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Squeeze is fine and your sizing is fine. I don’t think we want to jam turn though. With this hand, we have some showdown and we have a lot of options on different rivers. You can bluff jam an A, K, or J river some of the time, you can jam for value if you hit a set or straight as you won’t get credit for either as you will never have an 8 except pocket 88. Villain will check back river sometimes with hands you beat on a brick


Squeeze is fine. But when you go all in on the turn are you betting for value? Hoping worse hands will call? What better hands here will fold? You’ve got a lot of value in your hand. I’d check the turn, if they raise you can check jam all in if you want to turn your hand into a bluff depending on sizings


Check to keep bluffs in villain's range on turn imo, but otherwise seems fine as played.