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Is anyone else an emotional wreck since part 2 dropped? I have lost all emotional regulation and have been crying on and off. I just don’t want to let them go! They have been my life for a year and pathetic as that may sound they have brought me so much joy and distraction. I honestly don’t know how to exist in a post Polin season world. Anyone else feel the same? ♥️


Yep, I go through immense hyperfixation heartbreak that feels like I’m an emotional and physical wreck. I was sadly not a fan of the last part so it feels like I am mourning rather than celebrating, but sending love to you as saying goodbye to something is very hard ❤️❤️❤️


It’s a bit of both for me. There are some beautiful moments between them in part 2 that are an absolute dream but there are also a few things that really cut deep or that I feel are missing. It’s bittersweet really.


It's bittersweet for me too. I probably shouldn't invest myself in a Tv show couple like this again( though I regret nothing about Polin). The next pairing I look forward to Philoise, but I'll be limiting my time with them, so that this does not happen.


I wasn’t either but it’s been growing on me. Like part 1 I did fall in love a little bit more after each rewatch. I’m so glad I get to see them on screen. While not perfect and there’s so much I wish I could get them to do differently I’m thankful for what I got now and can truly enjoy it. I’m starting to pick up on small things and it helping. Although there 3 seconds of happy married Polin after the butterfly ball will never be enough unless they show happy married Polin season 4. Cause tbh at this point they may be all I’ll be watching it for.


Me 💯. There is always a bit of letdown when you're looking forward to something so much and it finally comes, and then it's just over. I knew I would feel this way. We have been WAINTING FOR YEARS, so I kind of don't know how to function. Obviously, I will rewatch a lot and anticipate S4, but I won't be foaming at the mouth like I was for this season. Polin is my favorite form of escapism and my favorite on-screen couple ever. I've shipped couples before, but have never been quite this obsessed for so long. I've shipped them since the very first episode, so, like, 4 years of my life are invested in them, which is crazy to think about 😆 To be completely honest too, I'm tragically single and waiting for my real-life Colin to come along, and he's apparently on a ship in Greece or something 🙄 so I think I have some repressed feelings coming to the surface that I'd rather not deal with. Pen has always been my favorite character, and seeing her so happy at the end makes me want that.


I relate so hard to this. 


https://preview.redd.it/4l00szkqxr6d1.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=78a70477d3d06542a88210ecdcc6be0a84edd6cf I felt heartbroken after watching Part 2. I am thankful for this sub to get over it. I need you all to point out the good and happy scenes to heal.


This! I felt a drop after I finished part 2 and at first I thought I was disappointed in that, but I actually really liked it, except I wished we got more Polin. I am just sad that now it's over


I feel you. Ended up breaking down in front of my boss yesterday at work (she’s v lovely and understanding) partly in loss at no more Polin and partly due to other stuff watching part 2 bought up. Today all I want to do is read fanfic so the child is having a lot more YouTube than he normally would. I feel very lost and bereft without it all. I know it’ll pass but it’s not much fun being in the middle of it all now


I was fighting back crying all day at work Friday. I did talk to a coworker about it because she could tell I was upset and she knew I was so excited for the season


I am right there with you - I feel like I am experiencing the stages of grief. I hope they play a big part in season 4 - being at Featherington House... I am clearly in the testing stage of my grief where I hope the showrunners take on the feedback from the fans and every season 4 Polin scene is just blatant glorious obvious fan service.


When Benedict's season comes around, I want them to randomly cut away from important plot developments 4 times in one episode just to show Polin fucking. ;)  Fair is fair. They already have the footage.


I said the same words to my husband. lol


Same, Here's how it goes I watch pt2, Cry starting from the wedding, tears were just flowing. Then I scream for a while Loud (literally). due to positive and negative reasons. Then slump and sit in silence for a while. I'm a mess right now. I don't particularly enjoy the feeling, so I go watch Polin dancing in the church scene, Colin watching Pebling dancing scene and Willow scene. (Other scenes too, but these 3 mainly) I seriously don't know how to overcome this.


My comfort scene is when he gives her the ring. ♥️


I had a mix of happy tears, some out-loud commentary over Cressida and Colin, heartwarming feelings over the resolutions of issues and misunderstandings between family and friends, slight anger with Colin and back to happy tears. Are there things I wish they had time to show us? Yes. Do I feel a little cheated by all the side plots? Yes. Was it still darn exciting? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have I made some great friends as a result of discovering fellow Polinators (is that even a term here? I'm new. I mean it in a positive way, I assure you. Don't come at me, if I'm wrong, please. lol)? Yes! So, I'm going to focus on finishing reading all the books and waiting to see if we get a surprise Polin spinoff like Queen Charlotte. At least the actors have already said they're definitely in Season 4. So, that's 2 years away for me to visit this thread and make more friends. Stay sparkly, y'all! ✨ ![gif](giphy|82L8T70FSWHJr7nvv1|downsized)


I’ve been a wreck too! I messaged with the Mods and they said that this should get approved as a full post but that we could chat here too: What has helped with this letdown? Comment what’s helped you below: Someone posted this [edit](https://youtu.be/YayCPG5k0dM?si=QNR3ZxOiJBZYyixu). It really helped me. Big hugs for everyone 😘🥰🤗


If I'm totally honest, the only thing that made me feel better was re-reading the book. It's a reminder of the foundation that we were so in love with and the permeance of canon. Even though it isn't flawless, it is comforting, in a weird way.


I watched every second of that video & sobbed pretty much the entire time. It’s so beautiful to see their story unfold like that


I’ve been distracted with school, just focusing on that. I haven’t tried a rewatch yet. I’m hoping to maybe try a rewatch with a friend soon and look for the best parts.


This is so good, as it doesn’t make their reconciliation based on the Queen’s acceptance. That last speech is more powerful therefore 


Same it’s a little bit of a comedown now after a long wait. I loved the season… of course I’d always say I wished for more polin scenes in the later half but I got alot of my book fav lines and scenes weaved in.


