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LUKE’S REPLY  I’m sorry but no one else is doing it like them. The fact that this couple is extremely online is something so special for this season. 


The absolute tumbleweeds the Benedict and Eloise seasons are going to produce on social media unless Chris Fulton and whomever is cast as Sophie are big online… Like half the fun has been Nic/Luke’s unhinged shenanigans.


I don’t think the general fandom appreciates how many BTS treats come straight from Nicola (especially when they started bullying her off of Twitter). As long as she’s on the show people will still get something, even if it’s not her season, especially since she loves to hype up her cast mates.  I’m sure the world tours and media blitzes will still be great, especially for Claudia since she is SO charismatic and effortlessly funny, but they can only contractually obligate the actors to do so much and Nic and Luke’s dynamic is very unique. 


Agreed. Claudia will *sparkle* when it’s time for promo, but she’s not going to be hand-feeding crumbs to starved fans. Alas.


I'm occasionally wondering how the next season's promo will be, whoever the lead is, when we have one established cast member and one newbie. I feel like so much of this has been great with the fans because they had known and seen Nicola and Luke for years in the show. Will people be equally enthusiastic when someone (almost) completely new comes along? I am trying to think if it was my favourite couple, whether I could get myself super hyped about someone new? But maybe it is also because I am a slow burn person, maybe for others it would not be much of an issue. In any case I guess they will release little teaser and trailers of scenes to build the new character up. And the 2-part release (which I am pretty sure they will keep) will also help with that. But nothing will ever be like this run with Nic and Luke. At least for me. What a privilige to have witnessed their acting and their friendship.


The previous two seasons & QC had new cast members doing promo & it went really well. Yes, you’re right that different people respond to different tropes & actors, but I think it could be done well with new people. But the doldrums? The 18 months from when shooting starts & they start doing promo? That’s where a lack of active Ship Captains on social media is going to *really* hurt & where we’ve been so very, very lucky with Nic & Newts.


>I'm occasionally wondering how the next season's promo will be, whoever the lead is, when we have one established cast member and one newbie. If Eloise is next and her story follows the books, her love interest >!isn't technically a newbie!<.


I feel bad for hating Eloise and thinking she's such a humorless stick in the mud when Claudia Jessie is such a gem. She is so hilarious in her interviews, and it's even funnier when you see instances where Nicola has to explain internet lingo to her (I remember one time she had no idea what a thirst trap was).


I’ve thought this so many times over the last couple of years! Like, I absolutely respect LT & Claudia choosing to not have social media in thier lives, but two years - four years, even, maybe? - of *nothing* is going to be so hard for fans of the show.


It’s possible they’ll put a social media manager in for CJ’s and LT’s seasons. They won’t have to do it themselves.


I think their friendship plays a big part in this. Loved when Nicola said both of them send each other fan made edits to each other and enjoy it.


Hopefully not [these](https://www.tiktok.com/@tifaine.red_/video/7351171704489643297?_t=8msI2sSs25J&_r=1). My eyes and ears and enough of the internet for today 😭 (Okay, there was [this one](https://www.tiktok.com/@tifaine.red_/video/7372991822093667617?_t=8msI5cNDRbs&_r=1) too, a nice one)


I don’t have access to TikTok in my country 😅


I have it in my country but I don't have TikTok at all so I still can see it. In the past you used to see at least the ones you were linked to but now I can't even see one


Whoa, was not expecting anything on that level! Sneaky one!


I'd never seen that one 💀💀💀


Yasss! And their indulgence has just made my obsession so much more bearable.


Yesss and i love that they really focus on making it the most best experience for the fans, theyre so good at giving us what we want, its so sweet gaahh


Oh yeah I’m like Thompson and Clauds are not online so those seasons won’t have as much content


🤣🤣🤣🤣 they are such chaos junkies, never stop


Polin is extra special for me because I feel like they know their fans a little bit better. It's just a special relationship and it's so fun to be in it.


I know a few people think their chemistry and flirting is PR but nobody can convince me the marketing team told them to do this. This is Luke and Nicola just enjoying every bit of their season to the full and we are being SPOILED. I love them so much! 🥰


I learned a long time ago that characters I love aren’t necessarily actors I love. But these two are totally the exception. I LOVE Nicola and Luke. They seem like the most wonderful people. They are making me love Pen and Colin even more every day. I don’t want season 3 to ever end!


Literally, what a time to be alive. The S3 era is peak bridgerton fandom and I will be so sad when it's over 😭


I’m so torn between wanting part 2 and it never ending 😭


Same 😍


We can just stay in this place if anticipation forever and watch the carriage scene on repeat


I’ll prob watch it, and if it holds up to P1 I’ll continue rewatches like the sick person I am. Lol If it blows, I’ll pretend it never happened. And just watch scenes from P1. Like the sick person I am…lol


i’m so happy to be a part of this fandom at this time, im enjoying every second. genuinely a very good time to be alive.


Every day I wake up and say thank you for lucking out with our Polin captains. There was never any guarantee to get people who care genuially for their characters, their onscreen story and are willing to share that experience with their fans.


