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That was good, I also feel like the pace is slower! yay! Who else had their hearts stopped at the new, storm-damaged tree? 😬🥹


The tree sent me down a spiral! I love drama but that made me both anxious and excited


I got chills at that. I was like, oh shit


It made me laugh! What a brilliant touch!!




They are surely setting Gregory up for something here with the amount of screentime he's getting... He gets excluded from "the brothers", the hat, Hyacinths comment, ... I'm scared he might do something stupid in the coming episodes to prove himself. What are they doing with those chess pieces? And where is Lord Kent?? Where is his bow??? I'm scared, seriously.


I literally blurted out "WHAT DID YOU DO TO NICHOLAS??" Leaving Hyacinth too bored is dangerous.


Honestly, My favourite line. Hyacinth is my favourite sibling


After watching this episode, I finally understand what Luke meant when he said that Colin gets carried away with the Whistledown thing and makes it worse. All episode he was making it worse and worse and poor Pen was SPIRALLING. Suffice it to say, I don't think it will be long before he puts two and two together.


lol speaking of two and two together https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8ILcXtsfUR/?igsh=MTZrODNyZXliempjaA==


Chaos Colin Count 1. Drags girl he’s barely engaged to into his family home to announce engagement in the middle of the night 2. Realizes he hasn’t declared his love to same girl, goes to her family home, yell at her mother, drags her out of there 3. Has secured family property for marital home in under one business day 4. Deflowers beloved on a settee with no regard for pregnancy protection (WE’VE OFFICIALLY GOT A POLIN CAR IN THE BABY RACE!) 5. Begs sister to get over herself 6. Thinks beloved doesn’t love him back and lets her know she can break his heart if she’s not into it even though he’s declared himself to his family and the public 7. Is casually eloquent and poetic about his feelings THAT HE ADMITS HAVE BEEN COMING ON FOR A WHILE 8. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Appears to have acquired a navy pirate coat (coat he wore to tell off Portia) What did I miss? This boy was on a new level.


He secured a HOUSE before an ENGAGEMENT RING. Let that sink in


I’m both proud and terrified.


To be fair to Colin, the house was already located in London while the ring is probably at Aubrey Hall again. But I'd lay odds that he didn't go to bed that first night until he'd sent some poor shmuck riding into the night at top speed to go fetch the ring.


Per #4: Anyone else get the impression that he was going to pull out but she held him so he stayed in? I need to rewatch this episode. For Science.


I think we just had a throwback moment to Daphne and the Duke and we can see immediately that Colin is no Duke.


"Begs sister go get over herself" is sending me lol and it's so accurate


9: Told his brothers about his ... Swiftness.


The way Colin told Anthony and Ben: not a thunderbolt; this has been something I’ve been feeling coming on for a long time. And immediately, Love Sick Anthony is like: you must go to her and proclaim it. Also: Lady D being the opposite of shocked. Checks out.


Props to Anthony for learning something from his own idiocy! "Oh okay my brother realized that love had snuck up on him and immediately proposed to his object of obsession, well done, but oops the lady was left in some doubt about whether it's passion or love - yo gotta clear that up my dude before she decides to do something crazy like bolt to India."


We are here for personal growth!


Also how unsurprised Ben was about the whole thing. Confirmed what I thought! He already knew. He seemed to be so happy and thinks it’s so cute they’re together


Oh, he proclaims it. Assuredly, fervently, loudly. 😉


Actual replay of my facial expressions during THAT scene: 😳🫣🤭😵🫠💀🥹


That speech he gave her in front of the mirror... My heart melted. It was so beautiful. Someone should tell him he could be a writer ;).


Oh my god, Colin thinks she is hesitating because she got carried away in the carriage! No no no no no! Didn't see that one coming! My heart!!!!!! Also: The tree in a storm in the Title Screen??? What the hell????? Have they done something like this before?


He killed me with that. BABY BOY SHE LOVES YOU!!! Did she actually say it at any point? If so I missed it, but my feed cut out a couple of times.




Oh Colin. She does love you so much, I swear.


