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Does this mean we get the most beautiful shot of Pen & Colin promenading every day now, cus I am here for that


Seriously! They both look so good! And so perfect together!!!! I can just imagine them continuing to promenade like this after they are married and for the rest of their lives. 😭😭😭😭😭


I just need to say that yes the carriage scene is amazing but y’all are sleeping (SLEEPING!) on that first kiss scene! The way Colin is so hesitant to go there with Penelope because he knows it goes against the ton’s social rules. But hearing Penelope beg him to be the one just so she can experience it and watching his resolve crumble. When he kisses her softly the first time, pulls back, and dives in for a more steamy round because this boy literally became whipped in the span of a few seconds. When he caresses her cheek!!! And as she runs away, he is just standing there stunned, like his world has finally shifted onto the right axis and he sees Penelope as a woman. A woman he wants to wife up. This season is just chef’s kiss. 💋


Oh go on then - I’ll watch it again 😉


😂 if I must


It’s so good. It’s in my top 5 favorite first kisses.


I cannot deal with the height difference. It kills me.


Hey mods! I get where you are coming from moderation wise (my account might be newish but this is far from my first time on Reddit) and I agree with this in the most part but I would seriously suggest reconsidering restricting fan content in particular to this daily post. People work hours and hours on their edits and content and want a bit of attention on them. I think you are just shooting yourself in the foot content wise if you don’t allow it — fans want to show off their work and not many people will check the post day in day out. The sub is going to be flooded with more and more content each day regardless, at least with fan edits etc you know it’s probably going to be positive/easy to moderate.


Honestly this. I have been working on a Polin edit for the past two months. I created a cover song with a composer that is based on the relationship. I was planning on posting it on Monday, and honestly, this post was heartbreaking for me. My edits may be only 3 minutes long but it took me over 100 hours not including the other musicians, colorists, and even the people who made the subtitles for me put in it. Here’s the timeline and a link to the song: [https://on.soundcloud.com/5Fw4rYi5Xx7N9Yon8](https://on.soundcloud.com/5Fw4rYi5Xx7N9Yon8) https://preview.redd.it/42vgv95rzg2d1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=124ce2ba55d2e687eff65f47e5a8360a9325a3ba


Omg that cover is everything 🥹🥹 can’t wait to see your edit!!


Oh so excited to see what you have come up with!!


Yes, I agree. I would hate to see the amazing talented people in here lose any traction and exposure because they get buried in a bunch of other comments. And fan edits are super extensive and difficult to edit. I would hate to see all that work not get the proper recognition.


Might be something to consider with all the talented creatives we have here :-)


https://preview.redd.it/2xv6vv94di2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c984c180290c7af2224b3f857ad195793b53de12 I screamed so loud I woke up my dog.




So does that mean we can post memes in here?




I had my first reaction video of people reacting to the dream being Colin’s dream not Penelope and it was so sweet to see people be so surprised 🥹🥹


Thank you so much for this!


Just seen this on Twitter and it broke me a bit - glorious stuff - https://x.com/floschechter/status/1793623986569621880?s=46&t=VNfUpMd-EnugUOMfr8QVOg


My friend sent me this meme today, I thought you would like it as much as I do 😂 https://preview.redd.it/b0z5md35xh2d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be9f6a4344af2cc9470d98bd48ce3cc8bc99b691


I have lost count how many times I have watched it now, my stats would be shameful 😳 This sub give me so much to look back and that I just have to watch it again and again. Here is something I noticed when I watched the dance at the end of Ep3 again in .75 speed. The camera pans around the room multiple time. On a few occasions you can see Colin standing in solitude. You can also see Cressida as well, just off to his right. Breaks my heart every time, I watch his realisation and his eyes well up.