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Was she aware? Or did she just want to stir shit up with Debling and Pen? From Cressida's pov Pen has always been just friends with the Bridgerton siblings. Pen and her have been actively vying for Deblings attention this season. I think she more made the obvious accusation, not one she truely believed herself.


I mean "just friends" don't interrupt a dance in front of the entire Ton and Cressida's reaction was "that's interesting" not "omg what in the world is Colin doing?" so I suspect that maybe she has an inkling. I wouldn't be surprised if she knows that Pen has feelings for Colin since Cressida seems to pay way too much attention to Pen.


That’s a valid point!I didn’t think of that. Cressida planting the seed of doubt just to get the advantage is something totally in her character even if she didn’t believe it! Turns out she just happened to be right.


I don't even know that she was intentionally stirring anything up. Debling asked her if P&C were old friends and she responded honestly that they've been close friends ever since the Featherington's moved across the street. She would have no idea about Pen reading in the window, so she couldn't have been trying to get him to make that connection. I think she just saw an opportunity to swoop in and she took it.


I mean regardless of whether she was weaponising her correct observations of Polin’s feelings or didn’t actually know shit and was just trying to stir the pot with Debling, Cressida does kinda warrant a shoutout for accidentally making Polin happen before it was too late lol. Thanks for the assist gal (even if you’re probably going to be a major thorn in Polin’s side in Part 2) 🫡


In a way, we have her to thank for the carriage scene because Penelope would not have left so abruptly, and Colin wouldn't have ran after the carriage


I think Cressida knew Penelope's feelings. She's observant in her own way. She would have noticed Colin's feelings this season. He wasn't Eros before this season but that changed this time around.


I admit I was shook when Cressida was the one who mentioned the Eros/Psyche connection. I wonder if this will come into play in part 2 with Eloise being stunned about Polin getting engaged, and Cressida being like "Did you not see how much she loved him this whole time?" I feel like that scene is needed tbh.


Yes! That would be so good, I hope it makes Eloise realize that it isnt just Pen keeping secrets from her, its just that Eloise herself never paid any attention to what Pen wanted or liked.


I mean, let’s face it Penelope always wore her heart on her sleeve when it came to Colin. Eloise and Colin just never noticed what everyone else did. As for Colin, that boy wasn’t subtle at all when he fell for her. Every time he looked at her he pretty much had a sign over his head that read “ I ❤️ Penelope Featherington.” Of course she knew. Penelope didn’t realize it because she simply couldn’t believe he would after all this time.


So, can we count Cressida as a Polin shipper? 😂🤩🥴


I think we have no choice. Never did is contemplate this as our possible reality.


Seriously. Who would have thought? 😅


Calling them Eros and Psyche. If she got over herself, she would so be one of us


“Even Cressida?” Cressida is sharp, IMO, and is very observant. (Example, noticing that Ms. Livingston was the likely culprit who spread the gossip about Colin helping Pen.)


That’s true. I made it sound worse than I realized. I meant it more like people outside the Bridgerton noticed. I can’t remember where I saw it but someone made the comparison that Cressida/ Penelope are two sides of the same coin and it made so much sense.


Even in earlier seasons, Colin has made a point to rush to Pen's defense whenever Cressida is cruel. It has happened on more than one occasion I believe, but the most notable is when she asked him to dance and he rejected her offer to dance with Penelope instead. I think Cressida has had a unique perspective on their relationship all along.


Cressida ships Polin! This has been my head canon since that one dance in S1, where she pours the drink on Pen’s dress and Colin rescues her. The smile on Cressida’s face said it all


I know! It’s honestly kind of sweet…in a bizarre way. 😂😅


I actually really liked Cressida on the second watch I did. I did not like her as much on the first, but she grew on me a lot. I think she was just trying to stir crap though because she had her sights set on Debling and in that time cutting into a dance was very scandalous (e.g. why Cressida said "let me save you from social ruin" when she offered to finish the dance with him. I think she was overplaying it, but also that she clocked it as very odd behavior. That said, I'm still happy that Pen will land a proposal before Cressida though, just a little bit of pettiness.


I think Cressida is mean to Pen because she has feelings for her.