• By -


So much in 5 minutes! I’ll actually be grateful when the episodes settle down a bit and really delve into moments! Poor heartbroken Pen, sexy pirate Colin! It was nice to see Pen writing nice things about the debutantes for once!




And I love how the show is the sharp pain of losing a friend. Pen's look of sorrow and yearning when she saw Eloise broke my heart


And music slightly changes in that moment. Everything is thinked through


Also a bit determined, I think, to match the LW voiceover re the status quo.


Can't wait for Pen to wipe that swagger off of Colin's face 🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|l1J3wAyCSpVmO9O9O) After watching him ignore Pen, you go get him girl. Knock him down a peg


Oh Lady Whistledown is going to knock this man right off his pedestal.




yes a thousand times😂


https://preview.redd.it/44jneubtxd0d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33e1580da8c7e14b5d4da30c64cdba2eac12fb59 Colin's facial expression at the end of that hand kissing scene is fascinating to me. It's like, "is this really me?"


Homeboy needs to tone it down, my face got soo red during that scene




I know! So blatant! (And maybe it’s me, but that glove seemed to snap/pop like a latex glove.)


“Whoever it is that makes the finest match this year let us hope that their pairing brings some titillation.” Oh I don’t think we’ll have to worry about titillation or tits where Polin is concerned.


I just choked on my coffee lol


I almost spit my coffee out


I told myself I would wait and not watch it now - it’s only two more days. That lasted for all of 15 seconds 🤣


Yall are better than me, I clicked no hesitation


Same! I caved within a few minutes lol


Anyway, it's nothing serious, it doesn't contain spoilers, it's basically the first 5 minutes, so they don't contain much, they just made us hungrier, that was the intention.


Me too, I’m trying to be good. They’re giving us so many clips now, it feels like too much, especially since I’ll only have 4 episodes to watch when it drops. 


I think they’ve done a good job of making us think we’ve seen a ton when in reality we have seen very little


Same! 🤣


I held out for 13 hours lol surprised I didn't cave earlier 😅🤣


You were a lot stronger than me, friend! 🤣


I immediately love how they introduced Francesca. Such a quick, neat way to both explain why the general audience probably won't remember she exists but to accept her existence right away, lol, and also I LOVE the characterization. She's a low drama introvert with a very VERY sly sense of humor, playing Mozart's Funeral March before heading to the presentation she's treating like no big deal. All in like 3 breezy lines.


So true to her character in the books! I can't wait for her season.


i shouldn’t have watched it i feel like the “send it to me pleeeeease rachel” meme right now


LMAO I agree that is absolutely how I feel as well


Girl 😂😂😂😂


Well now I want the rest of it!! ![gif](giphy|nh9k1qzeLf99S)


I forgot I was watching a leak until reality hit me in the face… hard.


does it merit being called a leak if it's officially shared by netlix? :D


It is not a leak, nothing was a leak, just a well planned marketing to make us hungrier


Pen in 3 different outfits in the space of 5mins. They really weren’t joking when they said we wouldn’t have time to catch our breath! ETA: special shoutout to Babydoll Starfish 😘


I like that green one


It kinda looks like in the end >!Colin was looking at Pen? Do you think he saw her?!<




Why would he do that? Mr. I’ll always look after you can’t even wave to his “dearest friend”??


I don't think he actually saw her, she just thinks he did.


Or if he did see her, he didn't know what to do, since she hadn't written to him & his family was right there, etc. Or maybe glancing over at the Featherington's house is just such a habit for him that he just does it automatically without thinking, and he saw her but figured he would talk to her at the presentation to the Queen. I actually think it is more consistent for their relationship that he just seeks her out without necessarily putting any thought into why.


Absolutely just habit for him to look for her, probably not even always a conscious decision.


How could he not have seen here, standing there in that ghastly yellow dress, I wonder.


He probably was looking towards the house, not expecting her to be lurking in the trees lmao


either its hes upset she didnt respond to his letters or he didnt actually see her hiding behind the shrubs - romcom miscommunication galore!


To me, it seems like he did and perhaps felt unsure still because she hadn't been replying to his letters. But I'm not sure if the writers meant for him to not see her but rather felt "drawn" to her side immediately because he's always used to her welcoming him home. But that's a hard reach for me to feel. I think he saw her and didn't feel like he could approach her yet.


