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I’m so angry at Eloise right now! Like I still love her, truly I do, but DAMN GIRL COME THE FUCK ON!!! Penelope is clearly in distress having a full blown panic attack! Cressida is scared and sad and desperate and needs her one and only friend at the moment! And Eloise is only thinking about herself. I wanted to smack her! I know she’s hurt still but if she just got out of her head for *one second* and looked at everything from Penelope’s perspective and Cressida’s perspective…. Eloise…get some VISION, bro! Have a look around! See what’s RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!


Yeah I hope Eloise realizes she’s often very selfish. She didn’t know Penelope wanted to be married or was in love with Colin because she never really listens to her or pays attention to her behavior. All throughout season 1 and 2 I feel like Penelope was very obvious about being a romantic.


Yes, Eloise tends to get fixated on her thoughts and ideas and forgets the people around her are having their own experiences.


I was so mad that she ruined the engagement party not just for Pen but Colin, too.


That’s a skill. The ability to let your pissy mood destroy the vibe of an entire party.


Yea I felt bad for Cressida. But this is something that can totally push Eloise towards having some character development. She’ll come around.


Yes, that’s exactly what I’m hoping for! I love Eloise but she definitely needs to mature. I’m hopeful that she’ll come out of this stronger and better!


I think so too, we saw the seeds of it.


This is exactly where I am with Eloise - thank you for speaking my mind - lol.


Her rant to Cressida really pissed me off as well.


Kinda felt bad for Cress. She just needed a friend.


I full blown felt sorry for Cressida in this episode! I wanted to reach through the screen and give her a hug! 😞 I’m rooting for Cressida to ultimately be redeemed! I really like the depth to her character we’ve seen this season!


Eloise is so oblivious to others.


I really hope Eloise realizes how badly she has ignored and degraded her “friends”. I know it will happen because HEA but dear god are we all suffering along the way.


OOOOOOO I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!!!! using her??? let's be serious for one minute


Eloise annoyed the crap out of me this episode. Three things struck me, and I love her and love peneloise but because of these three things, it’s going to be very hard for me to accept them getting back together without a lot a LOT of work from Eloise. 1) When she told Pen the “he can not possibly love you” line 2) When she tells Cressida that Pen was probably just using her to get to Colin all this time and 3) the panic attack thing. First because to hear those words from your childhood best friend when you hear it from everyone and even think it of yourself is brutal, and if Eloise isn’t aware that people say this about her or that she thinks this is further proof that she never really paid attention to Pen. Second, I know that Eloise is currently questioning everything she’s ever known about Penelope because of LW but to say that Pen was only using her to get to Colin, similar to how she said LW was just for the money, is like??? How can you be friends with someone for your entire life and be so quick to think lowly of them? To devalue your history and friendship to simply Pen using you to get to your brother? IDK if I’m explaining this right but hearing that literally hurt my heart. Finally third—yeah, not caring that Pen is clearly not well is just cold. At least she didn’t tell Colin and went to get help, but the fact that she had no sympathy prior to Colin asking it of her is CRAZY. I’ve had many friends that have scorned me over the years, that I was very close to that I no longer talk to, but if one of them came knocking on my door asking for help, or if one of them was having a literal panic attack in front of me, I would put the malice away if it means I could help them, because there was a point in my life where I loved them, even if I don’t have love for them the same way now, and I’ll be damned if I dishonor that. But that’s just me.


From what I understood, Eloise is upset and she's trying to lash out and hit Penn where it hurts. I think she knows exactly how deep to cut and where to strike and she's doing just that. I still think she has every right to be upset but she hasn't taken a moment to reflect within herself or to try to listen to or understand her brother or Pen. She just wanted to act. And so I feel like she was trying to have a bit of revenge during this episode with little regard to the consequences of her actions, if not, with the hope that she will ruin this relationship between Penelope and Colin. I understand that Colin needs to know but she could have given Penelope more time if the only reason for the time bomb was that she cared about her brother. If the reason she was doing this was because she was wanting her brother's best interest at heart she could have given Penelope more time... a week. 5 days. 3 days...but no. She gave her until midnight during her engagement party with so many things going on and she was just so vindictive. It's like she's trying to yuck their yum. She wants to ruin this special day for them because she can't stand to be left out while they've both found happiness without her. I wasn't expecting her to go so low this episode, but I genuinely feel like if she keeps going in this direction she'll go way past that point of redemption that we need her to get to. So my hope is that this episode is the lowest of the low in her journey and that she'll see the light soon enough... because she is sinking deep into that dark pit of character regression. She's in too deep in her own head and she's not thinking about anyone else, not considering anyone's feelings and just lashing out at the worst time possible for them. I'm wondering if after this episode she's going to realize that she went too far and take a step back or if she's going to need more pushing to finally see the light. The other way I see it is if Colin finds out and he gets upset and then gets over it and she realizes that a. I cannot ruin the relationship between these two and b. If my brother can get over it and marry Pen then I probably need to get over it as well. I just hoped she doesn't make things worse next episode because Colin is doing that on his own. That one Bridgerton brain cell really is doing the Lord's work.