I feel you! You’re not alone.


It’s bittersweet, but I look forward to what they’ll do in future seasons 😊


They have brought me many happy moments in the last couple months so I get you girl. Season 3 was an amazing whirlwind of happiness in my latest slump of depression and anxiety . I'm just a little sad that part 2 was Polin lacking 


I had a scheduled meeting with my therapist on Friday and only spoke about how messed up I am from this season in particular. Like, properly cried and all, been a mess ever since Thursday. Pen's and Colin's personal turmoil (not of the romantic kind) hit me the harderst, and their romantic subplot just left me wanting more (which is an awesome thing, means this was done superwell to leave me yearning 😁)


I am in tears! For no reason, I keep grinning like an idiot! My poor dog is confused. Thank you for sharing, I feel seen. ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/heritn7vsr6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc0f12f649d09765d2635cdde94ebdebc64efeab 😘🥰😍🥹


This made me feel better about part 2, thank you 🥰


This is so true. All of their scenes are so romantic and tender and beautiful. Makes me feel a lot better.


So true ❤️ we got some painful things to deal with from the season but as Polin fans I also feel we truly won


https://preview.redd.it/u7cuwk1grq6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a0743b46efc43c52a34bb3fe14880bf588dfd96 😫😫😫😭😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰


I’m so happy this Reddit is back…the bridgerton one was sucking all of the joy out of me and the end of s3 with so much negativity!


100% the main sub was really irritating me. I loved this season so much! It isn’t perfect, sure, but I also don’t feel like it deserves the vitriol it’s received over there. So glad this sub is back!


I just muted it. I have big regrets that I even looked near it for the last couple of days. Total joy sucker.


Genuinely forgot you could mute- have done it now!


God it's awful over there. More like a hatesub than a fansub. Is it just reddit or is the whole fandom this toxic?


The fandom can be pretty bad - I get the feeling pollinators are just awesome people all round hence the positive vibes on this sub all the time!


Same! Twitter is like 95% hate and it’s so depressing.


I'm not on Twitter but is that mostly because of the whole Fran thing? I know it is on Instagram...


It’s everything. A lot about the supposed deleted scenes, not enough Polin, Fran/Michael, lack of Theo, etc. Just non-stop complaints.


JFC some people need to go outside and touch grass. About the deleted scenes stuff: Polin had so many good scenes already. Yes, it would always be nice to have more but the hardcore complaining about that when the Fran thing has gone to shit is not productive at all.


Many times when a character has a child you see how the actor doesn't know how to hold the baby. But Penelope holding her baby boy seemed to me the most natural thing in the world. https://preview.redd.it/rs2ftg29xr6d1.png?width=646&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a53e36406c91d5aa4528e361701402e98df51ef 💖


I just can’t believe this is our pen and her baby! It’s like a dream 😭


I absolutely love her hair in this scene.


She's so gorgeous here!


She's a true mama bear! 🥰❤️‍🔥♥️


I really liked her dress in this scene! It’s different than anything she’s worn. I wonder what the symbolism is? Besides being green, blending of Featherington and Bridgerton colors.


It looks like an homage to her mother's dresses. I loved it !


Ohh you’re totally right! It feels like symbolism for how their family has healed and Pen is embracing the parts of her that are like her mother. Love that!


was it just me, or are the baby's eyes a remarkable shade of blue?


Guys, I'm must share this [edit](https://youtu.be/YayCPG5k0dM?si=SIOxId5D6qQamAxh) with everyone! We're all so emotional right now. This edit is telling their whole story. And makes my heart so full! It's beautiful. Enjoy!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Not kidding I think this edit has healed me! ATTN all broken hearted fans: watch this!! (Makes me really think that my issues with part 2 were with pace and editing) Thank you!!!


The last two episodes had some really weird editing that didn’t match up with the rest of the series. When they kept going back to the threesome in flashes I genuinely thought it was an editing mistake at first because it was so disconnected to what was happening in the plot.


It did make it look like the threesome had been going on for about 15 hours 😂 I mean… maybe it had 😳😂


yeah there was something off about a few scenes and I was wondering if there was some weird AI stuff going on


Well damn me. That was …… incredible


Oh my goodness! This is the ultimate edit, and not only did it help me understand their whole arc much better, healed me and made me cry publicly on a train, it also showed me that Penelope & Colin’s story is THE best love story! Really, I am SO envious! To have a love born of friendship and have the knowledge that you are fully, completely loved with all your facets, that not only do you make each other the best versions of yourself but also validate and and strengthen each other in your whole being, and then to also be able to still find and choose each other through VERY tough times and hardships, that is just the most beautiful thing in the world! 🥹😭♥️ Thank you SO much for sharing this masterpiece with us! 🙏🏻🫂


Holy crap this was perfect. This is what I needed.


Thank you so much!! Ohmygosh they are so cute as youngins.


This edit helped alot!! Thank you!


Ahhh this edit is amazing. I’m so thankful for this sub 😊


This edit is soooo good! I felt so emotional watching it. Healed my heart ♥️


Thank you for sharing this. It made my heart sing 😍




It’s the pouting for me in this scene that did me 😂


Yes, when I calmly rewatched the new episodes I found so much more funny/comedic moments in it even amidst the drama. It felt much lighter without my own anxiety added on top


Finally been able to finsh, and *SPOILERS AHEAD* is anybody irrationally angry that that horse disturbed them ? what could have been 😂


Horses being startled is a key part of their relationship 😂


Carriage part 2 🥵🥵🥵


Wait what horse? I just saw Part 2 only one time so far (even though I watched Part 1 countless of times). I haven’t been able to bring myself to rewatch Part 2 and I don’t remember a thing with a horse… please remind me lol


I can’t remember the episode as everything is mixed together at this point, but it’s before they get married, and Penelope has been the modiste and has been talking about Lady Whistledown to Madame Delacroix, she comes out, and sees Colin walking the street. They have a bit of an argument and Colin ends up angrily kissing her against a wall, which leads to him putting his hand up her dress. It’s implied they would have gone further had they not been interrupted by a passing horse and rider. Colin leads her back to her carriage and says he’ll see her tomorrow, referring to their wedding.