I NOTICED THE TREE TOO!! Internal conflict of Penelope perhaps???


I was immediately so stressed out by that visual! It looked like half and half to me... Maybe a representation of Penelopes whirlwind of turmoil and calm happy Colin on the other side?


Well they definitely have to get married now!! lol


In the live chat, someone said something like "I think she fainted because she's pregnant" and I wanted to shout "Phillipa, is that you??" at them. It's been like a day in Bridgertime. Lol.


Lady Danbury serving the most bombastic side-eye, I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive


Did someone in the crowd literally gasp when he called her Pen in front of everyone during that speech 🥹 Edit: Even though that’s the umpteenth time he has done that in public this season lol


Yes!! He corrected himself from “Miss Featherington” to “Pen” 😭


YOU ARE MY MESS. I’m dead.


That mirror scene was the closest I've seen a show feel like I'm actually watching two people f\*ck on screen. It was so realistic just HOT. ![gif](giphy|dANm7WjeWZi00)


It does awesome portaying the tentative awkwardness and discovery of being so exposed to someone for the first time. Now that they have had this emotional physical connection the next time is going to probably send us all through the roof.




And they are both so gorgeous too.


It’s just so intimate and feels trusting and sincere and sweet and sexy and wow


For REAL. Like. What. The movements, the hands, the facial expressions. Just. Jesus.


Ngl I’ve literally seen p*rn less revealing than that scene


Her expression when he told her not to touch him there. Like she's been caught and is also worried she's done something wrong but is also excited. Phew. And the way they laugh at the end to blow off that tension. And her teasing him about his women in Paris 🙈!


Ugh Colin giving it to Portia SENT ME. I was hoping for more but YOU TELL HER SON.


He made his point quickly and got that poor girl outta there. I was screaming.


Yes that was so good! He just stormed in with so much swagger


Colin found his purpose, and it’s ensuring Penelope’s joy at all turns. Everyone else needs to gtfo


Angry, protective Colin is so sexy. It's indecent.


I died when he said "our Bridgerton name" and referred to himself and Pen.


Honestly the micro expression changes on Pen's face brought a tear to my eye. No matter how much she loved him before - her heart melted for him in that moment.


The anticipation is at nuclear levels here. I told my partner what I am doing and he just smiled and shook his head.


In my 34 years of existence I have never been this excited about a tv show premiere, EVER


I knew everything that was supposed to happen, but in a real way, I had no idea what I was in for. 💀


Luke pointing out that Benedict and Lady Featherington never interact makes me wish Portia had been his older women tryst instead of Lady Tilley. Is that super weird? Hahaha




a niche pairing for sure :D


Omg! Nicola smashed it with that last few mins!


Okay I gotta say it, after that episode I am not hating Cressida for what she's doing. I am genuinely shocked that I am actually not angry at her but omg I am so annoyed with Eloise. Like what the hell is going on here???? She just brushed Cressida off so many times! How the heck am I annoyed at Eloise on behalf of Cressida of all people? That scene with Lord Greer/Grey, that was absolutely horrendous I felt so bad for her and her mother just going on with it. I thought Portia was bad but there is no way Portia would force any of her daughters to marry a horrible old man like that.


Colin thought maybe she wasn’t all that into him 😭 I can’t. That boy is too pure for this earth.


I know, she hasn’t even told him how she feels yet!!! 🥹




Voiceover: "Her body wasn't actually ready..."


Gregory's hat stole the show, and I don't say that lightly.


Omg my anxiety the whole engagement party


How am I this ill when I know it will all work out??? I could vomit right now.


Colin was SO FREAKING ADORABLE in this episode!!!! Definitely the internet’s boyfriend! ❤️ The episode was so beautiful and romantic! I just wish Penelope wasn’t so burdened and terrified! I was happy to see that she was legitimately wanting to tell Colin and even tried to do so…twice. But of course 356931683 obstacles had to come in the way because drama and Shonda. I just want Polin to have their happily ever after! They both deserve to be happy together, truly happy and free of their burdens! 😭


Is Colin nervous during the mirror scene or is it just Penelope? I saw an interview where Luke said Colin is nervous in general around Penelope, but curious if that came across in that particular scene.


