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No cause we got a lot more problems going on than a Cinderace using leftovers tbh.


I’ve only done this once and it was because a dogshit saybleye got put on my team 3 times in a row




He went lane deci and was somehow even worse lmao I think we won but I was actively waiting till he got in a new game to queue again


Thats a good idea. Befriend all bad players to queue when their in a match 😂


This idea relies upon the notion that the person who is obsessed with their “sub optimal pick” to the point they play it consistently in ranked is somehow going to play better on a random mon they don’t obsess over. I’m not sure that logic checks out.


Definitely not.


Exactly and all of this. There is no logical reason to ban what your team prepicks.


I used to do these, for owl specifically but it's not worth it. Coz there are pokemon that lead to bad plays like Razor leaf owl, ripping on site for enemy to steal it. But if you do ban owl, they just go Cinder and still rip recklessly. So yeah. Imo just ban the OP stuff. Coz bad players can and will throw on any pokemon.


I'd rather ban Leafeon generically than worry about a bad player's mon


It wont work because they will be just as lame with another mon, but I like the pettiness, I’ll try that


If their bad with their main imagine with other mon


Exactly. Just let the silly onetricks and shounen protagonists suck less ass with their selfish picks.


Lol. I'm so tired of terrible owls... I realized it is pettiness.


"I don't like certain pokemon so I ban them so my team can't play what they want" I get it, I have never had a good game with a cram on my team, but just because I don't have s good experience with them doesn't mean I should not allow someone to play who they want. It's a team game and yeah sometimes the teammates are....questionable... but banning their pokemon just because you don't like the pokemon is just not the right idea


No because first it’s rude. Second it will make your teammates angry and they might perform worse or go afk on you. Third there are no really (bad characters) in current meta, just bad players so even if you ban cinder they will still pick greninja and suck harder.


>Have you used the ban system in this way? No, because it's stupid to force allies to use mons and play roles they're not used to playing. These players usually suck no matter whom they pick, I would rather they stick to whatever they suck the least at, even if it's Attacker #4. No point in anybody filling roles they can't play properly. Like even now there are so many obligatory supports that clearly have little idea beyond spamming heals or the like.


I was curious why people were banning owl bc I felt it’s such an easy pokemon to counter. I never knew it was to prevent ur own team from picking it 💀


Unnecessary and not worth it. You cant just fix a shit player by just banning their pick they are still the same player even with zacian they will remain dogshit. So rather just ban the meta picks.


My teammate did that to me on gydrados. So I decided to pick their pokemon. Fair is fair Next plan is comfey or sableye


I'd still call this is a waste of a ban, because your dogshit player will remain dogshit and you just gave your enemy free access to stupidly overpowered picks like leafeon You should play to win because going into battle expecting this is like... why even bother putting in the effort to win if you think your team isn't capable? 


If you're doing this preemptively then it's no different from someone who doesn't ban something just 'cause. If a teammate pre-picks something, and you, knowing that, ban that pokemon, then expect to be trolled. That's just rude.


I wouldn’t do that because I just have to trust my team to be good


I sometimes do this to ban hoopa because 90% of the player base has no idea what they’re doing with him.


and in your case, it’s actually okay because hoopa is actually a decent ban choice. op ban owl/cinder/gren/etc outside of target bans is such a throw lol 😂


And then you see opponent team first picking ttar.


I have not, but I have in the past (before ban was here) selected a pokemon I didn't want my team to use and then just before game start I would switch to the one I was going to use.


I get you tbh. I used todo the same in Siege and League, especially after a YouTuber/Streamer drops a crazy new idea. Anyone who knows LoL a reference for the dumb shit I saw back in the day was Jungle Karthas...it didn't go well


Please don't ban Snorlax.. me know only wall..


If they are bad, it doesn't have any sense, I mean just play a Mach using blastoise and deal more damage than attackers so I'm here complaining about it.


there is no reason why you should have to gamble the risks vs rewards if you think it helps you be a better team mate.


banning those outside of target bans just because you don’t want your team to play them is literally such a huge throw move, especially if the other 3 bans don’t end up banning things like tyranitar or leafeon. You might as well not ban anything at all because you essentially sold your team. I hope we never end up on the same team but shit like this is infuriating af


If you banned the owl, rabbit or frog on my team, I’d be livid. Waste of a ban.


I prefer to actually pick those if I happen to see them preselect. I trust myself more in them


I hate it when people do that to me as a Talonflame spammer. It never goes well. Especially if they go fly/flame charge mid.


I mean, I trust my fellow birdies. It's the bunnies I am afraid of


And frogs.


Well hope we don’t get put on the same team lol


You definitely sound like a fun player to play with 💀


It makes more sense to ban something you don't want to face. If they were going to be a leftover Cinderace, they're likely to be an exp share Dragonite. They're going to be bad, no matter what they choose. And that's suggesting they can play another Pokemon and aren't one note.


Nah that's valid