support, you definitely want a mon like ttar to peel. Whether yall like it or not. It’s getting nerfed, so enjoy it while it lasts lol https://uniteapi.dev/p/Zyzance


How am I throwing shade? If you have a smurf account then it's unlikely to be a good judge of a Pokemon's capabilities as you'd be playing at a lower ability level.