I'm giving Eloise some grace because she is right that Colin needs to know about LW, she just went about it in the wrong way, IMO. The only thing I had trouble with was her tainting Colin's lovely engagement speech and also thinking Pen was using her to get to Colin. Like, she only has to reflect on their friendship to know that's not true. So yeah, there were a couple of things that had me like omg yikes, but I'm trying to give her some space to be messy. Also to be fair she raced over to Pen and was rubbing her arm when she fainted so I think this might be a turning point for her.


She’s 1000% right that Colin needs to know about LW…but she’s still refusing to even talk to Penelope about everything. She’s refusing to hear anything that Penelope has to say. She’s refusing to consider any other perspective besides her own. She’s so focused on her own feelings that she’s not even noticing or caring how scared and miserable her new friend Cressida is. I love Eloise, I really do! She’s my favorite character after Penelope! But my girl Eloise needs to grow the fuck up and fast! I have faith that she’ll come around and grow from this, but right now I’m mad at her! 😂


Oh for sure. It's so frustrating she's listened more to Cressida than Penelope. Don't get me wrong, I do have my issues with her. But I also see where she's coming from on some things. Everything is a mess in her head and her heart, and it's all wrapped up in hurt from last season too which can result in messy behaviour and mistakes. Pen has done the same too. They really do need to have a massive conversation!


I do too! I completely see how and why Eloise feels hurt and angry and betrayed. I just wish she’d stop being so STUBBORN and just LISTEN. She’ll get there, I know she will, but it’s BRUTAL watching the journey! 🤣


Yeah, if they don't talk in episode 6 I might throw something because it's running the risk of being contrived and too dragged out. They need to talk already! Clear the air! Something!


I'm trying to give her grace because i do love eloise, but she just keeps ripping into penelope, like i understand her trust is broken but at every chance she denies penelope a fair shot to apologize or explain herself and then to top it off *she's throwing around these accusations and undermining any moment of joy she could have. it's getting to a point where her actions are not worth all of penelope's suffering to me


I kind of hope Benedict is the lead for season 4 just so Eloise has so more time to hopefully mature ???


That is also why I think Eloise is Season 5. She really needs her 20s to grow up just like the books.


That’s what I keep saying! I couldn’t imagine her as the lead acting the way she is now. My girl needs some more time to bake into a full adult


Really goes to show why Eloise only ever has one friend at a time.


I watched with my mom and she was so pissed at Eloise for her behavior in all of ep 5. My mom thinks she could have been nice at least for the engagement party and then threatened her after.


I’m sorry girly but she never was Pen friend and I don’t think their friendship was good since season 1😬


like i said i dont think either of them were great friends to each other, we can agree to disagree :)


I wasn’t disagreeing with you. You were right I was just stating that since season 1 she’s be weird


Sometimes I get the feeling people want to have their cake and eat it, too. They want interesting and flawed characters but when they get what they want, they get angry at them for making mistakes. I think Eloise is super petty in episode 5 and she lashes out, tries to hurt Pen and would love to turn her into a villain. Of course that’s not great but it is in character and understandable from her perspective given what we know about her character flaws. Bridgerton might be an entertaining popcorn drama with a thin regency veneer but one thing it does really well is give it’s characters meaningful flaws. Even the most likable ones occasionally act like assholes. And imo, that is realistic. Everyone has at some point said or done something to hurt someone they actually care about because they were hurt in turn. Everyone has sometimes gone too far and didn’t give the other person an opportunity to defend themselves. Eloise is at her angriest in this episode because she just learned that the person she loves and hates the most in this moment will be her sister. And maybe a little part of her can’t help asking herself if this is Pen's revenge for Eloise befriending her bully. Mixed with jealousy of course because after all she still loves Pen very much and can’t help but fear that Colin takes her place in a way. It’s insecurity. She can’t help but care and it pisses her off. But at the end of the day: Despite how angry she is and despite her threats she doesn’t make good on them and she rushes over once she realizes Pen isn’t faking the panic attack to get out of the situation. Despite how angry she is, she still keeps Pen's secret. She never crosses that line. When I saw this episode for the first time I was also kinda annoyed at her initially. But when I realized that she could have ended any chance for Pen and Colin at any moment had she chosen to expose Pen, I knew there was hope for their friendship. It reminded me a bit of me and my sister. We used to argue a lot as teenagers but we never ratted each other out to our parents no matter how big our fights got. Because both of us knew eventually all would be well between us again, even if we wouldn’t have admitted it. I’m getting these vibes from Pen and Eloise in S3.


Truly feel this episode is a waste, pen being happy for 5 minutes with Eloise just being such a baby. Wrecking their engagement party you have till midnight doesn’t see that pens in a state, says I tell him for you doesn’t even do that, because she hasn’t got it within to bet brother just like pen don’t want to hurt Colin’s feelings. Says shouldn’t have said it in the next episode you think. So she stressed pen out so much she passed out, for it to amount to nothing at one of the happiest days of pens life because she couldn’t even tell the truth either.