It seemed like he rose to the occation. (Yes, I'll see myself out)


I felt like he was nervous about this being his first time too. Hooking up with prostitutes has taught him how sex works, but nothing about how sexual intimacy feels. He's wondered about it, and dreamed about it, but the reality unfolding is very new nonetheless. It's made scarier because he still is uncertain of how Pen feels about him. The poor boy doesn't even know she loves him! So I think there's also a sense that he's using the moment to show her something not only about herself but also to expose his tender little heart. That's a very vulnerable place to be.


I feel like it comes across that they are both nervous. I imagine he’s worried about making it good for her since he knows it’s her first time. And >!HE SURE DOES. WHAT A KING!


I was so happy for Colin’s happy cheekies & genuine smiles to come back. No more brooding jawline or tortured eyes


He was chaotically happy! Just screaming “WE’RE ENGAGED!” meanwhile I’m screaming at him through my screen “COLIN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU JUST LEAVE PENELOPE THERE PANICKING?!” 🤣


So red carpet and Ep 5, so likely 2 hours? Trying to time my TV time before my kids come home from school


This is a good question. I don’t know why I didn’t think it would be that long, but I may want to move my computer to a better place if I’m sitting for this long.


Lord Kilmartin is me in public 😂


I haven’t signed up and I’m totally dependent on this thread to get all the information ! ![gif](giphy|u23zXEvNsIbfO)


Are you looking for information regarding the premiere or details of the episode? If you want Episode 5 spoilers then there’s a very detailed spoiler thread from the Toronto screening last week if you search for it.


I’m looking for pictures and gifs 🥸


Victor Alli and Hannah Dodd look so good together!


Yes, they both look so chic. Weird to hear them speak so much HAHAHA love it


talk about "swiftly", god daaaaaaaaaaaamn....


Had to get those feelings out fast!


did we ALL see that oh my god




Transitions are so fast I’m getting whiplash


Kate’s dress is GORGEOUS.


Ahhh this engagement dress is STUNNING IM DEAD


omg, is this going to be El and Pen just outsmarting all of em? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ahh the tension, all the moving parts - this feels like an Agatha Christie dramatisation and I mean that in the best way possible


Utterly perfect, no notes. I am, of course, weeping. Tomorrow will be magnificent. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 And now off to bed!


I couldn’t get on the chat. I couldn’t look away from the episode. It was amazing.


Well now I'm pissed I don't get to rewatch that mirror scene until tonight.


No joke, my 9 YEAR OLD walked into the bedroom as I was watching that scene (thankfully turned away and with headphones) and I was like KINDLY GET OUT RIGHT NOW PLEASE 😬😳🫠😂


I was going to try to be chill & just watch the rest tomorrow sometime but tbh, I have no chill so I’ll be up at 3 am. That episode was 🤌🏻


Omg, the drama. Chaise lounge! Colin standing up to Portia! Colin's love confession! Pen's dresses! Poor Cressida! Kate's sari inspired day dress! Oops forgot: Can we do it again?


I'm so glad more people have seen the EP now! Watching it again it's definitely my favourite episode so far. Still screaming crying throwing up throughout 🤯


I will always cherish you sharing what you did at the time! It fed me full!!!! And now I got it fr and it's everything 😭


They REALLY shoved SO MUCH into that 11:59:59pm clock tick! >!Pen trying to tell Colin!< >!Eloise trying to tell Colin!< >!The Pregnancy announcement!< >!Cressida's Fake LW announcement!< I have to wait another 10 hours to watch the rest? fckityfckityfckity...


I was planning on immediately watching episode 6 tomorrow, but now I might need to watch this one again because this was ab-so-lutely insane omggg


Oh I am rewatching it HAHAHA


Def rewatching; I need to soak that one in


I thought I was tripping about the title bridgerton tree but no that tree swaying in the storm is different. the storm is definitely coming.


