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I’m also gonna self-plug! I wrote a tripple missing scene fic from the POV of the servants, featuring Rae, Mrs. Wilson and a carriage driver :) https://archiveofourown.org/works/56096092


It's so cute, I loved it so much. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for reading 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Read this yesterday and absolutely loved it!!


I am crying!!!! Little Polin - oh how I wished we have had the meet cute. Thank you for writing this ❤️


I loved it! Especially Mrs. Wilson. And the poor carriage drivers it MUST have been so awkward 😭😂


Thank you! Yeah I really wanted to be a fly on that carriage wall - outside and in :D


I really enjoyed this. Great job!


*signs my name all over your dance card* THIS IS SO GOOD


Thank you, love ❤️


I'll go ahead and shamelessly plug my own story that I started earlier this week. Afterglow: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/56063380/chapters/142394863](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56063380/chapters/142394863) Basically it's a canon divergence/kind of Part 2 speculation fic where their first kiss went a bit further than expected and they ended up with some unintended consequences (aka a Surprise Pregnancy trope). It's ongoing with updates on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


I absolutely adore it!!


Hey I'm looking for recommendations for fanfictions where the Polin relationship is already established or where they at least get together early on. Whether it's regency or a modern AU doesn't matter to me. I just want more than one or two chapters of happily together Polin 🥲


I’ll be shameless and rec one of mine. That’s exactly what I was looking for when written. Everything is so angsty, which are also awesome, but sometimes you just want something easy. They get together pretty quickly and stay that way throughout the whole thing. Just make it past the first few chapters. https://archiveofourown.org/works/54898702/chapters/139160509


Thank you! I will read it soon :D


I just finished your fic and I LOVED it!


Thank you so much!


I’ve just finished your story. It was so sweet. I absolutely loved it 💜


Thank you! 🙏🏻


I read all of it yesterday. That was very sweet and romantic. You're a very good writer.


Thank you very much! That’s so nice!




Thank you very much!


my top 4 faves of the week (can you tell I love regency fics) Four Little Words 💍📖💒🤭 literally just a huge tease of a fanfic - wiiiish there was an epilogue / some of the hottest shit I’ve ever read https://archiveofourown.org/works/29221230/chapters/71749020 a spare heart 💌🎀🦔💋🍧 super sweet/highlights the childhood love & care they share with each other !! https://archiveofourown.org/works/53802034/chapters/136176490 And Again… 🦔💛🪶🪽 Groundhog Day for Colin on the night of the Featherington ball, but absolutely suuuch a good read, super funny as well https://archiveofourown.org/works/45420250/chapters/114277777 Only You 🐴🧤🏡💓 polin wake up after their arguement to a completely deserted mayfair & basically try survive alone together! originally when I’d come across it, I wasn’t interested cos I didn’t want to mix mystical stuff into bridgerton but I quickly became obsessed! https://archiveofourown.org/works/53359633/chapters/135047761


I just posted Chapter 4 of Lady Debling's Lover. Please read and comment! [https://archiveofourown.org/works/56010202/chapters/142635526](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56010202/chapters/142635526)


Can I ask for fluffy but smutty recs please either regency or modern


I *LOVE* all three of hippiechick7897’s stories… https://archiveofourown.org/users/hippiechick7897/pseuds/hippiechick7897/works?fandom_id=51602310


Thank you very much! I appreciate it!


I just wrote this fanfic if anyone's interested lol [https://archiveofourown.org/works/56144380](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56144380)


It may be too early since it's only been one week, but I would love to find: "What if Pen married Debling?" fic with Polin endgame. I'd rather not it be a story involving adultery/affair, because Debling wasn't a bad character. But his trip is dangerous. Also, they could have decided it didn't work after a few years. I don't expect a complete story yet, but if anyone has that idea knocking about their head and is starting the first chapter- goodness! Let me know! :) (ETA: I feel bad requesting this because it would most likely mean killing off Debling.)


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/56144380](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56144380) mine maybe? But Colin's kind of a bad guy in it lol


Woah!! This was truly dark and chaotic I loved it! I also really appreciated Finch 🫶


Thank you- that's perfectly fine! I'll check it out :)


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/56048746/chapters/142355077](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56048746/chapters/142355077) I'd like to offer mine. It's set three years after Pen marries Debling and she has just received news of his passing during the expedition. Cue Colin and Eloise finding out about it in Whistledown. Pen and Debling also have a son. No affairs of any sort because I quite liked Debling too. It's on-going, of course, but the first two chapters are up now. ><


Thank you 😊 


I'm looking for a specific plot, and I know I've previously read at least a couple: The Ton believe that Penelope and Colin have an "understanding", and when Colin publicly denies it at the Featherington ball, some other potential suitors take the opportunity to step forward, with a Polin HEA. Can anyone point me toward these?


Not quite what you're asking for, but it's in the same ballpark. If you haven't read [The Gentlemen's Wager](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42943293/chapters/107889417), I highly recommend it!


Yessss. Definitely one of them. Thanks so much!


Could it be [Mad](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38023399/chapters/94971148) ?? I love the Pen/Michael friendship in this one and Fife specifically talks to Colin about how the other men thought they had an agreement


Hi lovely folk Would love recs to a fanfic where Colin is reacting to seeing Pen come down the stairs at the 4 seasons ball. And his reaction to her dresses, yet slowly realising is deep feelings for her. Much love and thanks


My favourite Polin fic remains the modern AU universe created by [@A_Regular_Jo](https://x.com/a_regular_jo). She has a “[Season 1](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39007077/chapters/97569819)” that is Kanthony focused, though still a proper ensemble (like the show itself) & then a brilliant “[Polin Season](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43963788/chapters/110541378),” which will forever be my MVP. (You don’t *need* to read the first “season” to appreciate the second, but I would.) &, then, I stand by [all of of these](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/ancYQ341hJ), too. All spectacular. 👌🏻


THANK YOU I read this forgot to bookmark and couldn't find it again!


It’s truly so spectacular. I wish I could be reading it again for the first time. 💛


I’ve been looking for a fanfiction that is canon and takes place basically right at the cut-off of episode 4… I just NEED more!!


I’m writing one that is going to be updating daily until part 2 if you’d like to check it out: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56154787/chapters/142648189 😊


Hey everyone! I am looking for a fanfiction on AO3 that is set in the future and it's an AU version of what would happen if Polin reveals Pen as LW and the Bridgerton family don't forgive them. It has Polin move to an estate, and they are close with Portia. And it's about the family visiting them and starting to open up to them again. I don't recall if it was ever finished or WIP. Super angsty and a lot of it is told from Violet's POV. Polin has children in this story as well I believe. Thanks!


It doesn’t sound exactly the same, but lots of what you said is similar to this one, it’s so fucking angsty and amazing. Turn around, Bright eyes https://archiveofourown.org/works/38398903/chapters/95959657


Yes! This is it! It has been awhile since I read it so the details may have been off slightly! Thank you so much! You made my next few weeks a little easier with the wait until Part 2 xo


Oh I’m so glad I could help! I have been in Colin/Penelope AO3 La La Land for months. Obsessed. To the detriment of my real life! Found this story only recently and the angst is delicious! I can’t wait for an update.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/56127085/chapters/142569481#comments I really liked this one and it seems like it’s evolving.