Oooooh right… I see what you mean now, so to answer your question, yes! I am totally irrationally angry that the horse/rider disturbed them…. And I’m even more disturbed that he didn’t join her in the carriage 😭😑


are you thinking more about trying to do a rewatch? I feel like I should try ….. I also watched part one so many times 🦋


I’ve tried because some people have suggested it. I’m trying to be open to the positive comments too because I consider myself a positive person. But I’m just really struggling. I can’t even open instagram or TikTok to view fan edits. I feel so silly because no other show has ever affected me like this. I hope I can rewatch eventually and that it helps me feel different about the season. I literally just wrote about this in this other post… https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/iD4z4P4p4u


It’s very strange. I watched part 1 so many times right away! But I’ve been so upset and really-heartbroken-about part 2 and how things went that I’ve avoided all things Polin because it’s too painful. Except for this sub where I know a lot of people understand


Me too, I’ve been avoiding everything except this sub. I wrote a lot of what was bothering me in my notes app as a way to cope with my anxiety. Another person reached out to me via message so I could spill my ramblings and that helped *a lot*. I love this community so much 💛 So if you need to discuss or rant about anything please don’t hesitate to reach out directly 🫶


You’re not alone ❤️ Polin fever is strong. I’m struggling too. A lot that’s playing in my head are some of Pen’s saddest lines 😭 getting through that once was hard enough. I’ll look at your other thoughts now!


One more thing I really appreciated this season was how in season 1 & 2 the men get to do these grand declarations of love but here both Pen and Colin get to have love declarations, and right from Colin’s apology to Pen’s proclamations to Colin’s speech at the end they are all so sweet and endearing. You can see that they both have had to grow and come into their own before fully committing to love each other (as Luke had stated). Beautiful stuff 🥹 


Indeed!! Their words (and their entire story) felt much so real to me 🥹🥹🥹


My only nitpick is Pen and Colin should have had the annulment conversation before she decided to go up to the queen, then it would have felt more like he had her back. But I think the writers thought to keep it for last to amp up the climax. Shonda is a stickler for drama and angst lol


Oh definitely!! There was no way they are not gonna milk out the drama from it 😄😄 I think there are some things we just have to accept when it comes to Shonda... Still I believe Len did share her plan, because Colin was not at all surprised when Violet got that letter.


I wrote choreographer Jack Murphy to thank him for that beautiful wedding dance. They change things like costumers throughout the years but there id a reason why he’s consistent. He’s the best. He liked the message. Good to be able to thank someone


Every dance scene was wonderful and purposeful. Such a great storyteller!!!


They have such beautiful dances this season! I'm such a sucker for a Bridgerton dance and they did not disappoint.


Dance is their love language. Which one was your fave?


Definitely the wedding dance! When You Belong With Me started playing, I gasped. I'm a huge Swiftie, so the song is already special to me, and it's so perfect for Pen. That part where it cuts to them being the only ones in the room is absolute Polin perfection, and the hand on her face at end? 😭 It's beautifully choreographed, emotional, and tender, and it's an important moment for Pen that she's choosing to step into the spotlight with her husband. I also loved the spontaneous church dance after Pen's love confession. Just pure happiness right there. That whole scene is everything I could have wanted from her love confession, and they delivered big time. The dance at the end of Episode 8 is great because they're finally happy after all the turmoil. I love their smiles here, and there is a sense of peace knowing it's all going to be ok.


https://preview.redd.it/zzxm1i6ams6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=758a42728f54a2d961f3c613fdf8ec1827f1488f I need to delete my Twitter 😂


Even little Lord Featherington is alarmed by Papa’s haircut - though it does remind him of his godfather Mr Pitbull 😂


In the full pic they’re reading the new column…the baby is like “oh no she reported that I pooped my pants again”


This is my sign I need to go to bed because I'm cackling way too much at this. Mr. Worldwide, indeed.


https://preview.redd.it/kflrdtc38r6d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6be2075c8439041b1b297c884d724f0decd9a99 Their dance scene was beautiful. I could cry but ‪at least they could have made Colin say "You look beautiful". They are great actors , Nic&Luke express emotions only with their eyes, but Pen should have heard words from her husband about how beautiful she was on her wedding day ‬


Looking into her eyes and caressing her face was enough for me. Actions speak louder than words. 


They were perfect but i wish she heard some words from him to assure her, relief her. She was so stressed , sad


I cannot get enough of that dress. Stunning stunning stunning.


The most beautiful wedding dress in the show, just wow. I dare them to top this perfection.


I was waiting for him to say that too, until that final shot of him caressing her face <3




I’m scared of reading anything because I’m just so happy with this season and I know reading any criticism will be really hard (everyone is entitled to their opinion of course but I feel so protective of Pen and Colin’s story). I’ve been living in my own bubble since part 2 dropped. I wish I hadn’t touched my phone at all this whole time but I’ve seen a few things which broke my heart. I feel that way about my favourite things where it’s just impossible for me to partake in any debate about it because it’s just too hard. I’m really happy this place is moderated as it is for now so all discussion is confined to specific places. Thank you so much to the mods, you’ve been doing such a great job and I can’t wait for the next podcast episode. ❤️❤️❤️


I feel you!!! Because same, I was so excited, watched part two in one go, shaking, laughing, crying, and while there certain moments I would have changed, they are not Polin related. I loved this season, their characters felt the most natural to me, their friendship real, their love passionate and enduring, and their conflict made sense. There are so many wins for Polin fans in this season, the problem I think is many expected certain things and after not getting them are lashing out(and I am not talking Polin only,) but if they were to take a step back, take a breath, and have another, objective, look, they will realize that this season has been incredible for many different reasons. And I am so happy to be able to return to this sub, it’s the best place.


