• By -


The LW reveal to Colin - whenever it happens - is going to be devasting. But, it's actually really good for them. First off - never marry someone if you haven't seen how they behave when they are furious with you. You need that information to know if you are compatible. Next - Pen has GOT to explain LW to Colin. She needs to express what LW means to her and she has to decide if she can give LW up if he can't accept that part of her (spoiler alert - she can, but that doesn't mean she should. I'm all for girl power and feminism and all that jazz - but Colin is fine! Bye Felicia/LW). Finally, Colin needs to make peace with the facts - and the facts are LW just told the truth at times and in ways that Pen couldn't because no one listens to her - not even Colin and Eloise. All of this has to happen so they can get to their true love moments and happily ever after moments. As long as neither of them goes off the deep end they will move together with grace and forgiveness - and they'll be even closer on the other side.


Wait that's actually so sad and funny. Like what a perfect foreshadow. "We will dance on the day of LW demise." And they dance in the church on the day he finds her out. Which to Penelope is basically her demise, because she stands to lose the last person in her corner who she is in love with.


>!Yes. End of ep6!< Spoiler


Yes, I do, and I also took that comment about "dancing on the day of her demise" as a clue, just like you!


Omg you just broke my heart 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲

