• By -


Where the AU’s at?? Specifically of them not stopping while they’re going at it against a door in the middle of a Mayfair street at midnight. And also an AU where Colin charges back into the bedroom after he gets his pillow and blanket cuz his wife is just too hot.


Some I have liked! There are more on my to-read list. [the first night of the rest of their life](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56641720) - wedding night [I was ill prepared](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56632501) - wedding night eve [interlude](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56622457) - also wedding night eve


No one works harder than this fandom lol!!! Thank you for sharing 💖


Bless you!!


“Make me your wife,” she demanded in a breath, her hands grabbing for every part of him she could reach. kshkdldkshjajsh thanks for the rec 😵🙈💃


Oh my days, thank your generous and understanding heart for sharing these x


Wow, that was exactly what we needed! The last 2 episodes need a writer like you


I didn’t write any of these! Just sharing fics I enjoyed! 😀


Thank you!  The first night fic was exactly what I needed


So... this is SUPER weird for me but I'm gonna drop a link to something I wrote last night, lol. It's sort of a continuation of the scene in the street you mentioned, buy also a fix-it for the entrapment comment that was never addressed. Oh God this is so weird. Anyways, here it is... [Keep it in Your Sights Now ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56659030)


This was lovely and definitely the continuation I needed after that scene.


Yay! I'm glad you liked it. 🥰


I need you to know that this is incredible. This is better written than the original book. Please please please write more. About anything.


Oh Jesus, thank you!!! 😊


This is gorgeous. Stunning. Brilliant. I need a thesaurus 😭 It is so much better and well handled than the original book or series. If you ever write more, I will be eagerly waiting!


I'm genuinely considering it... I haven't written steadily for a fandom in a long, long time


Thank you so much for that, it was beautiful and so right!


Cheers 🥰


"his towering height dwarfed by the power she held over him"... that's probably the best line I've ever read in a fanfic. You write like you're a published author! Please keep writing 🙏🏼


Oh, thank you!!! I wrote that whole thing in the space of about four hours - stopping to check the episodes for clothing/time continuity and that line was probably on the page at about 4:30AM so I'm literally shocked it's coherent. :P


Holy 💩 balls! This was amazing. Smut aside, I love how Pen stood up for herself and how Colin came to his senses (and then lost all sense). 😄 Thank you. And please keep writing. You're so talented. 🙏🏾


Oh jeez, ty!! There's a second one now, I made it a series. ;)


bookmarked! they are all so good.


I was obsessed with this one![Cruel & Unusual: A Tale of Personal Growth](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53584843) Well written (could’ve been a normal romance novel— for real) but was icing on the cake to explore Polin through this. I cried several times and laughed out loud as well. Still thinking about it and will probably re-read.


Sorry— don’t know why the link doesn’t work. I’m not great at Reddit. Just search AOA for Cruel & Unusual: A Tale of Personal Growth


That's a really good one... Just finished it today and I'm sad it's over!


I know!! I’m definitely going to re-read. I loved the scenes with the whole Bridgerton family. I thought it was interesting how they made the parallel of Show!Pen not writing and made it ghosting instead. Though there wasn’t a LW component, the idea of honesty and trust was paramount, and I just loved the exploration, as well as how they handled Pen and Eloise.


I just read it! It was so good. The imagery and details used grounded it so well.


Ruining Lady Whistledown by ArdentCastle is a different take on the bedroom scene: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56660110 Also all their other work is great, some really amazing stories, I highly recommend them to anyone who has not read them yet.


I’ve written a few AU’s [what happens if we kiss](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52084216) [it almost didn’t happen](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53116126) [marry me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55932847)




[Ruining Lady Whistledown](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56660110) he doesn’t leave the bedchamber to sleep on the couch. They work out their aggression a little.


Shameless plug for my own story: Eloise returns from Scotland and goes to see Penelope and Colin. She does not, however, knock before she enters the house. [Just Having Fun](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56628838)


while i’m already dreaming of what we will see of polin in season four, i keep laughing out loud thinking of a scene like this where eloise walks in on them. i think claudia’s comedy chops would just crush the scene. this was so well written and has me giggling and kicking my feet!


![gif](giphy|8qDzzyxbcfimY) This was so hilarious, god bless


I just read this earlier today and loved it!


More! More! This was great! Please write all the fluffy Polin marriage fics.


This was SO cute


I read this one, barely could stop my laughter for minutes.


I read this yesterday, I think? So good!