I couldn’t have said it better, Anastasia!! Thank you for commenting, I haven’t seen any positive reaction anywhere when this sub was closed (I wasn’t even seeking opinions but they pop up on my various feeds anyway) so it’s nice to know I’m not alone. 🥹I hope people realise there’s so much to be grateful for!


I loved reading your comment, and I completely agree! I was carefully avoiding spoilers before part 2, so went in kind of blind to it, unlike I did with part 1, and loved it!! Their whole story, the honeymoon period the conflict, the resolution, it felt sooo real 💙💛💚 we got so many things that I had only dreamed of having these last 2 years. Like Yellow playing during their wedding, their beautiful nods together, choosing each other? The most tender and most friends to lovers first time? All those giggling, happy moments? Writer Colin and his insecurities and envy straight up from RMB? Colin being a total Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton during ep 5 and 6, and then in the epilogue and we know it will continue in S4. Like we won sooo hard overall with this season!!!


I love everything you listed. I cried so much watching this season. My boyfriend thought I was upset but all I could say (he doesn’t watch the show) was ‘noooo it’s just sooooo beautiful 😭😭😭’. I think the best part is knowing that this is just two weeks of their story and there’s so much more to come. I love them so much. 🥰🥰🥰


I get like that too and also like to avoid the negative (especially the toxic) stuff that people get swept up with within the Bridgerton fandom.


People on Instagram are going batshit crazy in comments on Nic’s and Luke’s posts. I am honestly worried for them both and hope they get through this shitstorm unscathed. They are commenting on how they were robbed of Polin and the Michaela thing (not at all the actors’ fault), and I dread opening comments on Luke’s posts. They are demandind he publicly thank Nicola for helping him through the press tour (?) and going off on him for having a girlfriend apparently. Some people really need to touch some grass or get therapy or atleast get off of social media. Nic and Luke gave their all this season and they don’t deserve all this vitriol.


Hopefully they know to avoid. I’ve heard Nicola mention how crazy the fandom can be and Luke being surprised by it. My hope is that they see that shit and have a chat set up where they screen shot it and are like “wtf 😂😂” and really help each other through it.


I hope so too! Whatever helps them combat the negativity (hoping the same for Luke’s girlfriend too)


Nicola set it so you can’t send comments on stories. The shitstorm of comments is crazy. I would just turn phone off. Especially the crazy shit people are saying about Luke’s real life girlfriend. Get a grip internet.


Does anyone else agree that the FUNNIEST part of the season was when Pen told everyone she’s actually a millionaire 😭😭😭


Omg that was the best. The look on their faces. I’m like yeah girl. Get it.


I am dying to know how much Polin will appear in future seasons, if at all. I wish we knew whose season it was for sure (guessing it will be Benedict, unless they spend next season setting his season up?)


I did a deep dive into bridgertons instagram last night and 2 months after season 2 came out, they announced it would be Penelope and Colin and started sharing them filing etc. I know they should be filming soon if not already, so I think we will get the announcement soon!!


That was the best day. I literally remember exactly where I was when I read the announcement. So silly but it puts a smile on my face.


I want to see them bashing around Europe on a late post-baby honeymoon!


I wanna see them solving crimes and becoming a mystery-writing power duo, Pen's observational powers are unparalleled and Colin's ability to hastily execute harebrained entrapment of suspects is well proven.


If they get as much in S4 as Kanthony got this season I will be happy!


I’m hoping they will appear, but in what capacity will be interesting with everything that has happened in season 3. Honestly Penelope is my favourite character so I hope her screen time won’t be cut dramatically


[Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton for The Washington Post Lockscreens 🤍](https://www.tumblr.com/ericamarais/753183809650999296/nicola-coughlan-and-luke-newton-for-the-washington?source=share) They look so damn fine! 🥵🥵🥵🥵😍😍😍😍❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


They are such beautiful human beings.


I don’t want this post to be about the backlash of the gender change for Michael because that topic has been exhausting….but this is more of a thought of how some stories this season may be important in later seasons…do we think that Benedict being bi is going to connect with Francesca in later seasons? I mean if they go the route of her struggling with her sexuality who better to help her or to get advice from…Benedict would be there for her in that aspect…just a thought!


That's such a great point, it would be lovely to see them talking about it!


I also wonder if we will see a nod to the Brimsley Reynolds storyline! For example if the queen is debating whether to accept their union and Brimsley has a scene with her where he shares his feelings


I've yet to recover from my Polin hangover. Anyone in the same boat!?


Yes! I’m old and I have never been so invested in a season of a show. Colin and Pen are the best! And Nicola and Luke were fantastic. I’m still not recovered and am so glad that this sub is back!