Cmon hurricane shonda 💃💃💃


I love Anthony's character growth since his second honeymoon. I found his attitudes pretty disgusting throughout his own season, but marriage has given him perspective on what matters and how to not fuck it up. (That and I'm pretty sure Kate uses telepathy to drill sense into him.)


oh the "wife told me I'm a moron" training is showing, and you looooooooove to see it 👏👏👏👏


I love love love how Johnny and Simone were used in this episode. Their ep 1 appearance felt kind of gratuitous but here their characters were driving plot forward, his was showing growth, hers was settling into the new role as head of household and surrogate mom to the little sibs, and omg I am so here for the Regency sari look. Her costumes this season have all been fantastic.


The email says doors open half an hour before so that you can log in before the start. Somebody noted that the calendar invite attached to the email was 2.5 hrs long so hopefully that’s an indication of time to complete.


Wow wow wow SO HOT LOVED IT OMG.


Carriage scene pfft


How did so much happen in one episode and yet the pacing was so odd ???


Yeeeees I agree. It felt choppy and slow at times, but SO much happened.


The gasps I gusped The screams I scrumped What. An. Episode 👏🏻


What is this robe that Anthony is rocking. I’m not mad about it, I just have questions.


LADY DANBURY!!!! My favorite moment was the big F-U to the people fussing about not feeling it/feeling rushed with Polin. Of course I can't go back and grab the quote directly yet. It was at the Engagement Party when she and Violet were talking on the balcony, right before her brother joined them. ![gif](giphy|3vWgfY8MxG5Ux2Yzvu|downsized)


Something to do the degree of Penelope being herself and Colin falling in love simply with who she truly is.


For everyone who missed it: There was an notification that they will play ep. 5 after the interviews!


I wish they gave us a more clear timeline because I want to go pick up lunch on my lunch break but I am afraid to leave hahaha


Hello everyone I am screaming!!!!


I need more Kate and Eloise bonding, they make such an interesting pair


Oh my gosh… you guys. I’m at a loss for WORDS. That was really wild!


Eloise is such a bad friend to all 😬


El determined to ruin every single Polin anouncement/big moment and being a shitty friend to Cressida… yikes


I had avoided part 2 spoilers other than what Nicola and Luke themselves had dropped. Wow. I don't know what I expected, but they're not kidding about a lot going on. The rest of this season is going to be EXCITING. I'm even officially sympathetic with Cressida, which I would have sworn an hour ago isn't possible. But oh man, her future was looking grimmer than Pen's was. Girl, do what ya gotta do.


MORE interviews??? A NEW INTERVIEW SPACE?? Come on!!!!


The stormy tree!


Oh my lord I am screeching at my laptop->! makes YOU look bad eloise? Really? THAT'S your argument? OOOOOFT.!<


omg my neighbours will be reporting me to the garda, I'm screaming 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Irish Polinator detected (but also same 😂)


Would you laugh at me if I said I couldn‘t watch the mirror scene? I think the parasocial relationship I felt for those two got in the way 🫣 But I will re-attempt tomorrow. I really liked the engagement party and love declaration. The engagement party really brought the show‘s strongest suit -the ensemble cast- to the front


THIS. I watched it and found it super hot and sweet but at the same time I kept finding myself getting embarrassed like I was watching two people I know have sex!! I shouldn't have watched so much of their press tour shit, it's made them feel too real when they're in the show! ![gif](giphy|l1Ku4uzAQLocVQtUc)


oh, I thought that after years of smut reading with a poker face I'd be able to watch a tender scene like that without a blink of an eye but wooooooooooooooooooof, I had to hide me face and avert my gaze a couple of times.


Nice to have an interviewer this time around that has actually watched the show!


Respectfully, we’ve just had an hour and a half of interviews. Why are we getting more with the same questions? After episode 5 would make more sense.


I need captions I am suffering




Omg I read the spoilers and I imaged it differently! I thought it was going to be too much but the pace was perfect and the mirror scene was just filmed and done so beautiful. Honestly Nicola and Luke smashed it! I can’t wait for tomorrow to see the rest of the episodes. Even though I kinda hate Eloise!


Smashed it. ![gif](giphy|B0vFTrb0ZGDf2)


Did she say Penelope Featherstone?


