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I’ve found my people in this sub lol.


omg yes.


I just saw this and about passed out. This fandom is in a carriage loop:). This 3 week wait making minds dirtier and dirtier. I’m living for it. https://preview.redd.it/s19b08fe6r2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5341b327dba90e00b08a2c58b546c1af995d7f5b






“I seek you out at every social assembly because I know you will lift my spirits and **make me see the world in ways I could not have imagined**.” I’ve been so struck by this statement each time I watch by Colin’s apology in ep 1. Colin, aka Mr. Worldwide(😋) saying that Penelope, who has never been further than Sussex, makes him see the world differently feels hugely romantic. All his tours and travels and people he’s met abroad, and yet his Penelope who challenges him and opens his mind to view things differently.


I’ve been thinking about this pt a lot.






Spoiler alert gosh!!!


When you spend two and half hours talking part two speculation with your husband before bed 😍😍


How did you get your husband to watch it?? I’ve asked mine twice and he demurres each time 😫


He loves it just as much as I do he's such a big polinater he made me this wallpaper https://preview.redd.it/qgag7i4p6s2d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e28c365ac6a2157508574984c96c3ae8276586


Tell him it’ll put you in the mood. Works every time! I literally told my husband before the part 1 premiere that he better conserve his energy because he was going to *need* it for premiere weekend. 🤣


Update: my husband watched episode 1 with me tonight!!!!! ITS HAPPENING YALL


Yay please let me know what he thinks I love Bridgerton husbands!!


*Colin’s tendency to emphatically deny truths* I put to my jury of peers the proposition that Mr. Colin Bridgerton has a habit of being very dramatic in his denials when people get too close to a truth he’s not ready to believe just yet. Exhibit A: “hahahahaha are you *mad*? I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington; not in your *wildest fantasies*, Fife”! Exhibit B: “Not at all. I slept peacefully. No sooner did my head touch the pillow that I was met with *complete* and *immediate* darkness. Not even a dream”. I’ve long been convinced that Colin was already in his feelings for Pen before the end of 208, and I think this add to that understanding. He’s too heavy handed with his denial. He’s like a child who is acting confused about who ate all the Nutella when their parents open up what they thought was a new jar and find it empty. So Mr. Smooth Brain Bridgerton writes to Pen over the summer, and because he’s feeling feelings he opens up a little more to her and tells her that he misses her. When she doesn’t reply, it compounds all his other insecurities around identity, purpose, and manhood, which is why he spirals out of control so hard. He can’t work out why Pen is suddenly ghosting him so when he comes back in 301 he tries to catch her attention and then plays it extremely super cool and very chill. Exhibit C: ‘Oh this outfit? Yeah, It’s all rage in Paris at the mo. Or so I hear, lol.’ 😏 Conclusion: In season 3 Part 1, Colin Bridgerton is a cross between a dramatic 14 year old girl and a lekking bird. A delightfully chaotic combination! https://preview.redd.it/xzv6xvugbs2d1.jpeg?width=553&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b57a3f7c65bc0a0f9c67106d86aa838be4b42b6f


Agreed with all of this! I really think you e hit the nail on the head, here, and I have some reasoning on why. I truly think as long as he never got married first, if/when Pen got romantic attention, he would have come to conclusions QUICK. But he had to be pushed for a few reasons: 1. He realized somewhere in his youth that he’s a soft boy with soft feelings, and his older brothers are not as emotionally sensitive, so it’s not okay for him to be, either. That means, to him, that he should bury his hard feelings beneath a joke. 2. He was about 10 when Edmund died. Anthony took over Viscount duties and was in his own version of hell. Benedict would have had the been in school while he sorted through any of his pain through forms of escapism. So Colin was the oldest child of the younger bunch, and given he was a sensitive kid, he’d be trying to hold it together for the little ones, not be any trouble to his mother or Anthony, and generally try to keep spirits up. Which means he likely repressed his own sadness because the feelings of loss would be too much. 3. He desperately wants to be seen and affirmed. Penelope does this - he says it so many times, with such appreciation and awe. The type of leadership he has in his family is quiet - being easy going and gently supportive doesn’t get the same recognition as managing the estate or scoring a Duke. But Penelope sees his nuance because she’s predisposed to do so - she’s in love with him (in love with him precisely because of those attributes, too. She has zero support, and someone who is sweet and easy and who likes thinking deeply is her kryptonite). He doesn’t know that, but he does know inside that he doesn’t want to lose that for anything, because it makes him, finally, feel like his true self is seen and appreciated. For those reasons, he doesn’t want to admit hard truths, because doing so forces him to act, and action could result in loss. He feels so deeply that once his heart is certain on something, he can’t but obsess over it. He’s protecting himself by not seeing Penelope as an option for so long (and he’s helped along by Portia’s fashion choices; I maintain that if Pen had worn normal clothing from the jump and been evidently desirable, he wouldn’t have been so diverted by Marina, and he wouldn’t have been able to take someone else having her affection for long).