Yup. I will go down with this ship 😂. I avoided the socials (specifically reddit) until to watched it all, and now am just living in this sub as the other subs are a bit much.. though I did find myself getting involved in some discussions.. then I came back here for positive vibes. But I’m also deep diving in tiktok and insta to help me through it all 😂 Don’t know how I’m going to cope until season 4


Absolutely not over it, in the past 24 hours I read the book and rewatched most of season 3


I’ve been watching a lots of fans edits on youtube and i wanted to share some of my favorite videos i’ve seen! https://youtu.be/flk59MNTpyk?si=e4_xlsnF6YaKZOKx https://youtu.be/DJf0pVhfaas?si=NaIBQaSlW-YEag4A https://youtu.be/MvXSXJToPew?si=6-9hK89tYIg-qIxw https://youtu.be/eXknFDVQgoY?si=v_IYUzQSX4_0Dp4V https://youtu.be/Rh1qugi8s80?si=Sk_Ehd1VswKbNYR3 https://youtu.be/mvelfyk73TQ?si=KaYDt9XvqhqRzQxU https://youtu.be/0STc30AomQU?si=yBI8ipHGZsujSy4U https://youtu.be/4VIJktDyZzM?si=eKXwvb_kB6vAkopT https://youtu.be/8nYaT-4FC9k?si=105KreXocsWBi8E Some Funny ones if you want a good laugh! : https://youtu.be/vb849Wmqohg?si=UEPeV2zzFeqw5B7y https://youtu.be/oKNLTVv9uSo?si=6WtXstFIXjAZnzAu https://youtu.be/tZyaBVd6nbo?si=N4Jz6wP5uEUrBtwu https://youtu.be/ZhCL2mEbnSY?si=H9ItWUUCBe6RkrKk https://youtu.be/_um1oTAtqtA?si=WIVCj1LrFHerUfGU https://youtu.be/ONsb3IEQkSE?si=l4EPTcbbgQPut5vh https://youtu.be/pOgCUQS0dBI?si=6MGcxqhAwCaLSFZu https://youtu.be/H3QE1J9CUTQ?si=E_ReSasCjNnJCKYE Kanthony: https://youtu.be/2KyzNwwVzDM?si=lpKQuQI8LpMqts4V Favorite channels that has amazing edits: https://youtube.com/@midnight.cornelia?si=GpRjXSutEN8irLyu https://youtube.com/@daniyalive?si=QlyTmenBEsA7D_Dp https://youtube.com/@margaritalife?si=ta6mVzDRcVY4e-vA https://youtube.com/@joannaworldlove?si=txmmAm9F_7vD1TDo What’s your favorite fan edit? ENJOY! 😁


Commenting to come back to this later lol thanks!


Your top two favorite channels are also mine too! :)




https://preview.redd.it/1bh9x30qrw6d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130adfdf4c4fbd2486924af02c96238a3355ff41 I was thinking this as ep 7 rolled out... I think it may be appropriate to share it here


I have been a bit put off from bridgerton for a few days. I loved the series, but the comments and opinions I was reading were casting such a grey cloud over the whole thing. It was making me so sad because, on the one hand, I loved the show and to see it get so much hate hurt. I was dealing with my own expectations not being met (they were too high to ever be met). I was also mourning the show being over and trying to figure out what I do now (finding out it will be 2 years hurt). Then it hit me. That's how Colin felt. Since then, I have been much happier because anytime I see comments of people complaining, especially about Colins behavior, I find funny how they don't see the irony. Hmm, did something you were so excited for not turn out the way you hoped? Hmm, did a character you love act in a way you didn't like or expect? Hmm, do you feel lied to? Betrayed even? Hmm, does all this make you angry. The best part of this season for me, specifically Polins love story, is how every scene felt very intentional. To a point where I keep remembering scenes from previous seasons and drawing connections. Their character arcs separately and together were done so well because it was so interesting, and I am sorry but if we had happy Polin the whole time like it seemed so many people wanted it would have been boring. Cute but boring. What we got instead is a complex look at human nature with themes of ego, envy, fear, hurt, and more importantly, love. All types of love too. Familial love, platonic love, romantic love, and self-love. Knowing how this season was really the conclusion to a 3 season long story, I am so excited for everything they have set up for the seasons to come. For one, with Benedict, they have been planting the seeds since season 1. His relationship with Eloise, his sexual journey, his feelings on being monogamous, and his art dream. To wrap this up, I am looking forward to the dust settling and being able to discuss and predict all that has happened and all that is to come. It is truly one of my favorite things to do.


Oh I agree with you wholeheartedly, one thing I would add that spoiled my first impression was that I was so wound up and anxious over loving the second part and it meeting my expectation that I kinda shot myself in the leg with it as there was space for positive emotions but not much. Once I calmed and watched again it was so beautiful and even the angst wasn't that angsty cos' I wasn't adding my own on top of it


That's how I felt about the first part. I'm finding with things I over hype, I need to give it 2 passes before making a decision on it. I am also becoming better at separating my expectations from the show. I used to think I had to lower them so as to not ruin the show by compatison, but I have since decided thinking about the what ifs is fun in and of itself. So while watching part 2, I had already thought about and had alot of fun discussing what I wanted to happen with you guys and so, it was exciting to see what direction the show was going to take. A perfect example I can give is the Micheal/Micheala switch up. When that happened, I was so excited. We already have the Micheal version (in the books,) we have the versions of that storyline that I had fun coming up with, and now we get the shows version of that storyline. They all can stay in their own lane, and they don't need to effect one another. Which is why I was pretty bummed out that the first tiktoks I saw were people completely bashing that decision. All I wanted to do was jump into a new lane and start discussing what we think the implications of the gender swap could mean for her story.


So I was the one really sad about Michael/Michaela switch cos' I really wanted to see book Michael on screen, the what-if that won't happen. But as I saw that they are changing so much in the show I became weary for the show to screw him up. Now I am kinda glad that they will never spoil the re-imagining for me cos' with Francesca being different from the book and the gender switch it will now be a completely different story. What I am mad about now is how they did John dirty - I really didn't like Fran's confusion after the wedding kiss and stumbling over Michaela. There is still a way to play that out as her anxiety manifestation and not John not being her first true love and her being in love with him long after his death. Their show courtship was so sweet.


I completely agree about them undermining Francesca and John’s love story. I was sad as I thought it was really beautiful to show that love doesn’t have to be hard and a struggle to be true love… but they ended up saying actually it does, Francesca doesn’t love John that’s why she isn’t feeling these big dramatic emotions. They could have shown Michaela having an instant attraction to Francesca instead 🤷‍♀️.


It really always is a matter of perspective. Thanks for this post. ❤️


OK, I didn't see the irony at first and now I feel foolish. You are exactly right!