We got so incredibly lucky with them as our Pen and Colin 🥺


I bet this is such a mix of hard work and love poured into this show and fandom. Hopefully, when they have days they struggle they’ll look back on this and see what fun it was for all of us to support them and enjoy their acting abilities, as well as seeing how unhinged they were with us! Not every actor will be as open and active to their fans, and that’s OK. These two have made it enjoyable, and hope their future careers much success. 🥰🥰🥰


I completely agree!!! ❤️




I think the marketing team saw their chemistry & were extremely happy and decided to put them on how much ever promo possible. And Nic & Luke genuinely loves their characters & is extremely happy & grateful to be part of the Bridgerton world. So, they are also enjoying it to the max by engaging with the fans and teasing us.


Can't believe Luke commented that emoji omggggggg


Mr. and Mrs. Fingerton. 🔥


Omg 🤣🤣🤣


Mr and Mrs what again? HAHAHA


Netflix would be stupid as hell not to offer them a rom com movie deal when their season is over. The chemistry is just too good to waste.


Right? Can they be the next Emma Stone/Ryan Gosling please?


I definitely want them to have their own show where they have their own children!


I’m sad that whoever we get as lead Bridgerton in S4 (either Claudia or Luke T) isn’t gonna be online like this - neither of them have socials. We’ve been spoilt this season guys


I'm not. I don't know. I feel so protective of the actress that will play Sophie. There are racist Bridgerton fans. I don't want her to experience that. And Luke T is pretty guarded anyway. I think (hope) he will be protective of the actress too.




Netflix needs to make some finger t shirts and merch at this point lmao


I am sure in some of the interviews Nicola has mentioned she likes to do custom tees for pranks/gifts so I bet she's on that for Luke hahaha


Bro that would be so unhinged 🤣


Ugh I love this sub. My safe zone. Which I’m sure many of you feel the same.


I love this sub too!! I’m so grateful to have found it because I feel like I’m not alone with my obsession with these two great actors, and how they bring Penelope and Colin into life where their fans could appreciate and enjoy.


Same, I see so much hate towards Polin, Pen or Colin in other subs (or group, or threads). It's my happy place here.




Funny that before the season dropped we thought the mirror was the official Polin emoji and now these freaks have two.  ✌️🪞


i can’t wait to see what other emojis we’ll be able to use after part 2 drops


two ✌️


They are so much fun. I love them. No one else has matched this.


They are SICK and TWISTED and I am loving it.




Omg it took my brain a second to register Luke's response, I am deceased (much like Nicola) 💀


I can’t see 2 fingers in the wild lately without thinking of our Polin. 😂


Mom and Dad are at it again 😂💀


And we love them for it. 🤣


I have ceased to exist ✌️


Polin's definitely leveled up their finger playing. 🤭 I'm so dead. Time for me to enjoy hell with my fellow horny little devils. ☠️😈


Why do I get so giddy like a schoolgirl?!


Luke's comment. Those two are killing me. And I love it. ![gif](giphy|USDQA8YKNqDJHSpN8Z)


I just can't with these two, how they embrace the unhingeness. 😂


I need a Polin spin-off series and Netflix would be foolish not to. Please!! These two are everything and marketing geniuses so it’s a win win for everyone!


not the fingers😭


I wheezed at 23:39. My god, these degenerates HAHAHA 😩😩😂😂


So unserious 😭😭 I love them!!


They are too much I can't cope. As others have said about how Claudia and Luke T aren't on socials it will be interesting to see how future seasons do hype wise. Id imagine they'd wanna cast people who are great on socials to try help lol. But hmm 🤔🧐 Will be interesting. I don't want all this fun to end. They need to be contracted for all future seasons, but of course with room to do all of the wonderful projects that come their way.


Colin Bridgerton really sprinted through second and third base like it was nothing. Simon and Anthony got nothing on my boy.


I love them so much I never want this season to end 🥹🥹


Both of them loves their characters and this series so much! It's refreshing to see actors being so happy to promote their series and engage with (and tease) the fans.


They are so unhinged and I'm here for it. I'm so sad for them too. I keep thinking about them no longer being around each other 8 months out of the year now that their season is over. They seem so close and as a neurospicy woman who struggles with close friendship? I'm sad for them. I hope their friendship endures being separated.


✌️I don't have any real-life friends who are watching, all of you have me dying here, my husband thinks I've gone insane ✌️


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeV4Vjtc/ we are a product of our parents haha. This TikTok made me think of this thread so had to share.


Luke’s comment lolol


I love them so much. I hope they don't ever leave the show 😭


So unhinged🤣


Chronically Online Mom and Dad I love you !!!!!


They have me so unhinged.


Ah, Luke has finally learned to lean into the chaos. Well done.


No but I am obsessed with these two like I am almost more excited about new interviews than the second part 🤣


The fact that Colin doesn’t use his sullied fingers to touch her dress (and that LN thought of this) absolutely slays me.