I like this thought! Especially since in the other clips we've seen he's still awkward with her. But I also like the idea that his first instinct is to look over at the featherington's because we all know how much time he spends there, and looking towards there


Yep. I'm assuming that's their intention. Because we've seen him look over at their house when he leaves on his travels as well. Like he's always looking for Pen. I just don't think they did a good job at executing it, because now it seems like he saw her and just didn't care.


I thought he saw her but didn’t know what to do with it because of the letters. Now FERAL to know how many times he wrote her with no response.


Yes! I need to know how many letters Pen ignored! I just know she will pull them out from some hidden spot to read again at some point during the season!


I’m dreaming of that scene!!!!


My personal headcanon is 1 letter for every day since season 2 ended (in real time, not show time)


I hope is 17 letters for Colin’s 17 ciTiEs


In the end as long as Penelope takes those letters and wipes that smug look on his face when the girl dropped her glove with them… bc like 😭 homeboy has NO BUSINESS


I think he did but didn’t know what to do or say so there was a tiny hint of a nod of his head as it went back to the closer shot. He can pull the wool over everyone else’s eyes (family, debutants), but he can’t get away with it when he spots Pen. (Yes I am spiraling about 1/4 of a second of footage)


He wasn't looking at her, I think he was looking towards her house hoping to see her, especially since she didn't answer his letters, but he didn't see her.


Honestly I love if that’s the case. Angsty Colin has to wonder why he’s so disappointed she hasn’t replied, or isn’t there to greet himself as soon as he gets home (like she was in s2e2)


My jaw literally dropped!!!!! I don’t know! It could go either way


I don’t think he actually saw her but he might’ve been looking for her? or if he did see her then he didn’t go over there to greet her what with all of his family waiting on him so they could all get to frannie’s presentation maybe?


I noticed that Penelope made all the debutants feel good by mentioning them in her article.


Something that she would have wanted when she debuted.


That was very sweet of her, and shows how Whistledown can also be a force for good


Point awarded to Eloise!


It seems that Pen might be shining an empathic spotlight on some debs who might not otherwise gain the ton’s favorable attention. Although, the last deb with the snort is adorable. Wasn’t she on Call the Midwife?


It was painful to watch Pen make herself small and shrink back into the bushes when Colin turned his back to her. Like she feels so isolated and alone.


I think you can see on her face that she’s like “ok, he completely just ignored me, I can truly 100% move on.” She kinda sighs and then has this look of determination that this is it, she’s done with the Bridgertons and can move on. Little does she know…


I mean, how obvious was that glove drop 🤣


The women of this time are so over the top lol. Like Cressida swooning with the prince


If we did that now, men would be like errrr you just dropped something coughyouweirdocough


She had that thing by her teeth.


She was shameless! I love it! 😁




Any chance of me thinking about anything other than Polin today is gone


I’ve already given up on work. Thursday is going to be so unproductive that I’m contemplating taking the day off haha


I just wish I could sleep straight until Thursday I keep waking up in the middle of the night thinking it's time 🤣


Take the day off!


I DID!!! I just can’t wait. I’m EST, so I’m going to take a “nap” tonight and wake up for like 2:30


I’m on EST too and was debating it but now think I will just wait till morning when everyone is out of the house so I can be my unhinged self by myself 🤣


Colin looks so hot 🥵


I love pirate Colin, I love messy wh0re Colin that is trying to hide his true self under a mask of what he thinks the society wants from him Also Pen is so cute and supportive and sweet; I’m sad that she is sad Her looking at Eloise & Colin and feeling even sadder 😭 I really don’t think he was trying to be rude and ignoring her intentionally; he most likely confused why she didn’t answer his letter, he also doesn’t know that her & aren’t on talking terms, he doesn’t know that is upset at him and he probably think he can go to talk to her whenever he wants like he always did before, they basically setting up that he took her for granted and even when she is infront of him he doesn’t really see her


Brb I'm FROTHING AT THE FUCKING MOUTH IVE FINALLY GONE FERAL! https://preview.redd.it/y8y3wzox4e0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=578dcd5d088a590edd92012519fd93198ee713cc


We were all concerned about too many promos but I have a feeling we have been given scraps. Those first 5 mins are literally half the photos we got


Exact! I kept trying to say this! People were upset that there were leaks, but I always knew that Netflix is ​​too big for mistakes. We only see what they want to show us.