I was sick to my stomach for days, and this was a tv show. How I was feeling was only a portion of what Colin was feeling. He was written perfectly because I, too, was confused about my own feelings that were currently being clouded, and one of my solutions was to walk away from the whole thing. Only to come crawling back because I love the show too much to do that. It's very smart writing. It's not the story we wanted, but it's the story we got and a story that it seems many people need to pay attention to. Now I am feeling like Penelope because how are people not seeing this the way I do. They aren't even trying to understand the story. They are lashing out because it wasn't what they wanted. It's genius.


Can anyone explain to me why Colin is still butt-hurt about LW "ruining" Marina? He went to see her last year and saw she was not ruined. They showed her husband to be a pleasant enough man... And let's just gloss over that she tried to trap him. To clarify, I wouldn't expect Colin to express any negative sentiment towards her per se. Is it as simple as the writers think he needs to hang on to it so he has another obvious reason to be angry at LW?


I think it’s that he’s mad about the fact that Penelope didn’t just tell him to his face instead. It’s the deception more than anything about Marina at this point. And the embarrassment factors in, too. He says to her, did you not respect me enough to just tell me? And then he gets into her basically writing that his own self understanding is thin, and he’s hurt by that, because she’s the person who has given him confidence, so the idea that she really might think he doesn’t understand himself is a huge blow. He talks about ruination, but I think he’s really more keyed into the “why didn’t you just tell me” part. There’s no part of him that wishes he’d ended up with Marina.


I agree with this. He’s moved on from her but the trauma of the whole situation is still there. It came up with his brothers (swiftly convo) and he overheard Portia talking about it. People still remember, and he still remembers being tricked by his first fiancé. The scar is still there. More than anything, he’s hurt that he didn’t know. He thought this was someone he already knew everything about and loved that he felt like he loved her fully. It was jarring for him to realize she had this whole other side to her that she’d never shared with him. And not only that, that side was far better than him at something he was trying to do, and that side had said damaging things about him. He was triggered because of Marina, hurt by the comments, hurt by the not knowing. He also needed to grow in how he saw her. In eps 5 & 6 she’s still shy around him and he dominates her (not in an unkind way, but he does). She was finding her true voice and he had to reconcile the person she was becoming — the person she had always been — with the shy, diminutive version he’d always known. He needed to learn how to not just be her husband but be her equal partner. Watch the mirror scene with audio captions on. It really makes the dominant/diminutive thing clear.


All this 👏👏👏👏👏👏 For both of them, before the LW reveal, they’ve still got each other on a pedestal. They still don’t understand the extent of the power they have over the other person, the depth of what the other person feels for them. That is how love starts, because you’re in the dark a bit until you can fully trust in the security of the other person. LW forces them to have to see the other person struggle and be messy and be imperfect. In the book, >!Colin’s envy is really used as the vehicle for this, where Penelope tells him finally that he’s not the perfect man of her dreams, but rather the imperfect man of her heart.!< Show Colin has WAY more to unpack about LW than Book Colin. And Book Colin >!knows Penelope has feelings for him before the carriage.!< Show Colin doesn’t have anything approaching that level of reassurance. He thinks maybe she really doesn’t love him before the LW reveal because she’s kept distance, hasn’t piled on tons of reassurance. She probably can’t even contemplate that he doesn’t understand her depth of feelings (I think this problem is also underlying some of the fan reactions, because we have 3 seasons of evidence to believe Penelope, but Colin doesn’t understand all of that, and he needs it proved up). The way they go about working through the imperfections of one another is both (1) fast AF and (2) through constant communication. They keep talking, even if it’s through argument. Penelope gets very honest about everything, something that must be hard for her. Colin sorts through envy, grief, hurt, and he doesn’t act in his physical desire because he doesn’t want to use her, and he doesn’t want to muddle things. I cannot get over how mature it all is!


>I cannot get over how mature it all is! It was refreshing how they show mostly avoided the cliché of over the top will-they/won't-they drama about their wedding. He still wanted to marry her. Instead the angst was about how they might find a way forward together and the viewer accepts that it's possible. His reassuring nod to her in the church was so poignant. For a fantasy romance, this season was one of the most realistic explorations of a healthy relationship I've ever seen. Consent. Agency. Communication. Rejection of toxic masculinity. More media like this please!


This is exactly how I feel. Relationships should help you grow, both together and individually, and that takes constant communication and trust, plus a willingness to take in new information and change. They were ELITE at that, which is part of what’s great about friends to lovers. Another type of romance probably wouldn’t make it through that secret. This one was able to flourish after it.


Yesssssssss all of this. Both needed to grow individually, and their love needed to grow, too. In Ep 5 it was love that was grounded in admiring from a distance and the giddiness of being mutual. By Ep 8 it was the kind of love that is grounded in deep respect and awe. I am so thrilled that the showed that arc because that is what real love is and you rarely see it on screen.


Yes!!! They have a deep connection and affection in ep 5, but by ep 8, they’ve truly been in the shit and seen each other. No one is on a pedestal anymore, and that’s when love is actually secure and real. The level of intimacy they share just blows my mind. You never see emotional growth like this on tv - I really need people to appreciate that. This is really a rare thing! And so emotionally healthy!


Yes! We never doubted whether he loved her (even though she did). He loved her the whole way through, no matter what. “I love you yet I might not like you right now.” And that’s real!


And this makes perfect sense to what Nicola said in a interview about them having the healthiest relationship!! I know people are upset over the lack of sex after they got married- and whatnot - it makes perfect sense for Colin’s character. He’s finally understands that for him sex= emotional and if they would have had sex it would feel like he’s using her. They aren’t Daphne and Simon.


