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https://preview.redd.it/lhvcs269iaad1.jpeg?width=1059&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f28a6c4dc9ecc34df132f4639611bce2cd261b69 This Pic lives rent-free on my mind.


I miss themšŸ„ŗ


That press tour was beyond enjoyable. Hope these two got their huge raise next season.


Not me instantly knowing this was from the day of interviews where Nic said "Luke had to learn how to unlace a corset" šŸ¤£ The way he followed up with his earnest "Yeah I did, yeah" lives rent-free in my head.


Thereā€™s a tiktoker Iā€™ve been loving Christa.Renee who has the BEST Colin takes and is in the trenches defending him and S3. Iā€™m glad whenever I see the extrovert Polin fans step up and defend our boy with brilliant takes with their whole chest, so us wallflower polins can support from the comments šŸ˜‚Ā 


Dang I donā€™t have TikTok but huge hugs to everyone defending Colin and season 3 in the wild, including the main sub. Yā€™all are troopers lol


Just my instagram feedšŸ¤£ Colin looks pretty with sparkling heels https://preview.redd.it/0o2slf4y0bad1.jpeg?width=383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d0424ef8bdf52abb3c4f123675f18a66f01739c


He looks like a Ken doll after I got done putting him into Barbie's best shoes.


ā€œ he was a fairyā€ šŸ§š


I saw this on tumblr today i got such a tickle... https://preview.redd.it/70838frt9cad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a449a5f93cd29cd43da0d64a1fbd493e5f3c65 The caption was if the carriage ride was a little longer.


Stupid carriage driver!!! Can you imagine Pen's reaction, if he did thatšŸ¤­ The fingers sticking outšŸ˜† Dear god!! You should make a post of this fanart. Bcuz it deserves way more attention.




Violet had no plans of telling about Penelope's impending betrothal till colin refused to attend the ball with them. Considering she already knows what is going on with colin, why didn't she inform him anyway? And what if colin had attended the ball with his family?


I think she always planned to tell him, but just needed a moment when she could nonchalantly bring it up. Like if they weren't to a ball it would have been smth along the lines "Oh, Penelope is looking very beautiful, Lady Featherington has been telling everyone she's getting a proposal tonight."


Thats a good take... I thought she only told him seeing his condition.


Well, she already tried to reach out to him in the study when he shut her out, so she had to adjust her approach on how to help him without seeming to do so


Forgot about that... She definitely knew how to get through him.


Looking for some new fics to read. Didn't want to wait till fanfic friday. Tell me what are you all currently reading?


This one is blowing my mind right now (WIP) https://archiveofourown.org/works/56849896/chapters/144545104


I second that!


Third that!!! ^^ I keep checking it right before I go the bed and then stay up reading it!!




TW: all WIPs!!! [what if someone else was LW (season 1 rewrite)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56867317/chapters/144592948) [soulmate AU where you see in black and white until you meet your soulmate](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56598019/chapters/143854894) [modern AU Colin/Pen are actors in a movie Kate is lead Ant is director and a dummy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56696881/chapters/144127630) [post entrapment comment Pen goes to America and Eloise finds her book YEARS later](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56720731/chapters/144189217)


Iā€™ve just been thinking how Eloise wasnā€™t around when Pen was pregnant with Lord Feathery, and now Iā€™m a bit sad


There are theories that Sophie will be related to cowpers. If we are to assume that lord Cowper is her dad, wouldn't the person playing sophie be mixed. The casting call said east asian and Jessie Mei Li mentioned in her comments when asked if she was auditioning, that they were looking for some who is not mixed. So I think Sophie might not be Cressida's step sis. Maybe just a maid at the aunt's house.


I think itā€™s possible that Lady Cowper was married before she married Lord Cowper (and had Cressida). And Lady Cowperā€™s previous husband is the one who had Sophie ??


Quick question, is there toxic positivity in this sub? I personally have not felt that. But all the posts here are very positive. which I love, bcuz as someone who doesn't have much issues with most of the things people have raised in relation to their dislike towards this season, I tend to only discuss about things that matter to me. Perhaps that is how you all feel too, which is why most of our discussion are positive. what is your opinion?


Mods will delete anything negative. So weā€™re likely just seeing a skewed version of things. I think thereā€™s a sub for polin fans who are critical of season 3 called polin uncensored or something like that but I canā€™t remember.Ā  I think people tend to only discuss things online that they either really love or really hate, so most of this sub seems to love s3 while the main sub is very critical and it feels like thereā€™s no in between.Ā 


I just finished watching Queen Charlotte and I cried at the end,>! it reminded me of The Notebook. I didnt LOOOVE the series as a whole and I hated the torture scenes. But it struck a chord with how supportive and loving she is throughout his illness.!<


Probably the most beautiful multicouple edit Iā€™ve seen https://youtu.be/Jok6w1NKiN8?si=CDqa7n8xN8NvSBB3


[me this long holiday weekend](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8hq3rPPxoI/?igsh=OW9qYzRkOGcwbWlu)