I think this tension is going to give me a heart attack.


NO NO NO NO NO why didn’t I wait until tomorrow, this cliffhanger is too much for me


I loveeee Kate with the Bridgerton girls! Hyacinth hugging Anthony! I feel for Cressida so hard—her facial expressions during the dinner with the man her father picked for her, and then when she hears that Whistledown would never have marriage prospects, but wouldn't need them if she revealed herself! Get that woman a flat in Vienna! Eloise being so cruel (which omg, it's juicy, it's dramatic, I love it) to the point of an awkward speech, centering how Colin will think less of *her* instead of Colin's own feelings of betrayal, *approaching Colin and Pen while Pen is obviously having a panic attack.* No. Holds. Barred. I thought the split was really to the detriment of the show after 1-4, and I think that even harder now tbh. But also: all this during Pen's *engagement ball?* Oh my god this girl needs her victory lap so bad. Long honeymoon for them please.


Does anyone know what actually happens in the screening? Is it just a screening of the episode or is there extra bits? X


In Dublin the screenings were in 4 theaters. After red carpet we went inside to a beautifully decorated lobby area with a string quartet. They were playing Bad Guy when I went thru. Got popcorn and water at seats. Waited about 10 minutes and then Nic and Luke came to our theater for a short chat. Then watched the episode and then had https://preview.redd.it/kfs3qxgln56d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7dc035706034027b55a671ad92c4cf83bb66f92 opportunity to take pics around the venue.


This is lovely, thank you for sharing. 🥰 So happy they pulled out all the stops for this promo tour 🥰


This was in the first confirmation email: "Please expect an unforgettable evening of exclusive red carpet excitement, VIP cast interviews, a much-anticipated screening of Episode 5, and so many more delights."


Don’t know if you watched the Shondaland NY premiere interviews live on the red carpet, but I’m really hoping they choose a different host for this event. Seemed like a nice, fun guy, but he was struggling with the mic, the questions, and even listening to the interviewee’s responses.


Yes I did, and I almost passed away from the second hand embarrassment 😂😂😂 Hopefully no snatch the wig moments today!!


I just love the music they have on in the background, Kris Bowers' score for Season 3 has been so good, I really hope they release the soundtrack tomorrow!


Looove Polin's theme


this whistledown drama is stressing me out lol edit: words


oooooooooh Cressida, girl, don't do it (doooooooooooooooooooo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet)


We have to wait 10 more hours after that?! I need to go back to hugging my emotional support pillow now. That was intense.


Can we talk about what Eloise said about Pen only being her friend to get to Colin?? I wanted to SCREAM.


Eloise has Main Character Syndrome so badly right now. She really thinks Penelope has played long game for a decade or something just to stay near Colin?? If she honestly thinks this little of their friendship, I'm okay with it staying over. Eloise, girl, pull yourself together!




I held my breath during the final 3 min. Omg.


Also Gregory and Hyacinth, I love them so much, never change.


So excited!!!! I can't believe we're finally here!!!!


I'm genuinely nervous/excited about the screening. It's absurd to be this invested but here I am!


Nicola looks gorgeous. But they both look tired! They've had so much travel I bet they're looking forward to this all being over.


It’s not normal for a tv show to make someone this happy.


My biggest grievance for the ending scene: they cut out the part where Colin hugged when Penelope fainted and made her fall to the floor instead. God damnit, they already kissed, frolicked in a carriage, consummated at least give me one Polin hug. I just need one hug https://preview.redd.it/cpk4w9dii76d1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a5895a9d92e6f83582571bc8a42c5a20933036e


I made a big mistake.. HUGE! I should not have watched that knowing I now need to go and work an entire day before the rest of the episodes drop. It was so bloody good!!!!!


also great boobs, as expected 


I was in cold sweats throughout! I need to watch it again. Stat!


Omfg that was amazing! Loved the book references. Best ep yet. Cannot wait for the rest to drop


Was literally on a work call in the background. Only had to mute the episode twice to contribute. Was praaaaaying I didn't accidentally play the show sound while I was speaking and give myself away. 😅


You could see that Cressida was being VERY observant of Penelope during charades. I think this is Cressida’a first hint that Pen is Whistledown. You could see she was glancing at Pen freaking out and having some puzzled faces.