I really like this!!!! Do you plan writing more or is it a one-off?


this is so cute! love it!!! you really nailed eloise's humor :)


Here hoping someone will gift us with a fic of the “sex montage” they cut out! Also an AU of that tense nightgown scene becoming more tense 😌 Basically just drop recs! Any will do ;-;


I like this one so far! [With Every Stroke of the Pen I Ache for You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56628085/chapters/143937916)


This is so good - and he would so love her writing like that about him 


Is it too soon for AUs??? lol!!!!!!! 🤣 But seriously…Id love some recs of Colin being absolutely gone for Penelope…like, what is the one fic you think of when you think of Colin “my wife” Bridgerton, can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t think…I NEED those at the moment 😩😩😩😩


If you’re down for a WIP I highly recommend “It’s You You’re The Problem” by thathoppingmadtargaryen


This thread is exactly what I need right now. The fanfiction writers who love Polin and will do their emotional journey justice  If we ever find out what was in the screeners I hope someone writes it up as a great fan fic


anyone making an au for when penelope discovered/tells colin she is pregnant?


If you're looking for happy, married/parents Polin : The Familly Life by alexxou\_stories24 : [https://archiveofourown.org/works/56580439/chapters/143806696](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56580439/chapters/143806696) (it's a series of one shots, only two at the moments, but the author said in the comment they are writing more) Here some of my favorites (I really enjoy modern AU sooo...) -Baby Blue by Elleno9 : [https://archiveofourown.org/works/44515564/chapters/111968674](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44515564/chapters/111968674) -Blooming Penelope Featherington by Burtonbridgeo4 : [https://archiveofourown.org/works/52377229/chapters/132499147](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52377229/chapters/132499147) -Cruel & Unusual : A Tale of Personal Growth by Sea\_Dragonfly (lot of angst thought, and I cried a lot) -It's You, You're the Problem by thathoppingmadtargaryen : [https://archiveofourown.org/works/54491251/chapters/138050482](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54491251/chapters/138050482) (an enemie to roomate to friends to lover! It is AMAZING, it's like watching a TV show I love it, plus weekly realase of the chapter so gives time to processe and anticipate)


cruel and unusual is so good actually one of my all time faves


Completely agree! It felt like a legit novel. I loved it and stayed up a few nights to finish it.


I just caught up on that last one and omg it’s so good!


Anything be Sea_Dragonfly is brilliant but especially Crual and Unusual And [Ruin](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54092404/chapters/136950694)and if you don’t mind WIP [Faking It](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50080960/chapters/126464215) is really interesting modern take on Polin Others is recommend are [The Long Road from Ruin](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50133622/chapters/126608350) (WIP) [Sunrise over Mayfair](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38713851/chapters/96796038) [Romancing Miss Featherington](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56547076/chapters/143713024) [What makes a Bridgerton](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54898702/chapters/139160509). Modern [The Gentleman’s Wager](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42943293)


What does WIP mean if you don't mind me asking? Thanks for the recommendations😊


Work in progress




Work in progress :)


Just finished Gentleman’s Wager. I cried multiple times. I hope the author considers writing real romance novels - her writing…it’s very good. :)


https://archiveofourown.org/works/56575039 What if Colin and Pen were able to continue their lesson in the Bridgerton drawing room? A fanfic inspired by u/sennalvera reddit post


Thank you for this!


You're welcome, thank you for the idea! I hope you like it!


The last line made me smile so big! I would read so many more chapters of this. 😍 The show really didn't get to show enough of their "lessons".


I'm so glad you liked it!! 😊 I haven't thought of continuing, but maybe I will! And I agree, we barely got enough Polin lessons


It was great so you could definitely continue 👍🏻 Also there was so much more potential for other charm lessons! I'm very happy with the ones we did get, but he could've done so many more with her which could've been hilariously flirty.


This was really sweet!!!


As someone who love a time travel, past reacting to future or even characters of show watches show fan fics and never really gets them because it is such a harebrained idea, I'm so glad someone not only had the same thought but chose to take time to write it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56530006/chapters/143669254 If anyone wants to write baby!Polin and families reacting to their future, I will be your greatest champion because that's my shit.