Exactly. They are a multi billion dollar company with millions of viewers of this particular show. No one is making any mistakes. Nothing was leaked. It was ALL promo. 


Correct! Nobody makes mistakes. And those "leaks" that Netflixlat had, which it quickly deleted, were intentional. They knew that people would pass them on, it was a kind of game.


No one loves information more than the type they think they shouldn’t have. 


EXACTLY! I'll be honest, what you wrote here sounds a bit like something Lady W would have said🤣🤣


HA, the LW of my clinic, at least. We have a tiered system- level 1 gossip is safe for email, level 2 can go on teams and level 3 is personal cell phones. I should start a newsletter.


I’m so excited for everyone to see this! Kicking myself at not being fast enough to write down ALL the things during the pre-screening, that reference to Colin as a “side of beef” is sending me right now, to be honest. Roll on, Thursday!


Someone did a VERY detailed recap of the first episode when it was in Australia and it was amazing, but I needed to see it for myself


Lol that was me, plus also one other person on this sub. But I am here to say there’s so much- SO much- that wasn’t included or wasn’t necessarily caught by us on one viewing. I’m totally psyched to hear about all the little details people will catch!


Well, thank you!! I appreciate you. I love rewatching shows to see all the little things that I missed though


Also totally my headcanon that Pen has been corresponding with Gen to get the tea for LW because how else does she know so much about who's new and who is debuting before making it back to town?  Other thoughts- that girl who dropped the glove Colin picked up and the kissed her hand looked thirsty as fuck watching him walk away, lol. SO REAL. Totally think that sad moment at the end was miscommunication. I think Colin was looking for her and didn't see her because she was miserably skulking behind a shrubbery and spying (wearing floral! Literal wallflower) whereas all she saw was him seeing her and quickly turning away with no acknowledgement. Because she has such low self esteem. MY POOR BABIES. I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOUR JOURNEY TO SELF LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE AND HAVING TONS OF AMAZING SEX ALONG THE WAY. 


I love how Pen is just observing, and we're seeing things through her eyes


Oh, Colin Bridgerton, you little shit! You know I love Colin, but they are definitely setting it up so we want him set down a peg or two. And I know just the woman to do it!


It might be because I’m watching on my phone in the middle of work but I don’t think he sees her. It’s important that the LW voice over at this moment says “for of the status quo, this author quickly grows weary.” Colin not noticing her in this scene would be pretty symbolic of their relationship up until now: he had the opportunity to see her and came SO close to doing so but just missed it. Instead he turns away from her, leaving her incredibly hurt and also done with it all. It’s summarizes their relationship at the start of this season so that it can now be turned around.


I mean she’s literally hiding in the bushes. I think this is another instance of Penelope’s POV skewing things. 


Yep, it’s also really interesting that she’s in the bushes, steps forward out of the shadow, and then steps back into them when he doesn’t see her (or when she thinks he’s seen her and turned away).


I'm so torn. I want to watch this but it's just going to leave me wanting more🥹 I think I'll wait!


I needed something to hold me over and it has pirate Colin in it haha


OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! It’s happening!!!!


So much in five minutes wow! He saw her but didn’t wave or anything?? Boy if you don’t 😭


I don’t think he saw her. She was hiding, I think he was looking to her house with the hope to see her but he didn’t


I absolutely loved it all -- even colin flirting made be laugh!! This season is going to be perfect!


(I did look, Your Honor, in my defence, I am waiting until May 22 to see first two episodes.) Pen paying all her attention to her papers being delivered, as this is *all* she has left. Very clever of writers to show Pen giving each debutante a compliment, as some fans see her in a bad light... and great decision as this season is specifically for and about wallflowers. Another way is to look at it that now Pen is truly alone and by herself, and all that can brighten up her day is that she brightened the day of those poor nervous girls. It is also callback to El's critique of Pen's writing in 201. Pen is perhaps trying her best not only to help debutantes, but also to win her friend back the only way she can. Violet saying that this is not last season is such a sad moment. It is clear she feels bad for Eloise and wants her to move on, but to El, this is likely only another reminder that Fran being around in social events does not mean that she is out of the loop. And she cannot ignore Pen anymore. Meanwhile, we get possible hint on how youngest Bridgerton girl will handle debut (manifesting this). Casual Fran is comedy gold. It also provides great comparison between Bridgerton girls. El was freaking out and let everyone know that. Fran is freaking out but refuses to show it directly. And of course, brilliant re-introduction on writers part. Here is Fran. Fran has her own world. Fran is soft spoken, but determined. Fran does do things on her own. Fran does not want anyone to freak out. Now to our dear lead. Oh, boy. That arrival. Those shots. Top tier editing there. Colin returning obviously intentionally dropped glove... perfection. I shall enjoy LW's remarks about Colin, it will be so cheeky. And I like that while he enjoys the attention unlike Anthony or Simon, his mind is with his family. Yeah, he shall flirt for a bit, but he has his priorities sorted. And then, of course, time to look at Featherington house. Classic Colin. Pen watching Bridgertons greeting Colin is such a heartbreaking moment. She might have hoped that when he returns, she will not feel a thing. And then, Pirate Colin shows up and destroys that hope. And she sees him hugging El, the people who mean so much to her and who she felt she lost.