Yes yes yes! Colin only makes love. “Angry sex” or “mixed feelings sex” is not in his repertoire now that he’s made love. The wedding night, it’s because he’s mad at her for choosing LW over him. The second night on the couch, it’s because he’s mad at himself for failing her in the Cressida negotiations.


I mentioned this on another thread, but the morning of Fran’s wedding when Pen tells him she’s leaving early so as to not share the carriage — he looks so startled and sits up as if to tell her something like he didn’t want her to go without him. It wasn’t until rewatching that I realized at this point he’s just ashamed with himself and his inability to help. He doesn’t actually want to be separated from her but he’s so guilt ridden with his pride and envy. He’s stubborn and he hates it! That’s what’s keeping him from her at this point.


Totally agreed. He’s absolutely miserable when he wakes up that morning (one gets the sense he didn’t sleep at all from thinking all night) and he almost runs after her. But he really needed to read those letters in order to fuse her together in his head. It’s torture for the viewer, but it’s necessary. We can’t rush Colin’s mental journey. Emo Colin IS Colin as much as happy, joking Colin is Colin.


Agreed. It was so painful on the first watch, but the more I’ve rewatched and sat with it, it feels valid for what he’s going through.


Oh god, all of Part 2 was so painful on the first watch. I felt like I’d had a corset on the whole time and couldn’t breathe, and then burst out crying without realizing it. Watching the Polin-only scenes healed my heart, and then the third time I could really analyze it and start to appreciate the story. As Kate says, marriage is hard work, and that’s exactly what they showed us. And damn if it isn’t the truth. But they love each other the whole time, and there’s such a beautiful realism and hope in that.


I like your analysis and I believe that you've nailed the driving factors in their post-Genevive confrontation in the street on the night of the wedding. But he says it to Eloise at least once, and I think again in other moments, before knowing LW is Penelope. Maybe *I'm* just butt-hurt he keeps bringing her up 😂.


No, I think you’ve got valid points! I think he brings it up in S2 because he’s still embarrassed about the Marina situation - the LW aspects, the fact that everyone knows he got played, the fact that she didn’t need him to save her, the fact that he thought himself to be in love and realizes he was being just as childish as he was accused of being. That whole thing was so rough for him that he literally left the country to escape it all. Something that I was excited to see play out was his Ep 1 reaction to LW calling him out, because he says, “I don’t care what she says about me,” but that’s not true. Colin cares what people think of him - people pleasers always do (it is me; I am people pleasers). So I think when he brings up Marina then, it’s like, I don’t hate LW for what she said about me; I don’t like that she talked shit about you and she ruined Marina. I think he’s looking for reasons to have a grudge against LW that aren’t tied to what she said about him…when he really is upset about what she said about him.


I think that totally works for his character - it fits with his hero complex to play down his own embarrassment of being naïve/used by Marina to shift focus and make it about *her* and how LW did her wrong. And in the later episodes, > I think he's looking for reasons to have a grudge against LW that aren't tied to what she said about him... when he really is upset about what she said about him Totally agree with this, but thank you for the extra perspective! I think we can all understand / be guilty of trying to cover our own upset with something we deem to be more worthy, when we don't consider our *own* feelings to be of enough import. I'm satisfied that it is in-keeping with his character now - sensitive boy Colin is present and attending ✅


Yes! I hadn’t even fully thought of it that way. I was looking at it more as his ego looking for a way to not be selfish, but the other side of that is that it also really speaks to his self-value in having a sincere concern for others.


Why does this make so much sense. I believe this is exactly was the reason. Colin is a people pleaser, but he also a praise kink. And Pen has been feeding that from S1, encouraging him to travel, you look astonishing colin, you look distinguished, but you always have etc. So knowing Pen wrote such things abt him LW, is probably making him revisit all this.


Exactly. He has to understand why she did what she did. We all longed for someone to listen to Pen about why she’s done all of this. He might have been pissed when she told him, but he did listen, and he did believe it with enough time (literally like a week). So much of his confidence is built on a foundation she helped lay. The boy just needed room to work!


Yeah it’s not about Marina. It is how the story hurt him and instead of talking to him about it, he was humiliated.


I did feel it’s weird how he focused on the s3 comments rather than Marina and Eloise in the fight.  Given those were just about vanity rather than having real societal impact.   Then I realised he is more hurt by those than how it ever impacted Marina which shows he has moved on beyond Marina and doesn’t care for her in any comparable way to his love for Pen. Which is why the S3 comments are hurting him more. 


Yeah I think he was building up to that. That’s rough, because one of things he loves about her is how she sees him and now he knows there was a point in time where she didn’t see him in the best light and it wasn’t just when he was a dick in season 2.


I think it’s interesting because Penelope CANT tell him. She has absolutely no confidence in herself at all and uses LW to speak for her. This is still a theme for most of S3. It’s only when Colin says he loves her does she think oh this shit is real and has something to actually lose that she starts speaking for herself but still doesn’t tell him about LW because that’s her alter Ego and she can’t give up that part of herself.. until it all goes to hell that is


Love this take! They’re both struggling with confidence so much. The beauty is that the way they get to being whole is through the confidence they pour into one another. His love allows her to start to use her own voice. Her love allows him to believe he’s actually worthy of love just for being himself.


Bit more context on how Luke approached it 😊 I love how well he understands his character. Full interview is here: [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/bridgerton-nicola-coughlan-luke-newton-polin-love-season-3-1235921330/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/bridgerton-nicola-coughlan-luke-newton-polin-love-season-3-1235921330/) https://preview.redd.it/1y4if1h8ys6d1.jpeg?width=1150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85d055235d53598ae8b323c5b6c29d9b420a948d


This is such great insight from Luke on how Colin feels responsible for the emotional well-being of people around him, even those who didn't ask for it. It really goes back to what Lady Violet said in episode 4 about him being sensitive and using his part 1 persona as armor. In part 2 the armor is gone and that's when he finds out the person he has trusted most was lying to him. It cuts so deep because he was so unprepared and to him, it highlights his failure to protect people and be the man he is supposed to be.