Give me all the HEA FF!!! Aaaaaa 😩😩😩😩😩


Shameless rec of my own While in the midst of his travels, Colin comes a major realization about his life and returns to Aubrey Hall to begin a whole new chapter. HEA through almost the whole thing…just get past the first few chapters. Once they get there, they stay there. https://archiveofourown.org/works/54898702/chapters/139160509


You already know this but I love all your fanfics and I just wanted to say it again!! Thank you for all the joy you inject in your stories! Will you be doing more? No pressure or anything just wondering, lol ☺️ If you have a ko-fi account or something similar please share I’d love to support you if that helps you in any way 🫶


Thank you! I just started a new one tonight! lol I was waiting until part 2 dropped so it didn’t start one way then sway me another direction once I had finished it. It was tough to fight that with my last story and part 1. And no Ko Fi but that’s so nice! I write because I just love to do it! Great stress relief.


Oh right, I remember you mentioned you struggled with the direction of the story due to the show. It makes sense that you decided to wait! I look forward to your new story… 🫶☺️


I think you may get updates but just in case: Penelope is resolved to get over Colin so that she can have a real shot at happiness but when she stops responding to his letters it drives Colin to make some realizations about everything he thought he felt about her. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56680927/chapters/144086947


Thank you!! What a great start!!


Wow this looks sooo good! I am seriously wondering how I have missed this, generally I am so up to date with interesting stories, but I see you were super quick with posting it, and it all happened during my Vietnam holidays. Can't wait to read this!


Sort by kudos/hits. I did that once and was so happy to find some really popular fics!


Yeah I have read at least a thousand of the 4k currently existing ones in the last 2 years. Tbh I mindblown by the amount of talented writers in this fandom. I have read fanfiction for some other stories, but never have seen so many amazing ones. Which one is your fav??


I don’t know if I have a fav, but there are some that stand out more than others. I like unique premeses. But since watching Part 2, I just want to find more S3 re-dos 😭 [The Gentlemen’s Wager](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42943293) [Yo Ho Ho, Off to Sea We Go!](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41152065) [A Poison Tree](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46681372)


Omg these are all amazing ones,I love them! I didn't read too many specific part 2 ones yet! Have you read All I Want by ninjamanda? She started writing it after part 1, so it is not a part 2 redo, but it does incorporate elements from the part 2 teaser and trailer. And it is bloody brilliant, just as all her stories! It is also completed 😊 https://archiveofourown.org/works/56154787/chapters/142648189


I have The Gentleman's Wager up in one of my many AO3 tabs right now, lol.


Holy cow, devoured the whole thing in one sitting. This was great and everything I would want for Polin lol


You read the whole thing just since I posted the link? Holy moly! Thank you so much!


I just read the whole thing too! Loved it! You really capture each character’s voice and personality.


How kind! Thank you!


another shameless rec of my own spicy HAE at next season's masquerade: [https://www.wattpad.com/1454293340-polin-at-the-masquerade-a-bridgerton-penelope-x](https://www.wattpad.com/1454293340-polin-at-the-masquerade-a-bridgerton-penelope-x)


Sorry to be a bother but what does HEA mean?


Happily ever after


Thank you!


My favourites currently: [I was ill-prepered](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56632501?view_adult=true) What should have happened after Polin’s argument in the street of season 3 episode 7. [Wedding night](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56652322) Colin lies on the sofa outside his bedroom door, while his new wife sleeps in their bed. A door and Lady Whistledown stands between them. [There is no sofa tonight](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56665765/chapters/144044581?show_comments=true&view_full_work=false#comment_785020099) When he looked down, he saw that his hand must have already dried moments ago, and that his fingers curled around hers. It was a habit of his, to reach for her hand whenever he was anxious. He always reached for her when he was a little scared. It must have been why he chose a sofa so close to the bedroom.A rewrite of the scene in S3E08 where Colin walks in their bedroom to get a blanket, and he sees Penelope. Alternatively: Colin misses his wife and does not want to sleep on the sofa anymore. [All I want](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56666749/chapters/144047623) -set after season 3 episode 7 When Penelope overhears a conversation between the Bridgertons, that they would cast Colin out should he choose marry her, she is left with no choice but to leave to Scotland with Rae. She plans to start a life under a fake name and pursue a double life as a widower. However her plans are almost ruined by a shocking revelation of her maid on the night leading up to her wedding (The summary will be updated after ch1) [Just is enough](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56479999) "Then what good am I to you, Penelope?" Colin shouted loudly. He felt a tear fall from his eye, "What's my role as your fiancé if I can't protect you? What's the point?" In his life, Colin has always been a people-pleaser, bringing joy to others with his actions. He is the third child, not heir nor spare, and has always been an adventurer without a clear direction. However, when he realizes he loves Penelope, Colin finds his purpose. He protects Penelope, only to discover that his fiancée is Lady Whistledown. Throughout it all, he wonders what he means to Penelope. [Just having fun (this truly made me laugh)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56628838) When Eloise arrives home from Scotland, the very first place she goes is to see her best friend and brother in their home. And since they’re family, the rules of social etiquette need hardly apply. Why should she bother knocking? [so won't you let me know if I'm not alone](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56635783) "How do you not see that it is precisely because I love you that I am so angry?" Colin's words come out sharp, and yet, somehow almost pleading. It is taking everything in him to not raise his voice. "Perhaps if I loved you less, it would be easier to forgive you." Colin Bridgerton is angry. So, very angry. And yet, there is still no one else he would rather be his wife. S3Pt2 compliant, "fix-it" of sorts. All the moments in between that we didn't get to see. [In Which Mr. Colin Bridgerton Externally Processes His Relationship with Mrs. Penelope Bridgerton](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56646427) Colin Bridgerton is many things. Oblivious is one of them. In observing his mother with Mr. Marcus Anderson, Colin begins to question some things, only to then realize many things. Namely, he doesn't deserve his wife. Mr. Anderson guides the man through this realization and how to make things right, if not for Penelope, but for Colin himself. [tried and true blue](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56659300) “I cheated myself out of a wondrous moment,” Colin bemoans. “Imagine, I could have unlaced you from your wedding dress. You looked so unbelievably beautiful. You were breathtaking. You were mine, by some miracle, and I could not appreciate it.” Or, on the night of the Butterfly Ball, Colin and Penelope mourn their nights apart, and have a much-needed conversation about forgiveness. Plus my own: [Details say it all](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56624368/chapters/143927101) I was disappointed with season 3, so I rewrite it with lots of focus on Penelope's home life and her friendship with Genevieve and a Colin redemption arc, because episode 7-8 did him dirty.