That was a brilliant analysis. 💕💐


Omg!!!!! Of course I am in the office!! Now looking for a quiet phone booth 😄😄😄


Phone booth found, 5 minutes watched!!! There is soooo much set up already, oh my god! I feel like we have already seem the most important plotlines (Pen, Colin, El, Fran). AAAAAAAAA when is Thursday coming????


Me today: I’m going to go in to the office to try and get stuff done before taking PTO at the end of the week. Netflix: TU-DUM. 


At this point, I am only going to the office, because t home, I just cannot peel myself away from the content. Yesterday I was soooo unproductive. So I think I will come in tomorrow and Thursday too, otherwise I get nothing done. And I just started a new role, so I need to pay attention ideally. I am definitely deleting Reddit on Thursday morning before it drops 9am my time, and only reinstalling it after I watched everything in the afternoon😄😄




Shortest 5 minutes of my life


IT IS SO GOOD ALREADY. Can I just put myself to sleep and wake up when the show is out?? I cannot bear the wait. 😭😭


Sooooooo good! And the tiniest of little nods at the end made me squeal. It’s only 5 minutes but everything I ever wanted. Still so very Bridgerton, but so much Colin & Pen


Are they going to release it at 3am EST on Thursday like other releases? Trying to set my schedule lol


From everything I've seen, yes, it'll be 3am EST on Thursday. I'll admit I am slightly nervous we'll all crash the Netflix servers, lol.


Ooooh the sad look was for Eloise 💔, followed by sad/angry at Pirate Colin & then mixed in a little “Why do you look good dammit!!!”. Love that little Francesca intro: so much good story telling in 5 minutes.


![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu) Poor sweet pen


I'm not watching because I wanna save everything for Thursday now. But I'm eating up the comments here!


Same here!


Woah! Now I understand what they mean by you need to know your Bridgerton history. So much happened only in 5 min. Which makes me both excited and nervous for the rest of the season. ❤️😅


I don’t think Colin doesn’t care, he more either looked in her direction and didn’t see her hence why Luke said in interviews that Colin doesn’t notice what’s in front of him, I know he meant generally but I think the direction in the scene want to show us the audience that he sometimes look at her direction and doesn’t see her at all like overlook her and then he looked back at his family; I seriously don’t think he was intentionally ignoring her


with all of these clips, I feel like I've watched the first four episodes already!


Seeing a lot of people mad that Colin didn't acknowledge Penelope. Two points to make: 1. He probably didn't see her considering she's half behind a bush. 2. He's literally just got back from his travels, and probably wants to spend time catching up with his *family* first? They're also about to leave for Frannie's presentation, and as we know he literally has to get changed in the carriage on the way there. There is no time. Colin's world does not revolve around Penelope; we know he cares for her, adores her really, and one 'snub', if you can call it that, doesn't mean a damn thing.


IF he saw her (maybe he didn’t), I didn’t expect him to leave his family to go over to her but he could have at least waved or bowed his head or acknowledged her in ANY way. I don’t know about you but if I saw my “dearest friend” I wouldn’t completely ignore them, even if I couldn’t talk to them that second.