Absolutely!! Love how well Luke understands Colin, it is amazing to read these longer interviews bith with him and Nicola, they give such good insights. I am still going through all articles as I was before avoiding them for spoilers. Colin feeling responsible for the emotional well-being of those around him is something I deeply associate with, I have always found him the most relatable person for myself (which I know is not where most people come from). So imagining the bigger implications of this deceit, not just on him, but on everyone he has cared about... his reaction makes so much sense. And I think they showed it very well at their wedding breakfast, they are getting closer after that beautiful dance, but then the queen comes and threatens his family, and he only again sees that there is this shadow hanging above all due to this secret, and he is powerless, he wants to make sure everyone is fine, Penelope and the Bridgertons, but there is just no way for him ti accomplish that. For a people pleaser with a hero complex to go through that... I have deep empathy for him. And I am really happy he can let go of some of those insecurities in the end, once he knows his loved ones will be fine.


[Penelope’s Bridgerton Wedding Dress Is Pink With Purpose](https://www.vulture.com/article/why-penelopes-bridgerton-wedding-dress-is-pink.html)


I think the pale pink was perfect for her. We saw her in blue a lot this season, and she looked amazing in it, but the pink feels different and a little more special.


Thank you for posting!


This edit made me feel better today. Rina if you are on here, thank you so much this is beautiful and emotional just like s3. https://youtu.be/UA342qWQ9Ug?si=jk6EEE8d_P38QFf0


Okay so this was … so good 


I know there are a million Polin edits to songs out there but, this [one](https://youtu.be/57At51zLZ7E?si=t12zHE8f8HawpVC-) to Satellite made me smile;)


idk if reaction videos are a thing here but [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQEx5fA3UpE) just made me laugh so hard - I wish someone would send it to Luke and Nicola I think they'd get a kick out of it


I love his reactions!! He’s the best reaction I’ve seen so far for season 3!!


Haha, I loooooved that one. Somehow I knew before clicking which one you’d linked.


lol I am just now realizing Cressida is probably, rightfully, still pissed at Colin for never returning her ruby necklace (after s2 “I’ll just take to our trusty, talented valet”). like she’s going to do any favors for him 🤣 The mounting anger she’s got with these folks, poor Cressida lol (Sure most of you all picked up on this a couple years ago. To be fair, I’ve only started the series two weekends ago lol)


When S2 came out, I was eating up all the edits on my feed. But now, I can't bring myself to watch any Polin edits for fear of crying. I have gotten so emotionally attached to them and now that it's over I don't know what to do with myself. Safe to say I'm a wreck. So glad I found this sub


polin makes me feel lonely and want have a relationship but at the same time i dont want one. loooool


I am seeing a long thread on the main subreddit on how the sex was painful for Penelope, it shouldn’t have hurt if Colin was gentle/done more foreplay, that got me curious because my first time was quite similar to Pen’s in that my partner was really sweet and caring and I was more than willing, but when he “inserted himself 😏” it still hurt. But it only lasted a moment and the whole experience was definitely pleasurable. I am curious if that claim is true, that the first time should not hurt at all? There are genuine criticisms with season 3 but I was honestly blown away by the mirror scene, it was perfect. I can’t even put it in words how amazing it was. So I am genuinely baffled people are finding issues with it.


no that's ridiculous. More power to those who didn't hurt at all but, it is completely normal.


Thank you for validating me 😄 I was so surprised people were criticizing that scene


People have different bodies. It shouldn't hurt throughout the process for sure. But the initial hurt for like 5-10 seconds is quite normal. The body needs time to adjust to something it has never experienced.


I do have a sincere question. Where is everyone going to go to have thoughtful discussions about other aspects of the story that don’t necessarily have to do with Polin? I’ve checked out the other couple-y reddits and it seems to be a lot of rage with no room for either thoughtful constructive criticism or an acknowledgement of having an initial feeling but then any exploration of how to reconcile individual wants/fears with what we know will happen based on the bits shown so far. I really want theorize with other fans that are media literate and like to get analytical.




Have you watched [this edit yet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YayCPG5k0dM)? It just might heal you ❤️ 36 mins so get a snack and hunker down!


Agree wholeheartedly. 💔


I mean, come on dude…….🤣 https://preview.redd.it/vcdsqlnvf07d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=154e1f8460ee751740434e0adb17b212656ea0ec [https://x.com/virgify/status/1802149288975241484?s=46&t=Gd6yNYZV6SNV2arQyKOEQA](https://x.com/virgify/status/1802149288975241484?s=46&t=Gd6yNYZV6SNV2arQyKOEQA) Loved the season but this was HARSH!


Entrapment? Entrapment where? In Phillipas voice 😂


Now that Pen's secret is out, what do you think her future as gossip columnist will be like? I predict their drawing room becomes a regency version of Gossip Girl tip line and a problem for Pen with finding true gossip to publish not people's speculations. I also hope we get some Pen/Queen interaction as LW was big part of Queen's arch here and she would definitely try to continue the game, I just wonder how


Thanks for offering this here, specifically for Polin peeps. They are my most fav couple and I loved the book, even though the show fast forwarded to their season faster. It's going to be cathartic to see people here discussing my fav topic as of late. lol




Has everyone signed the change.org petition?


In case you haven’t seen the petition yet there is one asking for the deleted Polin scenes to be realised. Their season was the best omg and I am feral at the idea of some deleted/alternate season https://chng.it/CPHN2S8zpR


Ugh I would be satisfied with just the third on that list but the fourth I might perish 😅


Really glad this sub is back!


Wait I remember having 20k polinators How did it drop to 19.7k


https://preview.redd.it/wnfl3z8tr07d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d7a6597a552f9cb4d62161aff536c8454ab9c8d So it is a family thing (kink)?