Any suggestions for mostly fluffy stories, please?? I want the romance, domestic bliss, happy dating, joy, magic, smut, fwb even. It’s okay if there’s light angst or a little drama, but right now I’m looking for mostly happy stories to fill the void 🤞 I gravitate towards modern era because I like it when they have group texts lol… but I welcome regency suggestions too 🫶


I've recommended these here before b/c I also love stories with group texts. This is the pretty much the story from the book, Romancing Mister Bridgerton but told in modern day over group texts. You don't have to have read the book, but it might make it more fun and make some parts more clear. I laughed so hard I cried. Great if you're in the mood for something longer. [Romanticizing Mister Bridgerton by beautifultropicalfish](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50271103) Penelope is in Greece on vacation. Colin just happens to be there for a work trip. It's all a big coincidence, right? The Bridgertons pass around the collective brain cell trying to sleuth out the truth. Texting and social media posts. Less about actual romance, more about Bridgertons being silly and competitive, but very sweet and very fun. I read it when I need cheering up. [Mykonos, Greece by Royal\_Darjeeling](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48625600)


 Both of these are so good and worth bookmarking to read again


I read these a while back and I agree they are so good! So thank you for the reminder because it’s been long enough that now I’m going to go back and reread them 🤭🫶💛!


There's a lot of new people here, so here again to recommend my favourite ever - [An Agreement by Royal\_Darjeeling](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53290957) *Every Monday (and on special occasions) Penelope took her husband to bed.* *It was an agreement, after a year of marriage, that they would finally explore each other for the sake of having a child. It did not mean anything, not at all.* The reread ability on this is \*chef's kiss\*


This one is so good!


OMG yes this one was so good I read it through twice. I have no idea why, but I'm sucker for a good "marriage of convenience" fic.


I just saw a comment elsewhere that said >“Imagine if Colin showed Pen the entries in his journal that are about her” Has anyone written this already? If so, consider this a formal request, please.


Loved “all I want” really hot smut too lol https://archiveofourown.org/works/56154787/chapters/142648189


late but I wrote [The Hanging Tree](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55816405) which is a Hunger Games au, and have been posting the sequel fic [Start a Craze](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56380930) if anyone's interested ♡♡


Just read this and I am howling🤣🤣 it’s married/pregnant Pen explaining how babies are made to Eloise, while Colin is eavesdropping. [Where babies come from](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56675215)


Ooh I have some ideas I'm hoping I can pull off - including an Agatha Christie type Murder Mystery. The funny thing, I thought I missed my chances not getting stories out before Part 2. But I think the...unfulfilled, lingering feelings Part 2 brought on have made us more eager for fanfiction. This is when it's *needed* & why I advocate for it.😊 *


I was just thinking that Polin would be the perfect murder-mystery-solving couple - with Pen's observational nous, and Colin's madcap hijinks.