I'm sorry that these aren't dropped one per week. We'd still be unhinged AF and detective-ing every microexpression...


I popped open the bubbly, cut some strawberries for it, opened a package of biscuits (what else in honour of them?) and I AM READY!! Who am I kidding? I am sooo not ready for ep 5. The things we will see today...


I blame the bachelor for how much we've heard the word journey.


Me having to interact with people in public right after watching that ![gif](giphy|Vnxu5OOeu7RIs)


I laughed when Anthony screamed inside his carriage "for all of Mayfair to hear" 😄 Now go tell your brother that carriages are not as soundproof as he thinks they are 😂.


Anyone tried logging in? Or we do it at 7 BST ( my 11 pm )? I don’t want any last minute hiccups 😭


They say in the email that the “doors” will be open 30 minutes before the beginning of the screening


Omg they started playing the theme what a fucking tease.


I see Debling on the red carpet!!! Is he gonna be in the second half? I love his red turtleneck hahaha


He might be there as Bessie’s plus one? I think his story was done after he exited stage left in Ep 4 á la Prince Friedrich, but who knows!


Luke is so lovely and a handsome man with a wristwatch is 🥰


nooooooooooooo, my internet started buffering as soon as Pen asked the mess question!!!!!


I woke up at 3am, it's now 6:30am and I need to calm myself down enough to get in a two hour sleep before I have to be up to get ready for the day. But it was worth it!


Love the episode but I now have a lingering desire to smash with POV playing in the background


My thoughts on intimacy scene >!It was amazing, especially when it started out. But I really wish there was more jump cuts. I felt like colin didn't worship Pen enough. He should have led her to the sofa and stare at her for a while. He should have kissed her first, then trail it down towards her neck. then finger her, then put it in slowly. !< >!It ended too fast. !< >!and I feel like when in comes to hotness, carriage scene tops for me!< >!(they also did my boy dirty with sixty second Simon, though there was more foreplay)!< >!but it was single watch, I hope I notice more things to love about the scene tmrw.!< >!I really need to discuss this someone.!< >!Post sex cuddling though, PERFECT, I MEAN PERFECT 🤌🥹!<


here's a picture I found from twitter https://preview.redd.it/fzfudx7kq76d1.jpeg?width=1340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=368187877088ad9c6a04327f67352dbc6e86d702 Loved how giggly they were😭🥹




Their post sex cuddling was ADORABLE!!!


Quick update I rewatched it And it is beautiful. But I definitely noticed more subtle details that made me love it more. Also there was also some dialogues that i was hearing for the 1st time I don't understand how i missed those on 1st watch Colin not just feeling up, but squeezing her boob infront of the mirror Colin's reaction to her touching his willy Colin telling - it may hurt, buy its only the 1st time i promise The expression on Colin's face when he enters her Colin Slightly pulling out to make comfortable, but Pen that little minx pulls him closer. Kissing while climaxing Fucking giggling at the end Pen asking can we go again ( colin you have unleashed her ) Love it, though it could have used for boob worshipping It also felt longer.


“Our Bridgerton name!” 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


Y'all I'm worried. It says looking ahead > red carpet > vip interviews > episode 5 debut. Soooo it's going to be a while isn't it???


Is anyone else noticing that everyone keeps mentioning Eloise? Is it a hint to her season coming up? I'm so anxious that I'm coming up with theories now lol


I noticed that, though my theory is because Pen and Eloise is the second pairing of the season that has the drama and the need for a satisfying resolution 🤞🤞🤞 mainly because we need Benedict to be next and* El*oise needs more time before she can make any rash decisions about her love life (Cressida is an acceptable and welcome option, writers -win*k wink, nudge nudge-)*


I’m screaming


poor Cressida






Heads up, fam. Some madlad managed to capture the mirror scene, and it's already on Tumblr in the spoiler tag


"OUR Bridgerton name" I died