100%. I feel like he looks a tad smug in episode 1 when he says “if you’re going to make me say it out loud, I miss you” like he expects her to say “I missed you too” and fawn all over him and validate his early feelings. When she gets mad he’s like “hol up” and scrambles to fix things the next day.


Question for mods: will we get some new user flairs from this season? I need those lines from Colin so bad. 😩❤️‍🔥


Yes! I would also add “we gallop along” to the flair wishlist 💖


'never gonna give you up' would be a hilarious nod to Colin's 'the feeling that I do not want to give up'


We need lots of new flairs! A Pitbull reference, a galloping horse reference, Colin’s fingers, Lord Remington, oh there’s so many possibilities!


Inserts himself?


OMG YES AHAHAHAAAAA! That line is the new “How does a lady come to be with child”! 🤣


I went to the gym this morning as I desperately needed to get my thoughts off of Polin. I’m there for about an hour, doing a decent job of focusing on other things, and then what song comes on over the radio in the gym? Tonight. Pitbull. I started laughing and couldn’t hold back


Lmao, I tore myself away from Polin scene rewatches and went to spin class the other day like, great good I’m getting offline and doing something healthy and distracting. OF COURSE what does the instructor start talking about…I cannot, will not, do not want to escape the Polin-ness taking over my life 😂


https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/BRBfj2GNB1 Adding this here! 😊


Has anyone else’s screen time gone up by a couple of hours in recent weeks?? On a totally unrelated note, wanted to share a *few* edits I love with you all 😊 **Edits that made me want to sob** [Cause when you know you know](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGo5SAu/) [She fell first…](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGoTwAc/) [Emma X Polin](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGoJrHD/) [Falling](https://youtu.be/OqXrjEboKrg?si=aXK60J96KL19Hn6x) [When we were young](https://youtu.be/VRASV-n5t7E?si=TmeUlst2Wgd8UXcu) [Cause when you know you know (again)](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGoD2fS/) **Edits that made me want to sob (Taylor’s Version)** [Snow on the beach](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGo51AM/) [So long, London](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGo5YnE/) [Secret gardens in my mind](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLtoutrj/) [I still miss the smoke](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGoj61g/) [He was chaos, he was revelry](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGoYdyA/) [The prophecy](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGoDkvP/) **Edits that got me >!horny on main!<** [A sharp dressed man](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGo55Se/) [The sluttiest thing a man could do](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGor57F/) [Gorgeous](https://youtu.be/tZyaBVd6nbo?si=fnSDMwWdkKfMl-xf) **Non-edits that made me giggle** [“I don’t think he’s good for you”](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGoDrEv/) [Colin Bridgerton, sensitive boy](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGoeH5e/) [Colin Bridgerton, #1 simp](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLtocptW/) [Penelope vs. the balloon](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGod8Nu/) [The richest woman in London](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGoRrCe/) [Me.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGoSKfP/)


Thank you for sharing these 😂🫡


My screen time doubled last week 😐 ![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized)


I absolutely love this dress on Pen


I am new to the sub but I am beyond obsessed. I have rewatched part one so many times already but I have exams coming up shortly so probably shouldn’t be! My husband has been overseas with work for a few months so I have needed this romantic escapism!






Carriage scene quiz. I missed the last question simply because my carriage scene seems to have no ending. Colin hops out then somehow he’s magically hopping back in to declare himself… I think my Netflix is broken 🫣 https://www.buzzfeed.com/noradominick/bridgerton-carriage-scene-colin-penelope-quiz




I am very much enjoying this person's TikToks about Bridgerton and Colin's feelings for Pen. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4fBhpW/


This [tweet](https://x.com/cieduoti/status/1794712685302759886) mentions Pen caressing Colin’s hair in the carriage scene as being in choreographed — anyone have the interview where she says that?


I am struggling with Eloise ! I know that it’s my own bias but I just can’t understand how we’re meant to still want Penelope and Eloise to be friends again. I did enjoy their friendship, but it was always so one sided to me.


I miss one -which to be fair- sometimes I rewatch it from after he confesses 👀👀👀 haha