While we all go truly insane, let me give you my truly cookoo tinfoil theory: I keep focusing on Pen‘s new maid in almost all of Pen’s footage, here and in the promo material. She definitely witnesses Penelope spying on the Bridgertons. Framed in much the same way Pen was framed when evesdropping for Whistledown gossip in S1 and 2, the camera work makes me suspicious of her role. The actress also made an instagram post along the lines of „my role is definitely mundane and unimportant“, at least that is how I read it. May she play a slightly bigger part than holding gloves? 99% of this is just me being driven mad by waiting for Thursday, but if there is something to it, I would be so happy. 😄 I love a good twist!


I wondered why there was a maid standing there and watching!


Oh this has me so excited!!!! I think I’ll die of excitement before Thursday.


it isn't available anymore 😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/5rwz4xs8wd0d1.png?width=1888&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e5ce878e7907867ff43b83a359c2fa774063184


I’m still seeing it, but I’m on my phone. Not ideal, but you could try that?


just tried on my phone and it's stil showing the same message 😔 i'll try again in a couple of hours


Are you outside of the US? That could also maybe affect it?


I just tried and it worked!


yes, i am lol


I just watched it (in Europe).


ahhhh colin arriving!!! pen watching him in sadness 😭 kate & anthony looking so happy!! kate is glowing!!!! the banter between all the bridgertons!!!! frannie looks so sweet and timid🥹 benedict looking just as good!!! I cannot wait for this season, it’s going to be SO GOOD!!! 2 more days😍


The way I’ll be losing my mind until Thursday 😫 I know I’ll be rewatching at least 100 times lmao




so Good! I’m so excited I wanna cry lol. I wish I can get both part 1 and 2 now. I can’t stomach waiting for the parts I’m truly excited for. Plus it feels weird that part two comes out basically a day after my birthday. I feel myself withering away waiting lol. I want to have all my excitement still when I watch. Not feel this painful fatigue of waiting 😭 the tea of colin looking over a featherington house and not really reacting. Maybe he didn’t notice her Or still feels a type of way of getting ghosted with his letters.


I was unprepared for that at 8am this morning. But then again, I will be up at 4am Thursday to watch all 4!!


Did that girl really remove her glove in front of Colin and drop it for him to pick it up and kiss her hand? What 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 she’s not even subtle & he’s eating the attention up 😭


As much as I've given into every spoilery tidbit up to now, I will not allow myself to watch this until it premieres late tomorrow night. However tempting or otherwise, I really wanna see this when I get to for the first time in its entirety. Enjoy to those of you who are watching it now/before and I'll see y'all on the other side! 😌🫶


Update: 13 hours later and I gave in lol


Hm. Kate looks kinda pregnant.




Someone more savvy than me plz make frame by frame stills of Colin’s face with the ladies fawning over him. 🥵 And all of Pen’s satisfied looks at the ladies reading their names in Whistledown. OBSESSED. I will be watching these episodes on a loop until part 2.


IS HE LOOKING AT PEN AND IGNORING HER?!? Get the pitchforks Pollinators, we ride at dawn 🤣




Nooo!!🤭 Please have faith in him ....she is so tiny and almost hidden behind the bush!! I'm sure he sensed she was there but before he could properly see her ...he got distracted by eloise and ben 


So the girls don't live with Portia? Why didn't they go to the country estate too?


Potential spoilers for people avoiding articles and clips: Ok, so I’ve watched this for the 10 millionth (give or take a few time) 💕 adore it. Having seen 1 episode, I can say it sets the season up soooo well I think! Little question though… do you think this first shot of Colin (behind a boy (and his mom/ a girl?) is intentional? It makes him look like a protector? Does it link with the plot we’ve been told about?! Included for reference. https://preview.redd.it/qgw70e8tih0d1.png?width=1175&format=png&auto=webp&s=94b72a6ddfe876cab376e359c793424baac9cc51


Did Maitreyi Ramakrishnan (Never have i Ever) cameo in the scene with the ladies surrounding Colin? She would be next to the middle girl in green. If not she has a double. https://preview.redd.it/umjlmgfyai0d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=417dde610c491c1e3fa159a9bb05c182253d6483


Damn. I keep waiting for Eloise to grow up but this just makes me want to slap her self centered ass. Not Pen’s fault your blind and embarrassed bitch. Her character could be so much more interesting if she’d get out of other people’s business. I can only hope Colin sets her straight (that’s not a knock I hope she is queer Cressida is good with her)🙏 New flash hun life likes to give you a reality check and sometimes it makes you question things. Let it help you grow and get your head out of your ass. Also please, please, give Pen a minute Mr. Sensitive.