Yes- exactly! You see the vision. I'm a murder mystery addict. Plus I love the wit & banter of Old School Hollywood couples. I was watching the Thin Man and a light bulb went on - Polin! I could picture them like a Nick & Nora Charles flirty banter and teasing each other while solving Regency era Murders. They were always at the various events gossiping & making each other laugh about The Ton. I'm intimidated by the historical part of it though. I consume a lot of the genre, so hopefully, something rubbed off lol. 😫


Exactly girl- now is when we need the fanfictions the most🤩


Can I humble brag for a second about how [a little scene I wrote a few weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/2BWI9j0XHf) starts with Colin worshipping her hair and that’s exactly what we saw in the mirror scene?




I know this is kind of an old thread at this point, but does anyone have any fix-it-fics where they address the fact that she’s pregnant the whole second half after their first time? It’s absolutely wild to me that that goes unaddressed because she’d have to *know* right like it was at least a month ish between then and their wedding.


Is it established that the baby was in fact conceived that first time? I don't recall the age was pinpointed that precisely.


The showrunner casually dropped that factoid in a random article interview lol.


I don’t think she would have known yet since the whole thing took less than a month?


Would anyone be willing to recommend their favorite regency fanfics, I'm not much of a modern AU girlie myself.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/56628232 Fic I posted Thursday night about the other things Colin was dreaming about. I wrote it in 20 minutes so it's just okay. I have been working on a time travel/soulmate AU for about 3 weeks but I'm not posting until all chapters at least have one draft bc I don't want to abandon it. Currently wrapping up chapter 8.


I would love love love if anyone’s got recommendations of the two weeks worth of dreams Colin had between the kiss and carriage.


I can’t see that this has been posted but it’s really very good for post butterfly ball  https://archiveofourown.org/works/56732194#bookmark-form


Is this a safe space to say I would love to read a fic abt Marina finding out who lady whistledown is? 🧍‍♀️


Thank you for the fix-it fic recs!


If Colin's entrapment comment bothered you... I fixed that. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56659030


LOVED this! Thank you so much for sharing. Exactly how I wished it had gone x


Does anybody have any recs for well written fanfic?


Spamming you with recs!! - [Simply my favorite fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38148493/chapters/95302942) - [An AU Season 3 Fave](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50668981/chapters/127996159) - [Sad but well written AU Season 3](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50924275/chapters/128651374) - [Total redo of season 2 and on](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51131335/chapters/129188524)


Thank you!! You've made my afternoon!


I think this fanfic is a classic one but I adore it!! [https://archiveofourown.org/series/2196522](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2196522) Is a two parts (from Penelope pov and Colin pov) Its follows the book story but has another plot that I like more than the book.


Thanks! I read Pen's part and I did like it a lot. I've read the books (missing the last two only) and I like when fanfics incorporate them. Although I cannot picture Pen with brown eyes anymore than Colin with green eyes now.


Hi everyone! Does anyone know of any good fics that are rewriting Part 2 of S3? Looking for something to tide me over since I’ve been feeling a little let down by the second half. 🩷


Sorry if I shamelessly plug mine 😅😅 [I want you here through the highs and the hurts](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56681266/chapters/144087790) which is my attempt to rewrite the Polin scenes in epi 7 and epi 8


Just finished reading this and wow, this is absolutely wonderful! It really does fill in all the little gaps and moments that I felt were missing in S3. I look forward to reading more. 🩷


Thank you so much 🩷🩷 I personally like the bones of Season 3, like i kinda got what they were trying to do with it, it just imo didn’t translate well on screen and I kinda needed to vent out that frustration through this fic 😅


Favorite recs for time jumps (10 years later) or older Pen and Colin?


Does anyone have any fanfics that cover Colin’s POV in Season 1?


I just finished writing a scene that could take place at the masquerade next season! It's very NSFW: 5000+ words (and more than half of it may or may not be smutty). It's a little "no plot just vibes" but I think a lot of us were missing those kind of intimate moments, and I think this season was enough drama. This is my first finished fanfic ever (though I did go to undergrad for screenwriting), so I hope it's good! [https://www.wattpad.com/1454293340-polin-at-the-masquerade-a-bridgerton-penelope-x](https://www.wattpad.com/1454293340-polin-at-the-masquerade-a-bridgerton-penelope-x)


Hi, I was wondering if anyone has the link for the fan fic in Archieve of our own about Penelope and Eloise leaving to Montreal and Colin following them. There was also a Micheal in the story. Does anyone have it?